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Version 20I9

Vol: I No: 31 DECEMBER 27, 20I9


EDITORIAL Al Sharpton rips evangelicals

Page 21 backing Trump: 'They would sell
Jesus out' Story on Page 8
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 1 12/27/2019
Version 20I9


African-Americans represent a substantial growth
In the Bible it is said, “...My people perish for lack of segment of the American consumer market for
knowledge…” Hosea 4:6 KJV. This statement is not companies and organizations. As a young
population with growing economic power and
only true for the Saints but for the African American influence it is an important market for those
community’s of Nassau County. Over the years I organizations looking for future domestic growth.
When looking toward the future prospects of the
have personally seen the deterioration of the fabric African-American demographic some key factors
of the Black community first hand and it began in indicate a fertile economic opportunity for
the schools. Now this is not a bad thing but it is an The buying power of African-Americans is $I
important thing that needs to be addressed before trillion and expected to grow to $I.3 trillion in the
next few years. A younger, growing population and
it is too late. higher educational achievement are the engines
While living on Long Island places a lot of pressure behind gains in economic power and show no signs
on many residents. Long Island is among the top 25 of slowing down or plateauing.
Overall growth in the number of households with
markets in the country. Anything and everything is incomes higher than $50,000, $75,000, and
available to the residents living on Long Island $I00,000 indicates the overall buying power
increases are broad-based and not concentrated at
except a professional, stable and strong community the top, allowing for increased branding and sales
news source. If we are not informed how can we opportunities for companies. Along with exercising
more purchase power, African-Americans have
make informed decisions? started adopting behavioral changes in their
This is why the VILLAGE PRESS was birth and will lifestyles. These lifestyle changes and consumer
behaviors are concentrated in a majority that is in a
launch this coming September. An informed prime age demographic, have more durable
community is the worlds best customer as well as household income levels, and are driven by cultural
and ethnic awareness. Cultural identity and
best neighbor. We are committed to making that ethnicity are key drivers for consumption for
happen. African-Americans.
African-Americans are very receptive to
The marketing and sales teams here at the VILLAGE advertising and programming that include
PRESS have a very simple customer marketing positive cultural themes and include people of
color. Black consumers are more likely to support
strategy. or purchase products and services that are
We believe that it is our obligation to meet the represented or owned by people of the same
client where they are most comfortable, like at ethnicity. Not only are African-American
consumers culturally aware they are early adopters
Home on a Saturday morning with our Home of new technology and are heavy users of digital
Delivery Workforce. Or as with this digital media. Blacks are more likely to positively receive
advertising and content via mobile phones and use
publications. Or at their quiet get-a-away; Like their applications to recommend products to others or
personal SPA, the Gym, or HAIR SALON or even their rate their experiences.
African-Americans consume television and video
BARBER SHOP with our Live Streaming Internet at higher rates than the general population.
Radio Network. Black adults are adopting healthier habits
including greater participation in exercise and
Or even at WORK during a break with our athletics, eating healthier organic foods,
Internet Television Podcast. cutting back on riskier habits like smoking and
drinking alcohol.
There is no magic to this marketing thing we just Healthier living also includes financial
want to comfortably meet our clients where it is awareness, literacy, and preparedness activities like
managing debt, saving, investing, and
convenient for them. retirement planning.

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 2 12/27/2019

Version 20I9

Editorial Page Page 3
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Business News Page 6
Religious News Page 8
Opinions Page I0
Black History Page I2
Law & Order Page I4
Education Page I6
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Entertainment Page 26
Food, Fashion Page 28
Life and Living Page 30
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Published by The Village Press, Inc. 3 12/27/2019

Version 20I9

MORMON CHURCH about uses of the money. tithe money from church mem-
The complaint may be the most bers.
STOCKPILED $100 important look at LDS finances
in decades, a window into one
Religion Unplugged reached
EPA's managing director Roger
BILLION INTENDED ofganizations
the wealthiest religious or-
in the United States
Clarke by phone on Monday,
offering to explain key parts of
FOR CHARITIES and the world. Details of the
IRS filing reveal financial assets
this story and to ask questions
for EPA to give a response. "We
AND MISLED LDS largely hidden from the church's
membership (often known as
don't really answer questions
with the public press. So
MEMBERS, "Mormons") and the public
thanks," he said, before hanging
up the phone.
WHISTLEBLOWER Spires of the LDS temple in Salt Ensign Peak Advisors' articles
Lake City, Utah. Did the Mor- of incorporation confirm Ensign
SAYS mon Church stockpile billions Peak is an arm of the Church of
This story is being co-published of dollars meant for charity, Jesus Christ of Latter-day
with Religion Unplugged. misleading church members Saints. As registered under sec-
A whistleblower complaint filed about how their donations were tion 509(a)3 of the Internal Rev-
at the Internal Revenue Service used?GEORGE FREY/GETTY enue Code, Ensign Peak Advi-
in November by a knowledgea- The 74-page document filed sors, Inc. (EPA) is a "supporting
ble church member alleges that with the IRS and obtained by organization" of the Church un-
a non-profit supporting organi- Religion Unplugged shows that der article 3 in its registration
zation controlled by the Church Ensign Peak Advisors, Inc. document. Upon dissolution, all
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day (EPA) owned assets under man- Ensign Peak assets go the
Saints used member tithes to agement grew to more than Church or affiliated organiza-
amass more than $100 billion in $100 billion from $10 billion in tions according to article 5 and
a set of investment funds and the past 22 years, fueled by a that article cannot be changed
the Church misled members mix of investment strategy and (Continued on page 10)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 4 12/27/2019

This Is How
The DMV Is
ing Black
Women &
Families In
South Carolina
Janice Carter is not
giving up without a
Janice Carter feels like a pris-
oner in her own city.
The retired U.S. Air Force vet- tunities. was suspended.
eran and mom of two longs to South Carolina’s driver’s li- The officer let her drive home,
spend time with her adult chil- cense policy has a dispropor- but he issued several addition-
dren and extended family dur- tionate impact on African- al traffic tickets, which caused
ing the holidays. She aims to Americans: of the 190,000 her debt to the DMV to bal-
get a better paying job as a South Carolinians without li- loon.
reentry caseworker. And she’d censes because they can’t Carter said she went to the
love to go to church or spend a afford to pay tickets and fees, DMV to plead her case, only to
day at the beach. nearly 50 percent are black, learn that the state indefinitely
even though black people suspended her license be-
MORE: Black Women Entre- comprise just 27 percent of the cause she hadn’t paid the orig-
preneurs Pay Off Debt For 30 state’s population, according inal ticket, but without grant-
Students At Clark Atlanta Uni- to the U.S. Census. ing her a hearing to plead her
versity In fact, an analysis of DMV data case or verifying whether she
But as of now, those wishes shows that black South Caro- actually was able to pay the
are unreachable. linians are three times more debt. DMV employees told her
That’s because Carter has likely to have their licenses that she would not get her li-
been without a driver’s license suspended compared to their cense back unless she paid the
for almost two years – all be- white counterparts, an alarm- debt in full – including a
cause she can’t afford to pay ing statistic in a state with a “reinstatement” fee, she said.
some $1,600 in fines and fees legacy of racial injustice fol- “All of this made me an emo-
to the department of motor lowing slavery, Reconstruction tional wreck, and now I’m do-
vehicles. and Jim Crow. ing my best to save money to-
The policy has left her virtually Carter said her problems be- wards the tickets and fees,”
stranded in her city of North gan in 2016 Carter said. “I am working part
Charleston, S.C. when police stopped her while -time jobs to support myself. I
Carter is one of nearly 200,000 she was behind the wheel and had a job (offer) in human re-
people in South Carolina who issued her a speeding ticket. sources as a case manager,
currently have their driver’s She couldn’t afford to pay for but I can’t do that job without
licenses indefinitely suspend- it and never heard anything a license.”
ed because they can’t afford to from the DMV. But when police Carter has joined forces with
clear their debts to the DMV, pulled her over again nearly
curbing their access to better- two years later, she was (Continued on page 18)
paying jobs and other oppor- shocked to learn her license
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 5 12/27/2019


We’re looking for
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 6 12/27/2019
White House
arguing that
impeachment-trial-impasse/ Bloomberg's opinion page Thurs- sources also say that the president,
The White House is considering day. Feldman was one of the legal while "angry" about what he views
making the argument that President experts called by Democrats to tes- as an unfair process, is actually in a
Trump has not officially been im- tify before the House Judiciary "very good mood," and feels confi-
peached, given that House Speaker Committee earlier this month and dent he can win the messaging war
Nancy Pelosi has not transmitted has advocated for Mr. Trump's im- via Twitter while lawmakers are
the articles of impeachment to the peachment and removal from of- back home for the holidays.
Senate, two sources involved in the fice. A senior White House official said
president's impeachment defense "Impeachment as contemplated by the White House might pursue that
told CBS News. the Constitution does not consist line of messaging, but the White
The House voted to impeach Mr. merely of the vote by the House, House is also in a "wait and see"
Trump on two articles of impeach- but of the process of sending the attitude over the Christmas holiday.
ment — abuse of power and ob- articles to the Senate for trial," Right now, the official said they
struction of Congress — on Feldman wrote in Bloomberg. preferred to focus on "happy" mes-
Wednesday. However, Pelosi told "Both parts are necessary to make saging, not "flogging" impeach-
reporters on Thursday that the an impeachment under the Consti- ment messaging over the holidays.
House would wait to deliver the tution: The House must actually Republicans in Congress are al-
articles until the Senate had laid out send the articles and send managers ready making this argument. Senate
the rules for the trial. to the Senate to prosecute the im- Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
"When we see the process that's set peachment. And the Senate must said in a speech on the Senate floor
forth in the Senate, then we'll know actually hold a trial." Thursday that Pelosi's decision to
the number of managers we'll have "If the House does not communi- withhold the articles from the Sen-
to move forward, and who we cate its impeachment to the Senate, ate shows Democrats "may be too
would choose," the California it hasn't actually impeached the afraid to even transmit their shoddy
Democrat said. The House must president. If the articles are not work product to the Senate." House
vote on a resolution designating transmitted, Trump could legiti- Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
impeachment managers to prose- mately say that he wasn't truly im- echoed those comments: "She's ad-
cute the case against Mr. Trump in peached at all," Feldman wrote. mitting defeat by not sending them.
the Senate before delivering the ar- However, Harvard Law Professor By refusing to send impeachment
ticles. Laurence Tribe wrote on Twit- over, she knows its outcome is not
Trump Impeachment More ter that he disagreed with Feldman's good."
Highlights from the historic analysis, saying that "under Art. I, Pelosi and Democrats in the House
week that Trump was im- Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached and Senate are trying to pressure
peached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever the Senate to call for more docu-
Trump endorses newly Re- remain impeached. Period." That ments and for witnesses who did
publican Congressman Jeff portion of the Constitution says that not testify in the House impeach-
Van Drew the House of Representatives "shall ment proceedings because the
Ukrainians' thoughts on have the sole Power of Impeach- White House prevented them from
Trump's impeachment? ment." appearing.
Many don't care, or know. The sources told CBS News that "I told leader McConnell that we
What have presidents been the White House views Pelosi's de- would not support any trial without
impeached for? lay as "a Christmas gift." They plan witnesses or documents," House
The White House is considering to use the delay to argue that the Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
making the case that Mr. Trump has Democrats have so little faith in said Thursday.
not been impeached based on their own case for impeachment, Mr. Trump's legislative director
an opinion piece by Harvard Law they are too scared to trigger a trial
(Continued on page 14)
Professor Noah Feldman on they know they will lose. The two
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 7 12/27/2019
Version 2019

Al Sharpton 23, 2019 ming up what he said was the

rips The Rev. Al Sharpton implicitly

compared evangelical supporters
point of the CT editorial. “And
that’s sad on many levels.”

evangelicals of President Trump to Judas on

Monday, saying they would be-
Christianity Today’s editor-in-
chief Mark Galli “made it very

backing tray Jesus for worldly gains in the

realm of politics.
clear, this is not a political posi-
tion, it’s a moral one. And by rais-

Trump: 'They Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning

Joe,” Mr. Sharpton took the side
ing it to that level and putting it in
that perspective, he not only ex-

would sell of Christianity Today in its dispute

with conservative evangelicals
poses the president, but he ex-
poses a lot of the evangelical

Jesus out' over its editorial last week calling

for President Trump to be re-
leaders saying ‘I support the pres-
ident on his judicial nominees. I
moved from office. support the president on a lot of
The Rev. Al Sharpton delivers the
The reason they’re so offended,” things,’” Mr. Sharpton said.
keynote speech at the Reflections
Mr. Sharpton said of the pro- The preacher-activist said such
on Faith, Community and Racial
Trump evangelicals, “is it’s expos- political gains are selling out the
Reconciliation in the Common-
ing all of them that they would church, saying he was reminded
wealth ceremony hosted by Vir-
take this shameless con man over of Jesus’s rhetorical question
ginia Union University at the Allix
the principles that they’re preach- “What profits a man to gain the
B. James Chapel, Thursday, Feb.
ing in the holy season as we cele- world and lose his own soul?”
7, 2019, in Richmond, Va.
brate Jesus.
(James ... more >
“They would sell Jesus out if they
By Victor Morton - The Washing-
felt they could get something
ton Times - Monday, December
from it,” Mr. Sharpton said, sum-
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 8 12/27/2019
on the AASN Channel
JANUARY 15th, at 6:00 am

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 9 12/27/2019

Version 2019

(Continued from page 4) with its Articles of Incorporation than 30 percent of its portfolio at
around 2013," the whistleblower the time.
without "the written consent of writes on a notarized cover letter The whistleblower complaint
The First Presidency" of the to the IRS obtained by Religion said EPA had 75 employees in
Church. Because Ensign Peak Unplugged. "I raised several 2019, up from 20 in 2010. They
Advisers is a support organiza- flags and concerns over the work in a building in Salt Lake
tion to a church it is not subject years." City, Utah, (60 East South Tem-
to disclosure requirements that A secret $100 billion stockpile ple, Suite 400) that does not
other non-profit organizations The document tallies assets in have a sign on the building or in
are required to make. EPA using downloaded spread- the downstairs lobby according
A former Church member in sheets of assets from across its to the complaint. The company
Minnesota named Lars Nielsen portfolio from March 22, 2018. does not have a public web site.
published a 74-page document The document indicates that the A LinkedIn search of Ensign
filed with the IRS that makes firm receives billions each year Peak Advisors lists 64 people
several allegations. The filing from tithe revenue — the dona- who work there including peo-
also included several internal tions church members make to ple in typical finance roles such
EPA documents including an the church — and estimates as compliance officer, invest-
EPA Policy book, an EPA mas- EPA assets from tithes and in- ment manager, investment ana-
ter plan, an EPA New Staff Ori- vestment growth is more than lyst, portfolio manager, equity
entation Guide, statements of $100 billion at present. trader, private equity associate
financial condition and data The organization's IRS 990-t and accountant.
downloads and analysis of the forms also show an opaque but "Supporting organizations raise
firm's investment portfolio. One growing organization. In 2007, funds. They invest funds. De-
presentation slide in the docu- the organization listed pending on how the investment
ment from March of 2013 is la- "investing" as its primary busi- fund was set up, it could well be
beled "New Staff Orientation ness activity, lists a $1 million proper," says Arthur Rieman, an
Deck" and shows a Church in- book value of all assets at year attorney at The Law Firm for
vestment governance structure end. In 2015, it listed a book Non-Profits in Studio City, Ca-
including a "Council on Disposi- value "over" $1 million. By lif. "If it's set up as an invest-
tion of Tithes" that allocates 2017, EPA listed "investing in ment fund and increased 1,000
funds from tithes to holding or- partnerships" as its primary percent in 20 years, that's a pret-
ganizations in the church such as business, did not disclose its ty good return."
EPA. book value, reported $17.6 mil- The whistleblower document
Nielsen learned of the allega- lion in capital gain net income alleges that EPA has given away
tions from an LDS church mem- and lists $1.25 million as tax $0 to religious, educational or
ber, who prefers to be unnamed. overpayment. Meanwhile, a let- charitable purposes. Non-profit
The whistleblower worked with ter on EPA stationery from Jan. experts such as Rieman note that
Nielsen on a two-month re- 9, 2017, signed by vice president EPA's registration as a 509(a)3
search project to research and Greg Tarbet offered credit infor- supporting organization to the
explain the inner workings of mation about the firm saying, LDS Church could protect it
EPA. The complaint (Form 211) "Ensign Peak does not distribute from having to make charitable
was filed with the IRS whistle- financial statements. Assets, distributions because churches
blower office on Nov. 15, 2019 however, are well in excess of are not required to disclose fi-
and received by the IRS on Nov. $5 billion, and Ensign Peak is nances to the public.
22, 2019. Nielsen has chosen to essentially without debt." "The Church of Jesus Christ of
go public with the allegations An internal EPA slide presenta- Latter-day Saints pays all taxes
by releasing the report tion from 2013 states that during that are required by law," says
online and explaining the allega- the financial crisis period of an LDS Church statement about
tions in videos. 2008 and 2009, the firm its tax status.
"I started to suspect that EPA "experienced a temporary draw- Nielsen says the Mormon "giga-
was not compliant with its down" of close to $13 billion, church" needs "a place to park
501c3 or acting in accordance noting that amount was greater (Continued on page 11)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 10 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 10) atives, church operating budgets, 2006. These entities developed
backstops to pension plans and the mall during the financial cri-
its cash" and has used EPA to do collateral for church purposes. sis, which caused funding diffi-
so. Nielsen alleges EPA grew Russell M. Nelson presides over culties. The church and develop-
from regular tithes by members the General Conference in April ers have not disclosed the entire
of the LDS Church, most of 2019; Nelson is president of the cost of the mall, according to an
whom had no idea of how their Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- article in the New York Times on
money was being spent or in- day Saints.GLENN FREY/GETTY July 9, 2013.
vested given the lack of public "The corporation's property is The whistleblower complaint
financial disclosure by the irrevocably dedicated to reli- pointed to the LDS church-
church since 1959. gious, educational and charitable owned Ensign Magazine in 2006
Certainly, other religions and purposes meeting the require- that said "no tithing funds will
denominations — Islam, Hindu- ments for exemption provided by be used in the redevelopment" of
ism, Judaism, Catholicism, Epis- Section 501(c)3 of the Internal the area downtown. A year later,
copalians, Orthodox Christians Revenue Code, and no part of in 2007, the church-owned
and protestants — have property the net income or assets of this newspaper, The Deseret News,
and wealth. Calculating that corporation shall ever inure to reported that "Money for the
wealth is often difficult because the benefit of any trustee, officer project is not coming from the
of varied organization structures. or member thereof or to the ben- LDS Church members' tithing
For example, Catholic News efit of any private person," says donations. City Creek Center is
Service reported in June that the one provision of the Articles of being developed by Property Re-
Institute for the Works of Reli- Incorporation. serve Inc., the church's real-
gion, often referred to the Vati- The filing to the IRS alleges that estate development arm, and its
can bank, held assets worth $5.6 EPA has made zero religious, money comes from other real-
billion at the end of 2018. But educational or charitable distri- estate ventures." And local TV
that does not capture the vast re- butions in 22 years. According to station KUTV on Oct. 3, 2006,
al estate and financial profile of tax experts, that may not be a also reported Presiding Bishop
the Roman Catholic Church and problem for a 509(a)3 organiza- of the church H. David Burton
its thousands of dioceses around tion, depending on more nu- saying no tax dollars or tithes
the world, according to experts anced details of its registration will be used in construction.
who spoke with which are not publicly available The whistleblower complaint
in 2015. on the IRS website or the organi- alleges that $1.4 billion of fund-
Historic Significance zations 990-t annual filings. ing from EPA did go toward the
If true as the whistleblower al- "EPA is the reserve of the re- mall project and came from a
leges, the size of the LDS serves," a whistleblower is quot- funding pool that included tith-
Church holdings at EPA would ed as saying in the document. It ing dollars. A slide from an EPA
represent a massive pool of capi- suggests tithing surplus flows to internal presentation dated
tal of interest to the financial EPA where it is "merged, sliced March 2013 and titled
world, which pays close atten- and diced into portfolios and "Framework and Exposures" in-
tion to the investment moves of limited liability companies de- dicates $1.4 million was paid to
large pension funds and major signed to fly under radars and the City Creek project over five
university endowments. reporting limits." The document years.
Religion Unplugged called the obtained by Religion Un- The mall opened in 2012 with
media relations office of the plugged makes several addition- 100 stores in more than 700,000
LDS Church on Monday and al allegations about EPA. square feet of retail space and is
sent several questions by email. City Creek Center Mall part of downtown Salt Lake City
Church spokesman Eric D. Haw- The complaint alleges a series of revitalization plans that includes
kins responded by email saying, payments from EPA totaling office space and residential tow-
"the Church does not provide $1.4 billion to help construct ers. "No one will mistake it for
information about specific trans- the City Creek Center mall in the East Village, but downtown
actions or financial decisions." Temple Square in downtown is starting to become a place
He sent language from the Salt Lake City, Utah, which fea- people actually seek out to eat
Church's website such as its tures a retractable roof, luxury and play," said Jason Mathis of
"Principles of Church Finances" storefronts and simulated creek the Downtown Alliance to the
section that includes, "Following with live trout. The LDS Church Times article in 2013.
sound financial principles over and its developers aimed to cre- The City Creek Mall rose as a
an extended period of time, the ate a new urbanism in downtown competitor to another similar-
Church has grown from meager Salt Lake City. sized downtown retailer called
beginnings into a worldwide or- The mall was developed by Gateway mall, which opened in
ganization able to support its di- Property Reserve, Inc., which is 2001 by The Boyer Co. ahead of
vine mission." a commercial real estate division the 2002 Winter Olympics in
Exhibits in the whistleblower of the Corporation of the Presi- Salt Lake City and was later sold
complaint include internal docu- dent of the Church of Jesus to Illinois-based Retail Proper-
ments, a masterplan and presen- Christ of Latter-day Saints and ties of America Inc. The Salt
tation slides from EPA where it retail manager Taubman Centers Lake Tribune reported on Jan.
describes the purposes of its re- Inc. according to a press release 16, 2015, that Gateway saw its
serves to support prophetic initi- from the LDS Church on Oct. 3, (Continued on page 12)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 11 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 11) nearly 200-year history and the most numerically successful
forced to flee previous locations creed born on American soil and
credit status, retailer occupancy in upstate New York, Ohio, Mis- one of the fastest growing any-
and retail sales decline after City souri and Illinois. where," Van Biema and col-
Creek opened. LDS members in the resulting leagues wrote. "Its U.S. mem-
New York-based Moody's In- nearly two centuries have found- bership of 4.8 million is the sev-
vestors Service noted that Gate- ed companies, become elected to enth largest in the country, while
way's occupancy rate dropped federal offices and written best- its hefty 4.7% annual American
from 96 percent in 2010 to 78 selling books. And, in the early growth rate is nearly doubled
percent in 2015 as an Apple days, LDS Church leaders set up abroad, where there are already
Store and others decamped from hundreds of businesses in Utah 4.9 million adherents."
Gateway to City Creek. Moody's to help build a functioning econ- Now, 22 years later, the church
noted the mall's reported value omy. Early efforts to force is up to 16.3 million members by
dropped from $163 million in church members to patronize Dec. 31, 2018, according to its
2010 to $75 million in 2014. The LDS-owned businesses led to communication and public rela-
Tribune reported Gateway's an- the U.S. Congress passing the tions department. The report
nual sales fell from $210 million Edmunds-Tucker Act in 1887 to states 102,102 new births in
in 2011 to $100 million in 2013, limit vertical integration and 2018 and 234,332 new converts
citing data from the Utah Tax monopolies by the LDS Church. to the church which reports
Commission. At the same time, The President of the LDS 65,000 full-time missionaries
City Creek's revenues grew from Church, currently Russell M. around the world. Mean-
zero to $250 million. Local news Nelson, presides over 18,000 while, some Utah news outlets
outlets reported that Gateway churches, 217 temples, four uni- and researchers suggest church
Mall became a "ghost town" and versities, three media companies membership growth is sputter-
saw an "uptick in crime, drug and dozens of other properties ing.
and homeless activity." It was along with EPA. Newsweek published a story on
sold to a new owner, Vestar, in Pew Research Center data shows June 5, 2011, by novelist Walter
2016 which reportedly invested 97 percent of LDS members Kirn titled "The Mormon Mo-
$100 million into the property. consider themselves Christian ment" noting that the LDS
One member of the Corporation but only 51 percent of U.S. Church, "resembles a sanctified
of the Presiding Bishopric and adults consider Mormonism as a multinational corporation – the
an executive in the LDS for- Christian religion. Pew data also General Electric of American
profit businesses, Keith shows that LDS members are religion, with global ambitions
McMullin, told Bloomberg more highly involved in their and an estimated net worth of
BusinessWeek in 2012 that congregations than any sector of $30 billion." It noted that then
tithes do not go to the church's Christianity, surpassing presidential candidate Mitt Rom-
for-profit endeavors and did not Protestants, Catholics and Or- ney was a wealthy and powerful
go to City Creek Center. thodox Christians alike. In the member of the Mormon church
The whistleblower complaint to book "Passing the Plate," Chris- as was fellow presidential candi-
the IRS raises the question of tian Smith writes that most date Jon Huntsman Jr. Senate
whether church leaders such as Christians give away 2 percent majority leader Harry Reid was
McMullin made honest or false or less of their income while Mormon at the time as well.
public statements about financ- Mormons averaged 5.2 percent. Bloomberg News estimated the
ing sources for the mall project TIME Magazine published a net worth of LDS church assets
both before and after construc- cover story ("Mormons at around $40 billion in 2012.
tion of the mall. Inc.") expose by David Van Bie- The whistleblower estimates a
When asked about tithe funds ma in 1997 titled "Kingdom closer net-worth figure of the
being used in the City Creek Come" that showed the growing church could be $200 billion or
project contradicting what the financial power of the LDS more when you include EPA
church leaders said, LDS Church church. It said "Salt Lake City along with vast agricultural and
spokesman Eric D. Hawkins sent was just for starters – The Mor- property holdings.
language from a church state- mons' true great trek has been to A church-managed investment
ment that said the City Creek social acceptance and a $30 bil- portfolio represents a newer area
development is a way "the lion church empire." The story for the church. When asked to
Church enhanced the environs of examined the extensive agricul- confirm or deny the whistle-
Temple Square and underscored tural holdings, radio station blower allegation that the
a commitment to Salt Lake City, chains, life insurance companies Church has amassed more than
Utah, where it is headquartered." and other assets. "There is no $100 billion in owned assets un-
Mormon Inc. major church in the U.S. as ac- der management, the LDS
The Church of Jesus Christ of tive as the Latter-day Saints in Church spokesman pointed
Latter-day Saints is one of the economic life, nor, per capita, as again to online statements from
most economically successful successful at it." The piece ar- the church such as:
religious organizations in the gued that Roman Catholics have
United States, defying a history more wealth than Mormons but To read more go to:
of persecution. Mormons settled the Catholic Church had 45
in Utah after they were attacked times as many members in 1997.
by mobs at times during their "The Mormon Church is by far

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 12 12/27/2019

Ethics Watch-
dogs Sound
Alarm After
Secretary Chao
Delivers Major
Federal Contract
to Husband
Mitch Elaine Chao’s improper use of tax-
payer dollars to boost her husband
McConnell campaign staffer known
to offer extra guidance to Kentuck-
McConnell's Mitch McConnell’s political career
is alarming," Herrig said in a state-
ians with business before the sec-
Kentucky ment. "This type of political cor-
ruption is a threat to our democra-
"It really invites skepticism, and it
raises questions about the integrity
"Chao's corruption has gone un-
checked for too long." cy and destroys Americans' faith in of the process and ultimately the
27 Comments government." decisions that are made," Susan
"Chao's corruption has gone un- Fleming, director of GAO's physical
Transportation Secretary Elaine checked for too long," Herrig add- infrastructure team, told Politico.
Chao with her husband Senator ed. "It's time for House Oversight "Are these decisions driven by
Mitch McConnell, at the White to expand its investigation to en- merit? Or are they driven by other
House in January 2017. (Photo: compass her department's unethi- factors?"
Cheriss May/NurPhoto/Getty Im- cal favoritism towards Kentucky in To a number of observers, the an-
ages) order to help her husband's politi- swer to Fleming's question ap-
Transportation Secretary Elaine cal career. Enough is enough." peared clear: the latter. Progres-
Chao is under fire from progres- As The American Independ- sives noted polling showing a
sives and ethics watchdogs after ent reports, Chao's alleged favor- tough re-election fight for
reporting from Politico Tuesday itism toward her husband is under McConnell and wondered if Chao is
revealed she helped deliver a $67 review by the Government Ac- funnelling federal projects to Ken-
million federal contract to her hus- countability Office. tucky to help her husband.
band Senate Majority Leader Mitch Tuesday's controversy revolves "Normally, what you see is people
McConnell's home state of Ken- around a contract given to Ken- who don't really like Mitch
tucky. tucky's northern Boone County by McConnell very much and are
Kyle Herrig, president of the anti- Chao's office. skeptical of him have chosen to
corruption group Accountable.US, According to Politico, the county pull the lever for him anyway,"
said the contract—the largest of its was among 42 applicants given ex- Kentucky Democrats deputy execu-
kind delivered to Kentucky during tra time to fill in deficiencies in its tive director Marisa McNee
the three years President Donald submission, time not given to 55 told Politico of the senator's un-
Trump has been in office—is just other incomplete applications: popularity. "I think what we're see-
the latest example of Chao's be- Moreover, emails obtained ing in northern Kentucky is a will-
havior that warrants a serious look. by Politico show that Boone Coun- ingness to walk away from that
"The unending stream of stories ty officials were in contact with Republican label that we haven't
that detail the depth of Secretary Chao's aide Todd Inman, a former seen in a long time."

Proposed Harriet Tubman

Waterway Act delivered to
December 23, 2019 (Cape Gazette) - In an effort to establish the
Harriet Tubman Waterway Act, which calls for renaming the Vir-
ginia Inside Passage in honor of Harriet Tubman, Don Victor
Mooney handed off proposed legislation to the offices of Rep.
Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Delaware; Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Virginia;
and Rep. Andy Harris, R-Maryland, who represent parts of the
Delmarva Peninsula.

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 13 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 7) set parameters for the trial
Zachary Evans that would be more favora-
told CBS News that Mr. Trump is December 19, 2019, 10:28
"baffled" by the possibility that ble to Democrats.
Pelosi might withhold articles of AM EST “Who knows what would
impeachment from the Senate for House Speaker Nancy happen to augment the rec-
an extended period of time. Pelosi suggested on ord” if the trial were de-
"I think the president is completely Wednesday that she will layed, said Representative
baffled at the theory that Nancy delay transfer of the articles
Pelosi appears to have that some- Earl Blumenauer (D., Ore.).
how holding back impeachment of impeachment against “This ought to be able to
articles will leverage some sort of President Trump to the play out…There’s no ad-
specific behavior out of the Senate," Senate until the Democrats vantage to rushing this.”
Eric Ueland told CBS News chief are guaranteed a “fair” trial. Blumenauer said he had
Washington Correspondent Major “So far we haven’t seen an-
Garrett in an interview for "The spoken to at least 30 Dem-
Takeout" podcast. ything that looks fair to us,” ocrats who had expressed
Ueland suggested that holding the Pelosi told reporters after some level of support for
articles could be "constitutionally the House approved two ar- the idea.
questionable." He also said it would ticles of impeachment. The White House con-
be "extraordinarily unprecedented" “That would’ve been our in-
if articles were to be withheld in demned the move by Dem-
order to force a legislative outcome. tention, but we’ll see what ocrats to delay a trial.
In a rare interview that will air Sun- happens over there.” “House Democrats have
day, the president's daughter, The House still must vote to run a fatally flawed process
Ivanka Trump, told "Face the Na- name impeachment man- with fake facts, and now
tion" moderator Margaret Brennan agers, who will present the
that her father was "energized" by they want to deny the Presi-
his impeachment, which she called case in a Senate trial, but dent his day in court with
"the first purely partisan impeach- senior Democratic aides another procedural maneu-
ment." told Politico that the vote ver that proves anew they
Still, Ueland and White House will probably not take place have no case,” said Trump
counsel Pat Cipollone were offered until at least early January.
the opportunity to tour the Senate congressional liason Eric
floor, which would serve as a court- When a reporter asked if Ueland.
room, and check out the support Democrats might delay in More from National Review
spaces behind the scenes. They also sending the articles to the Pelosi: AG Barr has ‘Gone
have the chance to be introduced to Senate, Pelosi responded, Rogue’ to Cover for Trump
people who are there every day “You’re asking me, ‘So are Whistleblower Filed Report
when the Senate is in session, and
would be for any Senate trial. we all going to go out and with CIA Before Submitting
play in the snow?’ That has Complaint
Pelosi Says She Will not been part of our conver- Pelosi to Delay House Vote
sations.” on Impeachment Inquiry
Delay Impeachment House Demo-
Until Dems Are crats suggested earlier on
Wednesday that they could
Guaranteed a ‘Fair delay transfer of the articles
Trial’ in the Senate to pressure the Senate to

Rep. Adam Schiff Is

Going After Mike
Pence Next
Rep. Schiff said that he has evi-
dence that Pence knew more about
the Ukraine scheme than he has
previously stated and the American
people deserve to see the proof.
Chairman Schiff said on MSNBC’s
The Rachel Maddow Show: We
have acquired a piece of evidence,
classified submission by Jennifer
Williams, something she alluded to
in her open testimony in going back that we asked her about and made submission but yet the vice presi-
and looking through her records, that submission. There is nothing dent’s office has said they’re going
she found other information that that should be classified in that (Continued on page 20)
was pertinent to that phone call
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 14 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 15 12/27/2019

Pelosi should
trial until White
House is forced
to reveal all
Opinion by Joseph J. Ellis
Updated 9:20 AM ET, Sat Decem-
ber 21, 2019
that, not the evidence described in Committee. The Supreme Court has
Now PlayingMcConnell scoffs at... the impeachment report, is all that already agreed to take the latter
counts. But it counts for nothing until case. Chief Justice John Roberts can
McConnell scoffs at Pelosi's impeach- the Senate receives the impeach- be urged to accelerate the schedule
ment move 02:19 ment recommendation from the in all three cases, and report the ver-
Joseph J. Ellis is an American histori- House. dicts prior to the customary end of
an who won the Pulitzer Prize for the Supreme Court session in June.
"Founding Brothers." He is the au- In all three cases, White House law-
thor of "American Dialogue: The yers have made the same argument;
Founding Fathers and Us." The views namely that the President has the
expressed here are the author's. constitutional authority to ignore all
View more opinion on CNN. congressional requests, because he
(CNN)Let's call it the Pelosi Pause. cannot be indicted, convicted, or in-
There are no written rules governing vestigated. In brief, as President he
the timetable for delivery of the stands above the law. All the lower
House decision impeaching Donald court rulings thus far have dismissed
Trump to the Senate, only custom. Dean: Pelosi has leverage over Sen-
this argument as frivolous. Perhaps
But then there were no written rules ate impeachment trial 01:16
the cases can be bundled and decid-
governing the timetable for a Senate This is what Speaker Pelosi knows,
ed by the Supreme Court sooner ra-
decision on Barack Obama's nomina- and that could be why she is waiting.
ther than later.
tion of Merrick Garland, only custom. One could argue, and presumably
Get our free weekly newsletter
If Speaker Nancy Pelosi follows Sena- pragmatic colleagues may be urging
Sign up for CNN Opinion's
tor Mitch McConnell's playbook, this course, that Pelosi and Senator
new newsletter.
Donald Trump will never stand trial Schumer should negotiate the best
Join us on Twitter and Facebook
in the Senate. deal they can get and trust that some
If the decision follows the precedent
vestigial residue of bipartisanship still
set in Nixon v. United States (1974),
lingers in a few Republican senators,
where the Supreme Court ruled,
who might force McConnell to con-
quite quickly, that Nixon had to re-
duct a fair trial.
lease the White House tapes, then
Dream on, Macduff. The Republican
witnesses and documents unavaila-
performance in the House impeach-
ble to the House will become availa-
ment proceedings made crystal clear
ble for a Senate trial. Polls indicate
that there is no Republican Party,
that a majority of Americans prefer a
only the Trump Party, which con-
full and fair trial that includes such
ducts itself according to Trumpian
Joseph Ellis testimony and evidence. If
standards of civility and statesman-
From a Democratic perspective that McConnell refuses to yield to the
ship, meaning like trained seals.
outcome would be preferable to a political process that generates,
Trusting in bipartisanship in
show trial, where the conclusion is Pelosi can stand pat until he caves. If
McConnell's Senate is a surrender
not just foreordained, but an- never, so be it. It must be a full and
nounced beforehand by the Majority fair trial or nothing.
Leader after consulting with White Trump impeachment collision up
House counsel. It's perfect: a rigged
trial of a President accused of
ahead Bishop Lewter
Let me propose an alternative course
plotting a rigged election. We can
only assume that Senator McConnell
for Pelosi. Apprise McConnell that Life Coach
she will forward the impeachment
will be winking at the camera when recommendation as soon as the Su-
he takes the oath of impartiality, "so preme Court rules on the three cases channel/
help me God." UCi-
currently pending in the lower courts
Pelosi need not wink, she only needs gOl3WRRP2Q8qOnVsGm0Ig/?
concerning the president's refusal to fbclid=IwAR1Q4P0tRPZ99jW9
to wait. How long? Until November provide the documents and witness- fmWtgy70H4kg5IEG_VBbytjW
2020, if necessary. McConnell claims es requested by the House Intelli- TCgHyndfKlvyETgz2eE
that he has all the leverage because gence Committee and the tax returns
he has the votes in the Senate, and requested by the Ways and Means

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 16 12/27/2019

Version 2019

TRUMP IS COMMITTING 'FELONY on a resolution, which is expected to pass the Demo-

crat-controlled body, to outline the formal impeach-
BRIBERY' BY GIVING FUNDRAISING ment inquiry rules. The resolution will allow for public
CASH TO GOP SENATORS AHEAD OF hearings and the release of transcripts of closed-door
depositions. This is not a vote to impeach the presi-
IMPEACHMENTTRIAL: EX-BUSH dent, which is expected to come later after the public
ETHICS LAWYER hearings. As things stand now, most lawmakers and
analysts believe the president will be formally im-
BY JASON LEMON ON 10/31/19 AT 10:28 AM EDT
Attorney Richard Painter, who served as the chief peached by Congress' lower chamber.
White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush ad- After that, the Senate will be required to take up the
ministration, warned on Thursday that President Don- inquiry and carry out a trial for the president. As the
ald Trump appeared to be committing "felony brib- upper chamber is Republican controlled, it is consid-
ery" by giving Republican senators fundraising cash ered highly unlikely that Trump will be found guilty
ahead of an increasingly likely impeachment trial in and removed from office. The president's removal
the Senate. requires a two-thirds majority vote, and the Senate is
The lawyer shared an article published by Politico on made up of 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats and two
Thursday morning. Titled "Trump lures GOP senators independents, who caucus with the Democrats.
on impeachment with cold cash," the article outlined
how the president is turning to his large network of
donors to raise funds for a few senators facing diffi-
cult re-election campaigns in 2020. All of those sena-
tors have also signed a resolution condemning the
Democratic-led impeachment inquiry.
"This is a bribe. Any other American who offered cash
to the jury before a trial would go to prison for felony
bribery. But he can get away with it?" Painter, a law
professor at the University of Minnesota, wrote on
Twitter. "Criminal."
This is a bribe.
Any other American who offered cash to the jury be-
fore a trial would go to prison for felony bribery.
But he can get away with it?
Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold
cash via @politico
RELATED STORIES President Donald Trump leaves after joining Senate
Republicans for their weekly policy luncheon at the
Trump Holds Firm on Impeachment, Says Capitol on March 26.CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY
Cooperating 'Sets Terrible Precedent' None of the Senate Republicans have publicly stated
Ex Republican Rep, Who Voted to Impeach that Trump's actions have amounted to impeachable
behavior, but several have expressed serious misgiv-
Clinton, Calls Out GOP 'Whining'
ings and raised concerns.
Steve Bannon Says Nancy Pelosi Is
"There's lot of things that concern me," GOP Senator
Tim Scott of South Carolina said Wednesday, The
In a follow-up tweet, Painter argued that GOP law- Hill reported.
makers who accept the fundraising support should "The question on the table is impeachment, and
face criminal charges as well. that's the question we should get an answer to, and
"The senators can raise their own campaign cash. Any the answer so far is 'For what would we impeach the
senator who accepts cash from @realDonaldTrump president?'" he said. "And the answer is 'I don't see
before the impeachment trial is guilty of accepting a anything for that.'"
bribe and should go to the slammer," he tweeted.
The House of Representatives on Thursday will vote

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 17 12/27/2019

Version 2019

(Continued from page 5) of worship, and running er- immediately reinstate licenses
rands like ferrying a child to that were suspended because
fellow South Carolini- school is out of the question. the driver couldn’t pay, and
ans Emily Bella- Carter said she relies on family for the policy to be dismantled
my and Linquista White to and friends to get around, as and declared unconstitution-
file a lawsuit against the state well as ride-share apps, al.
for constitutional rights viola- though it can get expensive. “My co-plaintiffs and I do want
tions over its driver’s license “I do get angry, sad, frustrat- this law to be changed,”
suspension policy. ed,” Carter said, adding, Carter said. “I do want people
The suit, filed by Nusrat “going into the holidays, I to be given options, more
Choudhury of the American don’t have a real opportunity workable solutions so that
Civil Liberties Union, alleges (to spend time with loved we’re not losing income.”
that the state violated drivers’ ones). I have to sit and wait.” A spokeswoman for the state
rights under the Fourteenth The state’s policy is essentially DMV declined to comment. Co
Amendment by taking their compelling its residents to -defendant Chief Judge Ralph
licenses away without first make an impossible decision: K. Anderson did not respond
granting them a hearing and forgo work and school, or to multiple requests for com-
not checking whether they drive on a suspended license, ment.
could actually pay the rein- Choudhury said, forcing peo- The state hasn’t yet respond-
statement fees. ple who are already indigent ed to the women’s’ lawsuit,
Living without access to a further into poverty and con- but Choudhury has filed a pre-
driver’s license can have dev- tact with the legal system. liminary injunction that would
astating consequences for “This is the choice that South order the DMV to stop sus-
people and families in a large- Carolina us putting single par- pending licenses without first
ly rural state where one in six ents, people of color, people figuring out of the person is
people are living in poverty who need their licenses to sur- able to pay. The suit should be
and just 44 percent of the pop- vive,” Choudhury said. “That heard in early 2020.
ulation’s transportation needs is against the most basic val- In the meantime, Carter said
are met through public transit, ues of fairness and equal pro- she’s hopeful that one day
according to the tection under the law.” soon she’ll be back to her nor-
state’s Department of Trans- The case seeks an injunction mal life behind the wheel.
portation. that stops South Carolina “No one should lose their driv-
Basic functions that many from suspending any addi- er’s license,” she said,
take for granted, like getting a tional licenses without a hear- “because they don’t have the
new job, getting to and from a ing and first determining if the money for fines and fees.”
current job, attending houses person can pay. The women
also want South Carolina to


Published by The Village Press, Inc. 18 12/27/2019
Version 2019

African Wealth creation begins with a

certain mindset following by
American sound choices and behavioral
Wealth Gap We now enjoy largely enjoy
the basic human rights of all
and I
Widens Many American citizens, but with
our new freedom comes with
ue to Phil Andrews
Years Later A the responsibility to handle all do so
At Large
Renewed Call To of our financial blessings with
a sense of stewardship to en-
as I
Action Is Needed sure that future generations are
left with a legacy that provides
lieve that you never know
where the proper seeds planted
Across America economic empowerment. will grow and reap tremen-
Phil Andrews, President – LI I love the quote that Adam dous yields.
African American Chamber of Clayton Powell used to say Financial management for Af-
Commerce, Inc. & New “Its in your hands, Its in your rican-American must be cen-
York District Office of tered around goals.
the United States Small What get measured
Business Administration in life gets done, and
2019 Small Business a goal is not a goal
Champion until it is set and a
New York, New York – plan gets underway
As the current wealth for its achievement.
studies have predicted Time is one of our
that the wealth gap in greatest allies along
America has widened with faith in God.
since past studies and Now is the best time
African Americans net to start your financial
worth will hit new lows goals. The first goal
in the coming decades. should be to become
The problem seems to financially literate.
have been studied over Knowledge is power.
many decades, but now The old saying rein-
is the time to put a sound forces this concept “
plan into action. Our a fool and his money
communities need to de- is soon parted.”
velop a comprehensive The first ritual of
planning covering finan- wealth is to set a goal
cial literacy, home own- to pay yourself first,
ership, business develop- no matter how small
ment, proper insurance and the amount. Financial success
wealth creation to begin to hands, the Power is in your is as much about discipline,
shift the narrative and making hands” as there has never been character, and integrity as it is
a difference in the lives of Af- a more truthful axiom; as a about money. In the financial
rican Americans. community we must use the world, small advantages have
We must start planning from time, money, and resources
the cradle to grave to have a that we have at our disposal
full life plan for financial em- wisely if they are to be multi-
powerment if we hope to close plied. (Continued on page 29)
the wealth gap in America. For many decades I have writ-

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 19 12/27/2019

Power Networking Business

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ness Networking
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One minute Commercial 347.475.7158, or Updates:
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For Questions Contact: Valerie Anderson Camp-
Emmanuel Loncke: em- bell: power-networking-business
manuelloncke@abbccenter. - 516.323.9193, or -series/
com, or Phil Andrews: Elizabeth Wellington: wel-
wapubblicrela- -

(Continued from page 14)

to assert classification.
It is not proper to classify something
because it would be embarrassing
or incriminating, and that summa-
tion does shed light on the vice
president’s knowledge, and we
think the American people should
see it. Certainly any senators in the
trial should have access to it.
But it just goes to show that there is
a body of evidence, documentary
and otherwise that administration
figures from the president on down
to include the vice president do not
want the American people to see or
know. And the question is will they
succeed? Will the cover-up succeed,
or will the Senate insist on what we
were not able to obtain in the house? And that is a mean that the investigations have to end. Adam Schiff
White House that will comply with the lawful process. is not about to let Mike Pence off of the hook just be-
Adam Schiff is coming after Mike Pence next. cause the House has impeached Donald Trump.
Chairman Schiff has been making it clear that Pence is Schiff has new proof and sounds like he is coming
more involved in the Ukraine plot than he has been after Mike Pence.
admitting. Trump is impeached, but that doesn’t
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 20 12/27/2019
Version 2019

The New Year is upon or your lying eyes?” I chose to be-
lieve my lying eyes because they
me and all I have on only lie when they are closed.

my mind is President Donald Trump and his

team of conspirators are headed for
IMPEACHMENT. the worse upset in the history of
Larry Montgomery, Sr.
Publisher and Chairman
this country and I want everyone to
Something rang a bell when Nancy know where I stand on the subject.
Pelosi said, “I’m renting space in is more new thousand dollars bill
Donald Trumps head for free this He is the absolute worse president with his face on them than a team
season” just clicked. we have ever had and God willing of accountants could count is a year
He has to be the most miserable he will be the last of his breed. That working 24/7. This is his peace of-
man in America right now. Electoral College scam is just that fering for helping him beat the final
With all of the power we have giv- the last battlefield to assure the leg of the impeachment process by
en him there is nothing he can do to winner is acceptable to the “Right starting a war with the Ukrainians.
make this impeachment process go Class” I spell that with a “capital
away before he has to. “W”. This man is a threat to our country
and the democracy we live by and
I really don’t understand how Re- We have enough problems in no one wants to admit it for fear of
publicans think. If this man is will- America then to not only embarrass what?
ing to bully and reck havoc on ourselves with a college passerby
Democrats what do you think he but to have elected him as our Telling the king he has no clothes?
will do to them? Commander and Chief as well as
president. He’s butt naked on the front lawn,
It is public record now everyone don’t tell him tell his supporter be-
who works for him is subject to tire He is like a thief in the night left fore they find themselves butt na-
treading at the drop of a hat. alone in the bank with the keys we ked as well while he walks off with
At this point he is “not responsible” are all going to lose with this loser their goods and leave us all to fend
for over twenty six high level staff- and the Republicans are just stand- for ourselves..
ers and associates being indicted ing there as if nothing is wrong
and or going to jail, yet he has yet with this picture.
to blink an eye.
I can see it now, February 29th
With his hand caught in the cookie Trump takes Air Force One to Mos-
jar he merely smiles and say’s, cow for an emergency meeting with
“Who are you going to believe? Me Putin. Loaded on the back of the jet


Phil Andrews

Bishop Andy Lewter Chef Arrette Harvey Dr. Karen Deadwyler Shuray Bethea

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 21 12/27/2019


Published by The Village Press, Inc. 22 12/27/2019


This book is a re-boot of “The Book of Tobias”. The book
of Tobias is a biblical story about a father and son, that
contains the grandest angelophany of the whole Bible,
and it all revolves around the manifestation of the Arch-
angel Raphael under the assumed name and form of a
beautiful young man named Azarias.
This story like all of the stories in this series as published
by “Eye Opening Publications” is a fictional account of
the authors understanding of an example of God’s pre-
ordained message to his people about the lives they live
and how He has provided instructions about our relation-
ship with Him. God watches over us and encourages us
to seek him in all situations and this is just one account
of how He works in our lives.


SUBLIMINAL is a story of one man’s quest to justi-
fy his business accruement or his criminal pathol-
The story follows the rise and fall of a brilliant vid-
eo game developer from a program writer to CEO
of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Once he had
arrived at the corner suite one minor disagree-
ment got blown out of proportion and he almost
immediately found himself out on the street.
But it only took a little probing to get him back in
the old entrepreneurial saddle and he was once
again back on top as a direct competitor of his old
brand, there were just one or two minor speed
bumps in the way, one of which was a close friend
and partner.
Once that issue was reconciled our self pro-
claimed entrepreneurial genius found himself
caught up in canonizing his business acumen by
fixing the system that took him down in the first place, the United States Federal Trade Com-
Follow our main character as he plots and takes on the largest federal business regulatory
agency in the country next to the IRS and wins by any means necessary including death and
dismemberment of anyone that gets in his way.

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 23 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 24 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 25 12/27/2019

Version 2019

in and
live in a
where I
was taught that, and still believe
that Civil Rights and Human Rights
are for all.



Pastor Arthur L. Mackey Jr,

Senior Pastor
Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cathe-
243 Rev. Dr. A. L. Mackey Sr. Ave-
Roosevelt, New York, 11575

The murderer that stabbed 18- life. Shooting her through her very
year-old Barnard College Fresh- own home bedroom window
man Tessa Majors of Charlottes, when responding to a call regard-
Virginia, to death in New York ing an open front door at this
City's Morningside Park in 2019 woman's residence. HUMAN LIFE THE STREET WARS OF GENTRIFI-
did not respect the sanctity of hu-MUST BE RESPECTED!!! CATION: Black folk we need to pay
man life. HUMAN LIFE MUST BE much closer attention to the dead-
RESPECTED!!! Too many families have lost their ly impact of the street wars of
loved ones in 2019 by vicious acts gentrification before Black com-
The murderer and accessories to of murder, because the murderer munities all over America no long-
the brutal beating and stabbing did not respect the sanctity of hu- er exist at all. The street wars of
murder of 16 year old Khaseen man life. The brutal pain of losing gentrification are steadily destroy-
Morris in an Oceanside, New York, a loved one by the highly explo- ing predominantly Black commu-
strip mall parking lot in 2019 did sive negative passion of hatred nities throughout the landscape of
not respect the sanctity of human and murder is absolutely unbeara- America. The street wars of gen-
life. HUMAN LIFE MUST BE RE- ble. To see a loved one murdered trification are also killing, stealing,
SPECTED!!! and laying in their own pool of and destroying the desperately
blood is absolutely unbearable. I needed concept of the Black busi-
The Police Officer in Fort Worth, have been there. Only God can ness district in predominantly
Texas, who shot and murdered in bring you through it. HUMAN LIFE Black communities, and beyond.
cold blood in 2019, an innocent MUST BE RESPECTED!!! Just like China Town and Little Ita-
woman, Atatiana K. Jefferson, to ly successfully push and promote
death in her very own home did I fight racism, classim, sexism, and ethnic cooking, ethnic business,
not respect the sactity of human anti-semitism everyday. I grew up (Continued on page 27)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 26 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 26) what it truly means to be broken, TRIFICATION!!!
battered, and bruised by the
and ethnic pride unashamedly. harsh jagged edged realities of life Pastor Arthur L. Mackey Jr,
Black owned businesses in pre- in the racist street wars of gentri- Senior Pastor
dominately Black communities fication. Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cathe-
and beyond must successfully dral
push and promote Black ethnic To stop gentrification in the Black 243 Rev. Dr. A. L. Mackey Sr. Ave-
cooking, Black ethnic business, community, we must build suc- nue
and Black ethnic pride unasham- cessful and sustainable Black busi- Roosevelt, New York, 11575
edly. ness districts that make a major
difference economically, mentally,
The street wars of gentrification politically, socially, and spiritually,
happens when wealthy folk who that absolutely shuts down the
are not from the minority commu- satanic street wars of gentrifica-
nity arrive in mostly poor commu- tion. To stop gentrification in the
nities of color, especially poor Black community, we must get
Black communities historically, completely serious about stop-
and financially invest in and buy ping Black on Black crime, and get
up the majority of Black owned even more serious about building
home and business properties. brilliant Black on Black business
Then they strategically increase minds, who shall overcome in the
the rents to run out the Black resi- strategic street wars of gentrifica-
dents. Thereby the lethally dan- tion. To stop gentrification in the
gerous street wars of gentrifica- Black community, we must
tion absolutely kills, steals, and change our own negative daily
destroys the Black community by habits, and change our own nega- TRUMP MUST BE REMOVED
raising property values, prices, tive daily routines, with a positive FROM OFFICE: I take this moment
and taxes to the skyrocketing and progressive mindset for to commend Christianity Today
point that only the filthy rich can change that shall educate, enlight- founded by America's Pastor, the
afford to pay. Raising rents so en, and empower us to embrace late Rev. Billy Graham, for having
high to the horrific turning point how to do business more effec- the rock solid backbone to call for
of crisis in which the ethnic char- tively and efficiently. In a manner President Donald Trump's remov-
acter, convictions, and culture of that makes the major bottom line al from office. Silence means con-
the Black community is killed, sto- difference in the sinister street sent. Far too many Evangelicals
len, and destroyed by the vicious wars of gentrification. have silently set by, and absolute-
street wars of gentrification. The ly compromised the integrity of
street wars of gentrification is ●WE MUST NOT LET THE STREET the Christian faith. As President
public enemy number one in WARS OF NEGATIVE PEER PRES- Trump has consistently com-
terms of displacing the very digni- SURE, THE STREET WARS OF DEEP- mitted crimes against hurting hu-
ty of the heart and soul of poor LY MISGUIDED YOUTH, AND THE manity through his corrupt plans,
Black folk daily in a hood near you STREET WARS OF EVEN MORE plots, politics, and policies of rac-
by rich intruders who only care DEEPLY TROUBLED ADULTS, LE- ism, classism, and sexism. I com-
about one color, green. GITIMIZE THE UNACCEPTABLE mend Christianity Today Editor-In-
RACIST STREET WARS OF GENTRI- Chief Mark Galli, on boldly calling
To stop gentrification in the Black FICATION!!! for President Trump's removal
community, we must support one ●WE MUST FINALLY FACE THE from office.
another through the thick and JAGGED EDGED ISSUES OF REAL
thin, through the highs and the LIFE ON OUR OWN STREETS IN Mr. Gali correctly stated,
lows of life, and not sell out our ORDER TO STOP AND SHUT "Consider what an unbelieving
very own soul in the street wars DOWN THE OUTRAGEOUS STREET world will say if you continue to
of gentrification. To stop gentrifi- WARS OF GENTRIFICATION!!! brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral
cation in the Black community, we ●WE MUST TAKE OUR OWN words and behavior in the cause
must only vote for, and only help STREETS BACK TO SERIOUS PRO- of political expediency. If we don’t
elect government officials, who GRESS, TAKE OUR OWN COMMU- reverse course now, will anyone
look out for the best interest of NITY BACK TO TOTAL COMMIT- take anything we say about jus-
the Black community in the street MENT, TAKE OUR OWN YOUNG tice and righteousness with any
wars of gentrification. To stop PEOPLE BACK TO FOCUS FOR FUL- seriousness for decades to
gentrification in the Black commu- FILLMENT, AND TAKE OUR OEN come?" Rev. Billy Graham, Rev.
nity, we must care, share, and FAMILIES BACK TO LIFE CHANG- Martin Luther King Jr., and Con-
bear one another's burdens; the ING FAITH, IN ORDER TO STOP gressman John Dingell are all
good, bad, and indifferent; as a AND SHUT DOWN THE RUTHLESS- most certainly looking DOWN
people that clearly understand LY RACIST STREET WARS OF GEN- (Continued on page 28)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 27 12/27/2019

Black teacher or any teacher of bility) COMPLAINT FORM TO-
Color. This systematic racism DAY!!!
must change now. Racism
through housing discrimination in WHO - ROOSEVELT, FREEPORT, &
Nassau and Suffolk Counties is EVERYONE WORLDWIDE THAT
running rampant, and through the STANDS AGAINST REAL RACISM
illegal racist nooses incident in COME TOGETHER!!! DO NOT LET
Roosevelt Middle School and the REAL RACISM WIN IN ROOSE-
racist "make slavery funny" as- VELT'S & FREEPORT'S MIDDLE
(Continued from page 27)
signment at Freeport Middle SCHOOLS!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY
from Heaven with Jesus. Thanking school. The tenured teachers in- IMPORTANT!!!
God the Father for Christianity volved in these blatant acts of
Today's moral stand against the racism must have their teaching WHAT - ☆☆☆HAVE YOU, YOUR
dangerous dictatorship of Donald licenses totally revoked by the CHURCH, YOUR ELECTED OFFI-
Trump. New York State Department of CIALS, YOUR COMMUNITY LEAD-
I call Senate Majority Leader ZATIONS, YOUR SORORITY, OR
Mitch McConnell and all the Re- We must not be slothful in this YOUR FRATERNITY & ETC. PRINT-
publican Senators to stop playing modern day fight against real rac- ED OUT, FILLED OUT, & MAILED
stupid political games, and re- ism whether it be Police brutality, OUT THE NEW YORK STATE DE-
move President Donald Trump housing discrimination, failure to PARTMENT OF EDUCATION SED
from office before there is a real hire Black teachers and hire HEARING COMPLAINT FORM?☆☆☆
revival of the true roots of the teachers of Color, or racism in the
Christian faith, and you all are classroom by careless teachers CATCH THE VISION OF VICTORY &
voted out office for your blatant who illegally display racist nooses NEVER GIVE UP!!!
racism, classism, and sexism that and teach that slavery is funny. WHEN - ☆☆☆Call TODAY and de-
is not Christ like at all. Mark my We must not be slothful, but we mand NOW that key New York
word the American people and must move forward and make a State officials have the New York
the real church are sick of your major difference in this modern State Department of Education
partisan political games. day fight against racism in the re- revoke the teaching licenses of
al world right now. the tenured teacher and tenured
Real Republicans like the late worker involved in the racist
President Abraham Lincoln, Har- PLEASE CLICK THE LINK AND nooses image incident at Roose-
riet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, WATCH THE VIDEO velt Middle School.☆☆☆
and my father, Rev. Dr. A. L. WHEN - ☆☆☆Call TODAY and de-
Mackey Sr., are rolling over in story.php? mand NOW that key New York
their graves regarding the abso- sto- State officials to have the New
lutely asinine current lack of in- ry_fbid=2387427384808398&id=1 York State Department of Educa-
tegrity and lack of backbone in 00006234787585ROOSEVELT, tion to revoke this J.W. Dodd
the national Republican Party FREEPORT, & SUPPORTERS Middle School tenured teacher's
controlled by it's political puppet WORLDWIDE IN THE FIGHT teaching license who gave this
master, President Trump. TRUMP AGAINST RACISM. SEE THIS EN- senseless “make slavery funny
FICE!!! NAME!!! ☆☆☆Racist nooses are not funny.
Slavery is not funny, reconstruc-
This highly abusive act of police tion is not funny, Jim Crow era is
brutality against a Black man, not funny. Just like the Holocaust
Akbar Rogers in Freeport, New is not funny.☆☆☆
York, is a major injustice. There ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Please note that the two
was no need to brutally beat Ak- untenured Roosevelt Middle.
bar Rogers when he simply could School teachers involved in the
have been arrested non- racist nooses image incident have
violently, and have his day in been fired by the Roosevelt
court. Let us all stand together School Board.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
against the modern day horrors ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆New York State law re-
of highly abusive acts of Police garding racist nooses specifically
brutality, and demand substan- states that anyone who “etches,
tive change now!!! paints, draws upon or otherwise
PLEASE PRINT OUT, FILL OUT, & places or displays a noose, com-
A crystal clear pattern of modern MAIL OUT THE NEW YORK monly exhibited as a symbol of
day racism in Long Island must be STATE EDUCATION DEPART- racism and intimidation, on any
stopped now. In New York State MENT OSPRA (Office of School building or other real property,
more than 200 schools have no Personnel Review and Accounta- (Continued on page 38)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 28 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 19)

a way of adding up. How

much value do you put on a
sound financial education? In
the book Rich Dad Poor Dad,
it is taught that we must ac-
quire education, experience,
and then we will be able to ac-
quire excessive cash. Each of
us has different goals, and our
financial plan should cater to
those goals. We should devel-
op a healthy passion for the
financial goals we set which
should be reinforced by our
daily actions. Tithing, saving,
and investing can and should
be a ritual in our lives. A sense
of stewardship over our re- they respect and properly uti- become, and what you become
sources is the highest way of lize the money that flows will determine what you
dealing with our God-giving through their hands, and as a make” Jim Rohm Winners are
blessings. result proper use of money at- not born, they are made. The
Financial goal-setting requires tracts more money. If you need top 3% of all financially suc-
that we give good accounting verification of this fact, just cessful people are goal-setters.
of our cash flow. The age-old analyze the mentality of a A financial plan and goals are
adage that “As a man thinketh spender verses and investor. the road-map for an upwardly
so shall he be” all that he The investor says don’t spend mobile African American
achieves for fails to achieve is your last dollar until you know Community. Remember, time
the direct result of his own where yours next one is com- is one of your greatest allies. A
of a thousand miles begins
with one step. May you reach
your financial, mental, physi-
cal and spiritual goals with
God’s speed. Let’s do it! Phil
Andrews is the President of the
Long Island African American
Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
an affiliate of the US Black
Chambers, Inc. and Past Presi-
dent of the 100 Black Men of
Long Island. Mr. Andrews is
also the President-Emeritus of
the Black Public Relations So-
thinking. The cry of all hu- ing from, the spender spends ciety-New York an affiliate
manity should be higher yet. everything and looks around chapter of the National Black
How many individuals in our for money. Public Relations Society. Mr.
community know the power of The richest man in “Babylon’s Andrews has appeared on
compound interest, yet that goal” was to keep a part of all WABC Here and Now and
does not equate to the number the money he made. Saving a NBC’s Positively Black. Mr.
of people that follow its princi- part of all the money you make Andrews is a Black Enterprise
ples? Financial goal setting re- is said to be a secret because BE Modern Man as well as be-
quires that we develop a phi- so few people follow its princi- ing a featured columnist in the
losophy of success and ples, but profess to know its Community Journal Newspa-
achievement. A millionaire premise. per and more recently the Vil-
once said that “Every day that Knowing and doing are oppo- lage Press.
I find a penny, it is one day site sides of the coin, but real
that I don’t not have to work financial power is gained
for it. ” Do you value the pen- through action. Remember it’s
nies, nickels, dimes, quarters not what you make, its what
and dollars that flow through you keep, it’s not what you
your hands? know, it’s what you do. It’s
The rich get richer because of not who you are, it’s what you

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 29 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 30 12/27/2019
Version 2019

growth is expected to rise a
remarkable 39%.
What are the best careers paths One career that you may not
for students today? have heard about is a nurse
Q. My son just graduated from anesthetist. Certified nurse
high school and will be attend- anesthetists (CRNA) are in de-
ing our local community col-
lege. He doesn’t know what he
mand and make more money
than many family LISA-ANNE
wants to pursue as a career yet. physicians.
I keep hearing about young 2. Technology Sector - Infor-
people coming out of college mation technology is the #1
and are unable to find jobs. field in terms of expected job
What are the best careers for growth over the next decade,
young people today? which makes systems engineers career choices. Certified Public
Accountants (CPAs) make an
A. Yes, many young people
and even older adults are work-
ing but no in their field of study
in college. Your son is young
and a community college is
great for young men who have-
n’t decided on a career path yet.
He has to keep his grades up
and he can transfer to any col-
lege he wants to. According to
the website Money Crashers,
the following are the 10 Great
Career Fields for the Future:
1. Medical Field - The medical
field is ripe with growth poten-
tial. As everyone probably
knows, nurses are in high de-
mand. The average nurse prac-
titioner makes $85,200 per
year, and the demand is ex-
pected to increase 23%. Nurse
practitioners can perform many among the most highly sought
after professionals today. The average of $74,200 and 10-year
of the same functions as doc- job growth is expected to be
tors such as prescribing medi- average salary for a systems
engineer is $87,100, and the 18%. As more companies are
cine and treating illnesses. doing away with pension plans,
With an aging population, the career field is expected to grow
45% over the next 10 years. To employees will need help with
demand for healthcare is ex- retirement planning. Job
pected to double over the next become a systems engineer,
you need a bachelor’s degree in growth for financial advisors is
decade. Physician assistants expected to be 41% over the
have climbed up to number 2 in engineering.
3. Financial Services - Ac- next decade. The average finan-
the best jobs in America. A
physician assistant averages countants, Actuaries and Finan- (Continued on page 32)
$92,000 per year and job cial Advisors are all satisfying

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 31 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 31) annual salary of $142,000, and tested, and properly brought to
senior sales executives are not market. Product managers over-
cial advisor makes $101,000 far behind with an average sala- see the launch and implementa-
per year. ry of $127,000 per year. tion of new products and pro-
4. Education - Do you love 8. Consulting Jobs - Companies cesses. These are all important
working with kids? You could are looking for ways to save job functions in which most
become a school teacher. Ele- money on employee costs and current employees see contin-
mentary, middle, and high one of the best ways to do this ued job growth in their profes-
school teachers make an aver- is by outsourcing projects. This sions.
age of $50,200 annually and is why consultants are expected Good Luck!
future job growth is 18%. to be in incredibly high de- Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers has been
Teaching at the collegiate level mand. Companies do not have a licensed and certified speech-
normally requires a graduate to provide benefits or pay language pathologist for over
degree in a related field. healthcare costs for consultants. 30 years and currently works in
5. Technical Jobs - Physical The consulting industry is ex- the Hempstead School District.
Therapist Assistants, Occupa- pected to see double-digit She holds graduate degrees in
tional Therapist Assistants, growth over the next decade. speech-language pathology and
Dental Hygienists and Veteri- Management and healthcare multicultural education. She
nary Technicians enjoy great consultants will see job growth also holds certification in edu-
careers. Many technical jobs of 24%, making this one of the cational administration. She is
require certifications but do not most lucrative industries for job the author of three children’s
require that applicants obtain a seekers to get into. books and co-author of two ref-
college degree. Physical thera- 9. Engineering Jobs - Structur- erence books on ADHD. You
pist assistants earn approxi- al, civil, project, and environ- may contact her at
mately $42,000 and the physi- mental engineers will see job
cal therapy field is booming. growth ranging from 24% to
The 10-year growth rate is 31% over the next decade.
42%. Biomedical engineers will
6. Business Services Jobs - Ser- see job growth at a whop-
vice jobs are still the lifeblood ping 72%. The minimum sal-
of the United States economy, ary is expected to be $76,000
accounting for more than 70% with some engineers easily
of all jobs. Environmental making more than six figures
health and safety specialists are a year. The work is low
expected to be big beneficiaries stress and the job satisfaction
of this trend with 10-year job is incredibly high.
growth expected at 28%. Medi- 10. Middle Management
an pay is expected to be a Jobs - Job growth for this
healthy $71,000 per year. field is expected at 24% with
7. Sales Jobs - Sales may be a an average salary of
high stress, high pressure occu- $107,000. R&D managers
pation but it pays very well. make sure that new projects
Sales directors earn an average and products are developed,
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 32 12/27/2019
Version 2019

Trump signs bill restoring

funding for black colleges
President Donald Trump on Thursday
signed a bipartisan bill that will perma-
nently provide more than $250 million a
year to the nation’s historically black colleg-
es and universities, along with dozens of to the Education Department.
other institutions that serve large shares of Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., chairman
minority students. of the Senate’s education committee, called
In signing the bill, Trump said historically the legislation a “Christmas present for col-
black schools have “never had better cham- lege students and their families.”
pions in the White House.” “This bipartisan provision stops families
“When I took office, I promised to fight for from having to give their same tax infor-
HBCUs, and my administration continues mation to the federal government twice —
to deliver,” Trump said. “A few months ago, first to the IRS, then again to the U.S. De-
funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But partment of Education,” Alexander said. “It
the White House and Congress came to- should eliminate most of the so-called
gether and reached a historic agreement.” ‘verification’ process, which is a bureaucrat-
Michael Lomax, president and CEO of the ic nightmare that 5.5 million students go
United Negro College Fund, thanked through annually.”
Trump and the thousands of advocates who The legislation, known as the Future Act,
lobbied Congress to support the bill. also drew praise from Education Secretary
“We enlisted more than 20,000 supporters Betsy DeVos, who called it a “historic bill”
to write and call their members of Con- that reflects the administration’s commit-
gress,” Lomax said. “This activated army of ment to students.
advocates became the frontline of support The FAFSA simplifications are estimated to
for HBCUs, and they won the battle for our save $2.8 billion over a decade, which will
institutions.” be used to provide the $255 million a year
The bill restores $255 million in annual to minority institutions.
funding that lapsed Sept. 30 after Congress The bill authorizes $85 million a year for
failed to renew it. Facing an end to the historically black colleges and universities,
funding, some schools had started planning along with $100 million for Hispanic-
for deep cuts, with some telling staff their serving institutions, $30 million for tribal
jobs or programs would be eliminated. schools and $40 million for a variety of oth-
But lawmakers in the Senate recently er minority-serving institutions.
reached a bipartisan deal that saved the The money is primarily meant to expand
funding. Their compromise added an programs in science, technology, engineer-
amendment that will simplify the Free Ap- ing and math.
plication for Federal Student Aid, or FAF- Although there was little debate about the
SA, the form that college students fill out to funding’s importance, it become tangled in
determine their eligibility for financial aid. a dispute over the Higher Education Act, a
The legislation will allow the Education De- sweeping federal law that governs colleges
partment to gather certain information di- and universities. As Congress tries to up-
rectly from the IRS, which will eliminate up date the law for the first time in more than
to 22 of the 108 questions on the form. It’s a decade, it has become a battleground over
also meant to curb a verification process major education issues dividing both par-
some families face to make sure they pro- ties.
vided the same information to the IRS and (Continued on page 39)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 33 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 34 12/27/2019
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 35 12/27/2019
Version 2019

Mayweather Tops Federer (tennis), Tiger
Woods (golf), Phil Mickelson,
Forbes Highest Manny Pacquiao (boxing),

Kevin Durant (basketball),
and Lewis Hamilton (racing
Hello sports fans, Merry Christ- driver) to complete the top
mas to all and please remember 10 highest earners. May-
to keep Christ in the season that weather has been competing
so often gets confused with the in Boxing since 1996 as he
giving of Santa Claus, that we followed in his fathers’ steps
forget the Sacrifice of our Lord to be the best fighter in the SHURAY BETHEA
and Savior Jesus. This season of world, except Money May-
family gatherings and Worship weather actually may be the AT LARGE
Services has always reminded best Boxer ever pound for
me of what the world should pound. After a stellar amateur
aspire to become, and my Pray- As each recognized Mayweather
career which includes the
er is that people live God’s word as the obvious best. Mayweath-
Bronze Medal in the 1996 Olym-
to reach the Joy that Jesus dedi- er will always be my pick as the
pics, and the U.S. National
cated his life for all people to greatest defensive fighter I’ve
Championship in the feather-
share. The Hope I Pray is that seen and his box office draw ap-
weight division, Money May-
this season of Love continues peared to support my opinion as
weather improved his skills dra-
year-round and isn’t just a tem- Millions of Boxing fans gave
matically. Mayweather’s defen-
porary action to satisfy our mon- their hard earned money to see
sive skills were so dramatically
etary advancement in our socie- him fight. He became lucrative
better than his opponents, his
ty. The word from the cheap at the gate due his special skill
ability to slip away from punch-
seats says that while our coun- that fans needed to see if he
es became a site boxing fans
try is driven by economics and could consistently perform each
lined up to arena doors to wit-
it’s an integral part of our exist- fight, and Money did not disap-
ence, we still must put God first point his fans.
Ring Magazine selected May-
in everything we do. He broke records in the Pay Per
weather as the 2x Fighter of the
The capitalist contrivance View attractions in his bout
Year in 1998 and 2007, also 3x
known as Forbes Magazine has against Oscar De La Hoya which
Boxing Writer Association of
offered a list of the past Decade, pushed his earnings to the top
America, Fighter of the Year
highlighting the highest earners 50 highest paid athletes of any
Award in 2007, 2013, and 2015,
in sports. Boxing Champion sport listed in Forbes Magazine
and the 6x Best Fighter ESPY
Floyd Mayweather tops the list from 2012-2015. While May-
Award in 2007-2010 and 2012-
with a whopping $915 million weather has announced his re-
2014. ESPN joined 5 major
earning which also brings con- tirement, he also founded his
sports outlets in ranking Floyd
notation to his nickname own Firm called “Mayweather
Mayweather the Best Fighter
“Money Mayweather”. Follow- Promotions” and has enjoyed a
Pound for Pound in the last 25
ing Money Mayweather is World productive attempt after leaving
years, which includes, Ring Mag-
Football (soccer) Cristiano long time Promoter Bob Arum in
azine, Sports Illustrated, Boxer-
Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, LeBron 2006. Happy New Year sports
Rec, Yahoo Sports, and Fox
James (basketball), Roger fans.

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 36 12/27/2019

Trump Can't
Rely On Cable
News Running
His Rallies In
Full Anymore
Donald Trump’s rallies were
once a surefire magnet for live
TV, with cable news networks
drawn to the chanting crowds,
the unscripted candidate and
even occasional fisticuffs in
packed arenas.
Three years later, the novelty is
time to show the intense atmos- named it the “Paul Ryan effect”
waning and the events are
phere in the arena. for the former Republican
drawing less airtime. Networks
Now, he said, Trump rallies House leader who clashed at
criticized for handing free air-
aren’t as hot as they used to be. times with Trump, and joined
time to Trump are cutting back,
Last year, CNN and MSNBC the Fox Corp. board this year.
worrying some of the presi-
each showed less than 22 Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck
dent’s backers.
minutes of live coverage of 42 said, “Paul does not get in-
“People have learned a lot from
Trump rallies from April until volved in editorial or coverage
’16 to ’19,” said Frank Sesno, a
the midterm elections in No- decisions at the network.”
former Washington bureau
vember, according to data com- Trump is scheduled for rallies
chief for CNN and now the di-
piled by Media Matters for in Louisiana Friday and Dallas
rector of the School of Media
America, a self-described pro- on Oct. 17.
and Public Affairs at George
gressive policy group that says Erin Perrine, a Trump cam-
Washington University. “I
it works to correct conservative paign spokeswoman, said the
think every news organization
“misinformation.” president had “changed the po-
will be applying a tighter stand-
Fox devoted roughly 60 times litical landscape in America
ard this time.”
as much airtime -- 21 hours -- with raucous rallies. That men-
That was evident Thursday
to the performances. That’s tality has not changed.”
night when AT&T Inc.’s CNN
about half the run time for the
and Comcast Corp.’s MSNBC
events or less, given that the Attendees hold up signs as Donald
stuck to scheduled news pro- Trump speaks during a rally in Orlando,
rallies can last an hour or more.
gramming as Trump’s rally be- Florida on June 17.
Representatives of Fox News, “Whether or not networks carry
gan in Minneapolis. Fox
CNN and MSNBC declined to rallies is up to them but rallies
Corp.’s Fox News, known for
comment about their coverage always make news, drive head-
its closeness to the Trump ad-
of the rallies. lines, and get millions of views
ministration, carried the event
This year, going into Thurs- on our social media pages,”
live from its start to its finish
day’s rally, Fox had displayed Perrine said in an email. “Our
more than 90 minutes later.
more than 13 hours of live cov- campaign data shows there is
But even Fox’s ardor has
erage of the 12 Trump live massive movement in support
waxed and waned. When the
events tracked by Media Mat- locally when the president
president’s viewership drops,
ters. CNN and MSNBC each comes to town. Most people get
the network may prefer to stick
has offered scant live coverage their news from local outlets,
with its evening ratings power-
of the events with CNN show- not the national news.”
house Sean Hannity, said Tom
ing 51 minutes and MSNBC Related: Trump Edges Away
Bettag, former executive pro-
showing none, according to From ‘Send Her Back’ Chant
ducer for ABC’s “Nightline
Media Matters data. That He Helped Spark
with Ted Koppel.”
Earlier: Trump Cancels Chica- Media Matters Presi-
Earlier: Trump Falls Back on
go Rally as Fractious Campaign dent Angelo Carusone said
Insurgent’s Rage in Kicking
Boils Over CNN and MSNBC may be
Off 2020 Bid
Even with that discrepancy, chastened by criticism their ex-
“The first time around, there
some Trump advisers have de- tensive coverage benefited
was a case to be made to cover
tected what they think is a drop Trump in 2016.
the rallies,” Bettag said. Re-
off in coverage on Fox that ex- “The networks and cable news
porters in the field knew some-
tends to the president’s White have definitely shifted, and re-
thing extraordinary was occur-
House appearances and non-
ring, and made the case for air
rally speeches. They’ve nick- (Continued on page 38)

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 37 12/27/2019

(Continued from page 37) speeches. But he had hit all the of Maryland’s journalism
points, the new points that we school, said in an interview. “If
calibrated,” he said. wanted to get across, and we it’s the same old same old, I
The debate about broadcasting had a fantastic panel” waiting don’t see the point. Should
the rallies live has even spilled to discuss issues, she told view-somebody be there and be
out on the air on Fox. As Han- ers. ready to break in? Absolutely.”
nity’s show ended Sept. 17, he Policy Shift Kathleen Hall Jamieson, direc-
introduced the next host, Laura Trump is, of course, now the tor of the Annenberg Public
Ingraham, with what he called president and makes news dur- Policy Center at the University
“a complaint.” ing rallies, announcing policy of Pennsylvania, called open-
“So I’m watching the rest of the shifts or personnel changes. So mic rally coverage “the equiva-
president’s speech in New news organizations send crews lent of paid advertising.”
Mexico last night. I wanted to to each and cut into broadcasts Networks should ask, “Is this
see the ending. You cut to your as necessary. newsworthy? Are we being hi-
debate early,” Hannity said. That’s different from merely jacked?” Jamieson said in an
Ingraham replied, “Is that the relaying the entire production interview.
White House speaking or is that live.
you?” “Gavel to gavel -- no,” Lucy
“We love the president’s Dalglish, dean of the University

(Continued from page 28) WORKER INVOLVED IN THE ILLE- top of the NYSED Office of School
GAL RACIST NOOSES IMAGE INNI- Personnel Review and Accounta-
public or private, owned by any CIDENT AT ROOSEVELT MIDDLE bility (OSPRA) Complaint Form.
person, firm or corporation or any SCHOOL is on top of the NYSED Please print it out, Fill it out, and
public agency or instrumentality, Office of School Personnel Review Send out TODAY in Jesus name!!!!
without express permission of the and Accountability (OSPRA) Com- WHERE TO CALL!!!
owner or operator of such build- plaint Form. Please print it out, Fill ●Call New York State Governor
ing or real property.” is breaking it out, and Send out TODAY in Je- Andrew Coumo at
new york state law regarding sus name!!!! 1 (518) 474 8390
nooses and that is “aggravated WHERE TO SEND YOUR COM- ●Call New York Attorney General
harassment in the first degree is a PLAINT FORM - The address to Tish James 1-800-771 7755
class e felony.”☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ send your Complaint Form DE- ●Call New York State Assembly-
PLAINT FORM - The address to TEACHING LICENSE OF THE TEN- 1 (516) 489 6610
send Complaint Form DEMAND- URED TEACHER INVOLVED IN THE ●Call New York State Senator John

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 38 12/27/2019

Ama Yawson earned a BA cum
laude in Social Studies from Har-
vard University, an MBA from the
Wharton School, and a JD from the
University of Pennsylvania Law

Her articles have been published in

MSNBC'sThe Grio, The Huffington
Post, The Atlantic, and other publi-
cations. Ms. Yawson has also ap-
peared on The Today Show, Al
Jazeera's The Stream, The Nate
Berkus Show and Fox Business. On
a weekly basis, Ms. Yawson can be
heard on WBAI in New York 99.5
FM Pacifica Radio on her morning
talk show entitled How to Make it
in the City.

In 2013, a painful experience in

which a barber called her son a ra-
cial pejorative term and said that
his hair was not pretty and should
be shaved off inspired Ms. Yawson
to venture into writing her first self
-esteem building book, Sunne's
Gift. her husband and two sons.
Happy Holidays!
Ms. Yawson was so personally
moved by the story of Sunne's Gift, There are three Kwanzaa cele-
that she quit her high-paying job as brations out on Long Island in
a securities lawyer for Citibank in the next several days that I
order to become a full-time author want to share with you.
and educator through her company 1. Friday, December 27, 2019 -
Milestales. She currently performs Uniondale Public Library small donation is suggested.
Sunne's Gift and her other books 400 Uniondale Avenue She will perform a story.
during her empowering training Uniondale, NY 11553 3. Monday, December 30, 2019 -
programs focused on leadership, At 2:00 p.m. Nassau County Office of Minority
bullying prevention, social and Milestales Partner Denise Leary will Affairs' Annual Kwanzaa Celebra-
emotional learning, cultural sensi- facilitate a spectacular Kwanzaa tion
tivity, and other topics. Additional- celebration with music and dance. Roosevelt Field Mall
ly, she partners with other thought 2. Saturday, December 28, 2019 - 630 Old Country Road, Garden City,
leaders to provide schools, librar- Westbury Friends School NY
ies, universities, churches, insti- 550 Post Avenue Westbury, NY 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
tutes, corporations, prisons, and 11590
other organizations with expanded 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. She will speak briefly.
training and development services. The event will consist of food, ven-
Ms. Yawson lives in New York with dors, face painting, and more. A

(Continued from page 33) rejected his proposal, throwing the funding
into jeopardy.
Alexander has made it his mission to to Both sides agreed to compromise by adding
reauthorize the law before he leaves the the FAFSA simplification, which Alexander
Senate after 2020, even if the update covers has been seeking for years. The House and
a relatively narrow range of issues that both Senate both voted to approve final changes
sides support. Democrats, meanwhile, have to the bill Dec. 10. It was applauded as a ra-
fought for a more comprehensive overhaul. re instance of cooperation in a Congress that
After the House approved an extension of has remained deeply divided over many is-
the minority institution funding in Septem- sues.
ber, Alexander blocked the proposal in the
Senate and moved it to a package of bills
tied to the Higher Education Act. Democrats
Published by The Village Press, Inc. 39 12/27/2019
Version 2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 40 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 41 12/27/2019
Public Enemy Will
Hilburn in 1998, “the most acclaimed body of work
ever by a Hip-Hop act.” The group’s debut, Yo! Bum

Receive A Grammy
Rush The Show, was released in 1987 and marked
their first step toward stardom. It Takes A Nation Of

Lifetime Achievement
Millions To Hold Us Back released in 1988, including
the hit single, “Don’t Believe the Hype.” It became the

first Hip-Hop album to be voted “Album of the Year”
in The Village Voice‘s influential “Pazz & Jop Critics’
Poll.” In 1989, P.E. recorded Fear Of A Black Plan-
For more than 30 years, Public Enemy has been serv- et and was the most commercially successful of any
ing hard truth to the people with inspiring, powerful, of the group’s albums. Sixteen years later, in 2005,
and evocative music. Chuck D, Flavor Flav, Terminator the LP was selected for preservation in the Library of
X, Professor Griff, and DJ Lord are Hip-Hop legends. Congress, which included the singles “Welcome To
While the group’s music has never won a Grammy The Terrordome,” “911 Is A Joke,” and “Fight The
(prompting some lyrics on “Terminator X To The Edge Power.”
Of Panic”) at the time of its release, the Recording The latter is regarded as one of the most popular and
Academy continues to recognize the impact of P.E. in influential songs in Hip-Hop history and served as the
retrospect. theme song of Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing.
Public Enemy Are Being Inducted Into The Grammy
Following “Fight The Power” being added to the Hall Of Fame Because They Fought The Power
Grammy Hall Of Fame in 2018, Public Enemy is being Public Enemy is just the second Rap group to be hon-
celebrated in 2020 with a special Lifetime Achieve- ored by The Recording Academy. Run-D.M.C. were
ment Grammy Award. Joining them in this class will among the first honorees back in 2016.
be Roberta Flack, Issac Hayes, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, According to the announcement, the Lifetime
Iggy Pop, Chicago, and John Prine. The Recording Achievement Award celebrates performers who have
Academy announced the news last week (December made outstanding contributions of artistic signifi-
19), as part of its 2020 Special Merit Awards. “Our cance to the field of recording. The Recording Acade-
industry is one that prides itself on influence and pay- my will present recipients with these awards in a cel-
ing it forward, and each year the Recording Academy ebration held on April 18, 2020, at the Pasadena Civic
has the privilege of honoring a select group of vision- Auditorium.
aries whose creative contributions have rippled Public Enemy & Ice-T Perform In Croatia In 1994 (AFH
throughout our culture,” said Deborah Dugan, Presi- TV Video)
dent/CEO of the Recording Academy. “Our Special Last month, Chuck D and his band-mates announced
Merit Awards recipients have molded their musical that Prophets Of Rage are pausing, following the re-
passion into pieces of history that will continue to in- union of Zack De La Rocha and Rage Against The Ma-
fluence and inspire generations of music creators and chine. Cypress Hill member B-Real and fellow P.E.
music lovers to come.” band-mate DJ Lord also stepped aside from the
Flavor Flav Speaks Candidly About His Addiction & group.
Why It Was Time For Change
Public Enemy’s first four albums are widely consid-
ered classics, as they were all certified either gold or
platinum and were, according to music critic Robert

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 42 12/27/2019

Earlier this year, Martin signed a first-look deal with Universal

and became the youngest person to do so.
And she already has the film “Little” under her belt as a produc-
er, which stars Issa Rae and Regina Hall. Reportedly, it grossed

‘Powerhouse’: Marsai $40.6 million at the U.S. box office.

Plus, Martin will star in and produce a film based on “Amari and

Martin to Produce Yet

the Night Brothers,” a novel by author B.B. Alston. The story
surrounds a Black girl who finds out she has magical powers,
and the actor Don Cheadle is also one of the producers.

Another Project for On Thursday, Dec. 19, Martin posted news of the new “Queen”
project and said it’s just a part of her busy lifestyle as an artist

Universal at Just 15
and producer.
“Never not creating. 2020 is about to be one crazy year,”

Years Old
she wrote on Instagram.
Underneath the teen’s post, her followers mentioned how
blown away they are by her accomplishments, and many said
At this rate, “Black-ish” actress Marsai Martin could be the big- they expect big things from her.
gest producer in Hollywood by the time she’s in her 20s. “oooo girl you are a powerhouse at 15!” one person wrote.
Because according to The Hollywood Reporter, the 15-year-old “This Girl Is On ,” wrote another fan.
is producing a new comedy film titled “Queen” through her “I’m in awe of your passion and drive at such a young age. Your
company Genius Productions. future is limitless,” a third person relayed.
Marsai Martin is producing a new project for Universal at just And another wrote, “You been a star! Now you are shining a
15 years old, and people are blown away by it. (Photo: Ray- light on so many others as well. So proud of you!”
mond Hall/GC Images via Getty Images)
There’s no word as to what it will be about, but Camila Blackett,
known for writing on shows like “Newsroom” and “Fresh Off
the Boat,” will pen the screenplay.


(Continued from page 38) THE TENURED

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 43 12/27/2019

Published by The Village Press, Inc. 44 12/27/2019

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