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1. Who is Mary?
- The mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.
- A perfect model of purity, holiness, and cooperation with grace.
- A prayer warrior, for she intercedes for everyone in the world
- A mediatrix of intercession
2. Into what religion was the Blessed Virgin Mary born?
- Jewish
3. Where and when was Mary born?
- She was born in Jerusalem in 21 B.C.
4. When was Mary died?
- No one Knows
5. Who are the parents of Mary? Joachim and Anne
- Mary descended from the House of David (Joachim’s line) and the Family of
Aaron (Anne’s line)
6. Where did the parents of Mary came from?
- From Proto-Evangelium of James
7. He is the husband of Mary.
- JOSEPH the Hebrew
8. Joseph’s hometown?
- Bethlehem
9. The angel who sent the good news to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son.
10. Mary was Greeted by St. Gabriel the Archangel to announce the birth of the Son of
God. What was her reply?
- “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word.”
11. Name the Old Testament women who resemble Mary. Eve, Sarah, Rebecca, - ---
Rachel, Bethseeba, Ruth, Judith, Esther and the mother of the Maccabees.
12. Name the six symbols of Our Lady in the Old Testament.
- The Garden of Eden
- Noah’s ark
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Rod of Aaron
- Jacob’s Ladder
- The Temple of Solomon
13. Name the seven occasions of joy in Mary’s life.
- The Annunciation
- The Nativity of Jesus
- The Adoration of the Magi
- The Resurrection of Christ
- The Ascension of Christ to Heaven
- The Pentecost
- The Coronation of the Virgin in Heaven
14. Name the seven sorrows of Our Lady.
- Simeon’s prophesy (Luke 2:34-35)
- The flight into Egypt (Mat. 2:13-14)
- The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Lk. 2:34-35)
- Mary’s Meeting of Jesus on the way to Calvary (Lk. 23:27)
- The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (John 19: 18, 25-27)
- The Holding of Jesus’ lifeless Body in her Arms (Mk. 15: 43-46)
- The Burial of Jesus. (John 19:41-42)
15. How many times is the name of Mary mentioned in the gospels?
- St. Mathew – 5
- St. Mark – 1
- St. Luke – 12
- St. John’s Gospel Mary is simply referred to as ‘Mother’ and ‘Woman’.
16. Titles Given to Mary, among others:
- Theotokos (Mother of God)
- Aieparthenos (Ever Virgin)
17. What do you call Mary’s YES to God’s promise that the Savior will come through her as
announced by an angel?
18. Mary’s song to the Lord after Angel Gabriel greeted her during the Annunciation as
the highly favored one / the canticle Mary sang?
- Magnificat
19. An image of Mary along with other women at the Crucifixion?
- Stabat Mater
20. Mary cradling the dead body of her son.
- Pieta
21. Who is the cousin of Mary who is also the mother of John the Baptist?
- Elizabeth
22. Elizabeth’s husband?
- Zechariah
23. How many months did Mary stay with Elizabeth when she visited her?
24. Who was the priest who prophesized Mary as the Lady of Sorrows?
- Simeon and Anna
25. If we celebrate Feb. 2 as Jesus' presentation in the temple, when was Mary?
- November 21
26. What do you call the place in our gardens where an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is
27. What do you call the Filipino tradition of offering flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary during
the month of May?
28. Which is the earliest reference to the mother of God in the New Testament?
- “When the appointed time came, God sent his son born of a woman.”
(Galatians 4: 4)
29. What Marian solemnity marks the beginning of the new calendar year?
30. Mary was preserved and immune from all original sin. What do you call this singular privilege
of her?
31. In other Christian Churches, the celebration of the ____________________is sometimes
referred to as The Dormition of the Theotokos. What is this feast?
- ASSUMPTION OF MARY. Was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950.
32. What do you call the prayer we recite during the midday and the sixth hour of the Easter
33. Which miracle of Jesus was done with Mary’s direct intervention?
34. The Roman catholic “Litany of Our lady includes calling on her under a title of “Ark
of The Covenant”
- True
35. Madonna – refers to Mary ? My Lady
36. Study of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Mariology


38. 4 Marian Dogmas (set of beliefs that is accepted without being questioned or

1 - Divine Motherhood
Mary is the Mother of God.
Mary is truly the Mother of God since she gave birth to the second person of
the trinity who became man for our sake.

2 - Perpetual Virginity
Mary is a virgin before she conceived Jesus made by the Holy Spirit. Her
spiritual and physical virginity was consecrated to God and maintained for all

3 - Immaculate Conception
The Virgin Mary was privileged to be kept out of original sin from the moment
of her conception because of the special grace she received from God. – Pope
Pius IX

4 - Assumption
“The ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was
assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” –Pope Pius XII

39. What is the oldest Marian feast that the Catholic Church celebrates?
- The Solemnity of the Blessed virgin Mary, Mother of God.
40. When, where and by whom were the main Marian dogmas defined?
1 - Mother of God:
Defined on 22 June 431 at the council of Ephesus, under the presidency of St. Cyril
of Alexandria.

2 - The Immaculate Conception:

Defined on 8 December 1854 by Pope Pius IX in the bull Ineffabilis Deus.

3 - Assumption:
Defined on 1 November 1950 by Pope Pius XII in the bull Munifi-centissimus Deus.

41. Where does the church’s doctrine on Our Lady feature in the documents of the
- In the 8thchapter of the document Lumen Gentium, the dogmatic
constitution of the church. (para 52-59).
42. What advice regarding Mary, does Vatican II give to those undergoing priestly
- With trust of a son, they should love and honour the Most Blessed Virgin
Mary who was given as a mother to His disciples by Christ Jesus as He hung
dying on the cross.
43. What does Vatican II say about veneration to Mary?
- The faithful above all must venerate the memory of the glorious and ever
virgin Mary, mother of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
44. What did Pope John Paul II tell the seminarians of Rome on Saturday 13 October
-- 1979 regarding the role of Our Lady in their vocation?
To succeed in your intention, entrust yourselves to the Bl. Virgin always, especially
in moments of difficulty and darkness.
45. First Marian year in the history of the church?
- 1954-1955
46. Second Marian year in the history of the church?
- 1987
47. Roman Catholics believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed body and soul
into Heaven after her death. The dogma of the Assumption was declared by the
pope in what year?
- 1950


48. By whom was the invocation “Queen of the Holy Rosary” introduced?
Pope Leo XIII.
49. Who extended the feast of the Immaculate Conception to the universal church?
Pope Clement XI
50. Who instituted the feast of Mary Help of Christians? Pope Pius XII
51. When and by whom was the whole world consecrated to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary?
31stOctober, 1942 by Pope Pius XII.
52. To which Pope do we owe the spreading of the devotion to Mary Help of
Pope Pius V.
53. Who conferred the title “Mother of the Church” on Our Lady and when?
Pope Paul VI at the end of the 3rdsession of the Vatican II.
54. Which Pope is known as Our Lady’s Pope? Pope Pius XII.
55. Mention the names of the Popes who were specially devoted to Our Lady.
Popes Pius V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII and Leo XIII.
56. When and by whom was the invocation ‘Mary Help of Christians given 300 days
of indulgence? In 1869 by Pope Pius IX.
57. First pope to make a pilgrimage to Fatima? Pope Paul VI
58. Pope of the Immaculate Conception? Pope Pius IX
60. What is the motto of Pope John Paul II?
“I am all yours, and all that I have is yours. May you be my guide in everything” .
61. Who initiated Queen of heaven rejoice (Regina caeli) instead of Angelus during
Easter- Pope Benedict XIV 1742

62. What did St. Louis de Montfort say about the Holy name of Mary?
“Call Mary and the echo will answer Jesus.”
63. What did F. Charmot say about Mary?
“Man learns two things in the school of Mary: to possess Christ and to give Christ.”
64. Who did Pope Pius X comment on the devotion to Mary?
“True devotion to Mary tends essentially towards union with Jesus.”
65. How did the poet William Wordsworth describe Mary?
“Our tainted nature’s solitary boast.”
66. Which Pope said, “The rosary procures an increase of Christian
people.” Pope Urban III.
67. Who said, “Keep Mary in your heart and Jesus will grow in your heart.”?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
68. Who said, “I do not care to belong to any church, provided I am allowed to
honour the blessed Virgin Mary”? Gilbert Keith Chesterton.
69. Who said, “The Madonna is not pleased when she is put above her son”?
Pope John XXIII.
70. What did St. Bernard say about Mary and her followers?
“Following Mary you never go astray, asking her you never despair, thinking of
her you never go wrong.”
71. Who said, “All the treasures of the mercy of God are in her hands”?
St. Peter Damian.

72. What is the scriptural Marian prayer which draws us into meditation of Jesus’
- Holy Rosary
73. What month do we commemorate the Rosary?
- October
74. What did Pope Pius VI said about the rosary?
- “Prayer without contemplation is like a body without soul”
75. What is the ultimate subject of prayer?
- Jesus
76. What is the traditional paths of Christian prayer directed to the contemplation of
Christ’s face?
- Rosary
77. What is the Psalter of Mary?
- The Rosary.
78. What is the fourth Luminous Mystery?
- Transfiguration of Our Lord
79. Who started the Luminous Mysteries?
- Pope John Paul II
80. On what days do we pray the joyful Mystery?
- Monday and Saturday
81. Who invented the Missionary Rosary?
- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
82. What prayer do we recite during the midday and the sixth hour of the easter
83. What did the great dramatist Shakespeare say about the Rosary?
- “I’ll give my jewels for a debt of beads.”
84. What were the words of Pope Pius IX regarding the rosary?
- “I could convert the whole world, if I had an army praying the rosary.”
85. What were the words of St. Francis de Sales on Rosary?
- “The best method of prayer is the rosary, if you say it well.”

86. To whom did Don Bosco say, “I am willing to give up your cherished friendship,
but I shall not abandon the recitation of the rosary”?
- To Minister Rattazzi.
87. To whom did Our Lady say, “I am the Lady of the Rosary”?
- To Lucy.
88. What was the promise of Our Lady to St. Dominic and St. Bernadette as regards
the recitation of the rosary?
- “Whatever you ask through the rosary, it shall be given to you.”
89. Mary gave to the world the rosary and the scapular. What did she promise to do
with the rosary and the scapular?
- She would intercede for mankind
90. To whom did Our Lady give the rosary?
- To St. Dominic.
91. To which Catholic Saint sought the help of the Virgin Mary to defeat the
Albigensian heresy?
- St. Dominic
92. Where did Christians die as martyrs rather than trample on the rosary?
- Nagasaki in Japan.
93. Name the South American president who used to recite the rosary every evening
with all his household?
- Gracia Moreno of Ecuador.
94. Which statesman said, “For the sake of Ireland one rosary is of more value than
an eloquent discourse”?
- Daniel O’Connel.
95. Name the colours of the Mission Rosary and the countries they represent.
- Green – Africa;
- Blue-Australia;
- Red-Europe;
- Yellow-Asia;
- and Pink-America.
96. What did Pope John Paul II say about praying the rosary?
- “The rosary is my favourite prayer. A marvellous prayer! Marvellous in its
simplicity and its depth.”
97. Oldest prayer to the Mother of God?
- Sub Tuum Praesidium
98. Where does the word Rosary come from?
- Latin: Rosarium – it means Garden of Rose


99. Who are the Marian Fathers? Sts. Ephrem, Ambrose and Jerome.
100. Who are the Marian Doctors?
Sts. Bonaventure, Bernard, Alphonsus Ligouri and Peter Damian.
101. Who are the Marian Writers? Sts. Bonaventure, Montfort, John Eudes, and
102. Who can be called Marian doctor par excellence?
- John Dun Scotus


103. Who composed the Hail Mary? Angel
Gabriel, St. Elizabeth, and the Council of Ephesus.
104. Who composed the “Salve Regina”? Bl. Herman the Cripple.
105. Who composed the “Memorare”? St. Bernard.
106. By whom were the words, “O clement, o loving, o sweet virgin Mary”
added to the Hail Holy Queen’? St. Bernard.
107. Who began the practice of the Angelus? St. Bonaventure.
108. When did the custom of the reciting the Angelus thrice a day start in the
In the beginning of the 12thCentury.
109. What is the most pleasing prayer to Our Lady? The Hail Mary.
110. How is the Litany of Our Lady known? The Litany of Loretto.
111. What does the word ‘Litany’ mean, and into how many parts is the Litany
of Loretto divided?
Litany comes from the Latin word ‘Litaneo’ which means, ‘I pray with insistence.’
The litany of Loretto is divided into 5 parts.
112. How many invocations are there in the Litany of Loretto?49.
113. Who wrote, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary? St. Louis de
114. Who wrote, the Glories of Mary? St. Alphonsus Ligouri.
115. Pope who wrote II encyclicals on the rosary? Pope Leo XIII
116. Who wrote, the Song of Bernadette? Franz Werfel, an Austrian Jewish
convert to Catholicism.
117. Who wrote, The Miracle of Lourdes? Ruth Cranston, a protestant journalist.
118. Who is the author of the hymn, “Mary the Star of the Ocean”? St. Thomas
119. Who carved the pieta? Michael Angelo

121. What did Pope John send to the Indian expedition to Mount Everest?

A medal of Our Lady of Sorrows.
122. To whom did Our Lady give the miraculous medal? To St. Catherine of
123. What are the words inscribed on the miraculous medal?
“O Mary, conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
124. What is the livery of Mary? The Scapular.
125. To whom was the brown scapular given? To Simon Stock.
126. Give the name for the popular badge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
The Green Scapular.
127. Whom did Our Lady ask to spread devotion to the Green Scapular? St.


128. What is the feast we celebrate on 11 February? Our Lady of Lourdes.
129. When is the feast of the Annunciation celebrated? 25March.
130. What feast is celebrated on 24 May? Feast of Mary Help of Christians.
131. When do we celebrate the feast of the Visitation? 31May.
132. Our Lady of the rosary? October 7
133. What is the feast we celebrate on 16 July? Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
134. When do we celebrate the Nativity of Mary? 8 September.
135. What feast of Our Lady occurs on 15 September? Our Lady of Sorrows.
136. When is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary celebrated?
- On the Saturday following the second Sunday after Pentecost.
137. When do we keep the feast of the Queenship of Mary? 22August.
138. This year we celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady La Paz on May 7, what
day are we going to celebrate it next year?
139. The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – January 1
140. No. of sorrows of Mary – 7
141. Nativity of our Lord Jesus christ – Dec. 25
142. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12
143. What did Don Bosco preach all his life?
- Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
144. What did Don Bosco suggest for the preservation of the virtue of purity?
- A Hail Mary during elevation.
145. What did Don Bosco tell Cagliero in 1862, regarding Mary?
- “The Madonna wishes us to honour her under the title of Mary Help of
146. When and by whom was the feast of Mary Help of Christians established?
- On 24 May 1814, by Pope Pius VII.
147. When and by whom was the blessing of Mary Help of Christian approved?
- On 18 May 1878 by Pope Leo XIII.
148. Since when did Don Bosco officially venerate Our Lady under the title of
Mary Help of Christians?
- Since 1862.
149. Who composed the blessing of Mary Help of Christians and in what way
is it unique?
- Don Bosco composed it. It is the only blessing found in the rubrics in
honour of Our Lady.
150. What did Pius IX say about Mary Help of Christians?
- “Mary Help of Christians is a special patrimony of the sons of Don
151. How does Don Bosco comment on the devotion to Mary Help of
- “The act of invoking Mary as the Help of Christians corresponds fully to
some of the deepest needs of contemporary man.
152. Who said, “Don’t you know that Don Bosco works miracles hand in
hand with the Madonna?
- Don Vespignani.
153. When was the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin consecrated?
- 9 June 1868.
154. How did Don Bosco acknowledge Our Lady’s help in the building of the
basilica of Mary Help of Christians?
- “Every brick in it is a miracle of Mary Help of Christians.”
155. What Marian thought did Mamma Margaret give to Johnny Bosco?
- “Belong wholly to her; love those who are devoted to her.”
156. What advice did Mamma Margaret give to Don Bosco after he received
the cassock?
- “When you began your schooling I recommended you almost exclusively to
the Ma- donna. Now I beg you to belong to her entirely. Love those who
love her and if you are some day a priest constantly promote devotion to
the good mother.”
157. What congregation did Don Bosco found in honour of Mary Help of
- The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. [FMA]
158. In the plague of 1854 what saved Don Bosco and his boys from
contracting it?
- The medals of Mary and purity of life.
159. What did Don Bosco tell his sons three days before his death?
- “Always insist on devotion to the Bl. Virgin Mary.”
160. Give a summary of Don Bosco’s efforts to spread devotion to Mary Help
of Christians.
- The Salesian congregation, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the
Salesian Co-Operators, the Salesian Past-Pupils’ Association, and the Arch
Confraternity of the Devotees of Mary Help of Christians were all founded
by Don Bosco and are lasting monuments of his tireless zeal to propagate
devotion to Mary Help of Chris- tians. It was he who undertook the building
of the Basilica of Mary Help of Chris- tians in Turin. Besides, the blessing of
Mary Help of Christians founded in the rubrics today was composed by him.
161. Name the artists who painted 34 and 26 pictures respectively of Mary
Help of Christians?
- Raphael Souza and Murillo.

Mary’s Appearance

162. To whom did Mary declare, “ I am the Immaculate Conception”?

- St. Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879)
163. When Mary appeared to St. Philomena in her cell in the dungeon, she
compared herself to what celestial body?
- Moon
164. To whom did Mary declare, “ I am the Lady of Rosary?”
- St. Lucy
165. Throughout the centuries, Bl. Virgin Mary appeared to numerous people
at a multitude of places. Now, which of the following saints did NOT experience a
vision of the Bl. Virgin?
- St. Kateri Tekakwitha
166. Who received a grace of healing after she saw the Blessed Virgin Mary
smile at her?
- St. Therese of the child Jesus (1873-1897)
167. Who receive visions from the Blessed Virgin Mary that she recorded in her
diary along with her revelations of Jesus?
- St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938)
168. What famous Marian pilgrimage site is the home of the apparitions where
the Blessed Virgin Mary Appeared to Bernadette Soubirious?
- Lourdes, France
169. Which of the following places, situated in England, includes a Roman
Catholic shrine and apparition site of the Blessed virgin Mary?
- Walshingham
170. Which European country venerates Mary with the title, “Our Lady of
- Poland
171. In 1846, The Virgin Mary appeared weeping to two young shepherds. She
warned that “ In the year 1854, Lucifer together with a large number of demons
will be unlossed from hell; they will put to an end to faith little by little, even in
those dedicated to God.” Where in the World did this occur?
- LaSalette, France
172. The Byzantine icon known as “our lady of Vladimir” was painted by an
artist in a city named for which early Roman Emperor and convert to
- Constantine
173. Our Lady of Vladimir is also known as?
- Our Lady of tenderness
174. In 1932, five children saw Mary walking in the air above a bridge with her
feet hidden in a cloud. Where in the world did this occur?
- Beauraing, Belgium
175. The Marian Fathers have a shrine to Mary, “Our Lady of Knock.” In which
country is this shrined Located?
- Ireland
176. The time the Virgin Mary said she came to “console the sick and the
suffering.” When and where in the world did she appear?
- 1933, Banneux, Belgium
177. In which place did the Virgin Mary, known as “ our Lady of the Miraculous
medal” appear to the young Parisian novice, Catherine Laboure?
- In a chapel
178. In 1968, this apparition of the Virgin Mary was viewed by moe than a
million people. It was broadcast live on tv and is recorded on film. Where in the
world did this occur?
- Zeitun, Egypt
179. In which Italian City is the shrine of “Our Lady of consolation”
- Turin, Italy
180. In 1531, a vision of the blessed virgin mary appeared twice to Juan Diego, a
member of the aztec nation to a convert to roman catholicism. Which title of mary was
given to her after his appearance in Juan’s little village that is now a suburb of
- Our Lady of GuadalupeDuring the Marian Apparition of Oct. 13, 1917 in
Fatim, Portugal, Approximately 70,000 thousand spectators saw what miracle
- The sun spun in the skay and appeared to be falling in the earth
181. “Our Lady of Balsamao” according to tradition, appeared in Portugal as a
nurse, to heal Christian soldiers who were fighting against which peoples?
- Moors
182. In 1531 the Aztec Indian in Mexico named a Juan Diego reported encountering a
beautiful woman surrounded by bright light who called herself “Mary the Virgin”. In
presenting information to the local Bishop a great miracle occurred what that miracle?
- His Cape contained an Image of the Virgin Mary

183. What is the translation English to latin of the virgin’s title, “Star of the sea”
- Stella Maris
184. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the
dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the rosary and the son left
by My Son. Where did mary appear this time?
- Akita, japan

185. The angelic greeting, the first part of the hail mary is taken from:
- Luke 1:28
186. The Rosary of the blessed virgin mary though marian in character is ____. –
St. paul II
- Christocentric
187. What Christian mystery does the church honor every 12 noon?
- Incarnation
188. What does kecharitomene mean?
- Full of Grace
189. What does the book of Isaiah 1:7 speak about?
- Promise of the coming of the woman-virgin who will bear the Savior
190. What was the theme of our oikos prayer session led by oikos counsel?
- Confidence in the loving plan of God
191. Mary addressed herself as the Virgin of the poor? Banneux, Belguim
192. Most Visited Marian shrine? Shrine of our Lady Guadalupe
193. What title did our Lady use for herself at Fatima? Lady of the Rosary
194. What title did our Lady use for herself at Lourdes? Immaculate
195. To which book of the bible are these words found” a woman clothed with
the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars”
- Revelation

196. How many times did our Lady appear at Fatima? 6 times

197. Under what title the following congregations honour
The Salesian Congregation - Mary Help of Christians
The Redomptoristis - Perpetual Succour
The Carmelites - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Servites - Our Lady of Sorrows
Salutarians - queen of Apostles
198. What are the objectives of a MarianCongress?
1) To study Mary
2) To honour Mary
3) To imitate Mary
199. What does the name Mary signify?
The name ‘Mary’ signifies ‘Lady’ or ‘Beloved of God.’


200. What is the English of NUESTRA SENORA DE LA PAZ Y BUEN VIAJE?
- Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
201. Which country that celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Navigators? Brazil
202. Which are the two countries that celebrate the feast of Mary Help of
Christians? - Australia and New Zealand.
203. Which are the countries that honour Mary assumed into heaven as their
patroness? France, Paraguay, Malta, South Africa, Thailand, andIndia.
204. Who is the patroness of the Americas? Our Lady ofGuadalupe.
205. Who is the patroness of the Argentina, Paraguay, andUruguay?
Our Lady of Lujan.
206. How is Our Lady of Belgium known? Our Lady of the GoldenHeart.
207. How is Our Lady of Poland known? BlackMadonna.
208. How is Our Lady of Rome known? Our Lady ofSnow.
209. How is Our Lady of Saragossa known? Our Lady of thePillar.
210. How is England called in Mary’s honour? The Dowry of Our Lady.
211. Under what title is Mary the patroness of U.S.A? ImmaculateConception.
212. Under what title is Mary the patroness of Australia? Mary Help of Christians
213. Which is the principal shrine of Our Lady of Ceylon? Our Lady ofMadhu.
214. Which is the largest Basilica in the world? Basilica of MaryMajor.
215. Under what title is Mary patroness of India? MariaAssumpta.

216. Mention five places in India famous for Marianshrines?
Velankanni - Our Lady of Good Health
Bandel - Our Lady of Happy Voyage
Perambur - Our Lady of Lourdes
Matunga (Bombay)

217. How many times did Our Lady appear at Beauring? 33times.
218. How many times did Our Lady appear at Lourdes and towhom?
18 times to Bernadette Soubirous.
219. What is unique about the apparition of Our Lady at Knock(Ireland)?
This is the only apparition of Our Lady when she did not speak a single word.
220. When did Our Lady appear at Fatima and towhom?
1917, to Lucy, Francis, and to Jacinta Marto.
221. What is the message of Fatima? Rosary, Reparation andConsecration.
222. When and to whom did Our Lady appear atGuadalupe?
1531, to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin who was canonized on 31 July 2002.
223. Quote the last sentence of the secret of Fatima revealed in1942?
“At the end my heart shall triumph; the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to
my heart; and Russia will be converted and there shall be great peace in the
224. Who founded the Legion of Mary? FrankDuff.
225. When did the sodality of Immaculate Conception start in theOratory?
1856, by Dominic Savio.
226. Where was the first sodality in honour of Mary Help of Christiansestablished?
At Munich.
227. Name the non-Christian sacred book that contains the name of Mary
mentioned not less than 34 times? The Quran.
228. What does Quran say about Mary? It mentions Mary’s birth, upbringing in
the temple, the annunciation and the birth of Jesus.
229. What is the name of the ship in which Christopher Columbussailed?
Santa Maria.
230. Which months of the year are dedicated to Our Lady? May &October.
231. Which is the river that was called earlier as the river of
River Mississippi.
232. What devotion did St. Kolbespread?
The devotion to the Immaculate Conception.
233. What association did Kolbe found? The Militia of MaryImmaculate.
234. Where did Our Ladyreveal?
“I am the ImmaculateConception” - Lourdes
(France) “I am the Lady of the
HolyRosary”- Fatima
(Portugal) “I am the Lady ofthePoor” -


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