Review Grammar

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12C GRAMMAR review: question formation © Write questions for the answers, Routing - Presene 1 What does your brother do? (do) He's a doctor. 2 Howdidyougett to class today? (get) Icame by bus. 3 Whereis___ Shakira from ? (be) From Colombia, | think. 4 _Whattimedoyougetup on the weekend? (get up) __—At 8:00. | like getting up early. 5 _Howmany brothers and sisters _devouhave__? One brother. | don't have) have any sisters. 6 _Wheredidyougo on vacation last year? (go) We went to Tenerife. 7 _Where do your grandparents !¥*__? (live). Ina town about 50 miles away. @ Areyoureading anything goodright now? —_—_-Yes, 'mreading a Terry (read) Pratchett book. 9, Which do you prefer_ indian food or Chinese Chinese food. | don't like food? (prefer) Indian food very much. 10 _Areyoudoing/Didyoudo ___your homework? (do) —_No, I'm going to do it this evening. 11 _Areyougoingtogo out __on Friday night? (go out) —_‘Yes, we are. We have tickets for a concert. 12 _Howoldisyourbrother __ your brother? (be) He's 22. 13 __When/ How oftendoyouhave___English classes? (have) Twice a week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 14 Whydid _____Maria_8@ ___ home early? (go) Because she didn't eel | well, Shakespeare bom? (be born) ~— In 1564. (bye © Test your memory. Cover the questions and look at the answers, Remember the questions. ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Level 1 Photacopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, © Copyright Oxtord University Press

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