Adental and Clinic

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For the past years, technology has been building an important role in medical field.

Sometimes, there will be many reasons through which the appointment cannot be got by the

patients.  Clinic has a problem of loss of patient data. There are also redundant patient data if the

patient is not sure whether they have come to the clinic before. There is also a problem when the

patient forgot their appointment time because they cannot check their appointment schedule

through online. Although the appointment schedule was provided in the manual, it is possible

that the paper will be missing. The Dental and Clinic Record Management with Appointment

System will fulfill this task. This project will allow the patient to take the appointment and also

to track the patient’s record without any difficulty. This system also keeps all the details, profile

of the patient and their dental and clinic procedures. The Patient will get the service that they

need and this will automatically provide new appointments to the people. Online Appointment is

one of the key processes in health care industry. A well-designed appointment system can

improve patient’s satisfaction and reduce the cost of clinics and dental clinics. It is not only does

save time at the clinic, but it also saves money by reducing the number of employees who work

just on manual and documentation process. Human activity will be reduced in terms of the

system's application, reducing the chances of human-caused mistakes.

Research Objective

The aim of the study is to develop a system entitled “Dental and Clinic Record

Management with Appointment Scheduling System” that will help the dental and clinics to keep

track of their patient’s records.

Specific objectives:

1. Offering convenience to the patient

2. Manage the patient’s history and schedules in the system.

a. Function of Log in

 Log in username and password

b. Functions of user page

 Registration of an account

 Log in username and password

 Get schedule for an appointment

 Get the service that they need

 Tracking the records of the past appointment

c. Function of admin page

 Dashboard for the number of register, dental and clinic appointment, cancelled

and approved appointment

 Pending accounts and appointments

 History of patients

 Cancelled appointments
Project Purpose

The purpose of the study entitled “Dental and Clinic Record Management with

Appointment Scheduling System”. It can help the hospital clinics and dental clinics to all their

patients. It is providing convenience, dental and clinic appointment scheduling can provide you

with access to people who are having difficulty scheduling an appointment during their working

hours. Dental and clinic appointment scheduling appointment scheduling may also save your

employee’s time, allowing them to focus their attention on patients who are presently inside the

clinic, ensuring that they have the greatest possible walk in experience. This is a lot better use of

your employee’s time than making phone calls, creating voicemails, and then dealing with in-

coming calls.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study entitled “Dental and Clinic Record Management with Appointment Scheduling

System” that will help the dental and clinics to monitor all of their patient’s records. To achieve

the objectives, the scopes of the study are the following:

 This system focuses on keeping patient dental and clinic records

 Developed for physicians and employees as a tool to assist them in completing transactions

 The study also aims to integrate an easy tracking and identifying of the patients

Limitations of the study are:

 It only serves to monitor and keep the transactions

 This system does not cover the finance of the transactions


This chapter deals with the methods used and the procedures that were performed in

gathering the data of the research study. This study includes the methods of research and the data

of software methodology that was used in evaluating and developing the software.

Research Design

The researchers used a descriptive and developmental research design as a basis for

conducting the study and writing their findings and observations.

A descriptive research is a statement of affairs as they are at present with the researcher

having no control over variables. Moreover, descriptive studies may be characterized as simply

the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is, while analytical research attempts to

establish why it is that way or how it came to be.

On the other hand, Ibrahim (2016) defined developmental research in his article entitled

“Definition, Purpose and Procedure of Developmental Research: An Analytical Review” as a

systematic study of designing, developing and evaluating instructional programs, processes or

products that must meet the criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness. It aims to establish

an empirical basis for the creation of instructional and non-instructional products and tools and

new or enhanced models that govern development. The main purposes of developmental

research are to support the development of prototypical products, provide empirical evidence for

their effectiveness, and generate methodological decision for the design and evaluation of the

Using both descriptive and developmental method of research, the researchers were able

to develop and evaluate the software system quantitatively and qualitatively according to its

perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, reliability, and portability. Evaluating system

software needs the actual description and reaction of the evaluators to the system. And for a

system to be considered effective and efficient, feedbacks that can be measured must be

obtained. The researchers were able to find measurable feedbacks from the staffs in barangay

health centers by providing them questionnaires generated and organized according to some

categories. With this method of collecting data, the effectiveness and efficiency of the software

were then analyzed and described, thus making accurate results and appropriate conclusions.

However, due to the restrictions of a descriptive research design in quantifying variables

and producing absolute computations of necessary figures, the researchers also applied a very

intricately introduced, experimental phase in which the researchers, along with the population

have undergone a series of repetitive cycle of project testing and deployment in order to produce

the desired output which is namely the final product of this study - Dental and Clinic Record

Management with Appointment Scheduling System.


The major goal of this data collection strategy is to understand the environment and scope

of significant connected elements within socially constructed processes. The researchers made a

detailed record of their observations and see the technology that it being used when making and

tracking the patient’s history and appointments. Also how the dental clinic and hospital clinic

keep their records was a must for the researchers.


Following the observations, the researchers conducted an interview with potential clients

for this study. In order to obtain the necessary information for the interview, the researchers used

the verbal method. The researchers conducted a social and friendly interview to learn everything

they needed to know to conduct this study.

Internet Research

The information gathered was used in the related literature to obtain a greater

understanding of software project and its effects on growth, creation, and other societal areas.

Researchers focused their study online because it contains a vast amount of information available

on the internet at any period.


Our professor provides the researchers with guidance to help us do what our client

requires of us. Our adviser also help the researchers to know the things that is needed with the


Testing and Evaluation Procedure

Figure 3: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This figure shows the Process flow of TAM in terms of
Quality Factors, Perceived of Ease,
Experience, Actual Use, Attitude and
Behavioral Intention, Perceived of

According to

Marangunic N.& Granic A. (2015) in

the article entitled

“Technology Acceptance Model:

A literature review from 1986-2013” That the (TAM) Technology Acceptance Model become a

key model in understanding predictions of human behavior toward potential acceptance and

rejection of the technology.

The researchers used Technology Acceptance Model in terms of the following criteria:

Quality Factors, Perceived of Ease, Experience, Actual Use, Attitude, Behavioral Intention, and

Perceived of Usefulness.

Perceived of Ease of Use. Davis defined this as "the degree to which a person believes that

using a particular system would be free from effort" (Davis 1989). If the technology is easy to

use, then the barriers conquered. If it's not easy to use and the interface is complicated, no one

has a positive attitudes towards it.

Attitude. Attitude towards using explains the base of compatibility, which includes, for instance,

the preference for self –service, technology and lifestyle. (Davis et al., 1989) further found

attitude was at best a partial mediator of the effect of perceived usefulness on intention to use,

and that it added little casual explanatory power to an individual’s intention to use a particular

system. Individuals who believed that using a new technology would lead to more positive

outcomes, also tendered to have a more favorable attitude towards them.

Behavioral Intention. Behavioral Intention is defined as the degree to which a person has

formulated conscious plans to perform or not to perform some specified future behaviour

(Warshaw & Davis, 1985), and there might appear a lot of factors possibly influencing

learners' behavioural intention to use the LMS in their learning processes.

Perceived Usefulness. Perceived Usefulness was defined by Fred Davis as "the degree to which

a person believes that using a particular system would enhance user’s System Performance". It

means whether or not someone perceives that technology to be useful for what users want to do.

Black Box Testing

Figure 4. Shows the Blak Box Testing techniques that the researchers used to test the functionality of the

At this part the black box testing or it can be referred as outer or external software testing

is one of the techniques that the researchers used on how to test the functionality of the software,

wherein it can be tested by a non IT or no knowledge of programming and it can also be tested

by a IT to test the validity and satisfaction of user on the developed system.

According to Khan M. (2020) study entitled “Different approaches to black box testing

technique for finding errors” the black box testing is a method of generating test cases that are

independent of software internal structure this technique are totally focused on the testing for

functionality of the software applications.

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