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Session: 2021 - 2022

Class: IX
Subject: Geography
Study Material: 5
VOLCANOES (continued)
Intrusive Landforms:
● Sills
● Dykes
● Laccoliths
● Batholiths

Sills- These are intrusions of magma of horizontal shape which gets solidified between the layers of
sedimentary rocks. They form terraces or benches on hill slopes.

Dykes- Dykes are intrusions of magma of vertical form. They are usually narrow but may extend several
kilometres in length. They form long narrow ridges.

Laccoliths- These are sheet like intrusions that have been injected within or between layers of sedimentary
rock. The pressure of the magma is high enough that the overlying strata are forced upward and folded, giving
the laccolith a dome or mushroom like structure.

Batholiths- These are gigantic intrusions of coarse grained igneous mass formed when a huge reservoir of
magma cools and solidifies in an irregular shape. They are dome shaped with no definite floor.
Effects of Volcanic Eruptions:
Important Volcanic Zones of the world:

At present there are about 500 active volcanoes on the surface of the Earth. These are found mostly in the
unstable portions of the Earth's crust. These are mainly belts of young fold mountains.

The Circum-Pacific belt or Ring of Fire: The volcanoes occur near Earthquake belts around the young fold
mountains. It is also known as the Ring of Fire because over 80% of the total number of active volcanoes are
concentrated in this region. Among these are included 40 active volcanoes in Andes, over 100 in the
Philippines, 70 in Indonesia and 40 in Japan.

Mid-World Mountain Belt or Alpine-Himalayan mountains: Mt.Vesuvius, Mt. Etna and Mt. Stromboli, the
famous active volcanoes, are located in this belt. The only active volcano in India, in Andaman and Nicobar
islands, is also located here. The Hawaiian Islands and Canary Islands are also a part of this group.
Dear Students, hope you all enjoyed the lesson on Volcanoes.
There is something for you to watch.
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1.Define the following:

a. Geothermal energy
b. Igneous rock
c. Laccoliths
d. Batholiths

2.Give Reasons for the following:

a. Circum-Pacific belt is known as the Ring of Fire.

b. Volcanic soil is good for agriculture.

3.Distinguish between the following:

a. Sills and Dykes

b. Constructive effects and Destructive effects of Volcanoes
c. Extrusive and Intrusive volcanic landforms

4.Answer in brief:

a. Indicate the world distribution of active volcanoes.

b. Write a short note on the Mid- World Mountain belt.


Draw and label: Intrusive Volcanic Landforms

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