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School of Engineering

Working Guide on Accomplishing

a Project
Project Report Skeleton
Project Report Skeleton
• The Project report is the written product of a
systematic study and work on a well defined
and stated problem.
• It may be analysed into three S’s:


Project Report Skeleton
• Structure confers logical coherence.
• Substance confers significance and depth.
• Style confers elegance and appeal.
• All three components—structure, substance
and style—influence one another.
• A good report will not be found wanting in any
of these three.
Project Report Skeleton



Project Report Skeleton: Structure
• The Project report consists of:
– Title page: gives the title of the project in full, the
student’s name and ID number, the advisor’s
name, the department, the School, and semester
of submission.
– Abstract:—of approximately 300 words. (It should
not exceed 700 words.) The Abstract should
summarize the appropriate headings, aims, scope
and conclusion of the report.
– Acknowledgements
Project Report Skeleton: Structure
– Table of Contents
– List of Figures
– List of Tables
– Main Text
– Bibliography or References
– Appendices
Project Report Skeleton: Structure
• The report proper consists of the Main Text. If
we zoomed in on the Main Text, we should
see something like this:
– Chapter 1: Introduction (Survey of
Literature/Similar Systems)
– Chapter 2: Requirements and Specifications
– Chapter 3: Design and Implementation (Testing)
– Chapter 4: Conclusion and Future Work
Project Report Skeleton: Structure
• Rules of three: Within each chapter, repeat
yourself 3 times:
– Introduction: This Chapter will show ...
– Body. Show them ...
– Conclusion. This chapter have shown...

You to avoid using the words: We, our I….

Rationale for Structure
• The rationale for the structure in the previous
slides is simply that a report must tell a story
clearly and convincingly.
• The components of the
structure impart logical
continuity to the report in
much the same way that
links in a chain confer on it
integrity and strength.
Rationale for Structure
• Flow in the logic: relationship between the structure of
an experimental chapter in a project report, and its
underlying logic.
Introduction/Requirements = What did you do and why?
Design and Implementation = How did you do it?
Testing/Results = What did you find?
Discussion = What do your results mean to you
and why?

Conclusions = Introduction/Aim
Rationale for Structure
• Any flaw in the reasoning or gap in the logic
will be easily spotted if this structure is strictly
• The structure of the report is designed to
enforce logical and engineering rigour and
make it easy to read.
• Follow the structure and you can be sure that
you are telling your story in the right order.
Project Report Skeleton



Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Begin at the beginning, keep records:
– The content of your report is being continuously
gathered throughout the period of your project.
• You can afford to be wordy and repetitive here,
because you do not want to be lost when you
refer to it later on.
• Your record book is where you record your
thoughts, perceptions and measurements, using
words, numbers and pictures, as and when they
are still fresh in your mind.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Write with the reader in mind:
– All communication involves two parties: the sender of
the message and the receiver.
– In written communication, they are the writer and the
– If you write with the reader in mind you are more
likely to communicate successfully.
• The reader should not waste the effort that
would go into understanding the substance of the
writing, in trying to guess what the writer
intended to mean.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Write with the reader in mind, generic
– Follow a grammatical subject with its verb, as
soon as possible
– Place in the position of importance the “new
information” you want the reader to emphasize in
his or her mind
– Place the idea whose story is being told at the
beginning of a sentence in the topic position
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Write with the reader in mind, generic guidelines:
– Place appropriate “old information” (material
discussed earlier) in the topic position to provide
linkage with what has gone before and context for
what is to come later.
– Make clear the action of every clause or sentence in
its verb.
– Provide context for your reader before asking him or
her to consider anything new.
– Match the emphasis conveyed by the substance with
the emphasis anticipated by the reader from the
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Write with the reader in mind, generic
– Lead the reader from the known to the unknown
– Do not forget the poor student who gets to
continue your project the next year.
– If your report is not clear enough, the student may
be condemned to repeat your work before making
further progress, losing valuable time in the
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Think-Plan-Write-Revise:
– Messy thinking leads to messy writing: cluttered,
obscure, and uninviting.
– After you have brainstormed and you have some main
ideas of what you would like to write in your essay,
you can begin planning your project report.
– Think and plan before you write and revise.
– Writing is not a linear process but a cyclic one. What
appears first may be written last, with the benefit of
hindsight and a unified perspective.
– Start writing early. Do not delay writing until you have
finished your project/research.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Think-Plan-Write-Revise:
– Write complete and concise “Technical Reports”.
This way, you will remember everything you did
and document it accurately, when the work is still
fresh in your mind.
– Spot errors early. A well-written “Technical
Report” will force you to think about what you
have done, before you move on to something
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Think-Plan-Write-Revise:
– Write your report from the inside out. Begin with
the chapters on your own experimental work. You
will develop confidence in writing them because
you know your own work better than anyone else.
– Write the Introduction after writing the
Conclusions. The examiner will read the
Introduction first, and then the Conclusions, to
see if the promises made in the former are indeed
fulfilled in the latter.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Think-Plan-Write-Revise:
– Ensure that your Introduction and Conclusions
match 100%. First and last impressions persist.
– The critical review of the literature places your
work in context. Usually, one third of the report is
about others’ work; two thirds, what you have
done yourself. After a thorough and critical
literature review, the student must be able to
identify the his problem statement.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Revise:
– As and when each chapter is written, revise it for
understanding, paying attention to the flow of
logic and sense of continuity.
– Read it again, pay attention this time to how
comprehensible it is.
– Finally, read it once more paying attention to
spelling, grammar, typography, placement of
illustrations, etc.
– In these three stages, you are evaluating the
chapter for its structure, substance, and style.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Revise:
– When all the chapters are in place, read the report
again, pay attention this time to overall
understand, coherence, comprehensibility and
– Get your supervisor to read and criticize the early
drafts of your report. The more you polish up your
report, the better your chances of getting high
marks for it.
Project Report Skeleton: Substance
• Do’s and Don’ts while writing your Project
– Do keep records as you go along and date them.
– Do systematic work.
– Don’t claim precision where it is not justified.
– Don’t present a conjecture as a fact.
– Don’t plagiarize.
– Don’t falsify records or cook up data.
Project Report Skeleton



Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Ambiguity:
– Your text must be unambiguous.
– It must communicate clearly, precisely, and briefly.
– Say what was done; how it was done; why it was
• Precision:
– Precision allows your work to be repeated by others
for verification and extension.
– Vagueness hides in expressions like “quite small”, “a
considerable length” etc. Avoid them.
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Brevity:
– As a courtesy to your reader, be brief. Repetition
frustrates the reader.
– Brevity must not be at the expense of clarity or
– Avoid saying the same thing twice except by choice.
Eschew expressions like “in order to”, “as a result
of”, etc. When revising your report, try deleting
phrases and expressions that are “fillers”; in most
cases, what remains would be clearer and read
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Punctuation: Good punctuation
makes reading easy.
– Comma: Use the comma to indicate a
short pause or to separate items in a list.
– A pair of commas may delimit the
beginning and end of a subordinate
clause or phrase. Sometimes, this is also
done with a pair of “dashes” which are
printed like this: —.
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Punctuation:
– Semi-colon: The semi-colon signifies a longer pause
than the comma.
• It separates segments of a sentence that are
“further apart” in position, or meaning, but
which are nevertheless related.
• If the ideas were “closer together”, a comma
would have been used.
• It is also used to separate two clauses that may
stand on their own but which are too closely
related for a colon or full stop to intervene
between them.
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Punctuation:
• Colon:
– The colon is used before one or more examples of
a concept, and whenever items are to be listed in
a visually separate fashion.
– The sentence that introduced the itemized list you
are now reading ended in a colon. It may also be
used to separate two fairly—but not totally—
independent clauses in a sentence.
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• Punctuation:
• Full stop or period:
– The full stop ends a sentence.
– If the sentence embodies a question or an
exclamation, then, of course, it is ended with a
question mark or exclamation mark, respectively.
– The full stop is also used to terminate abbreviations
like etc., (for et cetera), e.g., for (exempli gratia), et al.,
(for et alia) etc., but not with abbreviations for SI
Project Report Skeleton: Style
• The I/We Active/Passive controversy
• Because scientific writing should be objective,
one should avoid the first person singular
pronoun ‘I’.
• Scientific writing must be in the passive voice,
again in the interests of objectivity.
• You are describing work that you have
individually done rather than some collective
effort for which the plural number would be apt.
Project Report Skeleton: Style

• Spelling and grammar

– Check the spelling of all words in your report,
including those in your bibliography, using a
spelling-checker such as the Microsoft Office
Word spelling-checker.
Project Report Skeleton: Style

• Layout:
– The layout is the packaging for your report.
– A pleasing font and adequate margins make your
report visually attractive.
– The convention is to choose a font with serifs
(e.g., Times Roman) for the main text and a sans
serif font (e.g., Helvetica) for text inside diagrams.
– All figure captions should be in the same font as
the main text, preferably at one size smaller.

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