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Factors affecting growth and viability of natural diatom populations in the

meso-eutrophic Rimov Reservoir (Czech Republic)

Article  in  Hydrobiologia · July 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s10750-015-2417-8


12 637

4 authors, including:

Petr Znachor Jiří Nedoma

Institute of Hydrobiology CAS The Czech Academy of Sciences


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Phytoplankton physiology View project

Unveiling life strategies of important groups of planktonic Betaproteobacteria in relationship to carbon flow to higher trophic levels View project

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DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2417-8


Factors affecting growth and viability of natural diatom

populations in the meso-eutrophic Řı́mov Reservoir
(Czech Republic)
Petr Znachor . Pavel Rychtecký .
Jiřı́ Nedoma . Veronika Visocká

Received: 5 June 2015 / Revised: 22 July 2015 / Accepted: 22 July 2015

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

Abstract Algal population size may vary substan- declined markedly with decreased ambient silica
tially over the season in response to varying growth concentration. This indicates that while diatom growth
and loss rates strongly affected by environmental is tightly related to physical properties of the envi-
drivers. In our study, we measured growth and ronment, cell viability reflects the availability of silica,
viability of Fragilaria crotonensis, a dominant diatom which is essential for generating and maintaining
of the summer phytoplankton in the small, meso- diatom siliceous frustules. Importantly, there was a
eutrophic, dimictic freshwater Řı́mov Reservoir significant negative correlation between Fragilaria
(Czech Republic). Over two consecutive seasons, viability and growth, suggesting that seasonal peaks of
Fragilaria growth and viability were assessed with diatom growth are coupled with low cell viability.
PDMPO, a specific Si-deposition tracer in diatoms,
and SYTOX Green, a membrane permeability probe, Keywords Diatoms  PDMPO  SYTOX Green 
respectively. Using multiple linear regression with Growth rate  Viability  Reservoir
stepwise forward selection of environmental vari-
ables, diatom growth and viability were found to be
driven by different factors. Fragilaria growth was
positively affected by daily light exposure during the Introduction
24-h incubation with PDMPO and by mean river
discharge into the reservoir over the 10 days before Phytoplankton represent the base of aquatic food webs
our measurements. Fragilaria viability, in contrast, and constitute almost half of global primary produc-
tion (Geider et al., 2001). Among the phytoplankton,
diatoms are one of the most ubiquitous groups playing
Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores a fundamental role in primary production and biogeo-
chemical cycles (Smetacek, 1999; Armbrust, 2009). In
P. Znachor (&)  P. Rychtecký  J. Nedoma  V. Visocká freshwater lakes and reservoirs, diatoms tend to
Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre of Czech dominate in spring, forming a vernal peak of biomass
Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Na Sádkách 7,
České Budějovice 37005, Czech Republic (Sommer et al., 1986), and in summer or autumn (Horn
e-mail: znachy@gmail.com & Uhlmann, 1995; Znachor et al., 2008). Their
temporal occurrence patterns are generally attributed
P. Znachor  P. Rychtecký  V. Visocká to water column mixing and nutrient availability
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia,
Branišovská 31, České Budějovice 37005, Czech (Reynolds, 2006). Diatom cells are encased in a finely
Republic ornamented siliceous frustule composed of two


unequally sized valves, the epivalve fitting onto the epifluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry have
hypovalve like a lid onto its box (Round et al., 1990). been successfully applied to viability assessment of
They predominantly divide vegetatively through natural phytoplankton populations (Veldhuis et al.,
mitosis and cytokinesis, during which each daughter 2001; Garvey et al., 2007; Peperzak & Brussaard,
cell inherits one maternal valve as the epivalve, while 2011; Gorokhova et al., 2012). The existing
the hypovalve is newly synthesized within the mother approaches are largely based on evaluation of
cell, which results in one of the two daughter cells metabolic activity and membrane integrity (Peperzak
decreasing in size (Round et al., 1990). Once they have & Brussaard, 2011; Gorokhova et al., 2012). Cell
reached a critical size threshold, sexual reproduction is membrane-permeable fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and
required to restore maximal cell size (Chepurnov et al., its derivatives, which are cleaved by intracellular
2004; Bowler et al., 2010a, b). esterases into a green fluorescent product, have been
Changes in phytoplankton physiological status may commonly applied in several viability assays that
have wide-ranging ecological consequences, and assume that cells lacking esterase activity are dead
therefore, knowledge of factors controlling both (Jochem, 1999; Garvey et al., 2007). Applications of
growth and decline of algal populations are of crucial membrane-impermeant nucleic acid stains (e.g.,
importance. While the factors controlling growth and SYTOX Green) are based on the capacity of viable
cell division have been well-known and intensively cells to exclude the fluorescence probe. Positively
studied, there is little understanding of factors that stained cells with a compromised cell membrane
affect cell mortality (Franklin et al., 2006; Peperzak & (Veldhuis et al., 2001) cannot maintain an electro-
Brussaard, 2011). Reduction of population size has chemical gradient and are classified as dead cells
traditionally been considered a result of grazing or (Vives-Rego et al., 2000). Conversely, unstained
sinking (Kirchman, 1999). Recently, changes in cell viable cells are capable of cell division and maintain
viability leading to cell death have become recognized population growth.
as an additional and very important loss process that Traditionally, growth rates of natural phytoplank-
affects community dynamics, species succession, and ton populations have been deduced from changes in
flux of energy to other trophic levels (Bidle & cell counts over time (Reynolds, 2006). Due to their
Falkowski, 2004; Franklin et al., 2006). There is obligate silicon requirement, various Si-tracers have
increasing evidence that the whole process of cell been recently applied (Shimizu et al., 2001; Descles
mortality in the phytoplankton is genetically con- et al., 2008; Annenkov et al., 2010) to serve as
trolled in a process analogous to programmed cell proxies for diatom growth (Leblanc & Hutchins,
death (PCD) in metazoan organisms (Berges & 2005; Znachor et al., 2013). The most commonly
Falkowski, 1998; Bidle & Falkowski, 2004; Franklin used Si-tracer is 2-(4-pyridyl)-5{[4-(2-dimethy-
et al., 2006). The rate of cell death may be accelerated laminoethyl-aminocarbamoyl)-methoxy] phenyl}ox-
by environmental stresses, such as nutrient depletion azole (PDMPO, LysoSensorTM Yellow/Blue DND-
(Berman-Frank et al., 2004), high irradiance (Berges 160 (Leblanc & Hutchins, 2005). PDMPO quickly
& Falkowski, 1998), oxidative stress (Vardi et al., enters diatom cells and is co-precipitated with silica
1999), excessive salt concentrations, or cell age (Bidle within silica deposition vesicles, where new siliceous
& Falkowski, 2004). Additionally, infection by viral, frustules are formed, yielding bright green fluores-
bacterial or fungal pathogens (Brussaard & Riegman, cence after UV excitation (Shimizu et al., 2001).
1998; Bidle & Falkowski, 2004), and allelopathic Recently, PDMPO has also been employed to exam-
interactions (for a review see Legrand et al., 2003; ine how iron availability in the northeastern subarctic
Leflaive & Ten-Hage, 2007) are factors inducing cell Pacific Ocean affects silicon cycling by diatom
death in phytoplankton. communities (Durkin et al., 2012) and to confirm
The physiological state of microbial cells is not that diatoms are the primary drivers of winter
easy to determine, mainly due to the lack of clear productivity in Lake Erie (Saxton et al., 2012).
definition of viable and dead cells. In classical Application of the PDMPO technique allowed for
microbiology, the concept of viable cells is associated measurement of seasonal changes in Si deposition of
with the ability to divide and give rise to colonies. Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton dominating the sum-
Recently, various fluorescence probes coupled with mer diatom assemblage in the meso-eutrophic Řı́mov


Reservoir (Czech Republic; Znachor & Nedoma, seasonal fluctuations of day length and weather
2008; Znachor et al., 2008). conditions. In addition, the authors underlined the
The undisputed importance of both cell growth and fact that growth and loss processes in phytoplankton
death for phytoplankton population dynamics raises an may run at different rates along the longitudinal profile
intriguing question of how both processes are related of a canyon-shaped reservoir. In this study, we
to each other. Proportions of dead cells in algal compiled a robust dataset that encompassed two
populations may vary considerably among various consecutive seasons. Our aims were (i) to discover
systems and different phytoplankton communities whether high diatom growth is coupled with high cell
(Veldhuis et al., 2001; Agusti et al., 2006) in response viability, (ii) to determine the most influential factors
to environmental stressors and biotic interactions. driving seasonal changes in Fragilaria growth and
However, field studies addressing factors affecting viability, and iii) to explain the effect of these
both population growth and viability are virtually variables on diatoms’ physiological state.
absent. Under laboratory conditions, exponentially
growing cultures have shown high cell viability, while
that viability decreased once the culture reached the Methods
stationary phase (Lee & Rhee, 1997; Agusti &
Sanchez, 2002). However, cell viability may be Study site description and sampling
independent of the growth rate, as was demonstrated
for the diatom Ditylum brightwellii (T.West) Grunow Our study was conducted in the small canyon-shaped
(Brussaard et al., 1997a). meso-eutrophic Řı́mov Reservoir (Czech Republic;
In our field study, we applied two fluorescence 48°500 5600 N, 14°290 2600 E; 470 m a.s.l.; area 2.06 km2;
methods to estimate growth (PDMPO) and viability volume 34.5 9 106 m3; length 13.5 km; max. depth
(SYTOX Green) of natural populations of the domi- 43 m; mean depth 16.5 m; mean retention time
nant colonial diatom F. crotonensis in the meso- 100 days; dimictic). It was built in 1974–1978 as a
eutrophic Řı́mov Reservoir. Part of the whole dataset drinking water reservoir by impounding the River
(season 2011) has already been analyzed and pub- Malše, the main reservoir tributary, which accounts
lished (Znachor et al., 2013; Rychtecký et al., 2014); for 90% of the water inflow. In 2011 and 2012 (July–
however, our present study has a quite distinct focus. October), we took surface samples (0.5 m depth) at
Rychtecký et al. (2014) examined spatio-temporal 1–2 week intervals from two sites characterizing lacus-
differences in cell viability of three dominant species trine and transition zones of the reservoir according to
(cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and dia- (Thornton et al., 1990; Fig. 1). Samples were taken
toms Asterionella formosa, F. crotonensis). Nutrients using a Friedinger sampler. To obtain general trends,
were revealed as a factor affecting Fragilaria viabil- pooled data from both sites and seasons were used.
ity, while light availability was more important for
Aphanizomenon. The authors concluded that cell Field measurement, chemical, and phytoplankton
viability may vary at both spatial and temporal scales, analyses
which may have broad consequences for the function-
ing of the whole reservoir ecosystem. Using the same Concentration of dissolved oxygen was measured
experimental design, Znachor et al. (2013) employed in situ (WTW 330i Oximeter, WTW, Weilheim,
the PDMPO technique to estimate overall silification Germany). Samples for dissolved silica (DSi) and
rates of the whole phytoplankton assemblage and also soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) assessments were
those of several dominant diatoms. Notably, they filtered through filters of 0.4 lm porosity (Macherey
showed that the intensity of PDMPO fluorescence per Nagel GF-5, Macherey Nagel, Düren, Germany) in the
cell was tightly related to growth rates of three diatom laboratory. DSi and SRP were determined spectropho-
species (Asterionella formosa Hassall, Aulacoseira tometrically according to Mackereth et al. (1989) and
italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, and F. crotonensis) Murphy & Riley (1962), respectively. Total phospho-
calculated from changes in cell counts during the rus (TP) was analyzed according to Kopáček &
incubation. Diatom growth was driven by daily light Hejzlar (1993). The concentration of NO3-–N was
exposure (DLE), pointing out the importance of both determined following the procedure of Procházková


towards hypolimnion. The Zeu/Zmix ratio was used as a

light availability index. Incident PAR was integrated
using the Minikin QT smart sensor (Environmental
Measuring Systems Company, Brno, Czech Republic)
during the in situ experiments. Phytoplankton samples
were preserved with Lugol solution and stored in the
dark. Species were enumerated employing the Uter-
möhl method and an inverted microscope (Olympus
IX 71; Lund et al., 1958). The mean algal cell
dimensions were obtained for biovolume calculation
using the approximation of cell morphology to regular
geometric shapes (Hillebrand et al., 1999). Data on
inflow rate measured on a daily basis were obtained
from a gauging station upstream of the Řı́mov

Diatom growth measurement using the PDMPO

labeling technique

To assess Fragilaria growth rates (FGRs), we used a

24-h incubation with PDMPO 2-(4-pyridyl)-5-((4-(2-
oxazole, a specific tracer for biogenic Si deposition in
diatoms (Fig. 2; Shimizu et al., 2001). PDMPO
quickly enters diatom cells and is co-deposited with
silica into the newly synthesized frustule, yielding a
bright green fluorescence (Shimizu et al., 2001).
PDMPO fluorescence has been shown to be propor-
tional to the amount of Si deposited (Leblanc &
Hutchins, 2005) as well as to the growth rates of
natural diatom populations under a wide range of
varying environmental constraints (Znachor et al.,
2013). PDMPO fluorescence intensity expressed as
relative fluorescence units (FU) was quantified by
Fig. 1 A map of the canyon-shaped Řı́mov Reservoir showing image analysis, as described by Znachor & Nedoma
location of the sampling stations
(2008). Samples from both sampling sites were
incubated in 50 ml glass bottles with PDMPO in situ
(1959). The euphotic depth (depth of 1% surface near the dam at the depth of 0.5 m, and the PDMPO
irradiance) was deduced from vertical profiles of the (final concentration of 0.125 lmol l-1; Molecular
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) obtained by Probes, Europe BV, Leiden, Netherlands) was added
LI-COR LI-1400 datalogger with spherical quantum at the beginning of the incubation. After incubating for
underwater sensor LI 193 SA (LI-COR, Lincoln, 24 h, samples were transported to the laboratory
USA). A submersible multiparametric probe (GRYF (within *30 min), and filtered through 10 lm poly-
XBQ4, Gryf Ltd., Havlı́čkův Brod, Czech Republic) carbonate filters (Osmonics, Poretics Corp., Liver-
with temperature sensor was deployed to measure more, CA, USA). Filters were rinsed with distilled
detailed vertical temperature profiles. The mixing water to eliminate any unbound PDMPO, then placed
depth (Zmix) was estimated, according to individual upon a drop of immersion oil on a glass slide and
temperature profiles, as the depth of the thermocline sealed under a glass cover with another drop of oil
defined as an onset of largest temperature decrease above the filter and immediately inspected by


Fig. 2 Microscopic images

of a colonial diatom
Fragilaria crotonensis.
A Nomarski differential
contrast, B composite image
of chlorophyll
autofluorescence (red) and
specific Si-tracer in
diatoms—PDMPO (green),
C composite image of
autofluorescence and
nucleic acid stain SYTOX
Green (green) in a
sample. Scale bar 10 lm

epifluorescence microscopy. PDMPO fluorescence were divided into two subsamples (volume 15 ml);
was measured 30 min after the filter preparation using one subsample remained unamended (live) while the
image cytometry; *50 diatom colonies were mea- other was treated with formaldehyde at a final
sured per sample (magnification 2009, Znachor & concentration of 4% for 30 min. The formaldehyde-
Nedoma, 2008). Using the data from 2011, it was treated sample was used as a positive control, since
shown that the intensity of PDMPO fluorescence per formaldehyde is known to permeabilize cell mem-
Fragilaria cell was tightly related to growth rates branes (Shapiro, 2003; Peperzak & Brussaard, 2011).
calculated from changes in cell counts during the All subsamples were incubated for 15 min in the dark
incubation (Znachor et al., 2013). In our study, at a final SYTOX concentration of 1 lM. Both
PDMPO fluorescence per cell was finally converted incubation time and dye concentration were optimized
to FGRs according to the equation of PDMPO-growth in preliminary experiments (data not shown). After the
rate linear regression (Znachor et al., 2013). incubation, samples were filtered through polycarbon-
ate filters with 10 lm porosity (Osmonics, Poretics
Corp.), then rinsed with 2 9 5 ml of distilled water
SYTOX Green viability assessment and subsequently placed upon a drop of immersion oil
on a slide and sealed under a glass cover with another
We used SYTOX Green dye (S-77020; Molecular drop of oil above the filter. Emitted fluorescence
Probes, Leiden, The Netherlands) to examine cell (excitation/emission: 448/520–540 nm) was mea-
viability. The dye is a membrane-impermeable sured by image cytometry (Znachor & Nedoma,
nuclear stain that penetrates cells with compromised 2008). To assess cell viability, we used the membrane
plasma membranes (non-viable cells) but leaves living integrity index (IMI) modified from Peperzak &
cells unstained (Fig. 2; Roth et al., 1997). Immediately Brussaard (2011) and Machado & Soares (2012) and
after transportation to the laboratory, fresh samples calculated according to Rychtecký et al. (2014) as


IMI ¼ 1  ðFa =Fmax Þ ð1Þ both years the sampling periods were characterized by
low precipitation, resulting in inflow rates very similar
where Fa is the mean fluorescence intensity of cells to the long-term average of 2.9 m3 s-1 (Table 1).
untreated with formaldehyde and Fmax is the mean Thermal stratification was fully developed over both
fluorescence intensity of formaldehyde-killed cells sampling periods. High photosynthetic rates of the
(permeabilized membranes, positive control, Peperzak phytoplankton in summer resulted in high pH values
& Brussaard, 2011). A higher value of this index (average: 9.8, range: 6.3–12.1) and oxygen oversatu-
indicates higher viability of Fragilaria cells. At least ration (up to 170%). Dissolved nutrient concentrations
fifty colonies were counted to obtain mean values of (Table 1) varied markedly over the study and corre-
fluorescence intensity. sponded to the meso-eutrophic state of the reservoir, as
well as to the TP (average: 21.6 lg l-1, range:
Statistical analysis 10.4–94.4 lg l-1) and chlorophyll a (average:
28.3 lg l-1, range: 0.41–140 lg l-1) concentrations.
All samples were measured in duplicates. A multiple Phytoplankton biovolume (average: 15.4 mm3 l-1,
linear regression with stepwise forward selection range: 0.11–84.2 mm3 l-1) peaked in early September
(SigmaPlot, Systat Software, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and decreased with the progress of autumn. The
was made to relate Fragilaria growth and viability to colonial diatom F. crotonensis was the dominant
the environmental variables measured (for the list, see component of the phytoplankton, contributing an
Table 1), accepted as significant when P \ 0.05. A average of *30% (range: 0.1–76%) to the overall
simple linear correlation was employed to relate diatom biomass. A large set of 42 measurements of environ-
growth and viability and to test the explanatory power mental variables, listed in Table 1, was used for
of river discharge on Fragilaria growth (Prism 5, statistical analysis of the factors affecting the growth
GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, USA). and viability of the diatom.

Results Factors affecting growth and viability

of Fragilaria crotonensis
Season characteristics
There was a significant negative correlation between
For two consecutive seasons (2011 and 2012, July– Fragilaria viability and growth (r2 = 0.41,
October) we measured the growth and viability of a P \ 0.001; Fig. 3), suggesting that seasonal peaks of
common freshwater diatom Fragilaria crotonensis. In diatom growth are coupled with low cell viability.
Using multiple linear regression with stepwise for-
ward selection of environmental variables, diatom
Table 1 Mean values with ranges of the parameters used as growth and viability were found to be driven by
explanatory variables for diatom growth and viability in mul-
tiple linear regression (pooled data from 2011–2012) different factors. For Fragilaria viability, the concen-
tration of dissolved silica (DSi; F = 67, P \ 0.001)
Mean Range
and the concentration of nitrate nitrogen N (NO3-N;
Temperature (°C) 19.9 6.8–24.6 F = 5.96, P \ 0.05) were selected as the significant
Discharge Q(1–10 days) (m3 s-1)a 2.9 1.5–6.5 predictors. The resulting regression model was
Daily light exposure (mol m-2 day-1) 9.2 1.6–15.7 Viability ¼ 0:151  DSi  0:293  NO3 -N
Dissolved oxygen (mg l-1) 9.9 6.6–14.7
þ 0:0744 ðr 2 ¼ 0:66Þ:
Mixing depth Zmix (m) 4.5 2.0–15
Light availability index Zeu/Zmix 0.9 0.3–1.8 For FGR, the average inflow rate measured 10 days
Soluble reactive phosphorus SRP (lg l-1) 6.0 2.7–15.0 before the sampling date (Q(1–10 days); F = 20.6,
Dissolved silica DSi (mg l-1) 3.24 0.23–5.83 P \ 0.001) and the DLE during the sampling date
Nitrate nitrogen NO3--N (mg l-1) 0.47 0.06–1.01 (i.e., during the incubation with PDMPO; F = 16.9,
Average discharge in the river inflow 10 days before P \ 0.001) were selected by the model. The best-fit
sampling and measurement regression model was


differences in measured parameters between sampling

sites since spatio-temporal heterogeneity along the
reservoir has been analyzed elsewhere (Znachor et al.,
2013, Rychtecký et al., 2014). The most interesting yet
controversial finding in this study is the close and
statistically significant inverse relationship between
growth rate and viability of F. crotonensis. We
consider it appropriate to discuss a possibility of
potential methodological limits in either PDMPO or
the SYTOX Green technique.

Applicability of fluorescence techniques in field


PDMPO fluorescence has been shown to be propor-

Fig. 3 Relationship between growth and index of membrane
integrity (IMI) of Fragilaria crotonensis. Increasing values of tional to the amount of Si deposited (Leblanc &
the membrane integrity index indicate increasing cell viability Hutchins, 2005) and thus provides a useful indirect
measure of the rate of recruitment of new cells.
Previous measurements of Fragilaria PDMPO fluo-
FGR ¼ 1:26  Qð110 daysÞ rescence in the vertically separated populations
implied that diatom growth rates attained at the
þ 0:311  DLE  1:52 ðr 2 ¼ 0:52Þ:
euphotic depth are markedly lower than those at the
The simple linear relationships between viability surface (Znachor & Nedoma, 2008). Additionally,
and ambient silica (r2 = 0.60, P \ 0.001) and nitro- significantly higher numbers of Fragilaria cells per
gen (r2 = 0.02, n.s.) are shown in Fig. 4. Fragilaria colony and cell width at surface also provide an
growth was positively affected by DLE during the indirect indication of higher growth rates maintained
24-h incubation with PDMPO (r2 = 0.52, P \ 0.001; in a light-saturated environment (Znachor &
Fig. 5A) and mean daily inflow rate preceding our Nedoma, 2008). Using the data from the surface
measurements by 10 days (r2 = 0.34, P \ 0.001; and at euphotic depth, Znachor et al. (2013) per-
Fig. 5B). Since the gauging station upstream of the formed a simple linear regression model on Fragi-
reservoir provides daily data on the river inflow, we laria that explained 75% of the variability in the
tested the explanatory power of the average inflow rate relationship of PDMPO per cell fluorescence versus
from 1 to 30 days preceding each measurement. No growth rates. Both PDMPO fluorescence and growth
significant correlation was found with the inflow rate rates were always lowest at euphotic depth but higher
on the day when PDMPO experiments were con- variation was observed at the surface (Znachor et al.,
ducted, but when preceding average inflow rates were 2013), suggesting that factors other than growth rates
used, the strength of the correlation increased to reach may affect silification rates. Nevertheless, consider-
a maximum at 10 days prior to diatom growth ing a wide range of diatom growth rates under varying
measurement (Fig. 6). environmental constraints, PDMPO technique can be
used as a proxy for their growth (Znachor et al.,
Discussion Numerous studies have shown that SYTOX Green
is an appropriate tool for studying phytoplankton
Due to the high year-to-year variations in measured viability (Veldhuis et al., 1997; Peperzak & Brussaard,
parameters, we used pooled data from two seasons to 2011). However, it has been pointed out that in natural
obtain a robust dataset allowing identification of the phytoplankton populations, there might be a contin-
most influential factors affecting viability and growth uum from brightly stained to unstained cells, preclud-
of the diatom species recurrently dominating the ing a trustworthy classification of a cell as either
phytoplankton in the reservoir. We did not address SYTOX positive (dead) or SYTOX negative (viable)


Fig. 4 Relationship
between index of membrane
integrity (IMI) of Fragilaria
crotonensis and
concentration dissolved Si
and NO3-N. Increasing
values of the membrane
integrity index indicate
increasing cell viability

Fig. 5 Relationship
between growth rate of
Fragilaria crotonensis and
daily light exposure (DLE)
(A) and mean daily flow rate
into the reservoir in the
10 days before our
measurements (B)

(Veldhuis et al., 2001; Agusti & Sanchez, 2002). To Diatom growth and viability
overcome these problems, we introduced the mem-
brane integrity index, which includes a measurement It is difficult to admit that high growth rates might be
of the fluorescence intensity in a formaldehyde-killed coupled with low cell viability. Nevertheless, there are
positive control. To validate the relationship between studies reporting similar phenomena and suggesting
the index and viability, cell suspensions of intact- and their ecological implications. Using a culture of a
formaldehyde-killed cells were combined in different marine diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen, (Veld-
proportions and stained with SYTOX green (see huis et al., 2001) observed a high percentage of cells
Rychtecký et al., 2014). For the cultivated Fragilaria with damaged membranes coinciding with active cell
strain, the membrane integrity index was closely division in the same population, which might possibly
correlated to the proportion of dead cells added to a act as the starting population under favorable condi-
suspension of live cells (r2 = 0.60, P \ 0.001; for tions. While the importance of the simultaneous
details see Rychtecký et al., 2014). Therefore, we presence of actively growing and non-viable cells in
assume that the index can be used as a measure of cell populations of certain species for fitness of its own
viability, as suggested by Peperzak & Brussaard population is obscure, loss of cell membrane integrity
(2011) and Gorokhova et al. (2012). accelerates the efflux of small metabolites into water,


The inverse relationship between Fragilaria

growth and viability raises intriguing questions about
possible mechanisms that may explain that apparent
paradox. In our opinion, there are two principle ways
to explain why both processes were tightly correlated:
(1) Fragilaria growth is inherently associated with
temporary loss of membrane integrity, thus mimicking
decrease in viability measured using the membrane
permeability probe SYTOX Green; and (2) Fragilaria
growth and loss of viability are independent processes
but are controlled by similar or correlated environ-
mental factors. As for the first possibility, since
diatoms appear to undergo cell division in a specific
Fig. 6 Testing of the explanatory power of flow rates supplying way, differing from that of plant or animal cells (De
the Řı́mov Reservoir on growth rates of Fragilaria crotonensis.
Linear correlation was used on flow-rate-averaged periods of Martino et al., 2009; Bowler et al., 2010a; Huysman
1–30 days preceding the measurement of diatom growth. The et al., 2014), we may speculate that in certain phases of
highest correlation coefficient was found for an average value of the cell cycle membrane integrity may be temporarily
10 days used in a regression model lowered, which allows SYTOX Green to enter the cell.
If true, application of the SYTOX Green technique in
and thus, may have significant ecological implications diatoms must have been interpreted cautiously. How-
for the functioning of the microbial loop (Brussaard ever, no solid evidence supporting or disproving this
et al., 1995; Orellana et al., 2013). It has been reported speculation could be found in the literature; only two
that bacterial carbon demand was supplied by cell clues have been found. Testing various techniques for
lysis, accounting for termination of a Phaeocystis evaluation of cell viability in the ballast water, (Reavie
bloom in the North Sea (Brussaard et al., 1995). A et al., 2010) occasionally observed motile (viable)
more complex interrelationship between a green alga pennate diatoms with SYTOX Green-stained nuclei.
Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco and bacterium Another indication that positive staining with mem-
Halobacterium salinarum Elazari-Volcani has been brane-impermeable stains does not necessarily mean
recently described (Orellana et al., 2013). Similarly to loss of cell viability is available from a study of yeasts.
our study, high growth rates of Dunaliella were It has been shown for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
observed, even though a significant portion of the Hansen that, despite stress-induced loss of membrane
Dunaliella population showed low viability and permeability (tested with propidium iodide), some
underwent PCD at night following daytime growth. cells were able to restore their membranes and remain
PCD in Dunaliella resulted in release of cell con- viable (Davey & Hexley, 2011). Irrespective of stress
stituents, such as glycerol, which could have been used conditions, a small portion of cells exhibited tempo-
not only by other still-living Dunaliella but also by rary membrane permeability, which may indicate cell-
concurrent bacteria. In addition, Halobacterium re- cycle dependence, as is also possible for Fragilaria.
mineralized the dissolved material, releasing nutrients The extent to which phytoplankton populations may
and promoting algal growth (Orellana et al., 2013). In recover from partial loss of membrane permeability is
the Řı́mov Reservoir, Fragilaria viability was driven unclear. Field measurement did not allow for testing
mainly by concentrations of dissolved Si. Nonetheless, the above hypothesis, but we highlight it here as a
it is rather unlikely that the possible mechanism possibility for future investigation using, for example,
affecting changes in Fragilaria viability would be synchronized diatom cultures under well-defined
potential acquisition of Si via its dissolution from laboratory conditions.
frustules of non-viable diatom cells, as observed in The fact that Fragilaria growth and viability were
marine systems (for a review see Ragueneau et al., correlated in our dataset with different environmental
2000). Moreover, it is also difficult to see how variables is consistent with the other aforementioned
nutritional benefit could be restricted to conspecifics possibility: that growth and loss of viability may be
in a diverse planktonic environment. two independent processes. Cell viability of F.


crotonensis reflected the availability of silica, which is dynamics in a reservoir have a close relationship with
essential for generating and maintaining diatom hydrodynamic changes in particular—the inflow
siliceous frustules. There is growing evidence that regimes and subsequent mixing processes that dis-
cell viability in phytoplankton may be markedly tribute inflow nutrients (Šimek et al., 2011). It has
reduced by environmental stresses, such as nutrient been demonstrated that hydrological differences are
depletion (Brussaard et al., 1997b; Berman-Frank sufficient to account for interannual variation in spring
et al., 2004). Diatom response to decreasing Si diatom crops in Ford Lake (Michigan, USA, Ferris &
concentration appears to be species-specific. Using Lehman, 2007). Using empirical modeling, Fornarelli
SYTOX Green staining, cell viability was evaluated in et al. (2013) found that river inflow exerts a strong
three marine diatom species in response to various control over diatom seasonal dynamics in Fitzroy Falls
silicate concentrations, and only the viability of Reservoir. High inflow episodes produce turbulences
Thalassiosira antarctica Comber decreased with Si, that allow diatoms to remain entrained in the upper
while no effect was observed for Chaetoceros brevis illuminated surface layers. In addition, river inflow
Schütt and Ch. calcitrans (Timmermans et al., 2007). carrying large nutrient concentrations may fuel phy-
In our study, the lowest ambient Si concentration toplankton growth (Rychtecký & Znachor, 2011). In
dropped to 0.23 mg l-1, which obviously posed our study, diatom growth was positively affected by
nutrient stress and reduced the viability of Fragilaria high inflow rates preceding actual measurements by
cells. In marine systems, diatom blooms are often 10 days. The delay in diatom biological response
followed by an abrupt decrease in ambient Si concen- corresponds to water transport times, reflecting both
trations (Bowler et al., 2010b), which may in turn lead long-term averaged inflow rates and the morphology
to accelerated cell death and bloom termination of the reservoir (Hejzlar et al., 1993; Vyhnálek et al.,
(Agusti & Sanchez, 2002; Timmermans et al., 2007). 1994, Hejzlar, unpublished data).
This may also occur in fresh water, since a negative If growth and changes in viability of Fragilaria are
correlation between diatom abundance and ambient Si two independent processes controlled by different
concentrations has been observed in the Řı́mov environmental drivers, how then to explain their
Reservoir in years when overall diatom biomass was statistical coupling, and why is the correlation nega-
ten-fold higher than in this study (Znachor, unpub- tive? The reason may lie in mutual correlation of the
lished results). environmental variables measured. We suggest that
high DLE, on one hand, stimulates Fragilaria growth
Physical factors affecting diatom growth but, on the other hand, increased diatom growth causes
nutrient exhaustion and in turn nutrient stress, leading
FGRs were tightly related to physical properties of the to decreasing viability. In the absence of significant
environment, specifically DLE and inflow rates. These cell removal by sedimentation or grazing, the ultimate
findings clearly show that changes in actual irradiance effect on population size depends upon the interplay
have an immediate effect on diatom growth, which is between environmental constrains driving the phyto-
in addition also determined by environmental factors plankton physiological state, which may be highly
in the period preceding our in situ measurement. The dynamic, as demonstrated by a discovery of diel
significant positive correlation of Fragilaria growth patterns in growth and viability of marine phytoplank-
with contemporaneous light conditions indicated that ton (Llabres et al., 2011).
seasonal dynamics of the diatom reflected both In summary, using a large set of environmental
variations in the day length over the season as well variables from two consecutive seasons, we showed
as actual weather conditions. Under cloudy conditions, that growth of the dominant diatom in the meso-
Fragilaria growth was much lower than under clear eutrophic freshwater Řı́mov Reservoir was tightly
skies, similarly as observed in 2011 for two diatom related to physical properties of the environment,
species (Asterionella formosa, F. crotonensis; Zna- while cell viability reflected the availability of silica. It
chor et al., 2013). also provided evidence that peaks of population
River inflows represent one of the major forcings of growth may be coupled with low cell viability;
ecosystem function in canyon-shaped reservoirs however, a better understanding of that paradox awaits
(Thornton et al., 1990). Phytoplankton seasonal future work.


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