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Road Satetv Action Plan

Theme: LTO e·Drive @107"'


Hi1 23 2019, 8'00 i.m
JI TO 8-."~J~nr E~~. Em A.t~ .. ~
Message of the Assistant Secretary 1
Message of the Executive Director 2
Administrative Order 3
2019 LTO Road Safety Action Plan
Copyright © Land Transportation Office-Central Office Background 5
All Rights Reserved The Land Transportation Office 6
Rationale and Objectives 7
Statement of Policy 8
Policy Framework: 5 Pillars and Stages 9
Procedure 11
May be reproduced for academic purposes only
Pillar 1: Qualified Drivers 14
Pillar 2: Roadworthl..V :hicle~.,__1_s....,.
Not for sale
Pillar 3: Traffic _Discipline 22
;.....:._ _ _1---.illl
Pillar 4: Community Relations 26
Pillar 5: Legislative Initiatives

Website: E-mail: Face book: @lto.cdmpao
Message from the Executive Director

The Land Transportation Office is pleased to We, at the LTO, are positive that this RSAP will be
present its Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) - a a game changer for the country's road safety
proactive, comprehensive and inclusive plan that initiatives since the Plan is focused and directed.
aims to help achieve the Philippine-declared vision of
zero deaths on the road, with the interim target to We believe it will require, and encourage a
reduce road crash death rate by twenty (20) percent paradigm shift - from an individual-based or
by 2022. "kanya-kanya" effort, to convergence, the result of
which are synchronized road safety endeavors that
The LTO-RSAP organizes, integrates, and will benefit every road user.
The need for mobility and access to transport, as well as the mainstreams all road safety initiatives of the Agency,
aggressive sales campaign of motor vehicle manufacturers have aligned with established international and
resulted in the rapid motorization in the country. With more We, at the LTO, encourage our partners to join
Philippine approaches. us, as we make the Philippine roads safe.
vehicles on the roads, more people become vulnerable to road
crashes. The RSAP formalizes the framework, identifies Together, let us save lives.
Statistics show that there is a yearly increase in the number of road the components, initiatives, the timelines and focal
crash deaths and injuries. persons/ offices for each initiative. It encourages
commitment to action, as we ll as accountability from
With the frequency of road crash reports in the quad-media, people tend to the concerned offices of the Agency. It serves as a
see these as normal, a part of everyday life. The impact of road crash does not tool for all LTO Offices in the conduct of road safety
enter the awareness of people, other than the victims.
It is a paradox that sporadic epidemics have been given due attention, while
the more pervasive and lethal road crash issue has long been lying at the

The reality is, a road crash not only affects the individual, but his family, the
community and the country as well. The socio-economic cost of road crashes is

estimated to be in billions of pesos a year.
Thus, under the leadership of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, and through
the guidance of Department of Transportation Secretary Arthur P. Tugade, the We believe it will require,
LTO came up with its own framework to reduce, if not totally eliminate road and encourage a paradigm
crashes. shift-from an individual-
The LTO Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) intends to mainstream road safety based or "kanya-kanya"
in the LTO. This document provides a comprehensive and integrated policy and
plan that will address the five (5) LTO Mandate-related Pillars of Road Safety:
effort, to convergence, the
Qualified Drivers; Road Worthy Vehicles,;·_....
Traffic Discipline; Community Relations;
111•••••••••••- result of which are
synchronized road safety

and Legislative initiatives. endeavors that will benefit
We, at the LTO, are therefore every road user. ' '
pleased to present to you the The reality is, a road crash
LTO Road Safety Action Plan, not only affects the individual,
as we commit to make the but his family, the community
country's road safe. and the country as well. The
socio-economic cost of road
crashes is estimated to be in
billions of pesos a year.

East Avenue, Quezon City
E-mail Address: l!omai!bpx@1to opy ph • Website: www Ito gov ph
r .. -··--·-- - -- ------ ·-··-·-·
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DAI£:: II- /<j -1'l1ME : I M'v :.rv
TO All Officials and Employees

SUBJECT Land Transportation Office Road Safety Action Plan

DATE 11 November 2019

WHEREAS, the 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) Global Report on Road
Crash estimated that 1.35 million road traffic deaths occur eve1y year, with injuries at 20
to 50 million, thus, n1aking road traffic injury the 8th leading cause of death worldwide;

WHEREAS, the same Report pointed to road c rash as the leading cause of death
for children and young adults b etween 5 to 29 in the Philippines;

WHEREAS, the United Na tions Econ o rni c and Social Comm.ission for th e Asia and the
Pacific (ESCAP) appraises that road crashes kil l more than 730,000 peop le a year in the
Asia-Pacific region, w ith one person k ille d in a road crash every 40 seco nd s, equivalent
to losing 2,000 lives a day;

WHEREAS, statistics fron1 the Data for Road In cident Visualiz ation Evaluation and
Reporting System (DRIVERS) revea l that frrnn January to Dece mber 2018, there were 3,
050 reported cases of road traffic incide n ts, with 614 cases invo lving fata Uties, 2686 cases
involving injuries, and 320 cases w ith damage to property;

WHEREAS, in Metro Mani la alone, record s from th e Metropolitan Ivlanila Development

Auth ority's (MMDA's) Metro Manila Accident Reporting nnd Analysis Sys tem
(MM RAS) showed a con s iste n t upward tre nd in road cras h incide nts in Metro Manila;

w -HEREAS, the Department o f Transportation (DOTr) is cw·re n tly i1npl e m e nting the
Pu blic Utility Veh.icle Mod e rni za tion Program (PUVMP) to improve th e qua li ty of service
and to improve road safety, by v irtue of De partment Order (D.0.) No. 2017-011;

WI-IEREAS, the Land Transportation Office (LTO), as the gove rnn1 e nt entity mandate d
to issue driver's Licenses, register motor veh icles; as well as to e nforce la nd transport and
traffic laws, rules a nd reg ulatio n s, has the power to institute plans, programs, activities
and projects that would enhance road safety;

WHEREFORE , with all the above premises con s idered , the undersigned
hereby issue s the attached " Road Safety Action Plan " which forms an integral
part of this Administrative Order.

Quezon City, Philippines.

Signed this 11th day of November 2019.

3 I
LTO Road Safety Action Plan
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2018 Global Report on
Road Crash estimates 1.35 million road traffic deaths every year.
Injuries due to road crashes were at 20-50 million, making road
traffic injury the 8th leading cause of death worldwide. It is the
primary cause of death for children ages 5-14, and young adults
between 15-29. Fifty-four (54) percent of deaths include
motorcyclists (28%), pedestrian (23%), and cyclists (3%). The
Report estimates that death occurs on the road every
In the Philippines, it is the leading cause of death for The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is a Sectoral Office of the
children and young adults between ages 5-29. Sixty-five Department of Transportation (DOTr), formerly known as Department
percent (65 %) of road crashes are due to of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), pursuant to Executive
driver error. Order No. 125 and 125-A as
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for
the Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) appraises that road crashes
kill more than 730,000 people a year in the Asia-Pacific region.
One person is killed in a road crash every 40 seconds, VISION
equivalent to losing 2,000 lives a day. ' A frontline government agency showcasing fast and efficient public
service for a progressive land transport sector
Statistics from the Data for Road Incident Visualization
Evaluation and Reporting System (DRIVERS) reveal that
from January to December 2018, there were 3,050 reported
cases of road traffic incidents, with 614 cases involving MISSION
fatalities, 2,686 cases involving injuries, and 320 cases with To rationalize land transportation services and facilities and to
damage to property.' effectively implement the various transportation laws, rules and
In Metro Manila alone, records from the Metropolitan
Manila Development Authority's (MMDA's) Metro Manila
Accident Reporting and Analysis System (MMRAS) showed a
consistent upward trend in road crash incidents in
Metro Manila.'
In 2005, when MMRAS was initiated, the number of cases
of road crash was recorded at 65,111.

The report showed that in 2018, there were 116,906 road

•'·'"' 111119
crash incidents, with 383 fatal injuries, 17,891 non-fatal

injuries, and 98, 632 cases of damage to property. The report
reveals that there was an average of 320 cases per day. Most
of these cases involved the age range between 18-34 (7,322
cases) and 35-51 (4,080). Human error account for
94 % of road crash incidents.
World Health Organization. Global Status report on road safety 2018.
(Geneva, 2018) . Retrieved from: https:/ / iol ence_injury_ ~
prevention / road_safety _status/2018/ en/
United Na ti ons Economi c and Social Comnlission for th e Asia and th e Pacifi c
(ESCAP). Strengthening regional efforts to impro ve road safety. (74th Session,
Ban gkok, 2018). Available
from: https:/ / www commi ssion/ 74 / document/ E74_9E. pdf.
Data for Road Incident Visualiza tion Evaluation and Reporting System
(DRIVERS) . May be viewed
from https://!/
4 Metropoli tan Manila Development Auth ority. :rvt:rv1DA-TEC MMRAS Am1ual
Report 2018. (Philippines, 2018) Retrieved from
http: //www. nund ph/ images/ Home/ FOl /MMA RAS/MMA RAS- LTO Road Safety Action Plan 16

1. Provide a policy to mainstream road safety and V. STATEMENT OF POLICY

With the staggering number of deaths and injuries due address the issue nationwide, in line with the LTO
to road crashes, it is impera tive that effort be made to put mandate;
the road safety issue in the national agenda to reduce, if
not totally eradicate, its nega tive impact on the people
and the economy. 2. Institutionalize a nationwide LTO
Road Safety Action Plan by identify ing The LTO hereby resolves to create a road safety-inclusive and responsive envirorunent by
When the administration of President Rodrigo Roa specific, measurable, attainable, realistic mainstreaming and integrating safety in all its plans, programs, activities and projects for all its
Duterte took the helm of leadership, the Department of and time-bound artion items, consistent Offices through the agency-identified Five (5) Pillars of Road Safety.
Transportation (DOTr) conceptualized and is currently with the Five Pillars of Road Safety
implementing the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization identified by the Agency; and
Program (PUVMP), by virtue of Department Order (D.0.)
No. 2017-011. The PUVMP is a multi-agency initiative 3. Provid e guidelines n
which aims to develop and promote high-quality, safe the implementation and
and environmentally-sustainable public transportation monitoring of the
systems. All PUV road safety inHiatives must be LTO Road Safety
guided by the provisions of DO 2017-011 . Action Plan.

To complement this initiative, and to fulfill its mandate

and functions, the LTO has been putting in place road
safety initiatives at the national and regional level.

On 02 Au gust 2019, the LTO conducted a Road Safety

Seminar Workshop to create a Road Safely Action Plan

that will organize, integra te, and mainstream all road
sa fety initiatives of the Agency, aligned wi th established
international and Philippine approaches.

7 I
LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan Is

Consistent with international and local road safety policies, framework and standards, the LTO developed its
own road safety framework based on its mandate

A. Qualified Drivers Individuals with sufficient driving skills, and

knowledge on road safety and proper road courtesy, whose eligibility is determined by passing the
LTO-conducted theoretical and practical examinations.
Developing qualified drivers is an important pillar in the LTO road safety advocacy since human
factor is the major cause of road crashes;
!r.;;:,1~...t B. Roadworthy Vehicles - Motor vehicles and its relevant parts are compliant with national
standards and international vehicle safety conventions.
Ensuring roadworthiness of vehicles decreases the likelihood of failure in vehicle functioning,
thus reduces the risk of a road crash;
~ C. Traffic Discipline - It is the conformity/ compliance to road traffic laws, rules, regulations
and/ or a code of behavior.
Traffic discipline paves the way for order, organization and the unhampered traffic flow; Figure 2: Stages in addressing Road Safety
D. Community Relations - Mutually beneficial relationship with communities in which an
organization operates.
Road crashes do not discriminate the victims. Thus, road safety is everybody's responsibility. To The LTO reahzes that there are four (4) stages m the process of resolving the road safety concern.
ensure safety, the LTO must solicit the support of everyone in the community; and

0 E. Legislative Initiative - The right of competent persons and institutions to introduce for the
consideration of a legislative body, or propose to enact a new law, an amendment to or a repeal
of existing legislation.
While there are many land transport and traffic laws, rules, and regulations, much is to yet to be
desired on specific enabling laws that directly address road safety. Further, with the changing times,
obsolete or laws that are no longer responsive and relevant must either be amended or completely The third is
repealed. Altemative or findin g
The next stage is possible solutions to
Accepta11ce, or to take resolve the road safety The fourth is
To thrive, the road safety advocacy must stand by the 5 Pillars, as identified. The first phase - Action or the actual
in the responsibility concern . This is where
Awareuess - is the most execution of the
and acknowledge that the Land
crucial step. It is the stage Action plan. To be
each has a role to play Transportation Office
wherein there is a successful, the plan
to resolve the road comes in as the
conscious effort to n ecess it a t es
safety concern. government agency
recognize that road crash c on ve r ge n ce
primarily responsible
is a problem and that it As may be seen in

in ensuring safety of the di ff er en t
negatively impacts the figure above, the
along the roads. c ommuniti es/
socio-economic life. two (2) initial steps s t a k e hold e r s.
involve the individual. The Agency,
through its Five Pillars,
establishes the Action
Plan that includes
strategies and
Pillar-specific acti vities
that will promote road

Figure 1: L TO Pillars of Road Safety

9 LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan Irn

It shall exercise oversight and

monitor the progress in the
implementation of the
Road Safety Ac tion Plan,
and submi t reco mmendations
••• COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: to the Ass istant Secretary.
*lia'a Executi ve Director
However, Co mmittee meetings may
• • • MEMBERS: be held as deemed necessary by the
- - - All Regional Directors
Opera tions Division
Administrative Division
Hea d of the Committee to fac ilita te
the planning and exec ution

The Co mmittee shall submit a

Qua rterly Progress Report to the
Ass istant Sec retary.

11 LTO Road Safety Action Plan

LTO Road Safety Action Plan I

Components Activities Output Timeline Reponsible Components Activities Output Time line Reponsible
Person/Office Person/Office

COMPONENT 1: 1. I ssuance of a Signed MC Targeted to be Traffic Safety Division

Sustain the trainings Regional Offices
Strict implementation Memorandum Circular signed by AECG (TSD)
being Implemented TSD
of Rule III, Section 8 (MC) on Revised by November
by the Regions
of the IRR on Guidelines and
Republic Act Procedures on the
(RA) issuance of
10930 SP and DL

Transport Companies Skilled drivers Ongoing Regional Offices

2. Issuance of MC Signed MC By November TSD and Technical and TODAs will be TSD
on Rules and Working Group (TWG) required to conduct
Regulations on continuing driver
Accreditation of education. LTO will
Driving Schools conduct the training

3. Seminar for Updated reorientation Ongoing TSD

violators Module

3.a. Update the COMPONENT 4: Accreditation of Accredited driving 1st Quarter 2020 TSD
re-orientation Strengthening driving schools and schools and
course module accreditation and instructors instructors
monitoring of
accredited driving
4. Conduct Conducted public Commence public Regional Clusters schools
of Simultaneous consultations consultation by 4th North Luzon
Regional Cluster Quarter of 2019 South Luzon
Public Consultations NCR, 4-A, 4-B
on the requirements Visayas-Iloilo
on driver's education Mindanao-Davao
for driving schools TWG COMPONENT 5: 1. Training for DSRs Trained DSRs 2nd Quarter 2020 TSD
and transport groups capablllty-bulkllng of -do- Regional Offices (RO)
LTO driving skllls Admin Division (AD)
raters (DSRs} 2. Set appropriate Revised Qualification
qualifications for Standards for DSRs
DSRs, i.e. National
Certificate (NC)

COMPONENT 2: Automate the utomated driver's Within the year Management

utomation of driver's process license process Information Division
icense process (MID)

1. Convene the Synchronized 4th Quarter 20 19 LTO Central Office

TDOs for the RSAP Implementation (LTO CO)
of RSAP nationwide

151 LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan 116

171 LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan Iis
Components Activities Output Reponsible Components Activities Output Time line Reponsible
Person/ Office Person/Office

COMPONENT 3: Set appropriate Revised Qualification By 2nd Quarter 2020 Regional Directors
COMPONENT 1: Accreditation of Automated Ongoing LTO - DOTr
capability-building qualifications for Standards for MV ADMIN, Human
Automat ion of motor private motor inspection centers
for inspectors inspectors, i.e. Inspectors Resource and
vehicle registration vehicle inspection Department
National Certificate
process centers (PMV!Cs)
(NC) or Certificate of Enforcement Unit
using automated
Competency or
equivalent educational

COMPONENT 2: Advocate for a Campaigns, notices, Continuing IECs LTO CO and RO OMPONENT4: 1. Issuance of policy 1. Policy 4th Quarter 2019 Operations Division
Implementation of regular MV posting of tarpaulin Re-registration of on retiring MVs (Ops)
education service maintenance and social MVs which have been
and awareness media campaign inactive for more 2. Campaign/ Ads to 2. IECs Ongoing TSD
campaigns on preventive than 10 years encourage inactive
maintenance MV owners to

3. Re-registration 3. Implementation Ongoing Ops

Continuing campaign - Barangay Continuing LTO CO

on registration or Community RO and
of MVs Outreach program District Offices (DO)
--Come up with a - Quad-media IECs COMPONENT 5: Road crash Well-trained technical 1st Quarter 2020 TSO/Ops
program to adapt in - Focused IECs Development of road investigator training oad crash
every region , i.e. in crash investigation for LTO employees investigators
Radyo ng Bayan capacity

Develop training T raining facility 1st Quarter 2020 TSD

facility/ laboratory for
road crash
LTO Employees Pool of well-trained 4th Quarter 2019 Regiona l Directors
Continuing Training inspectors who will TSD
and Education of effectively implement AD
MV Inspectors policies/ standards Human Resource
Enforcement Unit Policy regulating For implementation Ops
unauthorized changes du ring the 4th Legal officers
in motor vehicles Quarter of 2019

Policy to address the Policy on Safer By 4th Quarter Ops

influx of Electric Electric Motor of 2019
Motor Vehicle Vehicles

19 1LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan I 20

LTO Road Safety Action Plan I

Components Activities Output Reponsible Components Activities Output Timeline Rep on sible
Person/Office Person/Office

COMPONENT 1: Operationalize the Data on road crash 4th Quarter 2019 LTO CO and RO
Formulation of use of DRIVERS
road crash data as a unified and
4. Implement e-TOP Decrease in Continuing LES
collection system primary tool for road crash incidents
data collection

5. Establish
OMPONENT2: 1. Review JAO 1st Quarter 2020 TWG with LGUs/MMDA
Updated JAO
Enabling of 2014-01 regarding traffic
intervention programs violations
r RA 10930/ 2. Prepare internal 2020 TAS Rules 1st Quarter 2020 TAS
Driver's Enhancement rules and procedures and Procedures 6. Conduct inspection
rogram on Traffic of the Traffic as part of Oplans
lsclpllne Adjudication Service during nationwide

7. Provide
to outstanding law
COMPONENT 3: Administrative Order Signed AO Last quarter of 2019 LTOCO enforcement officers
Delegation/delineatio on delegation or
of LTD and deputized
of authority on delineation of
adjudication authority on

OMPONENT4: 1. Intensify and Decrease in road Continuing Law Enforcement

ustalnlng or sustain the crash incidents Service (LES)
ntenslfication enforcement of the COMPONENT 5: Conduct of seminars Drug-free workplace 1st half 2020 RO
f enforcement for Special Laws. Promotion of a on formulation of policies
peclflc laws, I.e. drug-free workplace drug-free workplace
DDA,ADDDA, 2. Installation of policy in the land policy, including
Helmet Law, RFID readers transport sector mandatory random
hlldren onboard and CCTVs
drug testing for
MCs, Seatbelt Law,
3. Use of enforcement
gadgets i.e.
electronic verifiers,
speed guns, breath
analyser kits, etc.

231 LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan 124

LTO Road Safety Action Plan 126

Components Activities Output Time line Reponsible Components Activities Output Timeline Reponsible
Person/Office Person/Office

COMPONENT 3: Continue and expand Road safety curriculum, Ongoing Regional Offices in
Institutionalization of regional initiatives to modules and collaterals coordination with DepEd
COMPONENT 1: Push for the creation Unified traffic September onwards RO road safety In the institutionalize
Promotion of partnership of a comprehensive management component educational system road safety
convergence with LGUs/ and unified traffic in the
RDCs/RLEC/ management component educational system,
RPOC and local special and plan, i.e. !ACT i.e. STRUT, PERS,
bodies NCR-East integration of
road safety in the
Coordinate and conduct Conduct of 4th Quarter 2019 RO K-12 curriculum, etc.
Road Safety Drill Road Safety Drill
with the Disaster Risk in schools,
Reduction Team of government offices,

Membership in RDC, Membership 1st half 2020 RO

and other COMPONENT 4: Engage student councils Formal linkages September 2019 ROS
special bodies Creation of in all schools and with student councils, - onwards
road advocacy universities, Sangguniang Kabataan
groups among the youth Sangguniang Kabataan, and OSY
community out-of-school
youth (OSY)

Create Advocates for Project CARS September 2019 Youth Sector

Road Safety or ·onwards
Project CARS
COMPONENT 2: Assist in the Creation of Road Safety Long Term ROs in coordination
Creation of enactment of Councils 2019- onwards with respective LGUs
road safety committees local ordinance - Creation of a Creation of UN·WHO YoURs Phi created September 2019 Youth
at the provincial/city/ creating road safety Regional Road Safety initiated Youth for ·onwards
munlclpal level committees and Council (RRDC), a Road Safety (YoURS)
promotion sub-committee of the Philippines
of local road safety Regional Development
ordinance Council

271 LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Plan I2s
Components Activities Output Timeline Reponsible

COMPONENT 5: Selection and awarding LTO-DILG Guidelines November 2019 LTO CO, RO in
Formation, strengthening of Seal of Excellence on on the Selection and collaboration
nd enhancement of Road Safety for LGUs Awarding of Seal of with partners
linkages/ partnerships (LGUs who have Excellence on
the dlt'lerent demonstrated best Road Safety
I agencies/ practices in road safety)
sectors i.e. Selyo ng Daang
Ugtas, Bayang Magiting

Program for Module on Road 4th Qua rte r o f 201 9 LTO CO a n d RO in

parents-teachers Safety T ips for co lla b o ration w it h
-commu nity
parents and teachers De pEd

Operators and Drivers
(TODA) linkages
Establish the
"TODA Rescue on
Road Safety: Tsuper ng
Buhay ko Project"
4th Quarter
LTO co and RO in
collaboration with TODAs
Establishment of
Barangay Road Safety
Advocate groups
Established Bara ngay
Road Safety
Advocate groups
4th Quarter
ROs and DOs

Establishment of the Road Safety 3rd Quarter 2020 LTO Central Office
LTO Interactive Center linked MID
Road Safety Center via computer terminals
to different schools

291LTO Road Safety Action Plan LTO Road Safety Action Pla n 130
Components Activities Output Timeline Repon sible

~ I ~

COMPONENT 1: Draft National Proposed National Commence drafting by LTD CO and RO in
Work for the Road Safety Component Road Safety Component !st Quarter 2020 col laboration with
enactment of a national DOTr and partner
road safely component agencies

COMPONENT 2: Draft proposed Land Draft of Land August - Dec 2019 LTO TWGs
Work for the Transportation and Transportation and
enactment of a Traffic Act Traffic Act
new Land Transportation
and TrafllcAct

COMPONENT 3: Draft by-laws/document By-laws TBD LTOTWG

Establishment of creating the Council
a National
Road Safely Council Identify plans, programs, Working Plan TBD LTOTWG
activities and projects

COMPONENT 4: Make representations Approved budget for September LTO

Ensure suflldent in Congress LTO Road Safety -December 2019 Road Safety Committee
funding for road safely Advocacy initiatives

COMPONENT 5: Prepare draft for Draft proposal !st Quarter 2020 LTO TWG
Work for the submission to Congress
enactment of road safely
programs ID be Included
In the school curriculum

311 LTO Road Safety Action Plan

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