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Applied Nanoscience


Characterization of pellets manufactured from plant waste and farm

waste residues blended with distillery sludge as a prospective
alternative fuel source
Charles David1 · Jerusha Ganduri1 · Venkataraghavan Ragunathan2 · Rajamohan Natarajan3 

Received: 3 June 2021 / Accepted: 19 July 2021

© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2021

The conversion of agro-residues to value added products is a potential opportunity for all agrarian countries. This study
involves the utilization of agro-waste sourced from farmlands, and plant foliage waste collected from university premises,
both blended with the distillery sludge in a ratio of 1:1 to prepare pellets. The pellet samples were tested with proximate
analysis and ultimate analysis. The gross calorific value of the coal sample was 8967.23 kcal/kg, whereas the plant waste
and sludge blend sample indicated a value of 7121.70 kcal/kg. The pellets produced from farm waste and sludge showed a
value of 8621.334 kcal/ kg which is close to the gross calorific value of coal. The burning rate of the pure coal was found
to be the highest with a value of 0.156 mg/min, followed by a mixture of farm waste and sludge with 0.129 mg/min and a
blend of plant waste and sludge with 0.00745 mg/min, respectively. This research highlights the possibility of converting
distillery sludge, plant waste, and farm waste into alternate fuel source.

Keywords  Farm waste · Biomass residue · Distillery sludge · Calorific value

Introduction tops, corncobs, stover, grain husks, and wood stubbles. Agri-
cultural stubble burning majorly contributes to the deple-
Global urbanization and industrialization is the major tion of ambient air quality (Venkataraman et  al. 2018).
cause for various environmental pollutions. Air pollution Stubble burning emits various greenhouse gases which
deteriorates the air quality due to excess amounts of pol- affect the health of humans and the content of air (Feldstein
lutants, namely lead, carbon monoxide, particulate matter et al. 2012). It leads to severe health issues, namely asthma
­(PM2.5, ­PM10), sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ozone and bronchitis and reduces lung functioning (Golshan and
(Brunekreef and Holgate 2002). Many developing countries, Faghihi 2002). Clearing the farm wastes by field-burning
namely India and African countries, are worst affected by leads to a major loss of nutrients and severely damages the
poor air quality (Cohen et al. 2017). Great advancements fertility of the topsoil. The burning of farm wastes can sig-
in the field of agriculture have resulted in increased yield nificantly affect the soil microbiome (Kumar et al. 2019).
of various cash crops and adversely generate huge amounts In India, during harvest season, the field-burnings are
of farm waste.These wastes include paddy straw, sugarcane prominent. Due to the high demand for alcoholic products,
molasses-based distillery industries are known to generate
dark, thick, and high-strength wastewater leading to soil and
* Rajamohan Natarajan water pollution (David et al. 2020). The wastewater released from these industries is close to 40 × ­1010 L (Chowdhary
1 et al. 2018). This distillery spent wash possesses high chemi-
Department of Biotechnology, Centre of Excellence,
Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, cal oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand
Vadlamudi, Guntur 522213, Andhra Pradesh, India (BOD) values (Chowdhary et  al. 2017). When treated,
Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C. Tech Campus, the distillery wastewater generates sludge, which leads to
Anna University, Chennai 600025, Tamil Nadu, India severe ecological imbalance and toxicity (Satyawali and
Faculty of Engineering, Sohar University, PC:311 Sohar, Balakrishnan 2008). The distillery sludge can be suitably
Oman modified and used as an alternative source of fuel. Studies

Applied Nanoscience

have reported the use of farm wastes rich in lignocellulosic The farm wastes were collected from the nearby farmlands
material as eco-friendly coal. These lignocellulosic materi- in Vadlamudi village. All sorts of plant residues that are
als possess a calorific value of 28.2 MJ/kg, fixed carbon con- taken were dried, powdered, sieved, and used. All these sam-
tent of 74.6%, the moisture content of 6.3%, and ash content ples were mixed in required ratios before processing.
of 1.4% (Manyuchi et al. 2019). Recently, studies on briquet-
ting have been attracting keen attention. Different types of Experimental design
biomass are blended at high pressure to impart more effec-
tiveness and mechanical strength to pellets (Sun et al. 2014). The raw samples taken are Coal (C), Distillery Sludge (S),
Studies have reported the use of sewage sludge in cement the samples of plant waste mixed with distillery sludge
industries with a yielded energy of 8.7 MJ/kg that describes (P:S), and farm waste mixed with distillery sludge (F:S)
the potential application (Werle et al. 2015). Sludge from combined at a ratio of 50:50. This ratio was considered suit-
various industries, namely food, textile, and oil mills can able based on the study mentioned (Kim et al. 2017). The
be blended in several proportions (Silva et al. 2014). Pel- notation of the samples is given in Table 1.
lets, unlike coal, are renewable, carbon-based, and possess
high-calorific energy that finds application in various indus- Material characterization
tries (Mitchual et al. 2013). A recent study has reported the
use of fecal-char pellets for heating purposes (Ward et al. The proximate characteristics were carried out by calcu-
2014). The characterization of manufactured pellets is to be lating the moisture content (M) (Aylmer and Rowe 1984),
tested for calorific value, ash content, moisture content, fixed ash content (A) (Aylmer and Rowe 1984), volatile matter
carbon content, and Thermogravimetric analysis (Oliveira (V), and fixed carbon (F) (Warne 1991) using the standard
et al. 2017). This technology not only promotes the energy method IS 1350 part 1, 1984. For determination of moisture
recovery from waste sludge disposed of out of an industry content, a hot air oven (REMI, India) was used, wherein
but also compromises the demand for coal. This technol- the pre-weighed sample of about 2.5 g was taken in a Petri-
ogy is uncommon; however, the use of cow dung, starch, plate and kept at 120 °C for 24 h, following which it was
and oil mill waste is most practiced (Rezania et al. 2016). weighed again and the values noted. For the ash content
The novelty associated with this research is the feasibility analysis ,2.5 g of the sample was kept in a crucible at room
studies on blending the organic wastes with distillery sludge temperature and the heat increased to 815 °C in a Muffle
and the comparison of calorific value. This research article Furnace (INDFURR Superheat Furnaces, India). The ash
focuses on converting plant waste and farm waste blended remains were weighed and noted. The volatile matter of fuel
with distillery sludge to be used as a potential alternative is defined as the carbon that is present in the fuel, which
energy source. The aspects of sustainable energy could be on heating, converts into volatile matter. The fixed carbon
a promising replacement for conventional non-renewable (F) of the sample is determined by subtracting the percent-
energy influence the study. Trials were made to blend the ages of moisture content, volatile matter, and ash content,
organic wastes with the distillery sludge seeking to increase from100. The elemental composition analysis method was
the calorific value of the pellets. The proximate and ultimate carried out in the CHNS Elemental analyzer (2400 Series II
analysis, calorific experiments, and Thermogravimetric anal- CHNS, Perkin Elmer, USA) as per guidelines mentioned in
ysis (TGA) were performed for the pellets manufactured by IS 1350 part 4, 1999 (Fadeeva et al. 2008). The amount of
blending plant waste with distillery sludge and farm waste Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), and Sulphur (S)
with distillery sludge, respectively. The results were com- was determined where the sample was burnt in the presence
pared with the properties of coal to evaluate the feasibility of an excess amount of oxygen and various catalytic traps
of using the pellets as a potential alternative fuel source. were used to collect the combustible products. The trapped
products are finally weighed, which gives the composition
of the samples that are combusted (Yang et al. 2013). The
Experimental details

Sample collection Table 1  The proportion of samples taken and their notation

Sample name Notation Proportion (%)
The raw materials are coal, distillery sludge, farm waste, and
plant waste. The coal sample was collected from Singareni Coal C 100
Coalfield, Telangana State, India. The distillery sludge sam- Plant waste mixed with P:S 50:50
ple was collected from a distillery industry near Vijayawada, distillery sludge
Andhra Pradesh, India. The plant waste used was sourced Farm waste mixed with F:S 50:50
distillery sludge
from the dry foliage collected within the university campus.

Applied Nanoscience

gross calorific value at constant volume on a dry basis was analysis are given in Fig. 2. The main combustible ele-
determined. To estimate the calorific value, the samples ment here is found out to be carbon in all the three samples,
weighing 0.7–0.9 g are made into pellets and are placed in within the percentage range of 33–37%. However, the next
a Bomb Calorimeter (IKA C5000, Germany) at controlled major combustible element is hydrogen within the range of
pressure and room temperature according to IS 1350 part 2, 3–3.7%. The gases , nitrogen and sulphur, are combusted
1975. The average of the three trials was used (Telmo et al. in a range not more than 1.1% (Magdziarz and Wilk 2013).
2010). Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out in TGA The least amount of sulphur combustion is in the sample of
Analyzer (TGA 4000, Perkin Elmer, USA) as a final step coal with 0.56%.
that determines the change in mass of the sample with tem-
perature. 5 mg samples were collected in vials and placed Gross calorific value
in the sample holder, for temperature measurement.. Highly
pure nitrogen was used to run the tests with a flow rate of The calorific value gives the energy content of the raw mate-
120 mL/min. Inert conditions are needed to be maintained, rial that is fired in the bomb calorimeter. The main param-
before the actual heating starts (a heating rate of 30 K/min eters that affect the calorific value are the moisture content
up to 383 K with a holding time of 30 min). The following and the ash content of the samples taken (Gunn 1958). The
thermal decomposition was carried out at a slow heating rate calorific value of coal, when compared with that of the
(5 K/min to a final temperature of 773 K) to keep possible other two samples, shows not much drastic change in the
heat/mass-transfer intrusions at a minimum (Magdziarz and amount of energy released. The value of coal was recorded
Werle 2014). as 8967.231 kcal/kg, whereas the sample of P:S indicated
a value of 7121.696 kcal/kg. The sample of F:S showed a
value of 8621.334 kcal/ kg. Studies have reported that the
Results and discussion values of coal have the same properties as that of G-17 coal
(Gunn 1958). Hence, we can take the chance of using our
Proximate and ultimate analysis samples as an alternative source of fuel. The graph that gives
details about the calorific values is given in Fig. 3.
The result of the proximate analysis of coal and the other two
sludge mixed samples are graphically represented in Fig. 1. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
The Moisture content of coal has a magnitude of 5.60%,
while that of the dried and powdered forms of P:S and F:S TGA was performed to study and compare the combus-
samples is 8.5% and 10.20%, respectively. Considering the tion properties of the synthesized pellets. This major ana-
ash content, the moisture content of coal (58.23%) is com- lytical technique provides the quantitative measurement of
paratively high with that of the other two samples (36–42%) the change in weight as a function of temperature or time
(Magdziarz and Werle 2014). The other parameters of fuel because of pyrolysis and oxidation of the analyte. The tem-
viz., volatile matter and fixed carbon for coal samples are perature rises at the rate of 20 °C per minute, lasting up to
25.12% and 11.037%, respectively. For P:S, they are 32.35% 43.5 min to achieve 900 °C under the nitrogen atmosphere.
and 22.52%, and for F:S, the values are 21.75% and 26.60%, The analysis was performed for the coal sample (C) with
respectively (Otero et al. 2002). The results of the ultimate 100% composition, plant waste mixed with distillery sludge

Fig. 1  Proximate analysis of samples Fig. 2  Ultimate analysis of samples

Applied Nanoscience

The third step relates to the lignin and xylan degradation

and complete combustion to ash will occur (Braga et al.
2014) where a weight loss of 12.50% was observed during
the temperature rise from 585 to 785 °C (Cheng et al. 2012).
At the end of the analysis, the weight of the biomass was
reduced to 56% at 900 °C. The cumulative burning rate of
0.0745 mg/min was attained after the complete combustion
after 43.5 min.
A reduction in the weight of the analyte (F:S) with an
increase in temperature and time was observed, as shown
in Fig. 6. Table 4 denotes the steps involved in TGA. The
mass of the analyte has decreased to less than 50% of its
Fig. 3  The gross calorific value of samples original weight at the tail end of the analysis. Initially, the
moisture content of the analyte was evaporated at around
120 °C reducing up to 10.83% of its initial weight which
(P:S), and farm waste mixed with distillery sludge (F:S) each was achieved within 5 min with a burning rate of 0.0789 g/
in the ratio of 50:50. min (Ouazzane et al. 2017). This step is followed by the
From Fig. 4, a reduction in the weight of the analyte (C) second stage (180–420 °C) where the hydrolysis of cel-
was observed with an increase in time and temperature. The lulose, hemicelluloses, and lignocelluloses present in the
weight of coal is reduced with an increase in temperature farm waste and formation of volatile organic compounds
from 30 to 900 °C (Table 2). There is 56% reduction in and an evolving mixture of gases such as methane, car-
weight after heating up to 900ºC. The process can be further bon dioxide, and carbon monoxide, and a rapid decline in
subdivided into three steps viz., step 1 (30–105 °C) which the weight could be observed (85–67%) (Blázquez et al.
corresponds to the loss of moisture and free water from the 2014). The loss of weight was found to be rapid during
analyte. There was only a 1.57% decrease in the weight, this stage. The final step involves a decrease in the weight
which denoted that there is no significant reduction in the from 66 to 47% observed during the increase in the tem-
weight ensuring the presence of higher moisture content in perature above 450 °C due to the thermal decomposition of
coal, which delayed the rate of heat flow across the sample. lignin and extractives. A rapid fall in the weight of the ana-
The second step corresponds to the temperatures between lyte with an increase in time was observed and shown in
250 and 685 °C. There is a significant rapid reduction during Fig. 6. The (F: S) pellet had an extremely high cumulative
this transition in the loss of weight from 98 to 67%, which is burning rate of 0.129 mg/min. The high rate of burning is
the maximum loss of weight. This thermal decomposition is attributed to the low moisture levels, facilitating a faster
attributed to the loss of volatile organic matter in the sample. rate of flow of heat across any given pellet (Lubwama et al.
The last step corresponds to the reduction in the weight to 2020). Moreover, according to Kim et al. (2016), it also
56%, i.e., from the initial weight of 15.5 mg to 8.68 mg after corresponds to low ash content and high volatile organic
900 °C. The entire analysis at the tail end after 43.5 min compounds facilitating a high ignition rate. They observed
resulted in the cumulative burning rate of 0.156 mg/min a similar pattern of TGA using distillery sludge for the
where the entire coal was burnt and converted into residual production of pellets that reported the occurrence of car-
ash. The burning rate was found to increase rapidly with bohydrates, lipids, proteins, and other high molecular
an increase in the temperature, which could be due to the weight polymers that were pyrolyzed at 200–500 °C. Pos-
combustion of volatile organic matter. sibly, this could be the reason for a decline in the weight of
The TGA pattern of plant waste and distillery sludge the analyte used in the present study (Oliveira et al. 2017;
(P:S) in the ratio of 50%:50% (Fig.  5) was observed in Long et al. 2015). The complete pyrolysis of biomass at
many steps viz., the first step corresponds to the loss of high temperatures from the sludge and lignocellulosic
moisture and free water from the sample which is similar to materials with the emission of carbon dioxide and water
that observed in the combustion of C and F:S respectively was also observed (Long et al. 2015). This was interpreted
from 30 to ~ 110 °C (Fig. 6). The next step corresponds to in their study due to the presence of high sludge concentra-
the thermal decomposition of carbon-rich compounds such tion (Kpalo et al. 2020). From the analysis, the TGA has
as lignin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses in the temperature elucidated the important properties such as combustion,
range 160–385 °C with a weight loss of 12.80% where this composition, and burning rate of pellets that are essential
step corresponds to the highest weight loss in the entire anal- to be considered as a fuel. The combination of biomass
ysis (Table 3). A similar pattern in weight loss was observed from farm waste and distillery sludge thus had an exceed-
while using orange peel waste (Constantino et al. 2019). ingly high burning rate due to low moisture content, good

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 4  Thermogravimetric analysis of coal

combustion properties, low ash content, and high volatile

organic compounds in the pellet, thus enabling it to be
Table 2  Steps involved in the thermogravimetric analysis of coal used as a fuel (Long et al. 2015). On comparing the burn-
S. No Step Temperature (°C) Weight loss (%) ing rates of three different pellets synthesized, namely C,
P:S, and F:S, the pure coal was found to have the highest
1 I 30–105 1.57
burning rate with 0.156 mg/min followed by farm waste
2 II 250–685 29.94
and sludge with 0.129 mg/min and 0.00745 mg/min for
3 III > 685 11.3
plant waste and sludge. The burning rate of F:S in the

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 5  Thermogravimetric analysis of plant waste and sludge

present study is comparable with that of the conventional Conclusion

coal which confirms the economic potential of the materi-
als synthesized as alternate fuels. The patterns observed in The present study elucidates the potential use of farm
the first, second, and third stages of P:S and F:S were quite waste and plant waste biomass residues as an alternative
similar because of the use of sludge and lignin–cellulose- fuel source. This study promotes and manifests the use
based biomass in both the pellets.

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 6  Thermogravimetric analysis of farm waste and sludge

Table 3  Steps involved in the thermogravimetric analysis of P:S

S. No Step Temperature (°C) Weight loss (%)
Table 4  Steps involved in the thermogravimetric analysis of F:S
1 I 30–110 2.09 S. No Step Temperature (°C) Weight loss%
2 II 160–385 12.80
3 III 585–785 12.50 1 I 30–120 10.83
4 IV > 785 6.5 2 II 180–420 18.75
3 III > 420 19

Applied Nanoscience

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Acknowledgements  The authors would like to thank the Centre of farm residues on respiratory symptoms of villagers in suburbs of
Excellence in Bio-resource utilization and management, Vignan’s Isfahan. Iran Int J Environ Health Res 12(2):125–131
Foundation for Science, Technology, and Research, Vadlamudi, Gun- Gunn SR (1958) Rocking bomb calorimeter for measuring heats of
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Declarations  49:204–211
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