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Camdas, Lavis jr. C.

Enghlish 9 A 10/02/2022

Test Yourself

2 Your best friend starts dating a man with a lot of tattoos.

3 You pass by a mentally disabled person who is talking loudly.
2 A Saudi Arabian sits down next to you on a crowded bus.
2 You see a little boy playing with a princess doll Barbie.
2 You see a businessman getting a manicure.
3 You are standing in a fast-food line behind a deaf person.
2 An overweight person is working out in the gym next to you.
3 You are sitting next to a foreigner in the jeep.
3 Your grandmother often asks you for help with her computer
3 The substitute teacher wears glasses and doesn't smile at all.

Formative Activity

1. It has been observed in one rural area that male students are expelled from high school almost five times more
than girls due to very low grades and frequent absences. The principal concludes that, Since boys often receive
lower grades and are always skipping classes, difficult school labors such as gardening and sometimes
constructional works were given to punish them. The principal shows bias against
A. Male students

2. Some doctors claim that vegetarians rarely have a weight problem since most vegetables are low in calories
and contain little or no fat. They do not suffer a build-up of cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older.
Some doctors have suggested a link between vegetarianism and long life. Some doctors started promoting
vegetarianism to their patients. These doctors show bias for
D. People who are vegetarians

3. It has been observed in some western countries that many people have stoppedgoing to Chinese restaurants
since the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak. Some believed that these restaurants may serve dishes which were
believed to be the main cause of the virus. These people seem biased against
C. Chinese food

4. Andrew, an overseas Filipino worker in Dubai, is working at a sushi restaurant.Other non-Asian workers in the
restaurant tease him and make jokes about Asians' racial and cultural heritage. Andrew is very uncomfortable
and tries to ignore it, but nobody else seems to mind and his boss doesn't do anything about it. The non-Asian
workers show bias against:
B. Asian people

5. Malin Dimpatun and her family have to leave Maranao because his father's was promoted and transferred to
his company's branch in Manila. Luckily there are mosques in Manila where they continue to attend to their
religious practices as Muslims. Malin and her siblings, however, was not able to enroll in a certain private school.
The said school only accepts students that confirms to the Christianity as a religion. The school show bias against:
B. children from Mindanao



Definition: Bias is a tendency to believe that Prejudice is an assumption or an
some people, ideas, etc., are better opinion about someone simply
than others that usually results in based on that person's
treating some people unfairly membership to a particular group.
For example, people can be
prejudiced against someone else of
a different ethnicity, gender, or
Examples: one common bias is that women An example of prejudice is
are weak (despite many being very someone thinking poorly of
strong). Another is that blacks are another person for his belonging to
dishonest (when most aren't) a certain race, or for having
different religious beliefs

Post Assessment:
Camdas, Lavis jr. C. Enghlish 9 A 10/02/2022

1.B 7.P
2.A 8.P
3.A 9.P
4.C 10.P

Performance Task

Despite legislation on diversity in the workplace, people with disabilities still do not experience the
same access to work opportunities as do their counterparts without disabilities. Many employers have
been shown to harbor sincere yet ill-founded views about the work-related abilities of people with
disabilities; these negative views are often a result of interrelated concerns that permeate the entire
employment cycle.

There are many examples of people with disability getting discriminated in a workplace like
Discrimination In Hiring.- This is a fairly common form of discrimination, and refers to when a
candidate doesn’t get a job based on his or her condition. A blatant example of this is if you have two
similarly-situated applicants and choose the one without the disability on the sole reason that they
have no disability. Some employers say this blatantly or put it on email, which is a written record.

Similarly, not making applications available to disabled individuals or allowing reasonable

accommodation at a job interview is discrimination. Suppose a screen reader can’t read a website for
a vision-impaired user, for example. Then that is an example of lacking accommodation. Work with
your web host to ensure that the application can pass a screen-reader test.

People with disability experience Harassment In The Workplace.

It is illegal to make derogatory or offensive remarks about a person’s disability, regardless of whether
the individual who made the remark is an employee, supervisor, or even customer or client. If the
harassment is severe enough to create a hostile work environment for the individual with disabilities
or causes them to be demoted or fired, that is illegal discrimination.

People with disability also experience victimization- Suppose that an employee makes a complaint
regarding how their disability isn’t accommodated, or they are facing harassment from their
managers. Human Resources in an ideal world will take these complaints and ensure that they are
addressed in a timely fashion. Sadly, we live in a world where the opposite can easily happen.

Victimization is when an employer penalizes an employee with a disability for speaking out. This can
include more verbal or written warnings, or even terminating their position in retaliation. Or in other
cases, management threatens to fire the employee unless they withdraw the complaint. All of these
examples are illegal under the ADA.

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