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Purpose of the seminar

MANG 1005: The Individual and the Organisation

• Discuss and give feedback on the practice blog task

Group seminars: • Highlight important aspects of academic writing

Blog feedback and discussion • Introduce the Harvard referencing system
Academic writing and referencing
• And – give an opportunity for questions and

Sarah Lee
School of Management
University of Southampton
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Learning Outcomes Part 1: Blog feedback and discussion

By the end of the session you will
• Assessment
• Be more prepared to tackle the assessed blogs
– 50% Coursework:
• Be aware of some important features of academic
– 3 online blog topics via Blackboard= 10%
writing for assessments and assignments – Assignment= 40%

• Understand the need for accurate referencing – 50% Examination:

– Essay and multiple choice questions
• Know how to reference your work, with use of the
School of Management referencing guide

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Practice blog Reflections on your work experience

• Topic
• Variety of organisations and mixed experiences
– Describe your experiences of work.
What was good/bad, what did you learn
about the organisation – would you • Good and bad things about the organisations…
want to return/stay in this particular
job and why?
– 150 words max • Would you want to return in future?

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Academic writing – key points I Academic writing – key points II
• Structure • Support your arguments with examples or evidence from
Introduction What is the focus or aim of the the literature
writing (link it with the question) This shows evidence of wider reading
Body Present the main ideas/theories Shows that you can apply theoretical concepts to the issue
and arguments
Conclusion Should follow logically from the • Quality of argument
arguments presented Discuss, don’t just list theories
Compare or contrast different viewpoints
• Style Ensure there is a logical flow through to the conclusion
Be concise – paraphrase
Not too descriptive or over dramatic… • Accuracy
Fairly formal but don’t use over complex language Spelling

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Checklist for assessed blogs Assessed blog topic 1

• Plan in advance what are the key points you want to Imagine that you are on the hiring committee for a
get across. Ensure you address the question! particular organisation and can only recommend one
personnel selection method to the rest of the
• Structure them logically committee. Which personnel section method would
• Write concisely and keep to the word limit you recommend? Give reasons for your view and
examples where possible.
• Give your opinion but back it up with evidence from
• Present your own views and relate them to ideas
the literature or relevant experience
discussed in class or in the readings.
• Re-read your work to ensure the argument flows • Provide full academic references at the end and
logically and that it makes sense remember to cite sources correctly.

• Check your spelling, especially terms used in the • 350 words max (excluding reference list).
question! Please give your word count.

• Have you referenced correctly?? • Deadline Thursday 4th November.

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Part II: Referencing Why reference?

Stating the sources of ideas and information in a precise and
• Why do I need to reference my work? standard manner

• When do I need to reference? – Shows evidence of wider reading and gives authority
and credibility to your work
• Use of Harvard referencing system – Enables you and others to access your sources
– Avoids the risk of plagiarism (pretending that someone
• Sources of further information else’s work or ideas are your own)
– Professional courtesy
The method used by the School of Management is the
Harvard referencing system

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When and how do I reference ? When and how do I reference?
1. Bibliography 2. In-text citations
Alphabetic list by author and date at the end of your work When you are discussing the work or ideas of another
Books author in your written work
Furnham, A. (2005), The psychology of behaviour at work: The
individual in the organization (2nd ed.), Hove, UK: Psychology Arnold et al. (2010) state that there are five methods of…
Journal articles According to Arnold et al. (2010), there are five methods of…
Floyd, S. W. & Wooldridge, B. (1994), Dinosaurs or dynamos? or
Recognizing middle management's strategic role, Academy of Arnold et al. (2010) and Furnham (2009) agree that…
Management Executive, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 47-57

Web pages
3. Quotations
Beckleheimer, J., (2009), How do you cite URLs in a bibliography? When you are quoting the exact words of another author
[Online]. Available:, [Accessed: in your work
13th December 2009]
…and all other sources e.g. lecture notes, newspaper articles, Larsen (1995, p. 25) stated that “the sample sizes were…”
government reports, electronic articles or
Larsen (1995, p. 25) stated: “the sample sizes were…”
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Further information Session Summary

• School of Management guide to the Harvard • Bear in mind the key points about academic
Referencing system writing and use the blog checklist to help you
See also further information on Blackboard
• Library website (click on resources tab, • Remember to reference accurately
referencing, Harvard referencing system) Use the School of Management referencing guide

• Test your accuracy with the referencing challenge… • Good luck with the first assessed blog!
Hand in date is Thursday 4th November

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