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10 Things to Know About Film-Making

Are you thinking to step into the film-making industry? Are you about to launch your first
film? If yes, then there are some things which you need to follow before film-making or
launching your feast. Some people say that the hardest part is finding an idea worth making a
film. Other people point towards logistics as a real challenge.
Ah yes, the first years of film-making. They are magical and wonderous. Let’s talk a little bit
about film-making. Film-making is a step by step process of making a film. It includes
several stages such as initial story, idea, and production. Suppose you are inspired by film-
making and want to pursue it as your career. There exists some things which you need to
know about this process. These things include;
1. Focus on the Story
Probably the most important pillar of film-making is the story. You can only develop a story
when you have a good idea. You should make a film on an idea that is worth pursuing. Some
beginners get so excited about film-making that they forget about their purpose. The purpose
is to tell a story.
As a newcomer, you should pull all your focus on the story and the tools you will need to tell
it. Don’t forget the base of every scene in your film is the story. Hence, if you want to make a
great film, you need an outstanding story.
2. Prepare
Get all the things ready before jumping into real action. It would be ideal if you arranged
everything ahead of time. Make a list of shots, gears, supplies and crew information. You
should schedule everything from venues of film-making to the duration of the film. One
thing which is worthy to note is that you should plan everything by giving it more time than it
requires. It is necessary because you won’t find yourself behind schedule.
Hence, the second important thing is planning and planning everything.
3. Be Confident in Your Material
Aside from your story, it would help if you were confident in your story too. If you believe
that your material is going to move viewers, then it is easy to project. Not feeling passionate
about the work you are doing is another story. Your confidence should shine through your
If you are planning to make a film on something which inspires you, then everything
becomes easy. Your mind will assist you in every detail of it. You will think about creative
ideas, and more ideas will cross your mind. For this to happen, you need to be confident in
your story.
4. Sound is SO Important
There is no doubt that as a beginner, you will be obsessed with visuals more than sound. But
the sound is as important as visuals. This is a very classic mistake that every filmmaker does.
Newbies in this field should be obsessing over microphones instead of cameras. It is more
vital to have good sound than it is to have nice sights.
It helps the audience to feel like they are in a different world. For example, in a horror movie,
the sound and visuals play an important role in moving the audience.
5. Be a Good Collaborator
At the start of your career, you might not fit with other people. You should learn to work as a
team and build some leadership skills. Don’t count your word as the last word; other people
can also bring much to your project. So, be a good collaborator who listens to the advice and
ideas of others.
6. Don’t be Precious with Your Shots
Ah, you have captured an amazing shot, probably the best shot of your film. But if that shot
doesn’t help your audience or story, then cut it. Don’t waste the time of your viewers. That is
just nature; sometimes, your best work or short ends up in the cutting room. So, the best thing
is to treat every shot preciously. Don’t get obsessed with any particular shot which is not
helping your story.
7. Utilize What You Have
Don't worry if you don't have beautiful locations, actresses, and funding. It would be good if
you took inventory of what you have and worked with it. Your best assets are the things that
you have. If you are to make a film with your smartphone at your grandma’s place for zero
dollars, then rock it. Believe in what you have and be confident in your story.
8. Value Your Time
Now, when you have decided to pursue film-making as your career, don’t waste time.
Sometimes you have to do work for free. But don’t forget that work will help you in future. It
will add up to your CV and experience. So, set a reasonable price for yourself. You will gain
experience along with earning money.
9. Be Patient
Building your career in film-making takes a lot of time. It’s not something you can achieve
overnight. Success in film-making takes time and a lot of effort. You should work to align
things in your favour.
Ups and downs come will come in your career. You don’t need to be discouraged. Sometimes
your client would be unhappy with your work. But, be patient, not passive.

10. Things Don’t Go as Planned

In film-making, things don't go as planned always. It makes no difference how good your
strategy is. You will find some delays in your schedule. You will be off time. You need to be
flexible and resilient as there will be unexpected happenings during your career.
For example, if you are going to shoot a scene in the sun but there are clouds, it starts raining.
You might end your day with no shots in hand. For this, you need to be flexible and resilient.
There are so many things that you need to know before film-making. The things mentioned
above are the big ones that every filmmaker has to go through. Hence, as a beginner, you
must come up with a great story. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to get a breakthrough.
 Reene, V., 2009. 10 Things You Should Know When You First Start Out in Filmmaking.
[online] No Film School. Available at: <
out-filmmaking> [Accessed 3 November 2021].
 Musicbed Blog. 2021. 5 Things Every Filmmaker Should Know Before Making Their First
Feature - Musicbed Blog. [online] Available at: <
every-filmmaker-should-know-before-making-their-first-feature> [Accessed 3 November

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