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Course Roadmap

Roadmap for: EDU633_30_Designing and Delivering Online Instruction

STEP 1 - This page should be completed by the Program Chair. Please fill in the Course ID in the header above and the information

What is the Modality of the course? Online

Is there a prerequisite course? No.

What is the Course Description? This course will give the learner the opportunity to collaborate and hone their skills in the design of
course elements and assessments for online instruction. Further, the course will help the educator share and plan their online teaching
philosophies and strategies based on current pedogeological and andragogical research, and best practices. Finally, through innovation and
professionalism, the learner will have the ability to be a leader among their peers. This course is part of the Online Teaching concentration.

What textbook has been chosen? No textbook applicable yet.

Will there be any Third-Party Integrations? Not available yet.

Do you have a plan to add a micro-credential to this course? (Y/N); No it is for high school students.

Course: Highschool Health

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Description: Students will learn how to live a healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally. The students will gain the
information and skills they need to help make healthy choices that keep them active, safe, and educated in terms of a self-
health perspective. The activities and lessons for this course will focus on the important aspects of health and to work to
better understand their bodies. The students will be more responsible and independently in control of their own learning by
the end of the course. The topics include:Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Mental and
Emotional Health, and Building Healthy Relationships.

List the Course Outcomes: Give at least 3

1. Students will understand the effects of
alcohol, tobacco, etc. They will give real life
examples of how this has affected other
people and the impact it has had on that
person’s life.
2. Students will understand how to properly
track their diet and make sound nutritious
choices when it comes to what they consume.
They will also understand the
recommended/necessary exercise for their
3. Students will understand how to self-reflect
in terms of their own mental and emotional
health. They will research how people deal
© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Permission Request for Adaptation
with and work on their mental/emotional
health through self check-ins/reflections.

STEP 2 - This is completed by the Program Chair and the Subject Matter Expert. For each unit, fill in all the columns. The result
will document the flow of the course and the alignment of course outcomes with unit objectives and provide a shared understanding of
the vision of the course. Remember, you need to fill out at least 4 Units.
*NOTE: Write the “What should students be able to do by the end of the unit?” column content in your own words; they should be a vision of what
you expect students to be able to demonstrate based on the topics rather than not be a duplicate of learning objectives from the textbook.

Unit 1: Topic: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Unit Objectives: Identify different types of drugs that are used. Explain the effects that they have on individuals when put into the body. Understand
the implications of peer pressure and how to avoid it.
Assessments: Discussion, Knowledge check.
Outcomes: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the effects of how drugs negatively affect an individual and the long-term effects they
can also have. Students will be able to identify different ways to avoid and say no to peer pressure when someone tries to convince them to try
something they don’t want to.

Unit 2: Nutrition and Physical Activity

Unit Objectives: Identify nutrition facts and make healthy choices based on the nutritional value. Identify and analyze how to track diet and physical
activity effectively. Identify types of physical activity they can do. Explain how healthy food and drink choices can affect your physical activity/body.
Unit assessments: Discussion, Knowledge Check, and Summative assessment (nutrition and physical activity log),
Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate their understanding of how the way they eat can positively or negatively effect their body and how they
function. Students will understand how physical activity and nutrition are directly related. Students will identify and analyze the way they eat and
exercise. After this, they will reflect on improvements that can be made within their own personal health according to their log. Students will
understand the recommended/necessary exercise needed for their body.

Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health

Objective(s): Identify what mental and emotional health is. Explain how mental and emotional health can affect a person’s daily life. Identify
different ways in which a person can work on their mental/emotional health. Explain what they can do to ensure that they do self check ins.
Assessment: Discussion, Knowledge Check, Summative assessment (ways to keep your mental and emotional health in check).

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Permission Request for Adaptation
Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate their understanding of what mental and emotional health is. Students will analyze and work to understand
how important this issue is. Along with that they will work to do self-check ins to make sure that they themselves are in a good mental space.

Unit 4: Building Healthy Relationships

Objective(s): Identify what a healthy relationship consists of. Identify the different types of relationships that people can have. Explain why it is
important to make sure your relationship is healthy. Identify ways to check in on your friends./loved ones. Understand that each relationship is
unique and how to identify you are in an unhealthy relationship.
Assessments: Discussion, Knowledge Test, Summative Assessment (pick one of the first four units and students will showcase their understanding
of that specific unit).
Outcome(s): Students will understand what a healthy relationship consists of. Students will demonstrate their understanding of some different signs
that a relationship is healthy and positive for both individuals. Students will analyze toxic/unhealthy relationships and be able to identify what is
causing this and what they could potentially do to fix the issue.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Permission Request for Adaptation
What topics will be What should students be able What types of assessments will Copy/paste from the list above.
covered in the unit? to DO by the end of the unit? be included in the unit?
Each should start with a Double click on the box to
Bloom’s verb. select the Checked option.

Verbal communication Identify features of symbols. Discussion Students will demonstrate their
components Paper understanding of the
Explain effective verbal versus non- Knowledge Check communication process and the
Non-verbal verbal communication. Quiz/Test characteristics of effective

communication Summative Assessment communication, both verbal and

components Identify types and principles of non- Milestone:topic selection non-verbal.
verbal communication. Other: name the assessment
Students will analyze key
Explain how to improve verbal and components of communication and
non-verbal communication skills. apply theories and concepts to real
life contexts and experiences.

Knowledge Check
Unit 1
Summative Assessment
Milestone:name the milestone
Other: name the assessment

Unit 2 Discussion
Knowledge Check
Summative Assessment
Milestone:name the milestone

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Permission Request for Adaptation
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

Knowledge Check
Unit 3 Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

Knowledge Check
Unit 4 Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

Knowledge Check
Unit 5 Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

Knowledge Check
Unit 6 Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

© Unit 7 University, Waterbury, CT

2021 Post ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Discussion
Permission Request for Adaptation
Knowledge Check
Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

Knowledge Check
Unit 8 Summative Assessment
Milestone: name the milestone
(e.g. topic selection)
Other: name the assessment

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Permission Request for Adaptation

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