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Kt Kr n*ardt nstttute rh. Heart o{ tt.

www. Kl i n g ha rdtl

ART Beginners Theory and
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD & Daniela Deiosso

For information regarding Klinghardt Education including, courses,

materia I a nd certifications contact:
Daniela Deiosso
info@ kli ngha

Copyright @ Klinghardt Education Limited 2019. All rights reserved


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A.R.T. I
Autonomic Response Testing
Fundamentals - Basic Principles

Presented by
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD
& Daniela Deiosso MSc


p2 The 5 Levels of Healing Chart

p3-5 Levels 1-5 of Autonomic Response Testing [A.R.T.)
p6 7 Factors
p10 How A.R.T. differs from standard kinesiology
p11 The 4 Basic Steps of A.R.T.
p13 Anatomy & Physiology of the Biofield
pL4 The ANS
p1B Rules of Therapy Localisation
pL9-20 A.R.T. Laws 1-4
p2L Yin Mudra & Vagus Test
p22 Muscle Testing Skills
p24 Indirect vs Direct Testing
p25 Biophoton Physics
p33 The Tools
p37 Open & Blocked Regulation
p40 Unblocking
p42 Geopathic Stress
p45 Neurological Switching
p47 Mental Component
p49 MFT Tapping
p56 The A.R.T. body scan
p64 Allergy Testing
p65 The Yin State

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Kt l{tin!',a,jy,b:*E


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KT xl,n*^*h:T*ft

Level 1: The PhWical Body

. Food is essentialon this leve!
. Bio-Chemistry / Supplements are the next major item on this level
. Structural wellness (Osteopathy, dental occlusion work, surgery)
. Herbs
. Medicalpharmaceuticals
. Essential oils

Level 2: The Energy Body

lnterventions that affect the nervous system or
conductivity are essential on this level
. Mental Field Therapy
. Acupuncture with or without needles
. Work with light, sound and magnetic fields
. Emotional work, breath work
. Lor r potency hgmepJlathigs
. Essentia! oils
. Neural Therapy with or without needles
- Laser
- Micro-current
- Essential oils

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KT l(ti,ga,fr,h:Hp,

Level 3: The Mental BodV

a This level is all about balancingthe mind and beliefs of the client
Applied Psycho-Neu robio logy
Mental Field Therapy (MFf)
P-svchokinesislsgr ( P K)
Callahan Techniques
Most forms of psychotherapy
Higher potency homeopathy

Level 4: The lntuitive Body

a This level is a lot about the collective field of a person including their
entire clan
Family Constellation Work
Systemic PK
Some forms of breathwork
Work with a shaman or gifted healer

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Kt KJi^*^*,!.::x*fr

Level 5: The Spiritual Body

This is about the client and their internal relationship to the Higher
- There is no guidance on this level as it is uniquely individual, a
connection only this person has to the divine. lt is not the space
for a therapist to insert themselves
I simply encourage exploration

m n fA n mic Res onse Testin

- Developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD standing on the
shoulders of numerous mentors, teachers, doctors, scientists and

-Targeted at identifying the state of health of the autonomic nervous

system and the coherence of the biophoton field

- Focus of the testing was to identify and treat the 7 most common
factors that block/stress healthy functioning of the system

-The method has led practitioners to better results achieved with less
and is increasingly finding acceptance in both conventional as well as
alternative circles

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Kt (tnga,jl,!::1ffi
The 7 Factors of Wellness and Chronic Illness

The Physical Body

1. Structural imbalances (poor occlusion, spinal subluxations, fascial
adhesions, poorly healed injuries)

2. Biochemical needs/deficiencies [hormones, vitamins, minerals,

enzymes and co-factors, water, oxygen, hydrogen)

3. Toxins (microbial endo-and exotoxins, man-made chemicals, heavy

metals, metabolic waste, senescent cells)

The Energy Body

4. Biophysical stress (microwave from cell-phone broadcasting or smart

meter, household currents and fields, ground current, light pollution from
computers, cell-phones, CFLs and fluorescent lights, magnetic fields,
geopathic stress from mother earth)

5. Food, environmental and emotional "allergies" [with immediate change

in exclusion zone water, brain wave and autonomic nervous system activity
followed by secondary level L phenomena such as cytokine and mast cell
activation - and tertiary adrenal hormone secretion)

6. Energetic perturbances [active scars with frictional electric discharges,

metal implants in jaw or joints, charge build-up in spinal membranes and
fascia, misfiring of autonomic and spinal ganglia, dissimilar metals in dental
restorations, tattoos and piercingsJ

The Higher Bodies

7. Psycho-spiritual issues:

Level 3: unresolved emotional and mental traumata and conflicts [from the
personal biography)

Level 4: unresolved ancestral traumata and conflicts, curses and thought-

field influences, carry-over of traumata and conflicts from past lives and
pre-life realities

Level 5: guiding and correcting influences from the source (that may be
perceived as illness, accident of fate

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K{ t(tin!',",!1!"yy*fr

a Heavy metals and aluminium

amalgam fillings
a Chemicals fglyphosate, PBDEs, etc.)

a solvents
a biotoxins from microorganisms and parasites

A.R.T.: use direct resonance with appropriate test kit

Nutritional Deficiencies/ biochemical imbalances

a Methylation issues
M i toc hond riol we akness

I mp rop e r g lutathione p roductio n
a Mineral deficiencies

a N eurotra n sm i tte r l'ssues....

A.R.T: Use supplement test kit and medications for test

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K{ lQing",ftl.::l#fr

Structural problems
' T.M.D.fit4alocclusion

. bridge crossing the midline

. vertebral or cranial subluxation
. Fallen arches
. Adhesive scars

A.R.T.: use mechanicol/manual techniques to elicit sfress- or healing

Enersetic perturbances

a Dysfunctional scars
a Toxic ganglia
a Electrogalvanism
a Congested acupuncture meridians and points
a This commonly includes tonsil and appendix focal infections
a Scars in the jow from dental extractions
a NICO lesions
a Incompatible dental restoration materials

A.R.T.: use manual stress of the suspected location

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Kt K^*^*,!.::,#fr
Food Intolerances

You can be allergic to anything in your environment - and you can test
Gluten, dairy and toothpaste are by far the most common.
a ln sensitive patients you have to look at high phenols and oxalates
In kids with hyperactivity look at food dyes and phenolics

A.R.T.: Items and issues can also be tested mentolly by having the
person think about eating particular foods or being in a particular

Diagnose and open regulation with food allergy test kit. Then have the
patient do the test elimination/challenge at home.

Bio ical
a Visualization of putting yourself in various locations
closing and covering the eyes to test biophysical stress in the sleeping

a A.R.T.: Use cellphone on/off at various distances to client.

Geopathic stress: Diagnose and open regulation with geopathic stress
test fspring ligament)
EMR stress: use blindfold to elicit melatonin response

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Kt l{ins',arft,L:,*E

Unresolved psycho-emotional or spiritual conflict or

a Diagnose with eye movements and color glasses
treat with APN procedures and MFT
a Support with Light (Photonwave) and homeopathy

How A.R.T. differs from standard kinesiology:

A.R.T. testing has more proven sensitivity and specificity than most
forms of kinesiology

A.R.T. tests the coherence of light emissions of organs and structures first
and makes appropriate corrections

Several of the 7 Factors put the body under so much stress that it puts the
system into a sympathetic dominance (causes a strong arm). In most
schools of kinesiology things can be missed that actually are so bad that
they block the client.

The A.R.T. system first checks everything against a weak arm, looking
items that "block" regulation of the nervous system. This way it is very easy
to feel when a weak arm becomes strong

Lyme, many of the co-infections and cancer will only show up on this level,
and these infections are almost impossible to find with standard forms of
Toxins can only be found with the direct resonance test that has been
discovered by Y. Omura but is missing in other schools of muscle reflex

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Kt K,,*^*,1:,*H#,

The 4 Basic Steps of A.R.T.

Step 1: Introduce a stressor:

. Electromagnetically fplacing substances in the field)
. Psychologically [APN)
. Structurally (pushing on a reflex point, squeezing an
organ or gland, stressing a joint etc.J
. Bio-chemically [giving a medication orally, i.v. or

via other route)

Step 2:
Then the practitioner then assesses the organism's response to the
stressor by one of the several means:
. the muscle test (typically used in A.R.T.)
. arm length test
. bi-digital O-ring test (used in advanced A.R.T.)
. applied Kinesiology (multiple muscles)
. EAV felectro acupuncture according to Dr. Voll)
. HRV fheat rate variability)
. Kirlian photography
. VAS fNogier pulse)
. other types of biofeedback equipment

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Kt King',",jy,1::I##,
The 4 Basic Steps of A.R.T. (continued)

Step 3: Then the practitioner interprets the stress- response. The

guiding principle is as follows:
. If a mild stressor causes a stress response, the

organism is already under severe stress regarding

this variable [substance, psychological issues etc.).
. If a moderate stress is causing a response in the
absence of response to a mild stressor, the
organism is under moderate stress.
. If only a severe stress is causing a stress response,
the problem of the organism related to this issue is
only mild.

Step 4: Now therapeutic modalities are tested:

. Whatever neutralizes the stress response is an agent or a
method that will help the organism cope with the underlying
cause ofthe stress.
. How much it will help can be determined by the quantitative
amount of stress response neutralization. Most suitable for
quantitative assessment is the bi-digital O-ring test from Y.

Omura, MD [A.R.T. II), or Yin State testing [A.R.T. I).

. With medications and supplements the A.R.T.-allergy test is
always used to double check an item that has been determined
to be helpful (allergy if finger behind the ear to vagus neutralizes
changes the indicator mm)
. If this item is both helpful and non-allergenic it can safely be

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Kt t(ti^g,^,jy!:#Hfr

S[rr||tt rrilr trlft A $oup musd+hst comblnlnl

shouHcr flrdlc musdcs . Sle rcfer to thc lrm or musdr used ln
tha tcst rs lndlotor Musclc (lM)

Fr[.ftt rGtsE dofrr'3rreomnmf fprrch3fo?cr md rlrsto rNr iltr frrt.

utlth rrynrntdtV ncng1 corfit rpil.nt?r
Patient or "in-between- practitioner contact:
ffi r
. L$tl dfln fie cllrfitfirmr *n S, thrhrhrsuldthn|'/t*odottnmrm
rnn dthr fu
. ht*rt : dlrnt r h-brtunrn p.rton r fhrn*donfrrrt
hofn1j d6re pncffionrr ts
ofhm ilt stnurt.rm to $rt fie urftt hrggd on thr rrtr sld. ufia6 $G
b.t ftc hclht of thc pnc{ttonc/3 pusl*rl rrm b
PrrsUdonrr must bc frrnt ln nC
{offif pffmtotrcnltblmFIy
Ooclor gretree t
b.nff .fou.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Biofield

The stress response that is used in A.R.T. is sensed, organized and
expressed by the bio-field of the entire organism and the field of each
individual cell

It is most visibly expressed by the autonomic nervous (ANS)

4 components of the ANS :

. Central (CNS) regulation of the ANS- brain and spinal cord

. Sympathetic nervous system [SNS)- "fight or flight" response

. Parasympathetic nervous system [PNS)- "rest and digest" response

. Enteric nervous system [ENS)- directly controls the GI tract

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KT xl,i"*"*b:HE

The Autonomic
Nervous System

Ug arlorurne Nrmrs!^;lsr,

The ANS: SNS and PNS skin sensors

Sympathetic skin sensors + sympathetic ganglia + spinal cord + brainstem + limbic

system + hypothalamus + brainstem + spinal cord + autonomic ganglia + sympathetic
fibers + muscle spindle of the test-muscle.

Parasympathetic skin sensors + parasympathetic fibers or ganglia in the

blood vessels of hand, pelvis or brain or ganglia in the gut wall and other internal organs
+spinal cord + vagus ganglia near ear -+ brainstem + limbic system + from here
arousal of sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei in hypothalamus and brainstem +
down going signals in sympathetics to muscle spindles as above (responsible for
muscle testing phenomena)

The ANS is largely unmyelinated and in addition to the more known physiologic
functions a 5th sense - an energetic radar system that constantly scans its environment
for dangers - many feet away from the body.
In most parts of the bodythe Sympathetics of the skin are the only sensors of the
ANS, in the face, pelvis and hands also the PNS.

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Kt l{tin!',a,!p,bflHp,

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Kt l(ti,g',",fr,b:Syfr

But a few areas have dual sensors

Only a few areas have dual sympathetic and parasympathetic
. Palm of the hand
. Solar plexus
. Sole of the foot

. Another option for testing remedies and foods is using the signal
- this tool allows the signal to be perceived by the entire biofield and
down-stepped to action potentials in every autonomic sensory neuron of
the physical body

All medications and toxins should be tested in areas of dual sensors

ANS Therapy Lo calization: Brief History

a Organ dysfunction, injury, and visceral disease change the electrical
properties of the skin as measured by altered skin resistance
a This later led to the development of tools measuring the galvanic skin
Essentially, organ dysfunction can be detected by changes in
polarity or skin resistance in the overlying tissue before we see
other overt signs of dysfunction
In A.R.T., autonomic changes using the therapy localization
techniques often precede the onset of clinical disease by weeks,
months, or years, and therefore, constitute the ideal technique in
diagnosing illness at a very early stage
a Decreased sympathetic activity in the affected neurological
segment leads to decreased sweat gland activity or decreased
moisture in the skin and therefore, increased electrical resistance
Conversely, sympathetic hyperactivity will lead to increased sweat
gland activity and therefore, decreased skin resistance (what we
see most often)

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Kt KJ;**^*,1.::IHE.

Similarity to the Iie detector test...



When the nervous system is under stress it changes sweat gland
activity in the skin in areas correlated to that stress

a The change in skin moisture alters the electrical resistance fwhich the
lie detector measures), but also alters the biophoton/light emissions
coming off the body (which is what we assess with A.R.T.)

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Kt l{li,S,^,ft1.::I*fr
Rules of Therapy Localization

1. Changes in strength, either w?!t means "this is the issue"

2. Both positive and negative challenges can cause the same muscle

For example, a vial of mercury, as well as a bottle of chlorella, can both open
regulation in a patient suffering from amalgam toxicity. Both the toxin and
antitoxin couse the same change in the indicator muscle. Only the Yin State
testing, usually performed at the end of the exam, can clarify this issue.

3. "L,2, or 3 pointing" refers to how an indicator muscle can change

back and forth from strength to weakness when a significant mode,
nutrient, etc. is challenged.
"1 point" - When a muscle changes strength, e.g., from strong to weak.
"2 point" - When the same muscle changes strength again; e.g., the now
weak muscle changes back to strength.
"3 point" - When the same muscle changes strength again; e.g., the now
strong muscle changes back to weakness...

4. Two-Pointing:

When an area is therapy localized, causing the indicator muscle IM) to

and then a second area is contacted and the IM changes back to its original
state, there are two possible meanings:
a) a cause/effectrelationship between the two disturbances fone is causing
the other)
bJ both are caused by a more important third issue.

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JTL l{lin$arfr,!.::Hft

A.R.T. Law #1
The First law of A.R.T. - the law of resonance betwe en 2 identical
substances fapplies only, if the client is not switched or blocked and the
substance tested is not blocking the client):

- if a substance is held in a particular area of the enerry-field of a person

and the indicator muscle weakens, the identical substance is in the body
(resonance between 2 identical substances)

- If the substance is only in a particular organ, ganglion or other structure,

the test-substance has to be held exactly over this area

A.R.T. Law #2

The second law of A.R.T. - 2-Pointing:

If the examiner therapy-localizes more then one structure, ganglion etc.

during the A.R.T.-body scan or examination, 2 structures [or more) may
be affected by the same toxin or infection or one structure may affect
and be the cause of one or more others . If the indicator muscle weakens,
while holding one of these structures , but strengthens while holding
another [that weakened, when held alone), there is:
a) either a cause/effect relationship between the two
b) they are both affected by the same toxin/infection

The 2nd law of A.R.T. is therefore really a variation of the L't law

A.R.T. Law #3
a The Third Law of A.R.T.- Resonance between the Examiner and the
Patient ["Transference") :

the examiner's body acts exactly like any other substance held into
the energy field of the patient. If the doctor is toxic with the same
substance that is causing the patient's illness or that is stored in one
ore more of the patient's tissues, the test will be affected as outlined
in the 1't and 2nd law of A.R.T. Therefore, the 3.d law is really a

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Kt K,"s"*J::I*fr
variation of the 1$ law also (but overlooked in any other school of

The patient also has this effect on the examiner f"Counter

Transference"). Therefore no two examiners can find the same
problems in a given patient, unless both examiners are free of stored
toxins, infections, root canal filled teeth, untreated scars, active
psycho-emotional conflicts, have not recently consumed foods they
are allergic to etc..The 3'd law results in a simple postulate: the A.R.T.
practitioner has to continuously strive to improve their own health.
The practitioner should be "ahead" of their healthiest patient (Quote:
Ann Mc Combs,D.O.).

A.R.T. Law #4

A strong IM can mean 2 things: 1. blocked regulation (severe stress) - 2. or


To know the difference:

1. If the polfilter is on the SE, and the strong IM goes weak = real strength

2. If not I arm stays strong with polfilter on) = blockage

A weak IM can mean 3 things: 1. stress 2.healing response f relaxation and

3. direct resonance [1't law).

1. Stress: the weakness reverts to strength when the vagus is touched both
sides findex fingers on the dip in front of the mastoid).

2. Healing response: weakness turns to strength when one or more yin

mudras are held near the client or by the client

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Kt l(tng,a,fr,b:n91

Represents a deep healing
Patient Processing

The more yin mudras are I
needed to reverse the weak
IM, the deeper the healing

lllO: Tr-1,{* ltr-llP" Tb-Il1r. Tc-LP

Vagus Test
The Yin state has to be carefully distinguished from the allergic state
If its an allergic or stress state, the yin mudra does not reverse the
' Both index fingers of the client touch just in front of the mastoid and
point towards the vagus nerve 4 cm deep
' If the vagus test changes the IM, the client is in an allergic state or
stress state in response to the last intervention



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Kt Kti"g",ft,!::l*#,
Muscle Testing Skills
(essential to practice these for accurate results)

a Honesty:
At first there may be patients you can't test. Move to another muscle
(legs, etc.) or just admit it and don't use kinesiology diagnostically that
Secondly, don't anticipate or want a desired reaction. If you're
anticipating, the patient will suspect your lack of neutrality and may begin
to distrust you.
a Strength
Err on the side of testing a little too hard at first until you feel a good
"lock" or engagement of the muscle through contraction.
a Trust
Of course it is difficult at first to trust yourself and your findings when
your skills are still developing. But as you improve, trust what you find
based on your history and clinical exam findings.
a Assertive:
Take the time to position yourself and position the patient exactly.
Patiently correct the patient over and over if s/he tries to recruiVcheat.
Say "hold" or "resist" assertively.
Follow the rules and have the courage to take the time to obtain an
accurate test.

Try to Avoid These Mistakes

a Recruitment:
The patient doesn't like feeling weak and will usually try to "recruit"
other muscles in the help, by slightly adjusting his/her position. Again,
be assertive and continue to reposition the patient until an accurate test
is achieved.

a Giving out:
This is caused by either the patient who wants to please you or the
hypochondriac patient who will fake a weak test. You often begin to
suspect it when everything you touch therapy localizes or by the way the
muscle breaks too soon or too easily.

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f,t l{tin!-,",jy,1.ffi*fr
a Body Posture
We recommend that the assistant (in-between-person) is in a stonding
position on the side of the client that equals the side of the dominant eye of
the practitioner. They should form an equilateral triangle with their
shoulder girdles in relationship to the longitudinal axis of the client. The
testing can also be performed in a seated position. If only 2 people are
present and test standing/seated, the body is tested with the
practitioner at an open angle to the client, never in confrontation. If the
client lies down, the upper part of the body is tested with the
practitioner on the head end of the table, the body below the diaphragm
tested with the practitioner next to the client at an open angle (not

Timing is something that usually develops fairly quickly with practice. At

first, however, say "hold" or "resist" approximately Lf 2 second before
beginning to push on the patient's muscle.
The test pressure is gradually increased in a logarithmic way until the
maximum is reached. This should take no longer then L-2 seconds. When
the maximum point is reached, the pressure is released. The client matches
the increase in pressure with the perfect counter-pressure = destructive
interference. A.R.T. is not a test of strength - it's a dynamic test.

The A.R.T

Al.T, I -fu5romls furemrr lldrf

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Kt K^*^*,!.::!*fr
Indirect vs Direct Testing
a Indirect vs. Direct Testing:
Dr. Omura has shown that the indirect method, using a person
in between practitioner and client, is more reliable and more
sensitive than the direct method.

Advantages of Indirect Testing:
Indirect testing [using a surrogate) allows easy testing of
children or severely ill people who do not understand or who are too
weak to give a clear weak or strong arm. With indirect testing you
(the tester) are less likely to pick up your own issues in the patient.

Disadvantages of Indirect Testing:
Indirect testing involves a third person. In a practical setting
this can be expensive to staff and there are many times when it is just
not possible to have a third person present.

Transference and Counter-transference

Big egos and big energies in the room can strongly influence testing

a Family or friends standing nearby with strong belief systems can also
distort testing
Sometimes after patients it is good to clear the energy out of the room

Do not be afraid to ask someone to step out of the room or to step

back and check your own beliefs regarding this patient

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Kt K^*^*,!"::r*#,

An introduction to Biophoton Physics

Each cell in our body emits light. This light is highly structured fcoherent)

and communicates with the neighbouring cells inside the body and
organisms outside the body. It carries unlimited amounts of information bi-
directionally - informing other cells and organisms and carrying their
information back to its own origin in the DNA. Every cell in our body is at
any time informed about the state of every other cell.

Healthy cells emit coherent light

Unhealthy cells and tissues emit non-coherent light - or none at all

a coherent light is polarized and we can use the law #L to detect in any
body area the status of coherence/non-coherence.

This allows us to detect illness at very early stages or significant
details of illness in later stages - something not possible with
conventional methods and thinking

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Kt Kti"S',arjy)yyyp

Physics of Light
Physics of light: amplitude (or strength)


\ t

Physics of Light
Physics of light: wavelength

loqr HnrhnSh

www. Klinghardtl 26

Kt Kt^*^*h**h

Physics of light constnrctive interference

Both waves are "ia phase"-both have the R me frequency and the top and

bottom of tLe surveE coincide in time and spacc

Physics of tight: destructive interference

sarne frequency, sarrro time and sp&c, waveforms are miror image of each
other -precondition for cohenent state

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Kt ru"*"*h:HE

Physics of light the firnction of the

polarization filter

Physics of light: multiple planes of

polarization (chaotic, ambient light)


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Kt l{i"S-, ,fi,!::I*ft

,:re DecaromossrnertuNc
rnftrlrEngarn wncrrurc Stetrt
t.t c]r

an holognsches St6t6rn untar

Sfr6B. irirYrnt de Bophotonen-
strchllrrg ru. Hrer wird etw8 ber
l,5.a Mrfirto 'l(XX) ern v€rdunntes
toxrsches Ga zr4ogeben lnner
ralb ron ?00 Mrnuten st€rgt di€
PhotonenemSsron sgnirkant an
TBB 'ind srnli auch oae* *ruSSatren
der Begssung nrcht au{ ;tn ur-
sptunglrches Nrveau rurucl
Dres dautO! *ui era* irr€ve(\rbl{,
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A.R.T. testing of
biophoton emissions (stimulated with acupuncture):
making the long wavelengths visible with thermography (stomach-




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www. Klinghardtl 29

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crbglory (werr rilr)

Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, PhD

. The spiral shape of the DNA is an ideal light

sto rage arrangement, because through rhythm ic
contractions it can store and emit light.

. The DNA works together with a hierarchy of

other light active molecules and forms the network of
the "light metabolism".

www. Klingha rdtl 30 info@ klinghardti

Kt \eing',a,!1,!.::W

Biophoton Physics
a There is a coherent field of the low intensity light emissions inside the

coupling and interference of the individual cell fields forms a common
shared field in which the entire organism is embedded and
orchestrates all the functions of life

The all-connected microtubulin mesh that fills every structure in the
body and inside each cell is designed as antennae for the reception or
broadcasting of these signals

central storage container and sender of this coherent biophoton
emission in the cell is the DNA

Biophoton Field

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&urc lJ Ilrc hunan ar€rry fidd ehorring treAseurblagt Point.

www. Klinghardtl 31

Kt KL,S"d!,|::I*fr

Biophoton Emissions of the cell

a DNA sends biophotons to be received by tubulin (most abundant in

nerve cells)
a When a cell loses its coherence fthe ability to create, send or
receive coherent light), the involved physical tissue becomes
dysfunctional or ill
a Any structure or tissue that is injured or ill loses its coherent light
a The more unwell a tissue the more in-coherent the biophoton
The summation of the light emissions of all cells and tissues creates a
common shared field fbiofield) -using all physical properties of
biophotons wavelength, amplitude, scatter, sp in, co nstructive and

destructive interference, squeezing, polarization and coherence

a This common shared field carries the information and memory of all
events the organism has been exposed to and is able to access the
past, the future and any location in the universe.
a Acupuncture points and autonomic centers are both specialized light
emitting and light receiving transmitters

It is possible with A.R.T. to determine:

- which tissues have lost their coherence
- why they lost it
- what is needed to restore it

www. Klinghardtl 32 i nfo@ klingha

Kt l{ti.S-,a,j;,1.:flH7


Signal Enhancer ( SE)

The SE enhances the bio-photon emission and field of any substance placed
on it.
Two sEs will resonate with each other (talk to each other) if they are
connected via ambient room light fif they are in the same roomJ.
Placing a substance on one, the other behaves as if the substance is also
Placed on it. The transfer of the information is bi-directional.

The Signal Enhancer (SE) in A.R.T.

' The signal enhancer [SE) is made from a special high grade plastic
material with a pure perfect crystalline molecular lattice structure
' This way it amplifies but does not distort the light waves coming from
the body

www.Klinghardtl 33 info@

Kt KJ,in*^*,!::S*fr

. Any substance placed on the SE in the vicinity of the body is perceived
by the biological system as strong as if it would have been already
. If several SEs are in the same room, connected via the ambient room
light, they communicate or "resonate "with each other.
. Substances can be tested on an SE which is physically quite far away
from the client as long as a second SE is close to his/her body
. The SE also amplifies the signal from a distressed structure in the
client's body
. Using the signal enhancer- the signal is perceived by the entire
. The SE can be used in conjunction with a polarization filter to assess
and measure the clients light field [aura)

Advantages of Using the SE

. allows the practitioner to get a much clearer, "enhanced" signal from

the substance; the difference between strong and weak arm is much
Test substances fslides, ampoules etc.) do not over time become
contaminated with patient residues
the plate can convert subtle signals, such as the pictures from a
pathology book or a tiny amount of a dental material, into clear, clean
and correct muscle testing responses
a The test kits can stay far enough away from the patient to not
interfere with the diagnostic A.R.T. scan and can be reached with the
plate without having to move the test kit
a Dr. Rossaint developed a special use for the instrument. He observed,
when during the entire testing sequence of the client a dropper bottle
with alcohol and water is placed on the plate that this bottle gathers
the information worked up about this client during the exam and
treatment. It becomes the perfect remedy for this patient at this
particular time.

www. Kl inghardtl 34 info@

Kt (ling',adt,l::!#fr
The SE as Sender/Receiver Unit
a We work with 2 SEs:
one is placed on the exam table iust above the head of the

the other in the area of the treatment room where the test
kits are fnear the kits)

The one by the client's head functions as a receiver, the other as

a sender

The diagnostic items are placed on the sender SE. The signal
will be broadcasted to the receiver SE and from here into the
client's bio-field

The linear- larisation Filter olfilter

The Polfilter allows detection of body areas that have

lost their ability to polarize light (loss of coherence)

www. Klinghardtl 35 info@ klinghardti

ffi Kti,g",l;!::X*p,
Physics of light: 90 degree angle of 2 linear polarization filters

The Polarization Filter

. Any healthy living organism is emitting highly polarized light

. Light is polarized and emitted in billions of planes parallel to each
other I without touching) and aligned with the the long axis of the
body. In the healthy state the planes are in a sagittal direction. But
similar to the movements of a windshield wiper, the planes pulsate
clockwise and counter clockwise at very high speed. The
mathematical middle is seen in the picture by Alex Grey but with
A.R.T. we can also detect the width of the oscillations (opening angle)
. When a cell, group of cells, or organ is disturbed in its health, the
polarization angle changes or if things get worse, we cannot find an
open angle. The initial distortion can be clockwise or
. Chakras exist, but emit light whose plane twists as it leaves the body
. The polarization angle can be measured with a special linear polfilter
. The polfilter is a piece of glass imprinted with millions of parallel
metal non light conductive bars, that only allows light through in
millions of parallel planes (where the markings are)

www. Kl inghardtl 35 info@ klingha rdti

Kt l(ti,ga,lp,b*tr.
Assessinging Open or Blocked Regulation
If the filter is placed on the SE and the SE is in close vicinity to the
client's body, we found the following phenomena:
If the filter is placed with the grid parallel to the long axis of the
client's body, a strong arm should go weak. This indicates open
regulation. When placed on the SE, the polfilter measures the
summation of all emitted light fields in the body.
The opening angle should be around 170 degrees, the
polarization angle (mid- axis) should be 0 degrees. Any
deviations from this indicate pathology.
The first interventions during a treatment should establish
the O-axis and normal opening angle
Any substance or intervention that worsens these
parameters worsens the patients health, any intervention
that improves the parameters also improves the client's


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H.dfrry body (rm Jrord bc wlri n Hs.!r! l

We call the sum of the angles in both clockwise and counterclockwise direction the
ooplnhtrr anole (in the healthy state about 170 degrees). tf thc opcnlng anglc ls
constrlctcd, t{rcru b dTsfuncdon. Asymmctry lndlcatcs swltchhg

www. Klinghardtl 37 i nfo@ kl inghardti

Kt l{i"!',^,jy,b:#"ft
MrDA)Gt OEI/lAnol{
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fhe polarlzatlon angle is found by the opening itnoing

the mean. lt should be parallel to the long axis of the body or Ussue in
question (0 degrees). Any devlatlon lndlcatec twltchlng or other

Some Applications Using the Polfilter

Medication and food allergy testing
0pen regulation
Correct Switching
Place Polfilter on the edge of the opening angle (80 degrees in
clockwise rotation). In this position the arm should just still test
weak before becoming strong at 90 degrees. Any substance
placed on the SE that decreases the opening angle farm
becomes strong) is bad for the client
. This test usually eliminates most supplements a client is
bringing in for testing, many foods and some medications. The
results lead to often dramatic improvements in the client's

www. Klinghardtl 38 info@ klingha rdti

Kt Kti,s'^,ft!.::I*#-

Blocked Regulation
(tested with the pol filter on the SE)
oI healthy, open organism produces emanations of highly polarized
light. The plane of polarization is a sagittal plane originating in the
mid-axis of the physical body.
o I healthy cell emanates strong amplitude of highly polarized light. A
human brain neuron emits several million biophoton per second, a
rat brain only one!
. Ill cells emanate low amplitude of chaotic light
' This is the initial test to measure whether the autonomic nervous
system is functional enough to give valid muscle testing information.
It is an unusual test in that weakness is "good." That is, weakness
indicates open regulation and therefore a functioning autonomic
nervous system.

Opening Regulation With The Polfilter

Place Polfilter on SE with the long axis parallel to the client's long
axis. The strong IM should go weak, if regulation is open. If the
indicator muscle stays strong, this is called "blocked regulation"
which is another way of saying the patient's nervous system is
stressed at rest.

a Now is the fun part...finding out what is blocking the patient. To do

this, you need to figure out how to get the strong indicator muscle to
go weak again. [see the next section for ideas on what to test)

a Opening regulation
Determine the opening angle and mean axis
Correct the axis to the 0-axis
Correct the opening angle to just below L80 degrees

www. Kl ingha rdtl 39 info@ kl inghardti

Kt Kin*^*,h*fr


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o {rf*tferQb

{e;rlthy body .lrn <hor,lc b€ rteilk rq h ue Jrqa.

I cki
a When you find the patient "blocked" you have the polfilter on and
have found a strong arm. This indicates stress. To "unblock" them,
you need to find what will make the strong arm now go weak.
a Use your knowledge of the patients symptoms, labs and history and
think of the 7 factors.
a We prefer often to open regulation with acupuncture with a single
acupuncture needle ("Klinghardt handpoint#L" for women, "point#2"
for men). The points and procedure will be shown during the course.
A short needle is used. Alternatively acupressure may work, but the
effect may not last long enough for the treatment time.

www. Klinghardtl 40

Kt l{ti^S',a,jy,!:::xn
Opening Regulation with the extra Acupunchrre Points
on the Colon Meridian


If you use acupuncture, the needle direction and insertion points are
The needle direction for men is 45o towards the joint [i.e. towards the
finger tip).
For women the angle is towards the hand.

Some ideas in different categories that we find useful:

Metal Detox Agents: Chlorella, LavaVitae, Corinadolo plus, BioGarlic, Fulvic

acid, Renolo, Polmolo, Liver support, chelation support,
Herbicides: Lava Vitae, Fulvic acid, glycine, Methylation support
Foods: especially wheat and dairy...have patients bring in what they eat at
Geopathic Stress- test on the highest part of the arch of the foot fspring
ligament), pineal test with eyes closed in a dark room, geopathic water
bottle test; RayWave, Propolis plus
Interference fields: touching scars, teeth, sinuses, tonsils
Psychological: test eye movements, color or phrases, MFT tapping
TMf : use spatula for challenging vertical dimension. Use positional
challenges also (forward, backward, left, right). 2 point to the joint (vs.
muscles, ligaments)
Supplements/Treatments: buffered Vit C powder, All-in-one powder,
make a personalized vitamin/supplement test kit

www.Klinghardtl 4L i nfo@

KT K^*"*J::Hfr

Geopathic Stress:
. Diagnose and open regulation with geopathic stress test fspring
. Visualization
. Closing and covering the eyes to test biophysical stress.

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www. Klinghardtl 42 info@klinghardti

Kt K,,n!',^,!1,!.:*,*.fr

5 Easy Steps to Create a Sleeping

1. Use battery clocks near the bed- Research has shown exposure
to high magnetic fields while sleeping can cause severe long-
term illness. Many electric clocks produce high magnetic fields.
2. Turn off bedroom circuit breakers- A restful sleep is necessary
for health and a strong immune system. Electric fields affect your
bio-communications, keeping you from sleeping soundly.

www. Klingha rdtl 43 i nfo@ kl ingha

KT K!i"d.d:, l.::I*#,
3. Eliminate or shield from RF- Radio frequency (RF) signals from
portable phones, cell phones, and wireless devices have been
shown to interfere with the body's immune system.
4. Use the Stetzer filters plus earthing
5. Use beds without metal- Metal frames and metal box springs can
amplify and distort the earth's natural magnetic field, which can
lead to a nonrestful sleep. Use natural materials.
6. Make sure there are no elevated magnetic fields- Magnetic fields
from appliances and building wiring can penetrate walls into a
bedroom and disrupt the body's communication system.

Unblocking the matrix [now: interstitium) lastingly may require
several months of treatment [think chlorella, Lava vitae, KiVita,

a To unblock the client for a shorter period of time, it is often enough to

place an antidote in the client's energy field or perform a single
procedure such as MFT, APN, NT, manipulation or others.

Most time efficient: Klinghardt hand acupuncture: extra point 1 on

index finger for biological females, point 2 for biological males

When the patient has been unblocked with one issue on a particular
day he/she may show up with blocked regulation and a different
issue at the next visit.

a The most urgent problem shows up first, the less acute problems

www. Kl inghardtl 44

Kt KtinS',arjy !.::ll*fr

Neurogenic Switching
This test is a primary indicator of cortical neuronal dysregulation
[=an electric/energetic issue)
Animals, even apes cannot approximate their thumb and little finger
only humans can do this maneuver
Therefore, it is postulated that the switching test requires higher
cortical pathways in the prefrontal cortex -not found in animals
a Disturbance in these cortical pathways has been primarily associated
with focal areas or their neighboring toxic ganglia
If the patient is switched, test results will be wrong or slanted in a
non-helpful direction. Supplements tested in a client with unresolved
switching will not be helpful. Switching should be resolved early in
the treatment, definitely before permanent decisions are made

This term describes electrical chaos in the nervous system, usually caused
by electrical overload of the system and resulting shorting of the circuitry.
This originates most often from one or several interference fields [scars),
metals in mouth or jewellery, tattoos, metal implants (jaw, knee, hip, etc.),
clothing, exposure to excessive EMR
- Long term correction: removal of source. neural therapy may be needed
for the scars
- Short term correction: tapping of MFT points

Testing for Neurogenic Switching

The thumb and little finger of one hand are closed to a ring. If this
causes the IM to change, the client is "switched". The test is done on both
hands separately.
If switching is present on one side only, there is neurological
disorganization. Think scars and teeth first!
If switching is present on both sides, the
client's immune system cannot distinguish "self'
from "other" (auto-immunity)

www. Kl ingha rdtl 45 info@ klingha rdti

Kt K,n*^*,!::S*.fr
Basic Switching Test

Test a weak indicator muscle with the Polfilter on

Have the patient touch his/her thumb and little finger pads
together on one hand. Release the fingers on this hand and
then test the patient's other hand.
If one hand tests positive fweak muscle goes strong), then find
the focus (fociJ that weakens or "Z-points" the test (lf both
hands test positive, see auto-immune dysregulation test).
Tap the acute focus or related acupuncture point until the
previous muscle strength holding the single switching mode
tests weak, then treat and proceed with testing.

Bilateral Switching: Auto-Immune Dysregulation

o Switching is found on both sides when the Polfilter in

on and holding the thumb and pinl<y together on both
sides of the body causes a weak arm to go strong.
This is evidence of immune confusion with self and

a Treatments r
- Auto-sanguinous therapy (aka auto-hemo
therapy) ...instructions in manual
Making an immunotherapy remedy from saliva,
blood, urine or other body fluids and taking this
several times daily for several weeks to months.
Consid er LDI /LDA

www. Klinghardtl 46 info@klingha rdti

Kt l{tins',^,!;,!"::xg#,

All7 Factors should be tested against switching. I usually

start with these 5 f2-pointing):

clothing watches, cell phone in pocket and iewelry

acute symptoms ftonsils, sinuses, fresh injury etc.)
all scars fdon't forget vaccination areas, tattoos, earring-holes,
circumcision. Also try to test scars off the body, when the injury
was an emotionally severe dissociative eventJ
dental film fproblem somewhere in oral or sinus area)
holding of MFT points

Mental Component
Unresolved Psycho*emotional or
Spiritual Conflict I Trauma
. Diagnose with o Treat with
. Eye movements . MFT
. Color glasses . APN procedures
. Statement of . Reframe blocking
belief that blocks
the regulation
. . Hydrosols
Essential oils
. Homeo.pathics" . Flower remedies

www. Klingha rdtl 47 info@

Kt Kin*"*,bflffi

Test for Mental Switching

Roll the head to one side, the eyes to the other. If this causes the
indicator muscle to change, the patient has mental switching: she
or he has a deep self-sabotaging belie[, which is not consistent with
the conscious desire to get well.
a We check in this order: head rotations - flexion/extension - lateral
flexion fside bending).
You can check this against color glasses or phrases or remedies
like Bach flowers
Suggested sentences: fwatch for a change in the indicator muscle
while the head is to the side)....more advanced work with this is
offered in MFT weekend courses.
I am ready to be well.
I am ready to become completely well.
I am willing to be well.
I a willing to be completely well.
My body is able to be well again.
My heart, brain, liver, breast, etc., is able to heal and be well
I am able to be well again.
I am ready, willing and able to get well now.
I deserve to be well
It is safe for me to be well
It is safe for others, if I am well.

Treatments for Mental Switching

. You may test color glasses, have patient wear appropriate color
. Tap the MFT points
. Tap the MFT points and say sentence
. Do APN ( Applied Psycho-Neurobiology)
. Flower remedies, hydrosols or homeopathics. K-Sweep laser

www. Kl inghardtl 48

Kt teingarjy!::I*fr

MFT Tapping Sequence

. Speed of tapping:
The speed should counteract the client's stress state. AZ-Herzspeed
sedates the ANS which is what is needed most of the time. Faster speeds
accelerate the client's state, slower speeds slow down. The ANS mimics
internally the speed of the tapping fbrain wave entrainment). [n general,
tap slower than your natural instinct to do so.

. Strength of tapping:
Light taps activate, strong taps sedate. The tapping should always be
strong enough so the client can hear their own tap [by bone conduction).
When strong feelings are activated, strong tapping is required.

. Rhythm:
The tapping rhythm should contradict the momentary feelings of the
client. Sadness is neutralized with a slow waltz rhythm, fatigue with a
faster lighter rhythm, and anger with a slower rhythm. In general, a
waltz rhythm is suitable for most occasions.

. The number of taps:

For most occasions 3 bars of the rhythm used are sufficient. If a waltz is
used, 3 bars equals 9 taps. lf a 4/4 rhythm is used, 3 bars equals 12
taps. For certain applications, longer sequences are recommended. If a
painful area is tapped, the tapping continues until the pain eases. This
may take minutes. In depression or when special selective points are
tapped (tapping prescription) we tap each point 33 seconds fabout 66

www. Kl inghardtl 49 i nfo@ klingha rdti

Kt Kin*^*,bffi
Applications of MFT Tapping in A.R.T.:
. Opening regulation: test MFT areas against blocked regulation. If
an area opens, tap for 33 seconds.
. Switching: find MFT area that corrects switching, tap for 33 seconds
. Main blocking area in Broeckel scan fpriority): find MFT area that
unblocks organ. Hold organ and tap MFT area for 33 seconds
. Main area in body scan: hold area and tap associated MFT area for
33 seconds
. Allergy elimination: hold allergen (on the SE) and tap all MFT areas
20 times each. Patient has to hum during procedure and stay still for
a few minutes afterwards
. Emotions that come up during treatment [i.e. after Neural Therapy
intervention): tap MFT points until emotion changed to joy

CfOWn Gouvernor tg-2t ors agittol suture.

Relationship: Brain

www. Klinghardtl 50

Kt lQi^!',,!;!3:!#:fi
Uooer half of the orblt (rEye brow")
Blodder 7 and 2, extropoints ond full orgon representation in
the other points. Relotionship: Blodder/Kidney. Old or fresh

I tt.

ffi bI
*lF t
, 1. :

qEil"tr ...1

Tem le o ollblodder 7
The croniolly-focing periosteum of the zygomotic arch. Top
with oll fingers. The little finger should be ot the ongle of
the eye. Relotionship: Detox function of the liver/
gallblodder, oncestry

www. Klingha rdtl 51 info@ klingha

Ki K,"*^*J::HE

Llnea N Suogrlor Gouvemor 7, l

dollbladder 79, Blodder 9). lmmediotely behind the uppr eor
oll the wdy to midline. lB obout 4 cm obwe the lower nuchol
line, where sfr trr3sues of the neck ond the bone of the scull
meet. Relotionship: bollder, kidney, gollbladder, liver

r '..i,i

Stomach Line stomach 1

The vertial pupillory line wer the moxillory sinus: tlrc thumbfolls naturolly
loterolly of tfr- other ftngen ond tops ,smoll intestine 78'. Relotionship:
stomach, dudenum, grounding (lightening rd of ttrc body)

www. Klinghardtl 52 info@

K{ Ktin!',",!;,b::1,*#.

Gotternor 26 ond the oanpuncture pcinB of the uppcr te,1dl,.
oll ftngen top tln teefi thrwgh the ctwk One of the linle fingen tops
pint in midlirc half woy betwen nose ond upper lip
Relotionship: oll orgons, joints atd tissues

Conception Vessel 24 ond dentol ocugtncture pints of the lower jow
Relotionship: oll orgons, joints ond tissues

www. Klinghardtl 53

KT Ki"*^*,bffi

Spleen Llne (Spleen 21+)


Thym us line and Kidnev 27

The thymus is behind the upper end of the sternum. Kidney 27 is in the dip
just bebw the clovido ond adfucent to the upper sternum. Top
v i go rw sly I Re I oti on sh i p : kidn ey, tra u mo, i m m u n esyste m ( ret rov i ro I

- !l

n t
z 6li * ! r.,
,* i*;.

a. \

www.Klinghardtl 54 i nfo@ klinghardti

Kt l(tinfi,a,jy,b:#fr

ffia hand polnte

l-argt intestine: lxrth rndex-t-lnger srdes olthe hands are tapped together to strmulate tlre largc lntcsfine
ntendian. This cirn be the tmportent [.' step in u$Utlqbrng a chenr.

ExEe hand polnts

Smdl htestine: both little finger sides of the hnnds are tryped together. This can be used ss the 2,d step in
ggil1lgbg&or as I quick fix for rapid interventions. This tapping area is also used in the treatment of
deprcssion (33 seconds or 66 times).

www. Kl ingha rdtl 55 info@ klinghardti

Kt l{;ngta,l;,!.::Hfr

Practice testing for blocked regulation and switching

and use MFT tapping and the 7 factors to unblock and
correct switching

The A.R,T. Body Scan

Therapy Localization

1. The next step in A.R.T. is the testing of the organs in a down going
brain in 3 places: front, top, back
small intestine
large intestine
pelvic floor

2.The second step is the testing of scars, teeth, sinuses, ears, joints

3. The third step is the testing of the client's symptomatic areas

Each step of the entire procedure is done twice: first in the Broeckel
modus [pol filter on) and then in the straight modus (polfilter offJ.

www.Klinghardtl 56 info@ kl inghardti

Kt (ling,adt,lXyffi

Biofeedback Enhanced Physical Exam Chart

Fpntal orbx'
Frontal dnu8og'
(@ EerE'
Teeth' v, Maxlllary dnu8oo'

Rlht lung'
(lung 2) Left lung'
(lurp 2)

Uvef Stomacfi

Largg intestno
uterus or prostabo
Bldtler (under gblc bone)'

Pineal (E.O.P)
O' Adrenals
(tW rellex-
tlypohahnus (G\r2l) o 1'olcr g|i?.
abow umblllaafl
AnErior& Poeterlor
HUttrry -Noss bmak

www. Kl inghardtl 57 i nfo@klingha rdti

f.'T (lin!-,ad;,1^::I*:fi

(when multiple areas test stressed or when 2 pointing occurs)

1. Hold middle finger and thumb of one hand on acupuncture

points K27, then both areas are retested.
- The one that is still changing the IM is the cause
- The one that disappeared is the effect
- If both disappear, one has to search for the third area, which caused
both problems.

2. both areas are gently percussed for 20 seconds.

- The area that still tests stressed is the priority
- The lesser priorities will no longer test as stressed

Clinical Tips to 2 Point Against Detected Interference


Brain: dental film (teeth and jaw bone), metal box [toxic metals),
electro galvanism, 2-point to kidney and thyroid, eye-movement,
fish-oil, viral test kit, zinc, amino acids and neurotransmitters. Lyme
slides. MicroPhos, Coriandolo, Polmolo, Retroviruses

a Thyroid: Z-point to brain and to cervical spine, esp. sympathetic

ganglia, and minerals: iodine, selenium, lithium and zinc, copper,
amino-acids ftyrosine), thyroid hormones, teeth, retroviruses, RetroV
powder, KiVita

a Chest/Lung: Polmolo, silica, aluminium, Pleomorphic remedies, TB

and avian TB, homeopathics, antibiotics, cigarettes, ascaris, NAC,
lungworm (pyrantel pamoate, ivermectin, Pekana Helminth, Mimosa)

a Heart: dental film (wisdom teeth), eye movements, Lyme slides

vitamins: folinic acid, vit.E, carnitine, vit.C, magnesium, vit.B12,86,
aspirin, CoQ10

www. Klingha rdtl 58 i nfo@

K{ l(ti^g.a,j;!::Igfr
Clinical Tips to 2 Point Against Detected Interference
Fields (continued...)
a Small intestine: foods, parasites, Megasporebiotic, glutamine,
dental film, pancreatic enzymes, wisdom tooth extraction site,
rizol oils,
a Large intestine: foods, dental film, parasites, coffee enema and
MMS, sodium bicarb. digestive enzymes, butyrate enemas,
MegaSPoreBiotic, Bravo supp.

Kidney: Renolo, Chlorella, Renalix, Arginine, metal kit, Solidago,
electrolytes, phosphorus, K2, foods (wheat), water(s), minerals

a Skin: dental film, metal kit [nickel allergy, etc), foods,, MSM,
homeopathic sulfur, 2 point to kidney, homeopathic test kit,
Lyme disease, viruses, sleeping location (biophys. and geopathic

Liver: liver support tincture, castor oil packs, coffee enemas,
dandelion, globe artichoke tincture, taurine (bile!), iv. Vit C, i.v.
Hepa Merz, i.v. alpha lipoic acid, maxillary sinus (2-pt), dental
film, foods,, i.v. glutathione, milk thistle, heavy metals

Gallbladder: foods, parasites, oils, hormones, Ursodiol

a Prostate: broccoli sprout extract, metals, foods, dental film, zinc,

lycopene, progesterone, testosterone, saw palmetto, appendix/hernia
scar, cancer slides, bowel pathogens, fungal toxins, rectal ozone,
Bravo supp, Nexus sup

Stomach: dental films, foods, HCL, sodium-bicarb., BLZfbetaine,
helicobacter pylori, Inositol,, bitters, vit C powder

Cervix: Folic acid, vit.A, EPA/DHA, appendix/hernia scar), potassium
iodide [ovarian cysts)

www. Klingha rdtl 59 i nfo@ kl ingha rdti

Kt Ki,*^*,!:fl*.#,
a Metals and parasites
2-point to individual teeth or jaw areas
colloidal silver (Ag23 spray)
2 point to liver and stomach and back
fungal toxins (LavaVitae)
H pylori or Lyme disease
toxic exposure at home fstachybotrys or other molds)
a MARConS- treat with Megasporebiotic nasally

a a
The Sinus '<'.c-1,, t*#f\
Pattern a
a^-,\a a
f\r /\
L <:---;' L

.l _./"
. The middle of the forehead at the hair line
. Above each pupil midway between eyebrow and the hairline
. Each superior palpebral fissure
. The bridge of the nose between eyes
. Each side of bridge of nose between eyes
. Each side at base of the nasal bone where it intersects with the
. Each side at the uppermost aspect of the nasal bone where it
intersects with the nasal bridge
. Each site two finger breaths below the lateral canthus of eye
. Each side where the nasal labial fold intersects a horizontal line
drawn where the upper lip meets the nose
. On each hand at the intersection of lines drawn down thumb and
index finger
. On each side , one finger breath lateral to the middle of occiput, and
one finger breadth up and in the middle of last two shots

www. Klinghardtl 60 info@ klinghardti

Kt l(li"$',",j1,!::I*fr
Routine Test

With the examining hand on the organ/structure, Polfilter on the

signal enhancer (SE), SE in the position on the exam table at the top of
the client's head
1. B-scan with Polfilter in O-position
2. B-Scan with Polfilter in marginal position at the edge of the
opening angle [almost 89 degrees), first in clockwise marginal
position, then in counter-clockwise position

The B-Scan
Testing for primary interference fields
a All tests [blocked regulation, switching, test for organs, scars and
other interference fields) are performed with the Polfilter in the O-
position. The arm should remain weak if things are o.k. When a
test is performed that makes the indicator muscle go strong it
has caused blocked regulation. Whatever was tested is a major
The B-scan makes hidden severe interference fields easily visible and
a The scan applies to the testing of all scars, teeth, potential
interference fields, ill organs and joints. It also applies to testing of
nutritional substances.
The scan also applied to the diagnostic portion of A.R.T.
Place slide or substance on SE.
B-scan: does it cause blocked regulation? If yes, you know that
substance is bad for the patient

www. Klingha rdtl 51 i nfo@ klingha

Kt K;"*"*l::#fr
The A.R.T. Flow Chart

Page I of 2
Flow Chart ART - I

Regulatlon (wlth pol filter) Strong Arm

Weak Arm

Open Blocked

Treat 7 Factors 7 Factors

(which opcns?)



Neurogenic Swltchlng (wlth pol filter)

No Switchlng Swltching

I cldad - thlnk 2 sldcd - think

tooth or scar autoimmunc


Clear Swltchl
liental Mental Trcet with sclt limltcd
Swltchlng Swttching bcllcf rtetcmcnt, color
{-f (+) or llowcr rcrncdlcr

Organ + focus scan (wlth pol fllter)

www. Klingha rdtl 62

Kt KtinS.,^,,!p,h:Hft

Flow Chart ART - | Page 2 of 2

(Broeckel Scan Contlnued wlth pol fllterf

Weak Arm Open Blocked

ng Arm

Tcst 7 Factors
{which opcnr?}

Treat ufi


Organ + Focus Scan (w/out pol filter)

Positive Fin<ling
Organ distress or active foci Negative

Test 7 Factors



c Nervous System: Clear Strong Arm (wtout pot filter)

Yin Statg SCan: Find substances or interventions that

Ellch or deepen yln state(csuse weak arm without pol ftlterf

Supplements, medlcatlons, herbs, homeopathlcs, colors, essenfial olls, scars,

Teeth, geopathlc test, Jaw, sye.movements (PK), detox agents, foods, etc.


End of Treatment ART - II

(arm weak/yln state)

www. Klingha rdtl 63 info@ kl ingha

Kt r<:,i^*"*,!::Hft
Demo of B-Scan, followed by practice

Allergy Testing

Testing for Compati bility

a We define the word allergy liberally. There are four reactions that
we include in our definition of allergy:
IgE, IgG etc. mediated true antigen-antibody related allergic
biochemical consequences or digestive reactions. Example:
sugar prevents the absorption of several crucial nutrients. A
positive allergy test in out system may mean that the client is
not truly allergic to sugar but the biochemical consequences are
not tolerated by the organism
ANS stress reactions (ie. tachycardia, sweating etc)
emotional stresses reactions (fear, phobia)

Testing for Allergies

a Against blocked regulation: finding the primary allergens
Polfilter is in 1-position on signal enhancer (SE).
Place substance on signal enhancer. Indicator muscle may stay
weak (regulotion remoins open) or may become strong (=blocked
regulation). If there is o change, the substance is not well
tolerated, distributed or metabolized by the organism.
These allergens have to be avoided strictly for 6 weeks, then can
often be consumed twice/week
Advanced test (for odvanced practitioners. Essential for dentol
materials and long term medication): turn Polftlter to the edge of
the opening angle - where regulation is just still open (usually
around BS degrees clockwise). If o mild allergen is tested in this
woy, the indicator muscle will still indicate blocked regulation,
Nothing is missed in this position (great sensitivity), but may over
diagnose problems

www. Kl inghardtl 64 i

Kt Ktn*^*,1::IH*,
a Against a strong indicator muscle without polfilter (secondary
Ploce one indexftnger (tip) on the vagal ganglia (one side only).
Ploce food on SE and test. A weak indicator muscle signals stress
in either system (sympathetic or porasympathetic)
These allergens can be desensitized (NAET or other procedure)
and are usually well tolerated afterwards,

The Organ and Focus Scan

This is essentially repeating a full body scan without the Polfilter
a You now have a starting position as a strong arm and you are looking
for things that cause the arm to go weak
f ust as you did with the B-scan, you then check those against MFT

tapping or the 7 factors until the arm regains its strength

Demo of Allergy testing, organ and focus scan and direct resonance,
followed by practice

The Yin State

. Whenever a profound intervention has been experienced by the
client's system, the organism may go into a deep healing state. In this
state, the brain rhythm slows down and the parasympathetic nervous
system becomes more active then the sympathetic.
. In Chinese Medicine this state is referred to as "yin"state.
' Whenever an indicator muscle goes weak during treatment several
possibilities exist:
direct resonance with a substance on the SE
allergic or untoward reaction
yin state.
. Everything that did not block before is retested by placing it on the SE
(not using the polfilter). If it causes a weak indicator muscle, a yin
state mudra is placed into the client's energy field and the IM should
become strong.
. Often more then one yin mudra is needed. The more yin mudras are
needed, the better the substance for the body. This way
everything can be quantified precisely.

www. Kl ingha rdtl 55 i nfo@ klinghardti

K{ lirin*"*,!::Hfr
Published Articles (A.R.T. and Neural Therapy)
"Integrative Medicine Approach to Pediatric Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder and
Anxiety: A Case Report"
Global Adv Health Med. 2015;5(l):117-LZL.DOl:10.7a53/9ahmj.2015.091; D.Chung et
From the text:
Testing: Autonomic response testing (A.R.f.) fef.9-11) was performed to determine the
targets of therapy and guide which areas of the body and ear acupuncture points should be
treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLD. A.R.T. was positive for wheat, barley, and rye
(gluten sensitivity), lead, mercury, and Entamoeba.
From the conclusion:
However, given the remarkable improvement in this usually recalcitrant condition, we
believe our findings justify further investigation of integrative medicine treatment

"The Use of Autonomic Response Testing and the 5 Phases Paradigm to Identify
Unresolved Feelings in Patients with Mood Disorders"
21 N0. 43;Tracy L. Brobyn, MD, FAAFP, and Myung Kyu Chung, MD

From the text: We use a form of opplied kinesiology called Autonomic Response Testing
@.R.f.), as described by Dietrich Klinghardt, whereby disruption in the patient's
sympathetic nervous system is detected by a change in the patient's muscle tone. (ref 4).
Using A.R.T. we can determine which unresolved feelings are present and at whot age those
feelings developed, often leading to the identification of a triggering life evenL ln most
patients with a mood disorder, a positive A.RT. response is found when certain
acupuncture points are polpated in a given disrupted meridian.
A.R.T. revealed dysregulation corresponding to the patient's time in utero. The patient's
mother only then recalled the facts regarding the patient's gestation. The patient was
apparently one in a set of triplets; however, due to complicotions, one of the fetuses was
selectively aborted. Consequently, the patient witnessed the demise of her sibling in utero
while a fetus. Remarkably, once this was discovered, the patient did well with further
treatment. With this technique, a patient's unresolved and repressed emotional traumas
can be immediately addressed in the context of psychotherapy.

Altern Ther Health Med. 20LB |an 15. pii: AT5703. [Epub ahead of print]
Autonomic Response Testing Compared With Immunoglobulin E Allergy Panel

www. Klinghardtl 55

Kt K,^*^*,!::l;ffi
How Do You Deactivate PainfulScars in Your Pradice?
MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE; Volume 28, Number 3,2016; Patrick f . LaRiccia, Myung Kyu
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1 0 89 / acu.20L6.29023.cp1
DOI : 10.

Abstract: We describe ART as qn alternative assessment method thal in our opinion,

is easier to learn and requires less time to perform than the VAS (RAC). This method
combines auricular acupuncture and an applied kinesiology (AK) technique known as
autonomic response testing (ARD. Instead of using the VAS to choose auricular
acupuncture points, the ART technique utilizes the deltoid muscle strength of a surrogate
as the indicator to help determine: (L) if a scar is abnormal; (2) if it affects a particular
area of the body; (3) if treating the scar could improve the patient's condition with respect
to the presenting complaint; and (4) where the effective treatment point on the ear is for
treating the presenting complaint. This opproach can frequently lead to an immediate
change in a patient's clinical condition (i.e. decreasing pain, increasing range of motion,
and increasing strength). ART is especially useful for addressing musculoskeletal pain and
sports injuries. We have had multiple successes using this technique with National Football
League (NFL) players and other athletes. We have also had multiple successes treating
low-back pain related to Cesarean section scqrs. ART is a form of AK developed by
Dietrich Klinghardt,lvID, PhD, and Louisa Williams, ND, DC;

"Neural Therapy"
I Neurol Orthop Med Surg (1993) L4:1-09-ll4


Abstract. Neural Therapy is a treatment system for chronic pain and illness. It involves the
injection of local anaesthetics into autonomic ganglia, peripheral nerves, scars, glands,
trigger points, and other fr'ssues. lt is believed to act through normalizing the illness-
related dysfunction of the nervous system. Even though certain Neural Therapy procedures
are widely used in the U.S. (regional anoesthesia, epidural injections, trigger-point
injections), Neural Therapy as a comprehensive healing system is virtually unknown to
most practitioners. In Europe's German speaking countries it has become one of the most
widely used modalities in the treatment of chronic pain. Four theories will be discussed
which can explain the dramatic effects that the neural therapy injection can have on the
patient's illness or pain.
Key Words: Neural Therapy-Chronic pain-Autonomic nervous system.

www. Klingha rdtl 69 i nfo@

K{ xri"*^*l::I*fr

Literature on Muscle Testing relevant to A.R.T.

. Klinghardt, Dietrich ART Manuals I, II & lll,lnstitute of Neurobiology,lgg3
. Klinghardt, D.: "The autonomic nervous system in dentistry" literature
compilation, Inst of Neurobiology
. Klinghardt, Dietrich, MD., Ph.D and Williams, Louisa, D,C., ND.; published paper
"Neuralkinesiology", Explore! 1993
. Klinghardt, D.: "Amalgam Toxicity Handbook" 1994 - review of significant
published papers on the issues involved, Inst of Neurobiology
. On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing: a literature review,
Scott C Cuthbert and George I Goodheart fr Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2OO7,
1 5 :4 doi: 1 O.1186 I 17 46-13 40 -15 -4

Link between ART and muscle tension:

. Sympathetically induced development of tension in jaw muscles: the possible
contraction of intrfusal muscle fibres. M Passatore, C. Grassiand C, M, Filipi
European Journal of Physiology 1985; 405:297-304
. Leisman, G., Shambaugh, P. & Ferentz. A. H. (1989) Somatosensory evoked
potential changes during muscle testing. International Journal of Neuroscience. 45,
143- 15 1.
. Leisman, G.. Zenhausem. R., Ferentz,,4.. Tefera. T. & Zemcov, A. [1995)
Electromyographic effects of fatigue and task repetition on the validity of
estimates of strong and weak muscles in applied kinesiology muscle-testing
procedures. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 80, 953 -977.
. Perot, C., Meldener, R., Gouble, F. Objective Measurement of Proprioceptive
Technique Consequences on Muscular Maximal Voluntary Contraction During
Manual Muscle Testing Agressologie. 1997; 32(10):47 L-47 4
. Lawson , A. & Calderon, L. (1997) Interexaminer agreement for applied
kinesiology manual muscle testing. Perceptual and llotor Ski//s, 84,539-546.
. Walter H Schmitt f r DC DIBAK and Gerry Leisman MD Ph D Correlation's Of
Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing Findings With Serum Immunoglobulin Levels
for Food Allergies International Journal of Neuroscience, L998, Vol.96[3-4)z 237 -
. Caruso, W., Leisman, G. The Clinical Utility of Force /Displacement Analysis of
Muscle Testing in Applied Kinesiology.lnternational Journal of Neuroscience.
200L;106: L47-L57.
. Monti, D., Sinnott. f., Marchese, M., Kunkel, E., Greeson, f. Muscle Test
Comparisons of Congruent and Incongruent Self-Referential Statements.
Perceptual and Motor Skr/Is. 1999, BB:1019-1028.
. FRESE. E.. BROWN, M.. & NORTON. B.l. (1987) .Clinical reliability of manual
muscle testing. Physical Therapy. 57. lO72-L07 6.
. Grossi, I.A. ( 1981) Effects of an applied kinesiology technique on quadriceps
femoris muscle isometric strength. Physical Therapy, 6L(7), 1 0 1 1 - 10 1 6.
. Haas M. Peterson D. Hoyer D, Ross G. The reliability of muscle testing response to
a provocative Vertebral challenge.Journal of Manipulation of Physiological
Therapeutics. L993 ; 5 :95- 100.

www. Kl inghardtl 70 i nfo@ kl ingha rdti

Kt l{tinga,!1,b:I*#
a Haas M. Peterson D. Hoyer D, Ross G. Muscle Testing Response to Vertebral
challenge and spinal manipulation. Journal of Manipulotion of Physiological
Th erap eutics.l993 ; 5 (3) : 1a 1 - 1 aB
a HSIEH. C. Y., & PHILLIPS, R. B. (1990) Reliability of manual muscle testing with a
computer- ized dynamometer. /o urnal of Manipulation of Physiological
Therapeutics. 1.3, 7 2-82.
facobs, G.E. Applied Kinesiology: An Experimental Evaluation By Double Blind

Methodology. Iournal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics. 1981;

a Leisman, G. Limb Segment Information Transmission Capacity./ournal of
M a ni pu lative and Physi olog ical Therap eutics. 7989 ;L2(l):3 -9.
o Leisman, G., Koch, P.A. Cybernetic Model of Psychophysiologic Pathways: I.
Control Functions. Journal of Manipulative ond Physiological Therapeutics. 1989;
a Leisman [1989) Cybernetic model of psychophysiologic pathways: n.
Consciousness of tension and kinesi ology. J ournal of Ma nipulative a nd
Physiological Therapeutics, L2(3), t7 4-191.
Leisman, G. Cybernetic Model of Psychophysiologic Pathways: III. Impairment of
Consciousness of Effort and Kinesthesia. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
T h e rap euti c s. 1989 ; I2(4) :257 -2 65.
Leisman, G., Vitori, R. Limb Segment Information Transmission Capacity Infers
Integrity of Spinothalamic Tracts and Cortieal Visual-Motor Control. Internatianal
Journal of Neuroscience. 1990;50:1 75- 183.
o Marino" M., Nicholas,l.A., Gleim, G., Rosenthal, P., Nicholas) S.J. The Efficacy of
Manual assessment of Muscle Strength Using a New Device. American Journal of
Spo rts M edici ne. 1,982; lO: 360-3 64.
a Nicholas, f. A., Sapega, A., Kraus, H., Webb, f.N. .Factors Influencing Manual Muscle
Tests in Physical Therapy./o urnal of Bone and Joint surgety. 1978;60A: 185-190.
a Nicholas, f. A., Melvin. M. & Saraniti. A. I. (1980) Neurophysiologic inhibition of
strength following tactile stimulation of the skin. Ihe American Journal of Sports
Medicine, 8(3), 18 1-186.
a Perot, c.. Goubel. F. & Meldener, R. ( 1986) Quantification of the inhibition of
muscular strength following the application of a chiropractic maneuver. f .
Biophysique et de Biomecanique, 32(10),47 l- 47 4.
o Rybeck, C. H. & Swenson. R. (1980) The effect of oral administration of refined
sugar on muscle strength. /ouma/ of Manipu/ative and Physiologic Therapeutics,
3(3). 15s-151.
a Scopp, A. ( 1978) An experimental evaluation of kinesiology in allergy and
deficiency disease diagnosis. /o urnal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 7 (2),137 -8.
a Triano, l.l. (L982) Muscle strength testing as a diagnostic screen for
supplemental nutrition therapy: a blind study./ournal of Manipulative and
Physi olo g i cal The rap eutic s, 5, 17 9.

The contents of this document are @Copyright of Dr Dietrich Klinghardt and Klinghardt
Education Limited.
Copying or distributing any information contained in this is strictly prohibited.

www, Klingha rdtl 7t info@ kl ingha rdti

KT l{;"!-,a,ft,!::H.#.

Product Recommendations for Treatment

Please see our advice sheet for fufther information on the products, dosage instructions. All products are
developed by Dr Klinghardt in conjunction with Daniela Deiosso and sold by Ki Science (

Mercury - I Chlorella pyrenoidosa a Chlorella vulgaris I Coriandolo Plus
Aluminium/Lead etc tr Lava Vitee ZeqIte tr Polmolo
Glyphosate I Chlorella vuloaris D Austrian Peat I Glycine
Additional Support tr lonic Footbath

lnfections (Viral and Bacterial)

Retro-V n Retro-V Powder or tr Retro-V Tincture I Broccoli powder n Cistus tea
Lyme & Colnfections I Ki Vita tr Astra Smile tr Japanese Knotweed
tr Sweet Annie n Hyalu ronic Acid tr Lyme & Co Multi Powder
All lnfections tr Cistus tea tr Cistus Tincture I Sweet Stevie
tr Bio Garlic I Propolis Plus I Complete Ascorbate Powder
tr Artemesia forte n ViralSupport Powder
Tonsils, Throat, Sinus, Strep n Strep Support ! Argentyn za tr Meqaspore Biotic
tr (Hypochlorus) tr Circulation Cream
HOCL n Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Bartonella tr LiposomalCalendula
!mmune System Dysregulation tr K2 Auto-Urine (double switching)
Mould and Parasites tr Rizole Gamma (Milder) ! Rizole Kappa (Stronqer) n Lava Vitae

Organ Support
Kidneys tr Renolo tr Coriandolo Plus
Lungs I Polmolo I Coriandolo Plus
Liver Ll Ltver 5 uooort n Detox Support Powder
Brain tr Gin Flow n Ki Brain I Microphos
Stomach/Gut tr Digest (Ki Digest) tr Enteric Support Powder tr Megaspore Biotic
tr Austrian Peat
Thyroid tr Purslane I E-Shield Cream ! Raywave
Pancreas tr Enteric Support Powder fl Meqa Biotic

Kryptopyrolluria KPU (common in Lyme, coinfections and trauma) and MineralSupplementation
core r
tr s core n Ki Lyte KiGold !
Stress/Anxiety/Withdrawal I
Scutellaria (Lateriflora)
lnsomnia tr Sleeo Suooort tr Propolis Plus (Melatonin) I Scutellaria (Lat)
Children D All in one nutrient

Geopathic Stress, WlFl and EMF Sensitivity D Raywave n E-Shield Cream

To make any re Lioosomal tr Mic rophos

www. Klinghardtl 72 i

a a J,l a

The Physical Body

1. Structural lmbalances
Poor occlusion, spinal subluxations, facial adhesions, poorly healed injuries

2. Biochemical NeedslDeficiencies
Hormones, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-factors, water, oxygen, hydrogen

3. Toxins
Microbial endo-and exotoxins, man-made chemicals, heavy metals, metabolic waste,
senescent cells

Ihe Energy Body

4. Biophysical Stress
Microwave from cell-phone broadcasting or smart meter, household currents and fields,
ground current, light pollution from computers, cell-phones, CFLs and fluorescent lights,
magnetic fields, geopathic stress from mother earth

5. Food, Environmental and Emotional "Allergies"

With immediate change in exclusion zone water, brain wave and autonomic nervous system
activity followed by secondary level L phenomena such as cytokine and mast cell activation -
and tertiary adrenal hormone secretion

6. Bioelectric "Energetic" Perturbances

Active scars with frictional electric discharges, metal implants in jaw or joints, charge build-up
in spinal membranes and fascia, misfiring of autonomic and spinal ganglia, dissimilar metals in
dental restorations, body implants, tattoos and piercings

7 The Higher Bodies

Unresolved emotional and mental traumata and conflicts from the personal biography

Unresolved ancestral traumata and conflicts, curses and thought-field influences, carry-over of
traumata and conflicts from past lives and pre-life realities

Guiding and correcting influences from the source that may be perceived as illness, accident
or fate

Energy & Wellness Anthro-biology
Ki is the Japanese word for Vital Energy, and Science is the discovery of the
natural laws. Anthro-biology is the correlation between man and the universe.

Ki Science Range
Ki Science was founded by Dr. Klinghardt's partner in life Daniela Deiosso
in order to provide the purest high-quality tinctures to support
Dr. Klinghardt's medicine and encourage ethical solutions
for today's illnesses.
Ki Science products are formulated and regularly tested
by Dr. Klinghardt and Daniela to ensure best quality.
They are bio-dynamically produced,
handcrafted and harvested without the use
of chemicals or machinery.
Plants are transformed into precious
mother tinctures beyond organic
quality following Dr. Klinghardt's
careful guidance.


- - o

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