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Syracuse, NY 13244

TO: C.K. Mitchell

SUBJECT: Suggestions Re: Smoke-Free Environment

Dear Mr. Mitchell:

Thank you for sending me a draft of the email to inform employees of the new smoke-free environment policy. I, as well as the rest of the
committee of managers, appreciate the work you have put into crafting an email that our employees can sympathize with.

I have a few edits and suggestions regarding the draft, but beforehand, I think it would be best to list out our goals or objectives that we
hope this email will achieve. Given the reaction from the staff in our last smoking policy change, it is important that we do our best to ensure
fewer, if any, employees quit because of the new policy. We also want to keep employee morale up, and we want to allow employees the
time and space to adjust to these new policies.

To do so, I’d suggest making the following changes. We should provide our reasoning for this policy change and acknowledge the difficulties
this may cause for some people. In our reasoning, it is also important that we explain this change was a joint decision and not one entirely
made by you, which may relieve anger from employees who may think you’re making company-wide decisions by yourself. We can also
provide a clear timeline so that our employees know what to expect in the coming months to ensure they do not feel surprised about any of
our changes.

Additionally, we can add to the email to provide alternatives and solutions for employees following the policy change, such as providing a
space outside of the company building for employees to smoke, which will give employees who are actively trying to quit a place to smoke
if needed. We can also provide resources to support employees who are trying to quit smoking, and yourself as well as the rest of the
committee of managers should make ourselves available to listen to suggestions and critiques of this policy from our employees.

With all of this in mind, here is my suggested revision to your email draft. Let’s set up a time to discuss to ensure that this email fits both of
our standards.

SUBJECT: Smoke-free environment policy changes

Last year, Fitness Exercise Equipment, Inc. made the decision to ban smoking anywhere on company property. We initially created this new
policy in order to reduce illness caused by first- and second-hand smoke as well as increase the wellness of all employees, however, this ban
unfortunately has not had the desired results.

Going forward, employees who smoke will pay 15% more of their health insurance compared to employees who don’t smoke. This decision
was made after months of deliberating with a committee of managers, including myself, who created this policy with the best interests of
our employees in mind. I understand this may be a difficult adjustment for many of you, which is why the committee of managers have taken
steps to make this change as easy as possible.

Our reasoning behind making this change stemmed from the goal of increasing wellness at our company and the observations that the ban
on smoking did not achieve this goal. We value the health of our employees, and we hope this new policy will be a motivating factor for
smokers at our company. As a fitness company, we also must set an example for our customers and practice corporate social responsibility
in the workplace. Additionally, for those who decide not to quit or cannot quit, the 15% per person that the company is saving will go toward
resources for the entire organization and will surely benefit the company in the long run.

The money that the company saves can also go to supporting the wellness of our employees who do smoke by providing resources to those
attempting to quit. If you have ideas or suggestions for helpful resources, please feel free to reach out. For those who are not able to quit
smoking or choose not to, we ask that you smoke outside, at least 15 feet away from the building, in order to mitigate second-hand smoke
within the organization.

This policy change will go into effect in two months, or April 15, 2022. During this time, please begin to take necessary steps to quit smoking
or allocate extra money to your health insurance. During this time as well, myself and the committee of managers will be searching for
resources to help support our employees during this change. We are here to support you, so I encourage you to reach out with any questions
or concerns, and I will be more than willing to listen and address them.


Emily Steinberger

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