Actividad3.1.1 Inglés3 307 CruzDiego

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Inglés III

Actividad 3.1 Inferir significados


Nombre del alumno: Cruz Cortes Diego Forlan

Grupo: 307 No. de cuenta: 120001578

● Llena tus datos de identificación, realiza todos los ejercicios planteados en la presente
actividad y súbelos en el aula virtual conforme a las instrucciones en ella contenidas .
● Si tienes dudas de vocabulario, puedes auxiliarte de un diccionario. No olvides guardar
correctamente tu archivo en tu dispositivo y enviar la tarea a tu profesor conforme a
las instrucciones de la actividad.


● Antes de que leas, ve el título y las imágenes de la lectura. Imagina una posible trama
para la historia, considerando las imágenes y el título. Haz un dibujo que represente
la introducción (exposition), clímax (climax) y desenlace (resolution). Puedes dibujar
en papel, tomar fotografías e incluirlas en tu documento o puedes usar cualquier
aplicación o herramienta especializada en diseño gráfico.

A long time ago a lion was a friend of a very

small animal, that animal was a mouse but
one day the lion told him: I'm sick of you
and after a while he replied: why friend?,
and the lion replied: because I can never do
an activity that only people my size do.

The mouse answered angrily: sorry for not being an animal of your size,
since those of your size are silly and slimy, and the lion said: so, those of
your size are dwarfs, so the mouse said: cut them now I'm not your best
friend, and the lion said: I don't care goodbye.
Two days later armed men arrived and saw him sleeping so they tied him
up he woke up and saw that he was tied up, he tried to untie himself, but
he couldn't, one of those men was going to shoot him with a shotgun, the
lion gave one last roar

That's when the mouse came with the other mice to rescue him and giving those men
what they deserved, the lion said to the mouse: thank you friend and forgive me for
what I told you I'm so sorry and the mouse said: don't worry nothing happens , they
hugged each other and for a long time they were best friends again .

1. Exposition
2. Climax
3. Resolution

Ejercicio 2. Vocabulario

Aumenta tu vocabulario por medio de la siguiente actividad.

friend mouse rope mouth neck

sun tree asleep back king laugh

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