Update On Platelet-Rich Plasma: Current Orthopaedic Practice November 2011

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Update on platelet-rich plasma

Article  in  Current Orthopaedic Practice · November 2011

DOI: 10.1097/BCO.0b013e318236bd55


18 6,484

6 authors, including:

Jeffrey M. DeLong Knut Beitzel

ATOS Orthoparc Clinic Cologne

Augustus Mazzocca David Shepard

UConn Health Center Arthrex


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Sports Medicine
Update on platelet-rich plasma
Jeffrey M. DeLonga, Knut Beitzelb, Augustus D. Mazzoccab, David Sheparda,
Brandon L. Rollera and Bryan T. Hanypsiaka

released by alpha granules including vasculoendothelial

ABSTRACT (VEGF), transforming beta (TGF-b), platelet derived (PDGF),
Numerous studies have demonstrated a positive clinical response to platelet derived epidermal (PDEGF), fibroblast (bFGF),
platelet-rich plasma injections. However, few randomized, clinically epidermal (EGF), and hepatocyte growth factors (HGF).
controlled trials have been published. An equal number of Less emphasized in the literature but possibly of equal
publications have shown no effect. As of yet, no deleterious effects importance in the healing process are bioactive factors released
have been identified. A literature search of articles pertaining to by dense granules. These include substances such as serotonin,
platelet-rich plasma reveals thousands of publications but is
histamine, calcium, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine
remarkable for how much remains unknown. This review attempts
to use the latest published research to answer the most frequently triphosphate (ATP), and dopamine (catecholamine).9,12 It is
asked questions surrounding platelet-rich plasma and to provide a theorized that pain relief experienced by patients after PRP
fundamental understanding for critically evaluating further platelet- injection may result from the release of factors, such as
rich plasma studies. serotonin and catecholamines from dense granules.13

Keywords What is the Role of Platelets in Healing?

platelet rich plasma, platelet-rich plasma, PRP
The healing process can be divided into three phases. Phase
1 (hemostasis and inflammation) is triggered by tissue injury
and lasts for 2--5 days. During phase 1, platelets become
activated when they encounter injured tissue and adhere to
WHAT IS PLATELET-RICH PLASMA? the exposed collagen, aggregating to form a clot.14,15
Degranulation of platelets occurs and the release of growth,

latelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be defined as an
autologous blood product containing a platelet bioactive, and hemostatic factors results in inflammation.
concentration higher than the baseline level of Platelets release 70--95% of the stored growth factors in the
150,000--350,000 platelets/mL (mean ¼ 250,000) within first 10 minutes after tissue injury and additional growth
whole blood.1,2 Platelets play a central role in tissue factors continue to be secreted for 7--9 days.9,16 Phase 2
regeneration.3 They function in hemostasis, construction (proliferation) begins 2 days after injury and can last for 3
of new connective tissue, and revascularization.4--7 weeks. This phase involves formation of blood vessels,
collagen deposition via fibroblasts, wound contraction and
continued release of small amounts of growth factors.9,12
What Bioactive Factors are Involved? Phase 3 (remodeling) follows and involves maturation of
To date, over 1500 unique regulatory proteins and growth collagen and formation of scar tissue and can take more
factors have been identified in platelets.8 The individual and than a year to complete.9,12,17--20
synergistic roles of each of these substances have not yet
been determined. These bioactive factors promote and
accelerate the healing process and are stored and released HOW IS PRP PREPARED?
by platelet alpha and dense granules.9--11 PRP can be obtained in two forms: plasma-based and buffy
Alpha granules are reservoirs for numerous growth factors, coat preparations. Both begin with whole blood but differ in
cytokines, chemokines, and various coagulation and adhe- the centrifugation process, which isolates and concentrates
sion proteins.9,12 Current focus has been on growth factors different blood cell components.21

Arthrex, Inc, Naples FL Plasma-based PRP
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Plasma-based methods work to isolate only plasma and
Financial Disclosures: Brandon Roller is an employee of Arthrex. Augustus platelet components. Protocols for these preparations leave
D. Mazzocca is a consultant and has received support from Arthrex. Bryan some platelets behind and focus on intentionally excluding
Hanypsiak is an employee of Arthrex.
leukocytes, which are thought to be detrimental to the
The other authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Correspondence to Bryan T. Hanypsiak, MD, Arthrex, 1370 Creekside
healing process. The main goal of these systems is to capture
Blvd., Naples, FL 34108 only platelets during the centrifugation, thus, a slower and
Tel: þ 239 566 5880; fax: þ 239 552 2316; shorter spin regime is used. This yields platelet concentra-
e-mail: bryan.hanypsiak@arthrex.com tions typically around 2--3  baseline whole blood levels
1940-7041 r 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Table 1).

Volume 00  Number 00  ’’ 2011 Current Orthopaedic Practice 1

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TABLE 1. Plasma-based PRP systems

Centrifuge time Initial blood Final PRP Platelet WBC
Device Name (min) volume (mL) volume (mL) concentration concentration References
Arthrex/ACP 5 16 4--7 2--3  Minimal to
Cascade/MTF 6 (plasma) 9 4.5 (plasma) 1.3--1.7  Minimal to
Fibrinet 21 (clot) 2 (clot) (plasma) none
BTI/PRGF 8 9 2--3 2--3  Minimal to
PRP indicates platelet-rich plasma; WBC, white blood cell.

Buffy Coat-based PRP Why are Accuracy and Documentation Crucial?

Buffy coat-based methods isolate a platelet poor plasma To determine the efficacy of PRP from system to system and
layer and a buffy coat layer, which contains both leukocytes patient to patient, it is critical to accurately quantify the
and erythrocytes. Protocols for buffy coat systems seek to platelets and cell components delivered to the target tissue
capture all available platelets during the centrifugation, site.45 Adequate re-suspension of PRP and proper sample
thus, high spin rates and long spin regimes are used, which preparation within a laboratory setting are required for
do not allow for exclusion of leukocytes and red blood cells. accurate values to be obtained. Platelet clumping or lack of
The typical platelet concentration yields are between 3--8  even distribution will result in inaccurately low counts even
baseline levels (Table 2). though the clinical effect may be adequate.45
Protocols, number and length of spins, platelet, and PRP preparation appears to be extremely delicate. As
leukocyte concentrations vary between commercially available described, the speed and number of centrifugations will result
devices (Tables 1 and 2). Differences in concentration of in varying platelet concentrations with possible morphology
platelets, and the presence or absence of white blood cells alterations, which may potentially cause clumping.46 Abso-
(WBC) leads to different amounts of anabolic and catabolic lute platelet value measurements may tend to be more
proteins released to the target tissues after injection.41 An consistent with one system compared to another. Further-
in vitro study performed by Castillo et al.23 tested three more, the material of the centrifuge tube also may signifi-
different PRP separation systems, and each system yielded cantly affect platelet function. Michelson46 indicated in his
similar platelet concentrations (B600,000/mL), red blood cells comprehensive book on platelets that polypropylene tubes are
(RBC), active TGF-b1, and fibrinogen levels. However, each superior to polystyrene and polycarbonate when used for
system produced significantly different levels of PFDF-AB, platelet preparation or storage. Additionally, he noted that
PDGF-BB, VEGF, and WBC concentration.23 Although the uncoated glass may artificially activate platelets and affect
effects of these bioactive factors on tissue were not tested, it is results.46 A study conducted by Grottum et al.47 determined
possible that these types of variations could result in consider- the effect of PRP with polystyrene particles. Incubation of PRP
able and dramatically distinct effects on healing.21 Lack of with polystyrene particles induced surface contact between
standardization of PRP preparations may therefore lead to platelets and particles, uptake of particles, and changes in
inconsistent results in the literature.42 Attempts have been platelet morphology. After injection into rabbits, they
made to classify the different types of PRP.43,44 The important identified increased platelet aggregation that may have
points that need to be addressed within these classifica- resulted from a reduction in platelet surface charge caused
tion systems and within literature are platelet concentra- by interaction with polystyrene.48
tion, leukocyte concentration and differential, and delivery It also is important to realize that there is significant
method. variation in platelet count between individuals. In fact, a

TABLE 2. Buffy coat-based PRP systems

Centrifuge Initial blood Final PRP Platelet WBC
Device name time (min) volume (mL) volume (mL) concentration concentration References
Biomet GPS II/III 12--15 30 or 60 3 or 6 2--8  Increased over
Harvest SmartPReP 2/ 12--15 20 or 60 3 or 7--10 3--7  Increased over
DePuy Symphony II baseline
Arteriocyte/Medtronic 14--20 30 or 60 3--10 3--7  Increased over
Magellan baseline
Emcyte Genesis CS/ 12 30 or 60 3 or 10 7--10  Increased over
Exactech Accelerate baseline
PRP indicates platelet-rich plasma; WBC, white blood cell.
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single individual’s platelet count can vary considerably on the same injuries had lower neutrophilic derived oxidants and
different days.2 For example, normal platelet count varies less tissue damage during the reperfusion phase.65
between 150,000/mL and 350,000 /mL. An individual with a low A number of studies have shown accelerated wound
normal count receiving PRP with a concentration of 1,000,000/ closure in neutrophil deficient animals.12,56,66 Knockout
mL would see an approximate 6.5 times increase. An individual and knockdown studies suggest that depletion of one or
with a high normal count receiving PRP with a concentration more of the inflammatory leukocyte cell lineages can
of 1,000,000/mL would see an approximate 3 times increase. actually enhance healing. These studies concluded that no
Documenting not only the absolute value but also the fold single cell lineage is absolutely necessary for direct repair
change will help determine the key factor in triggering the and when some are absent, wounds may actually close faster
desired response with respect to platelet concentrations. and with less scarring.66 Additional animal studies that were
In addition to documenting the components of the PRP able to deplete the CD8 þ lymphocyte line resulted in
end product, it also is important to record the mechanism of increased wound maturation and cross-linking of collagen
delivery and if additional factors were also distributed at the when compared with baseline.67--69
tissue site. For example, anticoagulants alter the pH of PRP; It has been suggested that WBCs are detrimental in fracture
understanding the effect of this alteration becomes impor- healing by suppression of bone formation and bone healing.
tant especially since variations in pH affects in vitro A study was performed to determine the effects of poly-
proliferation.49,50 The use of localized anesthetics also may morphonuclear leukocytes in fracture healing. Transverse
produce a negative effect on PRP treatment, possibly femoral midshaft osteotomies had a significantly higher
reducing its maximum potential as represented by decreased bending moment 6 weeks after operation in neutrophenic
proliferation within in vitro studies.2,51 rats when compared with nonneutrophil deficient rats.70
While WBCs do provide an antimicrobial effect, it is
important to note that platelets can play a similar role. Tang
SHOULD WBC BE INCLUDED? et al.71 isolated antimicrobial peptides from human platelets
PRP systems that use the buffy coat contain an increased and found microbial activity against E. Coli and concluded
concentration of WBCs. Although normal levels of WBCs that platelets have a direct antimicrobial effect when
have a positive immunomodulatory effect, heightened levels activated.71 As described, WBCs will lead to the release of
in some PRP preparations may have deleterious effects. destructive oxygen free radicals. It may be argued that these
will play a role in removing unwanted tissue, but these
radicals are nonspecific so they will destroy healthy tissue as
What are the Theoretical Positive Effects of WBC? well. Platelets on the other hand release growth factors that
Platelet-rich leukocyte gels are thought to have potent will activate the anti-oxidant response element, which
antimicrobial effects. PRP containing WBCs may help prevent accelerates tendon proliferation and regeneration.72,73 In
postoperative Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli infec- addition, it has been well established that platelets release
tions.52 These gels are not effective across the entire spectrum, chemokines that activate and attract macrophages to the
with Pseudomonas as the most notable exception.19 site of injury, which provides the desired function of
Other potential benefits of WBCs include removal of necrotic tissue debridement.74
necrotic tissue through cellular engulfment of tissue bypro-
ducts, the release of proteolytic enzymes that breakdown
necrotic tissue or release additional growth factors that may WHAT IS THE OPTIMAL PLATELET
play a supplementary role in eliminating dead tissue.53--55 CONCENTRATION?
Optimal platelet concentration in PRP has not been defined
What are the Theoretical Negative Effects and may vary based on tissue type and number of growth
of WBC? factor receptors available. A reasonable goal in determining the
ideal concentration of platelets would be to bind available
Specific WBCs, such as neutrophils and CD8 þ lymphocytes,
growth factor receptors without oversaturation, triggering a
may be detrimental to PRP therapy. Neutrophils are not
positive proliferative response without inducing negative feed-
crucial to the overall process of wound healing and collagen
back inhibition. Few studies have been conducted comparing
synthesis.56 Infiltration of neutrophils causes release of
the healing effects of different PRP platelet concentrations.
oxygen free radicals during inflammation and has been
Unfortunately, lack of adequate platelet concentration mea-
shown to play a central role in ischemic tissue injuries.57
surement in most PRP studies makes validation and accurate
This may cause endothelial and subendothelial damage and
comparison of studies extremely difficult.
lead to excessive fibrosis that can exacerbate a pre-existing
injury and prevent healing.57 White blood cells also release
catabolic cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and
Interleukin-b.58 These substances are regulators of inflam- Does low Concentration Provide any Benefit?
mation and degradative turnover of tissue.13,58
Neutrophils also may exacerbate muscle damage after an < 1  [ < Baseline]
injury.59--63 Stretch injury in animals was shown to produce Platelet concentrations below baseline may not allow for a
peak levels of oxygen free radicals, pain, and muscle fiber sufficient cellular response.75 Often used as a control,
tearing within the first 24 hours.57,64 Leukopenic animals with platelet-poor plasma (PPP) has only shown the slightest
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benefit. The minimum positive in vitro effect that has been Is High Concentration More Effective?
described may be caused by additional growth factors that
typically are found within plasma only and not within 4X-- 6X [ > 750,000 to 1,800,000 Platelets/lL]
platelets, such as insulin-like growth factor. An in vitro study by Haynesworth et al.75 evaluated
the effects of different platelet concentrations (0.625  ,
1.25  , 2.5  , 5  , 10  ) on adult mesenchymal stem cells.
Is Moderate Concentration Effective? The author reported that proliferation and differentiation
increased continuously with increasing platelet concentra-
tion. Significant proliferation, as determined by the author,
> 1X-- < 4X [ > Baseline--750,000 Platelets/lL]
was shown to begin at 5  and produced the highest cell
An often cited paper by Marx76 in 2001, defined the ‘‘working number at 10  .75 The author used PRP in a clot prepara-
definition of PRP’’ as having 1,000,000 platelets/mL’’, or roughly tion, but determined platelet count before forming the clot.
4  baseline. This ‘‘definition’’ has not been supported in the It is difficult to determine with this protocol the absolute
literature, and the author himself conducted a randomized number of activated platelets, and it is likely that the
study that showed an average PRP platelet concentration of effective concentration of platelets was substantially lower
3.4  over baseline accelerated the rate of bone formation in 88 than estimated. This study obtained the supernatant from
bone graft recipients.77 Furthermore, an in vitro study the clot for their culture work, leaving the leukocytes and
performed by Anitua et al.21 analyzed the maximal fibroblast erythrocytes retained within the clot. Even though a buffy
proliferation response for tissues isolated from skin, synovium, coat PRP was used for the study, the components that were
and tendon when combined with different PRP platelet released by platelets were the only thing evaluated through
concentrations. It was concluded that a PRP elicits a statistically this proliferation study. A study with a similar protocol was
improved fibroblast proliferation within all three cell types, but conducted by Giusti et al.88 on endothelial cells who found
a platelet dose-response effect was not observed when compar- that the optimal concentration for cell proliferation was
ing a platelet concentration of 2  (400,000 platelets/mL) and 1.5  106 platelets/mL. Similar to the previous study de-
4  (760,000 platelets/mL).21 scribed, the actual platelet and leukocyte concentration
Graziani et al.78 evaluated the effect of plasma, 2.5  , would have been much less because of the cellular
3.5  , and 5.5  PRP on the function of osteoblasts and components confined within the clot. However, what was
fibroblasts. After a 72-hour incubation period, the 2.5  different for this study was that platelet concentrations
(B550,000 platelet/mL) PRP group resulted in a statistically above the optimal amount yielded inferior results represent-
significant increase for the osteoblast and fibroblast cell lines ing a threshold effect.
when compared with plasma and the negative control. The In contrast, not all results in the 4  --6  range have been
2.5  PRP group also had a mean proliferation rate that was positive. An in vivo pig study identified no effect with the use
greater than the higher concentrated PRP groups. The of 4  and 6.5  on the regeneration of bone,89 and
authors concluded that a platelet concentration of 2.5  a rabbit study found that a mean concentration of 5.3 
yielded optimal results.78 (1,761,930 platelet/mL) did not lead to greater bone
Torricelli et al.79 evaluated the effect of PRP for the remodeling.9 For these in vivo studies, a buffy-coat PRP
treatment of musculoskeletal overuse injuries in competi- again was evaluated and the leukocytes were included in the
tion horses. With the placebo effect nullified, they found final PRP preparation.
that PRP with a platelet concentration of 750,000/mL
accelerated healing and allowed an earlier return to
competition. This study may provide a similar model for What is the Effect of Super Concentration?
the treatment of overuse injuries in human athletes.79
Numerous in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies have been > 6  [ > 1,800,000 Platelets/lL]
conducted and published by Anitua et al. and Sanchez et al. Never has the phrase, ‘‘Too much of a good thing,’’ been
showing effectiveness of PRP with a platelet concentration of more adequately demonstrated than in the case of PRP
2--3  .17,28,80--86 Sanchez et al.28 injected exogenously activated systems with super concentrations of platelets. Overwhelm-
PRP with a 3  platelet concentration into surgically repaired ing the healing milieu with an excessive amount of platelets
human Achilles tendons. They found significant improvement may lead to apoptosis, growth factor receptor down-
and an earlier return to sports as compared with the control regulation, and receptor desensitization, which may result
group.28 The same researchers performed an uncontrolled in a paradoxical inhibitory effect.75,90
retrospective case study treating 16 aseptic nonunions intra- Several studies have demonstrated this effect. Weibrich
operatively with a moderate PRP platelet concentration (2--3  ) et al.91 demonstrated that highly concentrated platelets
with a bone allograft and an autologous fibrin membrane. The (6--11  ; 1,845,000--3,200,000 platelets/mL) had an inhibi-
researchers reported that all nonunions treated operatively tory effect on osteoblast activity when compared with the
healed after this procedure.85 Additional studies with a 2--3  more optimal lower concentrations.91 Choi et al.92 described
platelet concentration enhanced tendon graft ligamentization how PRP did not increase new bone formation in autologous
during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery. The temporal bone grafts in rats but concluded that the high concentra-
histologic changes at month 6 and at month 24 postopera- tion of platelets may have resulted in adverse effects on cell
tively showed increased connective tissue remodeling com- behavior rendering an inadequate result.92 Also, as described
pared with the untreated grafts.87 above, Giusti et al.88 and Graziani et al.78 were both able to
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demonstrate how a particular concentration of platelets retraction of clots, which may be inferior with respect to cell
were able to yield an optimal proliferation effect. Yet, when migration and growth factor enmeshment when compared
using concentrations above this optimal amount, the with less condensed physiologic activation.69,95--97 A rapid
proliferative results were mediocre in comparison. activation also may lead to a decrease in the total amount of
growth factors available at the tissue site over time. Growth
factors have a short half-life (minutes to hours) and will
Is Platelet Concentration Tissue Specific?
degrade before additional tissue receptors become available
Different tissues types may require different platelet con- if they are not immediately used upon release from a
centrations to achieve the optimal response to PRP admin- platelet.98,99
istration. Receptor levels vary between tissues, therefore Less than ideal results have been reported when PRP is
ideal PRP concentrations may vary as well. This may explain activated with thrombin. An in vivo study looked to
why a specified concentration produces significant effects in determine the effect of thrombin activation on PRP’s ability
one study with a specific tissue type and does not show an to improve the osteoinductive nature of demineralized bone
effect in another study involving a different tissue. Anitua matrix. The results showed that PRP prepared through a
et al.83 were able to demonstrate this when they studied the buffy coat method significantly increased demineralized
effects of 2  and 4  PRP on tendon, dermal, and synovial bone matrix osteoinductivity, but this effect did not hold
fibroblasts. They demonstrated different positive effects for true for the thrombin activated PRP group.100
both platelet concentrations with respect to proliferation,
hyaluronic acid production, and secretion of angiogenic What are the Effects of Activation by CaCl2?
growth factors.83 However, the positive effect was not
Calcium Chloride added exogenously to PRP preparation in
consistently the same for each tissue type. The authors
lieu of bovine thrombin may result in the formation of a less
concluded ‘‘that the biological effects of preparations rich in
condensed fibrin matrix. The fibrin matrix may provide a
growth factors may depend on concentration of platelets
trapping mechanism for platelets resulting in smaller
and on the anatomical source of the cells.’’
amounts of thrombin formation endogenously, allowing a
slower release of growth factors over a 7-day period, which
may enhance cell migration and healing.97,101,102 Betoni-
HOW IS PRP ACTIVATED? Júnior et al.103 evaluated bone healing effects with the use of
a bone graft with PRP combined with CaCl2 and thrombin
In addition to the number of platelets, the type of activation
compared with CaCl2 only. After histological analysis, both
used may affect the outcome of PRP therapy. Different
methods presented good bone repair with similar maturity,
activators and delivery methods also may influence end
organization, and vascularization.103 The results from this
results. For instance, Graziani et al.,78 Giusti et al.88 and
paper demonstrated that CaCl2 was an adequate activator of
Haynesworth et al.75 used thrombin and calcium salt (i.e.,
PRP when used alone, but unlike the previous article
CaCl or CaGluconate), whereas Anitua et al.17,28,80--86 and
discussed, thrombin also yielded a positive effect.
Sanchez et al.28,80,82--86 preferred to use CaCl only. Addi-
tionally, Weibrich et al.91 did not report using any type of
exogenous clotting factor. Ultimately, researchers can What are the Benefits of Collagen Activation?
choose to have platelets activated endogenously or through Tendon-derived type I collagen is equally effective as
the addition of an exogenous clotting factor to any thrombin in activating platelets and stimulating the release
commercially available system, thus, further giving support of growth factors. An in vitro study of PRP prepared from
for the need to accurately document not only the PRP human donors was clotted using type I collagen or bovine
cellular components obtained from preparation but also the thrombin. Type I collagen resulted in similar release of PDGF
delivery method used. and VEGF between days 1--10 but a more extended and
overall greater release of TGF-b than thrombin. Clots formed
Is Exogenous Activation Necessary? using type I collagen also exhibited far less retraction than
Exogenous activation requires the addition of an external those formed with bovine thrombin.104 This same research
clotting factor. The type of activator used may significantly group performed a similar study using a 3  concentration
influence growth factor kinetics. For instance, rapid exo- of PRP and compared the release profiles between thrombin
genous activation may result in a more immediate release of and a collagen sponge intended to function as a scaffold
growth factors compared with a slower activation that delivery system for PRP. Once again it was noted that
releases more growth factors over time. thrombin results in a more immediate release of TGF and
PDGF, but the collagen scaffold produced an 80% greater 7-
day cumulative release of TGF.99 These studies help to
What are the Effects of Thrombin Activation? indicate that platelets react and activate to different stimuli
Exogenously activated thrombin is used intra-operatively in very unique ways.
and results in rapid activation of platelets. This type of Another study was able to describe the importance of
activation and aggregation of platelets can provide localiza- collagen when analyzing chondrocyte proliferation in an
tion and prevent the diffusion of administered PRP during inflammatory cytokine-induced arthritic in vitro model.
open surgery.93,94 However, rapid activation may lead to This study analyzed PRP’s ability to induce chondrocyte
excessive condensing of the fibrin matrix and significant proliferation, chondrogenic gene expression, and matrix
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remodeling in the presence or absence of a collagen matrix. months follow-up, the ultrasound-guided injection of PRP
This work highlighted the fact that the inclusion of a enhanced healing and functional capacities 50% faster than
collagen matrix will statistically improve the physiological the control group.107 Additionally, a level 1 double-blind
microenvironment for articular chondrocytes in the pre- randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study reported
sence of PRP.8 that PRP did not increase tendon structure or alter the
degree of neovascularization in chronic midportion Achilles
tendinopathy compared with the saline control group.91
Is Endogenous Activation More Appropriate? The author noted possible reasons for the lack of PRP effects,
Endogenous activation can be used as an alternative to including fluid leakage from the tendon from internal
bovine thrombin activation. Endogenous activation has the hydrostatic pressure.
potential for slower aggregation of platelets and release of
growth factors by allowing collagen within the tissue to
operate as the activator providing a natural release pattern.99 WHAT IS THE OPTIMAL DOSAGE FREQUENCY?
Clot formation occurring after injection provides the benefit In addition to the concentration of platelets delivered, the
of administration through a needle and may allow a more frequency and number of PRP treatments is another
precise delivery to, and within, the target tissue. Further- important variable. Few studies have compared the effects
more, slower activation by tissue collagen may provide of single and multiple doses of PRP. Additionally, chronicity
increased availability of growth factors and allow for more of the injury, growth factor kinetics, and tissue type must be
accurate dosing. considered in determining frequency of injections.
Not only will tissue collagen cause activation of platelets,
simple agitation of platelets, such as centrifugation, as well
as needle-induced bleeding during PRP injection may Should Single or Multiple Doses be Used?
provide the appropriate endogenous clotting factors needed Most PRP studies have only evaluated the efficacy of single
for activation. A study reported that shear stress from doses. An in vivo study determined the effect of a single
vigorous exercise will enhance shedding of procoagulant postoperative injection in a rat Achilles tendon transaction
particles from platelets and thus generate thrombin forma- model. The researchers reported that the treatment had an
tion.105 The addition of clotting factors to PRP may not be effect on the early phases of healing because of the observed
needed to significantly activate platelets. Perhaps, sufficient increase in tendon regeneration and strength at days 3 and
platelet activation could occur through collagen exposure 5.108 An additional rat study determined the effect of PRP on
and needle fenestration of a tendon before PRP injection.106 the initial mobilization of circulation-derived cells in the
healing of patellar tendon. The results showed that local
injection of PRP caused a significant increase in circulation-
SHOULD DELIVERY TECHNIQUE BE derived cells in days 3 and 7 compared with the control
CONSIDERED? group.20 Identifying when PRP enhances these circulating
The technique employed during delivery of PRP is another reparative cells (or simply delays the normal decline) may
fundamental variable that should be understood and indicate a more precise time period to administer treatment.
discussed. Individual tissues may have ideal anatomical Few multiple dose treatments have been evaluated.
locations for delivery of PRP. For example, PRP injection into Mazzocca2 presented some pilot in vitro work in which
the osseotendinous, midsubstance, or myotendinous zone tenocytes were treated with either one, two or three doses of
of a tendon may produce varying results.94 An in vivo rabbit PRP spaced out every 4 days. His work demonstrated a
model study determined the effect of PRP on IGF-1 progressive benefit with two doses yielding increased
expression in the epitenon and endotenon of rabbit Achilles proliferation compared with one dose, and three doses
tendons. At week 4, histological analysis revealed superior yielding increased proliferation when compared with two.2
expression of IGF-1 in the epitenon of the PRP group Hammond et al.109 reported a multiple dose treatment of
compared with the saline group that produced superior IGF- PRP enhanced injured tibialis anterior muscles in rats. Doses
1 levels in the endotenon (P < 0.0001).12 of PRP were administered at days 0, 3, 5 and 7, and the
The PRP delivery platform (liquid, spray, gel, or clot) also findings showed significant improvement at days 3, 7, and
should be considered. Whether the procedure is open or 14 for the PRP treated group.109 Centrally nucleated muscle
closed and if slow or fast activation of platelets are required fibers (CNF) were used as a marker for myogenesis and the
are determining factors of which PRP delivery platform to CNFs for the PRP group peaked at day 14 and actually
employ. For instance, an open procedure involving a resulted in more CNFs than the PPP and control group. A
scaffold or hydrogel applied only to the injury surface may possible reason for the improvement at day 3 may be
result in a significantly different effect compared with direct because of PRP’s role in decreasing inflammation in acute
injection into a specific site. tissue injuries.64,110 In a prospective study of 20 athletes
Dynamic musculoskeletal ultrasound guidance also may with chronic patellar tendinosis (jumper’s knee) who
be beneficial to ensure accurate injection and prevent received three PRP injections at 15-day intervals, statistically
diffusion of PRP from the desired treatment site. In support significant improvements in all scores were noted at 6-
of the use of dynamic guided imagery, Sanchez et al.107 months follow-up.111
reported a prospective muscle injury pilot study of 20 high- The answer to the question of appropriate dosage
level professional athletes who received PRP injections. At 6- frequency may lie in the understanding of cyclic factors.
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For instance, peak levels of growth factors in tissues could AUTHORS’ OPINION
indicate the optimal time for administering treatment. After a careful review of the currently available literature, it
Furthermore, an understanding of the plateau effects of is the authors’ recommendation that a plasma-based,
tissue regeneration also may provide further insight. moderately concentrated PRP preparation be used for
Additionally, identification of growth factor receptor regula- standard injections. This type of system will eliminate the
tion and desensitization may provide an idea of the ideal possible harmful effects of leukocytes, particularly neutro-
window for treatment. Finally, acute versus chronic condi- phils, and provide a sustained release of growth factors from
tions would most likely require different frequency and endogenously activated platelets. These preparations allow
timing of dosage. for rapid PRP preparation from a single spin, are cost
effective, and provide platelet concentrations in the
CLINCAL PUBLICATIONS 2 --3  range, sufficient for clinical improvement in most
High concentrations of platelets may likely flood the
PRP or Cortisone system, leading to increased scar tissue formation and
PRP has been used as an alternative to corticosteroids to potential delay in healing.
promote angiogenesis in the early phase of tendon heal- With regard to frequency of dosing, it seems reasonable to
ing.108,112 Peerbooms et al.113 and Gosens et al.114 performed base this on the average growth factor half-life, again to
a level 1 double blind, randomized, controlled trial with a provide a constant elevated level, rather than a sudden flood
1-year113 and 2-year114 follow-up of 100 patients with lateral of factors. A gap of 3--7 days between injections is supported
epicondylitis on the effect of PRP compared with cortico- in the literature.
steroid injection. They concluded that treatment with The number of injections provided should be based on the
PRP reduced pain and function significantly more chronicity of the injury. Acute tendinous and ligamentous
(P < 0.0001) than corticosteroid injection at 1-year113 and injuries should be treated with 1--3 injections, while chronic
2-year114 follow-ups. and arthritic conditions should receive 3--5 injections.
Patients, previously unresponsive to nonsurgical treat- Literature supporting this recommendation is largely anec-
ments (including corticosteroids) also have shown improve- dotal, and treatment should be customized to the individual
ment in pain and function with PRP therapy. A patient.
nonrandomized study administered a single treatment of Injections with PRP offer a safe and effective treatment
PRP to patients with chronic epicondylar tendonopathy and have not shown any deleterious effects in either clinical
(longer than 6 months). They reported a 25% decrease in of basic science research. PRP compares favorably to
pain, as measured by the visual analog scale (VAS) and a cortisone, with its chronic deleterious effects, and hyaluro-
modified version of the American Shoulder and Elbow nic acid, whose mechanism of action and long-term
Surgeons (ASES) assessment survey at 6-month follow-up.115 outcomes remain undefined.
Local anesthetic has shown a deleterious effect when
combined with PRP injections, and should be used only on
PRP or Hyaluronic Acid
the skin if desired.49
The efficacy of PRP also has been compared with hyaluronic
acid (HA). A nonrandomized study evaluated 60 patients
with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who received three weekly
injections. Half of the group received PRP injections and the CONCLUSION
other half received HA injections as a control. Pain was
Improving a healing process developed over millions of
measured using the Western Ontario and McMaster Uni-
years of evolution is a daunting task. While PRP may be the
versities (WOMAC) questionnaire with a 33% improvement
key to jump starting the body’s reparative processes,
for the PRP group compared with 10% for the HA group at 5
investigations into the mechanism of action, indications,
weeks (P ¼ 0.004).17 Additionally, intra-articular PRP was
optimal dosage and frequency of application are in their
shown to significantly enhance HA secretion (P > 0.05) and
infancy. With a lack of clinically relevent level 1 evidence,
may have provided a better balance of angiogenesis in OA
recommendations for use of PRP are based largely on
synovial cells.82 Another study compared the efficacy of PRP
opinion. As the popularity of PRP continues to rise, future
with high-moloecular and low-molecular weight HA in 150
studies will answer these basic questions. Until then, PRP
patients affected by both early and severe OA of the knee.
will remain a safe, effective alternative treatment for acute
Three injections were administered every 14 days, and 6-
and chronic injuries.
month follow-up revealed statistically significant improve-
ment (P < 0.05) in function and quality of life as measured
by the International Knee Documentation Committee REFERENCES
(IKDC) and Euroqol Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS) scores in
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of print.
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and reducing symptoms in patients affected by knee surgery using autologous growth factors. 14th ESSKA Congress,
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