First Grading Performance Tasks (Ibrahim, Queencess JM.)

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Name: Queencess Jannah M.

Ibrahim Grade & Section: V - Kadayawan

Teacher: Jobelle J. Tingcang Date Submitted: October 14, 2021


(First Quarter)

*A FORM is a document with spaces in which one can fill out the required information. It can be printed or
in electronic form like the ones found online. It is used to gather necessary information for a particular

A. Filling out a form with correct information is important for both you and the school. Remember to
keep the form tidy. Write the correct information asked for. (10 points)
(In capital letters)


Sex: F Age: 9 Grade Level: V Section: KADAYAWAN


Tel. No. or Cellphone No.09300667195

Parents Names:


Address, if different from above: ____________________________________________________________

Brothers/Sisters enrolled in this school: (Write NA if not applicable.)

Name: N/A Grade & Section:N/A

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________

Signature: _______________________

*An ANTONYM is a word that means the opposite of a given word. It can be used as context
clues for the unfamiliar word in the sentence. The opposite of the unfamiliar word is given within
the sentence or in the other sentences near the word. A conjunction may signal the contrast or
the antonyms of the unfamiliar word.
B. Encircle the antonym of the underlined word in each of the following sentences.
11. To climb back down the high board would be a defeat rather than a success for Donna.
12. Donna practiced a lot to polish the rough movements of her swimming style.
13. “I’ll be late again,” she muttered angrily to herself instead of shouting at her brother.
14. It is difficult to mend trust once it is destroyed.
15. The swimmer dressed hastily; however, she could see her younger brother dressing up slowly.
16. Never force people harshly to share their feelings. Instead, treat them tenderly so they will be
encouraged to talk.
17. He thought hard to find suitable words, not the wrong words, to make Donna feel he was sorry.
18. Before the talk, Laurelle dreaded looking at her father’s eyes. Afterward, she was unafraid to
talk to him anymore.
19. Coach Frank was firm in training Michael, but Father was gentle in his approach.
20. She walked steadily on the diving board. However, when she started to get nervous, her steps
became uneven that she felt she would fall.
*Another way to look for the meaning of new words is to look for SYNONYMS. The word or is a
signal that a synonym will follow. Sometimes, the synonym can be in other sentences near the
word. Encircle the synonym of the underlined word in each of the following sentences.

C. Encircle the synonym of the underlined word in each of the following sentences.
21. The injured swimmer was rescued by his companions. He was saved from drowning to death.
22. The victorious team was recognized during the assembly. The members were triumphant yet
humble during the tribute.
23. She yearned to see her children and friends. She wished to enjoy their company.
24. The swimming competition was governed or ruled by reasonable regulations.
25. The players’ faces blushed with the unexpected recognition. Their reddened faces could hardly
be concealed.

26. Mrs. Fernandez had a splendid or grand evening that moment.

27. To her amazement, the door opened ad her loved ones were present. It was a surprise to see
her children and friends clapping and greeting her.
28. The streamers or banners were colorful and attractive.
29. A medium-sized tarpaulin with the congratulatory message was fastened to two posts. It was
tied with a yellow ribbon.
30. From the outsides, she could see the shapes or forms of people inside the room.
The Subject and the Predicate: There are two elements of a sentence: These are: 1. The SUBJECT is
the part of the sentence that is talked about or spoken of. It is the doer of the action.
a. A simple subject is a single noun or pronoun.
Example: Donna de Varona was a young athlete.
She is an excellent swimmer.

b. A complete subject is a simple subject together with its modifiers.

Example: The gifted Donna swam with agility.
The cool water of the pool was refreshing on a hot summer day.

c. A compound subject consists of two or more nouns or pronouns.

Example: Boys and girls possess natural gifts.
The pool and the court are venues for sports events.

2. The predicate states something about the subject. It describes the action of the doer.
a. A simple predicate is a verb without an object or a modifier.
Example: Karen sings.
The boys play on the lawn.
b. A complete predicate consists of a verb with its objects or modifiers.
Example: The children share their talents with the visitors.
They use their imagination and creativity.
c. A compound predicate consists of two or more verbs.
Example: They planned and executed the parts of the program.
They sang and danced during the program.

C. Draw a slash mark (/) to separate the subject part from the predicate.

31. The grade 5 pupils study and practice basketball in their P.E. class.

32. I like books.

33. Most divers go through rigorous training.

34. Boxers and basketball players have different activities.

35. She has grown much taller.

36. We have to eat nutritious food to keep us healthy and strong.

37. The heat affected the performance of the track and field players.

38. Children should rest and play.

39. They like to run and jump.

40. Filipinos support well-known athletes who excel in different sports.

Name: Queencess Jannah M. Ibrahim Grade & Section: V - Kadayawan
Teacher: Jobelle J. Tingcang Date Submitted: October 14, 2021


(First Quarter)

An outline is a good way to organize your thoughts if you are planning to write a composition.
Graphic organizers are aids that show visual explanations of concepts and relationships among
ideas presented in texts.

 An outline is a good way to organize your thoughts if you are planning to write a
 It is a skeletal presentation of the parts of your composition which will help you stay on
course once you start writing.
 An outline can have main topics, subtopics, and details depending on how long your
composition will be.
 Every outline should have a title.
 There are two kinds of outlines:
a. Topic outline – consists of short phrases
b. Sentence outline – done in full sentences:
Remember the following when making an outline:
1. Identify the main topic that you are going to write about
2. List down subtopics that you want to discuss in your composition
3. List down key points and details that will support your subtopics
4. Figure out the best flow or order of information using the topics and key points that you have
5. Make your outline using the format.

A. Make an outline of the text in the box below: (10 POINTS)

Arayat Park
Mt. Arayat is a beautiful park and nursery at the foot of the mountain in Pampanga. It has huge
natural falls which flows into a big swimming pool. There are three other swimming pools with
picnic huts around them. The water is as cool as the breeze around. Many trees and green plants
surround the place. There is a nursery too, where young trees are planted to replace trees that
were once cut down. This park is one splendid place where one can relax and feel refreshed.
Arayat Park
I. Main Topic: Mt. Arayat is a beautiful park at the foot of the mountain in Pampanga.
a. Supporting detail: It has huge natural falls which flows into a big swimming pool. There are
three other swimming pools with picnic huts around them.
b. Supporting detail: The water is as cool as the breeze around.
II. Main Topic: Mt. Arayat is a nursery at the foot of the mountain in Pampanga.
a. Supporting detail: Many trees and green plants surround the place. There is a nursery too,
where young trees are planted to replace trees that were once cut down.

b. Supporting detail: This park is one splendid place where one can relax and feel refreshed.
B.1 Write a two paragraph composition based on it by putting the major idea and
supporting details together in each paragraph. (10 POINTS)

Athlete’s Foot

I. Athlete’s foot is a skin disease which can easily be recognized.

A. There are blisters diseases which can easily be recognized.
B. The skin between the toes begins to flake.
C. There is fierce itching between toes.
II. The disease can be treated.
A. One must keep the skin of his feet dry.
B. One’s feet and toes should be washed with soapy water.

Athlete’s Foot

There are blisters diseases which can easily be recognized. One of these is Athlete’s Foot. The skin
between the toes begins to flake. There is also fierce itching between toes. This disease can be treated.
One must keep the skin of his feet dry. One’s feet and toes should be washed with soapy water.

B.2 Write a paragraph based on this outline. (10 points)


I. Pepper - one of the earliest spices known to mankind.

A. So expensive that a pound of it was considered an appropriate gift for a royalty
to give or to receive
B. Made as payment of taxes
C. Considered rich property
II. Pepper - a tropical vine
A. Begins to bear fruit in four years
B. Produces heavily in fourteen years
C. Unripe berries produce black pepper
D. Ripe ones produce white pepper


Pepper is one of the earliest spices known to mankind. It is so expensive that a pound o it was
considered an appropriate gift for a royalty or to receive. It is also made as payment of taxes. Thus, it is
considered rich property. Pepper is also a tropical vine that begins to bear fruit in four years. It then
produces heavily in fourten years. The unripe berries produce black pepper while the ripe ones produce
white pepper.
Transitions or signal words are words and phrases that show connection between ideas. It helps the
reader to follow direction of the writer’s thought. They are like signposts on the road that guide the

C. Complete the sentences below by encircling the correct answer.

1. There are several ways to buy cellphones. ____________, you can buy this from a phone company or a
electronic store.
a. also b. Yet c. Therefore d. For instance
2. Manny works out in a gym everyday to improve his health. ____________, Pamela goes to a long walk
every evening to stay in shape.
a. for instance b. Similarly c. Yet d. Because
3. Before the invention of the refrigerator, it was difficult to keep food cold, _________, food preserved
with ice only lasted two to three days.
a. However b. for example c. Likewise d. Especially
4. Avery lives far from public transportation. The nearest bus terminal is five miles away __________, she
values living close to her job.
a. Similarly b. Therefore c. Truly d. In fact
5. The dog that Ken adopted from the animal shelter finally obeys his commands, _________, he still
barks at everyone who’s not Ken.
a. First b. On the other hand c. also d. Otherwise
6. Skin is the organ that shields our bones and muscles from things that might harm us. It stops
microorganisms from entering our bodies. ______________, it’s important to take care of your skin when
you got cut.
a. On the other hand b. So that c. Similarly d. Therefore
7. Killer whales, or orcas, are dangerous predators that hunt in groups called pods. They prey on seals,
sea lions, and other whales.___________, they rarely attack humans.
a. Likewise b. However c. Truly d. First
8. All the soldiers had to take their masks with them __________there was a gas attack.
a. in case b. so that c. therefore d. because of
9. __________they tried hard, the students could not complete the project in time as they were lacking in
skills and knowledge.
a. Although b. Since c. Despite d. However
10. She feels like giving up her job _________ the consequences she will face.
a. since b. as a result c. regardless of d. Although
Name: Queencess Jannah M. Ibrahim Grade & Section: V - Kadayawan
Teacher: Jobelle J. Tingcang Date Submitted: October 14, 2021


(First Quarter)

A. Read the selections with automaticity and answer the questions.

Henry’s Pet Business

Henry wants to buy a new video game. It costs ₱37.00. To earn money, he starts walking dogs in
his neighborhood. He makes business cards to pass out to each house in the neighborhood. Henry’s
neighborhood has 5 streets, and each street has 12 houses on it. Only half of the homes in the
neighborhood own dogs. Henry charges ₱1.00 for each dog he walks. On Sunday, he walks Major and
Lucy. He earns ₱2.00 on
On Monday, he walks Major, Lucy, Holly, and Janie. He earns ₱4.00 on Monday. On Tuesday, he
walks Major, Lucy, Holly, Janie, Rover, and Spot. He earns ₱6.00 on Tuesday.

He also walks dogs on Wednesday and Thursday. The last day Henry walks dogs is on Friday. As
a special treat, he brings 48 dog biscuits to give to the dogs. He is almost finished walking all the dogs,
when Lucy wiggles out of her collar and runs away. It takes an hour and a half to catch her. Lucy is a
small brown and white dog. Six of the dogs Henry walks on Friday are smaller than Lucy.
Henry finally has enough money to buy the video game. He arrives at GameStop at 2:35pm and
leaves 30 minutes later. When he gets home, Mrs. Horn calls and asks Henry if he would walk Bear and
Shiloh 3 days a week. She says she will pay him ₱10 each week. Henry walks Bear and Shiloh 3 times a
week for 24 weeks. Henry’s small pet business is a huge success!

Comprehension Questions: Please answer in complete sentences.

1. What is the selection all about?

It is about Henry’s pet business.

2. How many houses are in Henry’s neighborhood?

There are 60 houses in Henry’s neighborhood.

3. What was Henry’s business?

Henry walks the dogs in his neighborhood. Henry charges One Pesos for each dog he walks.

4. Why do you think Henry’s business is a huge success?

It was a success because Henry was able to buy the game he wanted. Henry was also able to earn more
than needed because of the offer Mrs. Horn made.

5. If you were Henry, would you do the same? Why?

If I was Henry, I would also do the same because it helps me earn some extra money that I can buy
things I want without asking for it from my parents.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes

The Earth's crust is constantly moving throughout the world. It moves in some places more
often than in other places. The Earth's crust moves when blocks of the earth abruptly slip past one
another. This results in an Earthquake. Earthquakes are related to cracks in the crust called faults.
Faults may have formed from an earlier earthquake or while an earthquake is occurring. During
an earthquake the crust is in motion on either side or both sides of the fault.
The earthquake vibrations travel through the crust and the farther people are away from the
earthquake the harder it is to feel the vibrations. The location below where the earthquake starts is
called the hypocenter, and the area directly above it on the surface of the earth it is called the
A seismograph is a device that records the motion at locations all around the crust. The size of
an earthquake is called its magnitude. There is one magnitude for each earthquake that takes place.
The lower the magnitude of an earthquake the less damage is done to a town or city. Large
earthquakes can destroy entire towns and cities. Earthquakes in the United States are more likely to
occur along the West Coast, but they can also occur in the Midwest and along the East Coast.
An underwater earthquake can cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a large ocean wave which can
reach the coastlines and cause major damage and flooding. Earthquakes may also be the cause of
some volcanoes to become active and erupt.
A volcano is a rupture on the crust of the Earth that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to
escape from a magma chamber below the surface. The hot molten rock deep below Earth's surface is
called magma and it rises upward. If the magma reaches the surface of the Earth it may flow out as lava,
or it is hurled out when the volcano erupts. Magma is liquid rock inside the volcano; lava is liquid rock
on the outside of the volcano.
Scientists have classified volcanoes into three main categories: active, dormant, and extinct.
With an active volcano there is the possibility the volcano will erupt, and most likely recently erupted. A
dormant volcano is a volcano is one that has not erupted in a very long time but there is possibility
that it may erupt sometime in the future. The third type, the extinct volcano, is one that erupted
thousands of years ago and there is no possibility of another eruption.
The Earth is home to approximately 1500 volcanoes which are considered active, and about 100
of those are under the oceans. Many active volcanoes in the United States are found in Hawaii,
California, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. Erupting volcanos have been known to wipe out entire
forests, trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows, avalanches, mudslides, and rock falls.
However, volcanos that erupt can also create new islands once the hot lava cools off, especially those
near the coast or below the ocean's surface.
In summary, an earthquake caused by a fault in the earth's crust, and a volcano, caused by a
rupture on the crust of the Earth, are related to each other and both can cause major damage and
destruction. An earthquake can also cause a tsunami, which is a giant ocean wave. There are three
types of volcanos: active, dormant, and extinct. Earthquakes and volcanos are both considered natural

Answer the comprehension questions.

6 . What is the cause of an earthquake?

Earthquakes are caused by the constant movement of the earth’s crust throughout the world.

7. What do you call the crack of the Earth’s crust?

The cracks are called faults.

8. What is a seismograph?
It is a device tht records the motion at locations ll around the crust.
9. Have you experienced earthquake? What did you do?
Yes, I have. We performed duck-cover-roll.

10. Do you think earthquakes and volcanic eruption are natural disasters? Why or why not?
Yes, they are natural disasters because they occur unexpectedly in our environment and are not caused
by human beings.

The Life-wasting Potion

Many, many years ago everyone was strong and healthy. They ate a very varied diet, and
especially loved fruit, vegetables, and fish. Everyone took daily exercise, and they enjoyed themselves
playing and leaping about. The Earth was the healthiest place you could imagine, and it was clear that
both adults and children were full of joy and good moods.
All that made the dark witches furious. They only ever wanted to do harm and make problems
for people. The worst of all of these witches was Sourface; she was evil and could be relied on to come
up with the nastiest ideas. She suggested that all the witches combine their energies to invent a potion
which would take away people's desire to live happily. So, one night, all the witches gathered down in
the swampy forest and worked together on that evil spell. The spell was so powerful, and would need
so much energy to cast, that when one of the witches got one of the words wrong, there was a huge
explosion. So big was the explosion, that it completely destroyed the forest.
It turned all those evil witches into tiny little creatures, like germs, and left them trapped in a
green liquid inside a small glass bottle, which lay lost in the swamp. There they were trapped for
centuries, until one day a little boy found the bottle. Thinking it contained some kind of soft drink, he
drank the lot. The evil, microscopic witches took advantage of this situation, and even though they
were tiny and couldn't hurt anyone, they soon learned to change the little boy's likes and dislikes in
order to get him to do what they wanted.
In a few days, a funny feeling in his mouth and tongue meant the boy no longer wanted to eat
vegetables, fruit, or fish. All he wanted to do was eat ice cream, pizza, burgers, and candy. Then a
nibbling feeling all over his body meant he no longer enjoyed playing and running about with his
friends. All that stuff tired him out; he now just wanted to stay in the house, sitting or lying about. So,
his life got more and more boring, he started feeling ill, and before long he had no desire to do
anything. The evil potion had worked! And the worst thing of all was that the witches learned to jump
from one person to another, like a virus. They managed to turn the influence of the potion into the
most contagious of diseases: the disease of wasting your life.
It was a long while before, with the help of his microscope, Doctor Fitton-Helthie discovered
that the little witches were causing all this disease. There was no vaccine or cough mixture to get rid of
them, but the good doctor discovered that the witches could not stand joy and good humor. It turned
out that the best cure was to make a strong effort to live a healthy, joyful, and happy life. When a
person became healthy, the little witches would leave that body as soon as they could, riding off on a
From then on, the best remedy was not pills or injections, but just a little bit of effort to eat
some fruit, vegetables, and fish, and to do some exercise. And whoever came to see Doctor
Fitton-Helthie, and took his advice, ended up totally well, being cured of the waste-of-life disease.

Comprehension Questions:

11. What did the dark witches ever want?

They wanted to do harm and make problems for people.

12. What made the little boy changed his likes and dislikes to food?
The dark witches changed his likes and dislikes to food.
13. How did Doctor Fitton-Helthie discover the cause of the disease?
He discoverd the cause of the diseasewith the help of the microscope.

14. Why were the people many years ago strong and healthy?
They were strong and healthy because they ate a very varied diet, and especially loved fruit, vegetables,
and fish. Everyone took daily exercise, and they enjoyed themselves playing and leaping about.

15. How will you avoid the waste-of-life disease?

By being healthy, eating fruit and vegetables and daily exercise.

The Good Old Days

Jada was helping Ms. Funes dig a space for a new porch. “Be careful,” Ms. Funes said. “There used to be
a library on this site, about 100 years ago, and we might discover some books buried underground.” “It
would be amazing to unearth real books!” Jada exclaimed. She had learned about them in her
twenty-first century culture class. Suddenly, Jada felt a large object that had pages and seemed to be
made of paper. “Is this what you call a book?” Jada asked, and Ms. Funes nodded. The title of the book
was A Guide to Collecting Postage Stamps. Jada looked at the photographs and wondered what
postage stamps were. Ms. Funes explained that they were used on letters. Letters were an ancient form
of writing that people used to communicate. “Why didn’t they just communicate by mental telepathy,
like we do?” Jada asked. “Their technology was very ancient,” Ms. Funes responded. An instant later,
Jada felt something much bigger than the book. The two amateur archaeologists spent several
minutes unearthing something that had a large viewing screen and a keyboard. “It is one of the first
computers ever created!” Ms. Funes cried. “But why,” Jada asked, “would they make a computer so
immense?” Ms. Funes tried to explain. “They must have appreciated things that were massive and solid.
It is hard to comprehend, isn’t it?”

Answer the comprehension questions.

16. What is the story mostly about?

It is about the 21st century’s books and computers that are now considered, 100 years later, as ancient
by the future generation.

17. What did they find?

They found a book titled “A guide to collecting postage stamps” and a computer screen with its

18. What did the ancient people use to communicate?

They use letters.

19. Why did the people before use letters to communicate?

They use letters for the technology was very ancient and they cannot do mental telepathy.

20. If you were Jada, would you keep the things you found? Why or why not?
Yes, I will keep them because they are no longer existing and are new to our time.
Name: Queencess Jannah M. Ibrahim Grade & Section: V - Kadayawan
Teacher: Jobelle J. Tingcang Date Submitted: October 14, 2021


(First Quarter)

Compound Words are words that are combined together to form new words and new meanings.
- may be closed (written as one), open (written with space between words), or hyphenated (connected
by a hyphen) Context Clues are the parts of sentence or paragraph that comes before or after the
unfamiliar words.
Synonyms are words with similar meanings.
Antonyms are those words with opposite meanings.

A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct compound words in the box.

heart-to-heart editor-in-chief heat cramps passersby headline heart attack

1. Mr. Robby Tan has been working as the editor-in-chief of a leading entertainment magazine in the
2. One morning, his name was in the headline of a daily newspaper.
3. Mr. Tan suffered heat cramps while at work due to poor ventilation in his office.
4. In the evening, he was rushed to the hospital because of heart attack .
5. Before the incident happened, he had a heart-to-heart talk with his fellow workers, sharing with
them how he loved and enjoyed his job.

B. Directions: Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in the following sentences
through context clues, synonym and antonym.

Box the meaning of the compound word through context clues.

6. I have read the headline of the newspaper today; it is front story written in bold letters.
7. Mr. Mercado gives a piece of advice to his son-in-law. The husband of his daughter wants to go

Underline the synonym of the compound word in the following sentences.

8. Parents provide backstop during Brigada Eskwela. (assistance, food, ideas)
9. Two weeks later, Erianne was cleaning out the small bag she carried with her everywhere when she
found a thin, black leather billfold. (bag, jacket, wallet)

C. Encircle the antonym of the compound word in each sentence.

10. The policemen broadcast the issue of illegal logging. (tell, spread, hide) 2. Luisa wants to stay at the
backside. (bottom, front, left)

C. Identify the element of the literary text being described. Write your answer on the blank
before the number.

characters plot middle setting beginning ending

Characters 11. They are the people or animals in the story.

Plot 12. It is made up of the events that happened in the story.
Setting 13. It talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened.
Middle 14. It gives the problem faced by the main character.
Ending 15. It gives the solution to the problem.
D. Read the selection. Write a summary based on the characters, setting, plot, and theme.
Answer in paragraph form. (10 points)

The Lion and the Mouse

A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up with anger, he
caught the mouse and about to kill him. Then, the mouse interrupted saying, “If you would only spare
my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness. “ The lion laughed and let him go.
It happened shortly that after this, that the lion was caught by hunters, who bound him by
strong ropes to the ground. The mouse recognizing the lion’s roar, came and gnawed the rope, with
his teeth and set him free!
The mouse then told the lion, “You ridiculed the idea that I would ever be able to help you. You
didn’t expect to receive from me any repayment of your favor. Now you know that it is possible for
even a mouse to help out a lion.

The characters are the lion, the mouse, and the hunters. The setting is one day in a forest. The plot was
about a sleeping lion who was disturbed by a mouse. The mouse beg for his life in exchange for a
future favor. The lion let him go. The lion was caught by hunters and the mouse was able to free him,
returning the favor he promised. The theme is that it is important to show mercy because it is never
wasted. No matter how little of help it can be, it still can change the future.

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