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Toby Gotbaum and Hunter Whitford. Page 1.


Electromagnetic Energy.

The electromagnetic generator can convert physical motion energy into electromagnetic energy. When
you take energy from the circular motion, it gets converted into electric energy. The reaction to the
action of winding the crank is that the energy transforms from motion energy into electric energy.

1. The drill is moved in a circular direction. This produces mechanical energy. A magnet shaped like
a U is turned and spun. Magnetic force from the spinning magnet activates the coil by
manipulating the mechanical energy and converting it into electric energy. There must be a
constant state of motion in order for electricity to be created. A battery could store the excess
electricity but that isn’t a part of this.
2. Magnets spinning requires mechanical energy, this is done with a drill.
The copper wire around the nail can conduct electricity that the magnet creates. It flows
through the wire and into the light bulb. The electric energy isn’t created it is converted from
mechanical energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted or transferred. The
transferring of mechanical to electric energy is called electromagnetic induction.

3. The generator has many different forms and practical uses. For example, a wind turbine is a
type of electron magnet. Winds turn the blades, which activates the generator and creates a
current. Then it is collected into a battery. A hydroelectric is similar, water currents push the
blades that turn the generator.
Toby Gotbaum and Hunter Whitford. Page 1. 6/4/2021
Toby Gotbaum and Hunter Whitford. Page 1. 6/4/2021

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