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Software Reuse-SWE528

Prof. Asha. N 1
 Engineering: The technology and method
◦ Means to identify clearly elements of the models.
◦ Lack of components to reuse.
◦ Lack of flexibility in potentially reusable
◦ Lack of tools to carry out reuse procedure.
 Process: the traditional process of software
development is itself deficient in
opportunities to encourage reuse.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 2
 Organizational: broader focus on product
◦ Conflict between focus on single projects and
application domain view.
◦ Lack of knowledge.
 Business: reuse takes capital to finance
domain engineering, building components,
creation of in-house libraries of components.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 3
 Ericsson: the telecommunications switching
systems(1967) product – the largest product
built using OO technology, having been
adopted for 100 countries.
 Organizational principles:
◦ Extensive initial investment and long term
organizational commitment.
◦ Importance of well-designed architecture.
◦ Service packages.
◦ Structure the development organization to match
the system architecture.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 4
 Hewlett-Packard(1984): developed simple
guidebook and beginnings of a corporate reuse
library by 1987.
◦ Pilot-driven adoption.
◦ Full-time reuse program manager was appointed
◦ By 1993 the division has cut time to market from 18
months to 5 months.
◦ By 1995 produced another 15 products by using the
◦ Showed 25-50% reuse.
◦ Analyzed the effect of early reuse effort – manufacturing
productivity and in technical graphics division.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 5
 AT&T: Telephone operation support system,
Pushed the reusable assets on two pilot projects.
 Point of emphasis: “do not develop reusable
components in an ivory tower. Try them out on
real systems and modify them”.
◦ The assets were being used by over 70 projects.
◦ Reuse level of 40 – 92 %
◦ Development time dropped from 12-20 months to 6-12
◦ With 92% reuse, put out 487000 LOCs in six months.
◦ Quality improved.
◦ 12% cost saving

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 6
 Microsoft: fourteen different text processing
code in their products
◦ Planning for reuse has to begin at the architecture
 Netron, Inc: frame technology
◦ 15 projects executed with frame technology
◦ Time to market was reduced by 70%
◦ Project costs were reduced by 84%
◦ Process productivity improved by a factor of 9.4.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 7
 Expand incrementally, increasing reuse
coverage and penetration into the organization.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 8
 Reuse program, reuse process and technology
development have been funded by governments,
corporations and consortia.
◦ REBOOT Consortium (Reuse Based on Object Oriented
 Introduced two process models – reuse does not necessarily
mean code alone.
 Development for reuse
 Development with reuse
◦ STARS (The Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable
 Process-driven
 Architecture-Centric
 Domain-specific
 Library-based
-> flight dynamic simulation, defects-0.7/1000 LOC

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 9
◦ Motorola
 Top management support
 Education and training to support the activity reuse.
◦ Brooklyn Union Gas
 Well planned architecture – three layers: interface, process
and business objects.
 Provided financial incentives.
 Funded several reuse support centres, component
development, reuse metrics, reuse handbooks and domain
◦ University of Maryland and NASA software engg
 Developed the concept of “component factory and
experience factory”

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 10
1. Maintain top management leadership and financial
backing over the long term.
2. Plan and adapt the system architecture, the
development processes, and the organization to the
necessities of reuse in a systematic but incremental
fashion. Start with small pilot projects, and then
scale up.
3. Plan for reuse beginning with the architecture and
an incremental architecting.
4. Move to an explicitly managed reuse organization
which separates the creation of reusable
components from their reuse in application
systems, and provides an explicit support function.
5. Create and evolve reusable components in a real
working environment.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 11
6. Manage application systems and reusable
components as a product portfolio of financial
value, focusing reuse on common components
in high-payoff application and subsystem
7. Realize that object or component technology
alone is not sufficient.
8. Directly address organization culture and
change, using champions and change agents.
9. Invest in and continuously improve
infrastructure, reuse education, and skills.
10. Measure reuse progress with metrics, and
optimize the reuse program.

Software Reuse-SWE528
Prof. Asha. N 12

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