Trainee: Setenay Class: Y1 Date: 6/9/2021 Subject: Drama Time: 11:05-No. of Pupils: 14 Teacher: Setenay

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University of Sunderland Lesson Plan

Trainee: Setenay Date: 6/9/2021 Subject: Time: 11:05- No. of Pupils: 14 Teacher: Setenay
Agrali Class: Y1 Drama 11:45 Agrali
Learning Objectives/Intentions: By the end of the lesson, students will learn: Prior Learning: (Where is this lesson in the sequence of lessons? Focus on the overall
learning intentions of the curriculum Note up to 3 key areas of prior learning.)
Duologue: how to react to the partner.
Movement: use prior knowledge to stand on stage following cues.
No prior knowledge.
Curriculum Links:
TH:Cr1.1.1 a. Propose potential choices characters could make in a
guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative

b. Identify ways in which gestures and movement may be used to

create or retell a story in guided drama experiences (e.g., process
drama, story drama, creative drama)
Cross-curricular links if appropriate and relevant:

List current targets for teacher (linked to Weekly Review meetings):

Management, differentiation.
Focus of observation:
Everyone participates and enjoy the stage. The audience can sit silently and patiently.

Success Criteria /Steps to success:

Individual pupils (e.g. SEND, EAL, G&T, Pupil Premium). Provide indication of
how individual needs will be addressed? Students can participate and stay on stage for an appropriate amount of time.
Students can work with a partner.
Everyone needs to be called out, as only a few will actively participate. Students on the floor can stay silent, clap and laugh when appropriate.
Students can enter and exit the stage when prompted to.
University of Sunderland Lesson Plan

*Seating plan to be appended to Lesson Plan for lesson observations

Assessment Strategies: (e.g. Targeted questions, observation, discussion, Teaching Strategies (role of teacher and additional adult):
marking) The teacher reminds the students of the lesson’s objectives and introduces the exercises.
What happens when theatre artists use their imaginations and/or The teacher manages the audience and creates a safe judgement-free environment for
the actors on stage.
learned theatre skills while engaging in creative exploration and

Formative: Classroom organisation including Health & Safety issues noted

Redirect students after their performance if need be. Students are seated on the floor during breather and audience time.
Manage the audience. The floor is deep cleaned once a week, and vacuumed every day. Several times a day if
Students are required to be ready before their cue is up. need be.

None at the moment.

Potential misconceptions: Key Vocabulary: Resources:

English language barrier. Cue, enter, scene. PPT. Balls.

Time Learning Activity (TS3) Include here: key questions (TS4, TS6), differentiation (TS5), key subject knowledge and
concepts introduced/developed (TS3), key assessment opportunities (TS6), adult support
and resources
Introduction: (including key questions and the role of the teacher) Circle time: attendance, enumerate the objectives, rules reminder.
Breather: simple with eyes closed.

Main Teaching: (including key questions, mini plenaries and the role of Key question: Can I be someone else using my
the teacher) imagination?
The teacher: management of the audience, gives cues to
the next group on stage, gives directions as needed.

Differentiated Individual/Group Tasks (Indicate learning outcomes for Transition to roleplay: maintain the order by having
University of Sunderland Lesson Plan

each) students settle one at a time.

Individual exercise: The Balls, stand on stage next the
balls, and say you name and your favorite color. The balls
are placed at different stage areas.
Group exercise: The box, open the box on stage, find
something icky in it, exit.
Ensemble exercise: Moonwalker, walk on stage as if you
are on the moon, and falls when the alien explodes the
Plenary: (Evaluation of learning/ reviewing understanding/ establishing Circle time: congratulate the students on doing the exercise
next steps) Distribute stamps.
Explain next class.

Homework /Independent Learning None.

Evaluation of pupils’ learning (IMPACT):

Impact on Pupils’
Progress Have all pupils made at least good progress? How do you know?

 They participated.
 They laughed and applauded their peers.
 They clapped at the end of the lesson.

Where pupils have not made at least good progress, why was this the case?
One refused to participate.

Key next steps for pupils making less than expected progress:
Prepare more encouragement. Have them go up in group, instead of doing the solo act.

Key next steps for pupils making expected progress:

Challenge them with harder characters and directions.

Key next steps for pupils making more than expected progress:
There are none.

Who has made (put initials of pupils):

More than expected progress:
University of Sunderland Lesson Plan

Expected progress:
Everyone else.

Less than expected progress:


Evaluation of teaching strategies:

Strengths Students management, sporadic use of Chinese.

Areas for development Have students speak more English.

Teachers’ Standards TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS6, TS7

evidenced in the lesson
Progress against The lesson finished on time.
teacher targets
University of Sunderland Lesson Plan

Planning for an Additional Adult

Date Lesson/ Focus

Learning Objectives/Intentions:
By the end of the lesson students will learn/be able to:

Activity (a brief account of the activity and the AA’s role in any whole class introduction, shared reading, mental and oral, etc.):

Resources needed:

Key vocabulary to use:

Key questions to use:

Feedback on Pupil Progress:

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