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ESSAY 15 / page 15

Jean’s Uncle Tom threw a New Year’s Eve party for the close friends and
family. At first, Jean and her parents were shocked that her uncle was even
thinking of a party. Uncle Tom was Jean’s mother’s brother. Her name was
Joyce and Tom’s father had just passed away two months before. He had a heart
attack. Jean’s grandmother never recovered from his sudden death. Two weeks
later, he died in her sleep.
The double deaths were a great blow to the family. Everyone had been very
close to the grandfather. Joyce become very depressed. As such, she felt
insulted that Tom was even planning a party.
“I won’t go!” She cried to her husband. Nevertheless, Jean and her father
persuaded her. She went very reluctantly.
At Tom’s house, they found uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. It had
been many years since they had even met some of them. They saw neighbours
and old friends of their parents. In felt good to meet them all.
Tom called for silence and then spoke, “Everyone here is either family or
friend. As you know, our parents died suddenly. It was a terrible time for us
many reasons. It was totally unexpected. We were not prepared. Whey they die,
I felt a great deal of regret. I never told my parents that I loved them. I never
told them ‘thanks’ for all their sacrifices. Often, I was too busy with work to
visit the or take them out for a meal. Always, I thought, ‘later’, ‘later’ but
unfortunately it was too was late. I am sure my sister Joyce, feels the same
Joyce was nodding her head. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Tom continued, “I
have organized this party to honour and remember my parents. I want to share
our memories of them. At the same time, I have invited all of you here because
Joyce and I love you very much. We want to tell you that and thank you before
it’s too late.”
It was a wonderful party. Everyone had something to share about Jean’s
grandparents. There was a great deal of laughter and a few tears as well.
Relatives and friends embraced and kissed. The party brought them all together.
It showed them that love was the most important feature in their lives.
After the party, something changed in Jean’s family. Jean and her parents made
regular visits to family and friends. They held got-togethers so everyone could
meet. They became close, caring and loving, all because of an unforgettable

Brimmed: full to the point of overflowing
Get-together: informal, social gathering

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