Sfe Pensa: University of Edinburgh

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MSc Structural and Fire Safety Engineering

Semester 1 courses
Fire Science and Fire Dynamics

This course is intended to provide the knowledge required for quantitative fire hazard analysis. Physical
and chemical behaviour of combustion systems as well as the impact of fire on materials will be
addressed. The student will acquire skills for quantitative estimation of the different variables of fire
growth. Basic principles of fire dynamics will be used to provide analytical formulations and empirical
correlations that can serve as tools for design calculations and fire reconstruction. Focus will be given to
the scientific aspects of fire but some basic features of fire safety engineering will be also developed.

1. How gases burn, including basic chemistry
2. How liquids burn, including convection and radiation heat transfer
3. How solids burn, including conduction heat transfer
4. Spontaneous ignition and smouldering (guest lecture)
5. Piloted ignition
6. Fire spread and fire plumes
7. Compartment fires, including flashover
8. Compartment fires, continued
9. Ceiling jet, structural interactions, backdraft
10. Smoke
11. Fire safety engineering applications

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate understanding of the science which underpins current fire safety engineering calculations
2. Estimate certain parameters of fires such as flame length, heat release rate, plume temperature and smoke
production, for simple, well defined fuel packages.
3. Explain fire behaviour in each of the stages in a compartment fire.
4. Perform certain typical fire safety engineering calculations.

Drysdale, D.D. "Introduction to fire Dynamics", 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2011.

Structural Design for Fire

This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of fire behaviour in buildings and introduce methods of
quantifying the threat it poses to structures. This will involve estimating the temperatures in building compartments
and the temperatures that individual structural members get exposed to as a function of time. Fundamentals of the
behaviour of common construction materials and estimation of the variation of mechanical properties of
construction materials affected by fire (i.e. temperature rise). Structural analysis principles are then applied to the
fire problem. Methods to carry out calculations to determine structural behaviour in the event of a fire will be
introduced followed by a discussion of advanced analytical and computational tools for analysing structural
behaviour in fire. The course will also provide an introduction to current (code based) design procedures.

Lecture 1 - Goals and Objectives

Lecture 2 - Structural Fires
Lecture 3 - Heat Transfer 1
Lecture 4 - Heat Transfer 2
Lecture 5 - Expansion and Restraint
Lecture 6 - Loads on Structures
Lecture 7 - Resistance
Lecture 8 - Revisiting the furnace test
Lecture 9 - More common types of building
Lecture 10 - Computational Modelling
Lecture 11 – Summary

Learning outcomes

1. understanding the philosophical underpinnings of structural design at both ambient and elevated
temperature conditions;
2. survey the different analytical and empirical tools for fire calculations in both small and open plan
3. understanding of the effect of temperature on material properties of - Steel, concrete, wood, composites;
fire proofing and thermal insulation;
4. understanding heat transfer calculations based on imposed conditions - (Temperature vs. Heat Flux); and
5. understand the role of loss of strength, deformation and thermal expansion and application to design of
structures for fire resistance - Includes advanced analytical principles and calculations, and structural
design for fire.

1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer ,Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P.
Incropera, David P. DeWitt (2011) Wiley.
2. An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, 3rd Edition, Dougal Drysdale (2011).
3. Fundamental principles of structural behaviour under thermal effects, Asif Usmani (2001).

Finite Element Analysis for Solids

The finite element method (FEM) (also called finite element analysis or FEA) originated from the need to
solve complex problems in solid mechanics. FEM is used to obtain approximate numerical solutions to a
variety of equations of calculus. Today it is used in a wide range of disciplines. This course is an
introduction to FEA as applied to elasticity problems in solid and structural mechanics. The
mathematical equations are developed using the virtual work basis of FEM and this is used to develop
equations for one-, two- and three-dimensional elements. As FEA is a computational tool this course
includes practical exercises using the commercial package ABAQUS. A number of tutorials involving hand
calculations are provided to aid understanding of the technique.

L1 Introduction

Course outline; areas of application of the finite element (FE) method; examples of some problems for
which FE analysis has been used.

L2 FE terminology and steps

Introduction to FE terminology; steps of the analysis using an assumed displacement field approach for
linear elastic analysis of structures.

L3 Input to and Output from a FE program 1

Feeding a finite element program (ABAQUS) with geometric, physical and loading information.

L4 Input to and Output from a FE program 2

Understanding and interpreting results from a FE program.

L5 FE Modelling

Introduction to plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric, and plate bending problems; degrees of
freedom; stress-strain and strain-displacement relations.

L6 Virtual Work Basis of Finite Element Method: 1

Definition of generic displacements, body forces, nodal displacements, and nodal actions; displacement
shape functions with simple examples; relating generic displacements, strains, and stresses to nodal
L7 Virtual Work Basis of Finite Element Method: 2

Derivation of FE equilibrium equations using the virtual work principle; examples of derivation of
stiffness and equivalent load vector for a two node truss element.

L8 Quadrilateral Elements 1

Normalised coordinates; shape functions for the bi-linear and quadratic elements; Isoparametric
concept; examples

L9 Quadrilateral Elements 2

Evaluation of element matrices; the Jacobian matrix; examples of specific cases.

L10 Quadrilateral Elements 3

Numerical integration; examples of numerical evaluation of element matrices

L11 Quadrilateral Elements 4

Examples of numerical and closed form evaluation of stiffness and load matrix terms

L12 Triangular elements 1

Natural coordinates; shape functions of constant and linear strain triangular elements; isoparametric
mapping; examples

L13 Triangular elements 2

Evaluation of element matrices; the Jacobian matrix; examples of specific cases.

L14 Triangular elements 3

Numerical integration; examples of numerical evaluation of element matrices

L15 Beam elements 1

FE basis of Euler Bernoulli beam elements; FE matrices and shape functions

L16 Beam elements 2

Strain-displacement and stress-strain relations for Euler Bernoulli beams; evaluation FE matrices;
limitations; examples

L17 Beam elements 3

FE basis of thick (Timoshenko) beam elements; shape functions

L18 Beam elements 4

Generalised strain-displacement and generalised stress-strain relations; evaluation of FE matrices;

reduced integration

L19 Revision

Recommended texts:
1. Cook, RD; Malkus, DS; Plesha, ME; Witt, RJ. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis,
Wiley, 2002.
2. Zienkiewicz, OC; Taylor, RL. The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
3. Bathe, KJ. Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996.
4. Smith, IM; Griffiths, DV. Programming the Finite Element Method, Wiley, 2004.

Fire Safety, Engineering and Society

This course provides a training in engineering approaches to applied problems. The student is introduced to the
principles of design for the fire safety engineering of various infrastructures, with an emphasis in the built
environment. A variety of different aspects of design are discussed (including: flammability, detection & alarm,
smoke management, fire suppression, fire resistance, egress, etc.), with particular attention to systems of
classification and design applications. The course distinguishes 'prescriptive' and 'performance-based' approaches
to design, with an emphasis on understanding the philosophy of design guidance; references are made to more
advanced methods and opportunities to use fire science knowledge and engineering analysis approaches, as well as
the interface with structural engineering. The overall aim is to build confidence in tackling simple fire safety
engineering design with due consideration to any limitations, uncertainties or conservatisms which may be present.

Lecture 1 Introduction to Fire Safety Engineering (wks1,2)

Principles of regulations for fire safety, lessons from failures, intro to prescriptive and performance-
based design methodologies
- Some historical context
- Overview of relevant codes and standards (Approved Document B, BS9999, BS7974, Eurocode 1)
- Information on course delivery

Lecture 2 Flammability (wk3)

Concept of 'Flammability' and associated principles of hazard classification
- Standard methods for establishing flammability of different compounds
- Combustible/Flammable liquids
- Buncefield case study
Codes: NFPA 30, ASTM D56-02, etc

Lecture 3 Fire Detection and Alarm (wk4)

Principles of 'Fire Detection and Alarm'
- System categories, including life and property protection
- Alarm and detection zones
- Detector technologies
- Advanced systems (FireGrid)
Code: BS5839-1

Lecture 4 Smoke Control (wk5)

Concept of 'stairwell pressurisation'
- Fundamentals aspects of smoke movement in buildings (BRE "No Smoke with Fire" video)
- Strategies for smoke control, including active and passive systems
- Specifications for pressurised spaces
- Practical aspects of implementation
Code: BS EN12101-6; Bellido et al. paper

Lectures 5a,b Fire Suppression (wks6,7)

Principles of 'Fire Suppression'
- Introduction to suppression systems
- Design of sprinkler systems
- Design of gaseous fire suppression systems
- Dry chemical fire suppression
Code: BS EN 12845:2004; Bryan ch. 7; BS ISO 15004-1/6:2008; Ewing et al. - Fire Technology 'Flame
extinguishment properties of dry chemicals'

Lectures 6a,b Fire Resistance (wks8,9)

Concept of 'Fire Resistance'
- Fire resistance requirements as function of building/occupancy
- Compartmentation concept
- Methods for specifying fire resistance of structural elements
- Steel, concrete, timber, etc.
Codes: ADB/BS9999, BS476-20 – FIRE TESTS; BS5950-8 - Structural use of steelwork in building. Code of
practice for fire resistant design, BS8110-2 – EN 1992-1-2, BS5268-4 – TIMBER IN FIRE, Eurocode 3

Lecture 7 Egress (wk10)

Understand the principles of 'Egress'
- Prescriptive methods for egress: travel distances, sizing of corridors and stairways
- Simultaneous v Phased evacuation
- Risk profiles
- Human behaviour aspects
Code: ADB, BS9999, BS7974:6

Lecture 8 Revision (wk11)

There are two assessed tutorials encompassing one or more of the above topics. A formative tutorial will
also be completed, with feedback provided before the assessed tutorial.
Learning outcomes:

1. Appreciate the role and importance of fire safety engineering in the design of modern infrastructures;
2. Describe the range of approaches adopted, with an awareness of distinctions and limitations;
3. Justify fire design specifications with reference to appropriate codes and standards, with appropriate
consideration of information that may be incomplete or uncertain;
4. Demonstrate awareness of potentially conflicting demands, i.e. commercial, safety, environmental,
ethical, etc.

Semester 2 courses
Fire Science Laboratory
1. Liquid fuel ignition (4 hours)
This is the second ignition laboratory demonstrations conducted to illustrate the use of ignition to
establish flammability criteria.
- Flash point/fire point
- Physical processes and Standard tests

2. Burning Rate (6 hours)

The evolution of the burning rate and fire dynamics of fire plumes as a function of different parameters
will be established, using open pool fires. Empirical and analytical formulations will be validated for
various fire sizes with respect to characteristic parameters, i.e.:
- Centreline temperatures
- Entrainment rate
The effects of confining the fire within a compartment will also be examined and interpreted in relation
to simple fire models.

3. Reaction-to-fire behaviour of solids (4 hours)

In this laboratory, the cone calorimeter apparatus is used to examine the reaction-to-fire behaviour of
solid fuels under different heat exposures, with specific attention to:
- Ignition time
- Subsequent energy release rate
From the measurements, the following parameters will be determined:
- Ignition temperature
- Thermal inertia

4. Flame spread (4 hours)

The physical mechanisms controlling flame spread will be described on the basis of a lateral flame
spread test. The demonstration will emphasize the following aspects:
- Materials properties: influence of a material thermal and chemical properties on the rate of spread
(liquid:solid, high density:low density, charring: non-charring, melting:non-melting)
- Orientation: upward, downward, horizontal, lateral.
- External heat flux
- Fuel thickness: thick:thin materials.

5. Spontaneous ignition (4 hours)

This is the first of two laboratory demonstrations conducted to illustrate the different processes leading
to ignition of combustible materials and is intended to provide insight on the ignition phenomenon.
- Application of ignition theory
- Piloted, Auto and Spontaneous ignition

Drysdale, D. An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 (or earlier

SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 4th ed., DiNenno, P.J. ed., NFPA, Quincy, MA,
2009 (or earlier editions)
Models for Fire Safety

This course explores the practicalities of performance-based design of buildings for fire safety. It focuses
on the use of modelling tools in the estimation of performance of fire safety systems. Zone models,
Egress models and CFD fire models are introduced to establish modern approaches to fire safety
engineering. The models will be applied using a real-life case study.

1. Introduction to fire models

2. Egress models
3. Design fires for modelling
4. Zone models
5. Deterministic and probability models
6. CFD models (part 1)
7. Site visit
8. CFD models (part 2)
9. Models in fire safety engineering strategy

Learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate understanding of all the component parts of a modern fire safety engineering
2. Explain the differences between prescriptive and performance based design methods.
3. Understand the benefits and limitations of several calculation methods, including use of CFD in
fire safety engineering design.

"Performance-Based Fire Safety Design" by Morgan Hurley and Eric Rosenbaum, CRC Press, 2015

Drysdale, D. An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 (or earlier editions)

CIBSE Guide E "Fire Safety Engineering 2010"

The Finite Element Method

The finite element method is an indispensable tool for engineers in all disciplines. This course
introduces students to the fundamental theory of the finite element method as a general tool for
numerically solving differential equations for a wide range of engineering problems. Field problems
described by the Laplace, and Poisson equations are presented first and all steps of the FE formulation
are described. Specific applications in heat transfer are demonstrated. The application of the method to
elasticity problems is then developed from fundamental principles. Specific classes of problems are then
discussed based on abstractions and idealisations of 3D solids, such as plane stress and strain, Euler-
Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams and Kirchoff and Mindlin-Reissner plates and shells. Special topics such
as multiple constraints and substructuring are introduced.


L1 Introduction
L2 Recap of the direct stiffness method
L3-L4: Approximation and weighted residuals
L5-L6: Rayleigh-Ritz (variational) methods
L7-L8: Heat transfer and general Poisson problems
L9-L10: Poisson problems in two and three dimensions
L11-L12: Elastostatics and thermal stress analysis
L13-L14: Static condensation and multi-freedom constraints
L15-L16: Beam and plate bending
L17-L18: Revision

This is a postgraduate level finite element course which builds on the introductory course "FEM for Solids
and Structures". The subject is approached in a more general sense in a relatively more mathematical
framework. Many topics from the rich FEM literature are presented preferring breadth over depth. The
course is primarily intended for MSc students and those undergraduates who are fascinated by the
subject and would like to pursue higher degrees in the field of computational mechanics.
Recommended reading:
J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2005
E. G. Thompson, Introduction to the Finite Element Method - Theory, Programming and Applications,
John Wiley and Sons, 2004.

Background reading:
O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method Set, 7th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann,
K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996.

University of Canterbury – New Zealand

Structural Fire Engineering Course
Structural Fire Engineering introduces graduate students and engineering professionals to
performance-based design of structures for fire situations. It covers general fire safety
principles, fire resistance and the behaviour, analysis and design of structures at elevated
temperatures. In exploring the available fire engineering design methods, the course examines
prescriptive approaches, simple calculations and advanced calculation methods. It is aimed at
enhancing structural engineering practice for the design of structures exposed to fires.

Learning Outcomes

 At the end of this course, participants will have an understanding of

the fundamental behaviours of individual structural elements and
structural systems in fires. Students should be able to distinguish
between conditions where tabulated and simplified calculations of
fire resistance of structural elements are applicable, and where
advanced calculations are either the only alternative or a better
option. Principally, they will be able to make calculations of:

 Heat release rates of materials and items of furniture

 Temperatures in post-flashover fires
 Fire spread by radiation from building to building
 Equivalent fire severity
 Temperatures in structural assemblies using hand calculation
methods and finite element software
 Loads and safety factors for structural fire design
 Fire performance of steel and concrete structures using hand and
advanced calculation methods
 Fire resistance of heavy timber and light timber frame structures
Required Texts

Buchan, A H and Abu, A K; Structural Design for Fire Safety; 2nd; John Wiley and Sons, 2016.

Recommended Reading
Hurley, Morgan J. et al; SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering; Springer New York :
Imprint : Springer, 2016.

Lennon, Tom; Structural fire engineering; ICE Publishing, 2011.

Purkiss, J. A; Fire safety engineering design of structures; Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.

Wang, Y. C; Steel and composite structures : behaviour and design for fire safety; Spon Press,

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