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Differentiating and Integrating ZX Diagrams

Quanlong Wang Richie Yeung

Cambridge Quantum
arXiv:2201.13250v1 [quant-ph] 31 Jan 2022

ZX-calculus has proved to be a useful tool for quantum technology with a wide range of successful
applications. Most of these applications are of an algebraic nature. However, other tasks that involve
differentiation and integration remain unreachable with current ZX techniques. Here we elevate ZX to
an analytical perspective by realising differentiation and integration entirely within the framework of ZX-
calculus. We explicitly illustrate the new analytic framework of ZX-calculus by applying it in context of
quantum machine learning.

1 Introduction
ZX-calculus is a powerful graphical rewrite system proposed by Coecke and Duncan [9] for linear maps,
particularly for quantum circuits. A node with n edges in a ZX diagram, like in tensor network notation,
represent an order n tensor. Moreover, it is possible to directly evaluate the tensor by performing local
rewrites. Using these local rewrites, ZX-calculus has been successfully applied to circuit compilation [3, 4,
16, 30], measurement-based quantum computing [22, 17], fusion-based quantum computing [6], quantum
error correction [5], quantum natural language processing [12, 25, 21], and quantum foundations [1, 11, 10,
18]. ZX-calculus can even be used as a concrete realisation of quantum theory [13]. These applications of
ZX-calculus are algebraic in nature, and take advantage of rewriting as a form of computation: in fact ZX-
calculus is a sound, universal [8] and complete [20] proof system that serves as an alternative to traditional
linear algebra. However, without the analytical tools of differentiation and integration, ZX-calculus fell short
of tackling variational problems such as quantum machine learning or realising a comprehensive version of
quantum mechanics including quantum dynamics.
There have been previous attempts at providing semantics for differentiating and integrating ZX diagrams
[37, 31, 38]. However, by explicitly using Hilbert space operations, such as addition, these attempts fall
outside the realm of vanilla ZX-calculus as there are no techniques on further manipulating sums of diagrams.
In this paper we give for the first time rules for differentiating arbitrary ZX diagrams and integrating a wide
class of ZX diagrams (including quantum circuits), thus paving the way for an analytical version of ZX-
calculus. As an example, we apply these new techniques to analyse the barren plateau phenomenon from
quantum machine learning.

  π
 
 θ
∂   i θ
  =
∂θ  θ θ
  π θ θθ

Summary of results
• Differentiation of arbitrary ZX diagrams, with a unified diagrammatic chain and product rule.
(Theorem 3.3)
• Definite integration of circuit-like ZX diagrams, with up to 3 occurrences of a parameter.
(Proposition 4.1, Theorem 4.3, Theorem 4.4)
• Diagrammatic formula for the expectation and variance of a quantum circuit’s gradient ∂θi .
(Lemma 5.2, Theorem 5.5)
• Step-by-step calculation for a simple quantum circuit.
(Example 5.7)
From a general ZX-calculus perspective, this is the first paper to combine sums of ZX diagrams into a single
ZX diagram in a methodical way. In particular, we highlight the importance of the W spider in ZX-calculus,
which corresponds to the derivation structure of the product rule. These results required the combined power
of the Z, X and W spiders, all of 3 of which can be naturally represented within algebraic ZX-calculus.
Note: For presentation purposes, the proofs of some theorems and lemmas are moved to the appendix.

2 Algebraic ZX-calculus
The generators of the original ZX-calculus [9] are chosen with the aim to conveniently represent quantum
computational models using complementary observables. On the other hand, the ZW-calculus [19] is de-
signed based on the GHZ and W states, two maximally entangled quantum states [14]. It is known that the
Z and W spiders act as the multiplication and addition monoid respectively, making it possible to perform
arithmetic [15, 19].
a b a b

= a·b = a+b

We will see that the W state is crucial for dealing with sums, and it is in fact closely related to the product
rule used in differentiation. Conveniently, algebraic ZX-calculus [32] compactly decomposes the W spider
and other gadgets such as the logical AND gate [27], into Z spiders, X spiders and triangle gates, thus giving
us the benefits of ZX and ZW calculus within a single unified framework.

= ∧ =

The yellow triangle of algebraic ZX-calculus is powerful as it sends the computational basis to a non-
orthogonal basis, which makes diagrammatic representation and calculation of other logical gates much
simpler. In contrast, the representation of the yellow triangle using other graphical calculi is unnatural and
cumbersome. Intuitively, this is because the triangle is a low-level primitive in comparison to the Z, X, W and
H spiders [2]. Using this algebraic extension of ZX, we are able to show that it is a universal and complete
language for not just complex numbers, but also commutative rings and semirings [34].
In this section, we give an introduction to the algebraic ZX-calculus, including its generators and rewriting

2.1 Generators
The diagrams in algebraic ZX-calculus are defined by freely combining the following generating objects:

Z,a :n→m a I:1→1

H: 1→1 σ:2→2

Ca : 0 → 2 Cu : 2 → 0
T : 1→1 T −1 : 1 → 1

Table 1: Generators of algebraic ZX-calculus, where m, n ∈ N, a ∈ C.

2.2 Additional notation

For simplicity, we introduce additional notation based on the given generators:
1. The green spider from the original ZX-calculus can be defined using the green box spider in algebraic
... ... ... ...
α := eiα := 1
... ... ... ...

2. The whitespace around a diagram can be interpreted as an explicit horizontal composition with the empty
· · · · ·
· ·
· · :=
· ·
· · · · ·
3. The transposes of the triangle and the inverse triangle can be drawn as an inverted triangle.

:= −1 :=

4. The red spider from the original ZX-calculus can be defined by performing Hadamard conjugation on each
leg of the green spider.
α := α (H)

5. The pink spider is the algebraic equivalent of the red spider. It is only defined for τ ∈ {0, π}, and is rescaled
to have integer components in its matrix representation.
n n

... ... ... ...

τ := m+n−2
2 2 −1 τ (X) := 0
... ... ... ...

m m

6. The W spider in terms of the Z spider, X spider and the yellow triangle is represented using a black triangle.


2.3 Interpretation
Although the generators in ZX-calculus are formal mathematical objects in their own right, in the context of
this paper we interpret the generators as linear maps, so each ZX diagram is equivalent to a vector or matrix.

a = |0i⊗m h0|⊗n + a |1i⊗m h1|⊗n ,

kπ = |i1 , · · · , im i h j1 , · · · , jn | , k ∈ {0, 1},
... 0≤i1 ,··· ,im , j1 ,··· , jn ≤1
i1 +···+im +k≡ j1 +···+ jn (mod 2)

! ! ! !
1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 −1 α cos α2 −i sin α2
= √ , = , = , α = ei 2 ,
2 1 −1 0 1 0 1 −i sin α2 cos α2

! !
0 1 π 1 0
π = π = , = a−1 = a, π = 0, = ,
1 0 a 0 1

   
1 0 0 0
 1 · · · · ·
0 0 1 0 0   · ·
=  , =   , = 1 0 0 1 , · · = 1,
0 1 0 0 0 · ·
0 0 0 1 1 · · · · ·

! !
1   0 π  
a ∈ C, α ∈ R, |0i = = , h0| = 1 0 = , |1i = = , h1| = 0 1 = .
0 1 π

2.4 Rules
Now we give the rewriting rules of algebraic ZX-calculus.

... ... ...

= = (S 1) = = (S 2)

ab ab
... b
... ... ...
· · · · ·
· ·
= = (S 3) = · · (E pt)
a · ·
· · · · ·

= (B1) = (B2)

π π
= (B3) = (Brk)

= (Bas0) = (Bas1)

= (S uc) -1 = = (Inv)
a a+1

= (Zero) √
= −2 (EU)
0 2

(S ym) (Aso)

= (Pcy)
a a

Where a, b ∈ C. The upside-down flipped versions of the rules are assumed to hold as well.

2.5 Useful lemmas
The following lemmas which will be used in the sequel can be derived from the rules.

Lemma 2.1 [33] Lemma 2.2 [33]

For τ, σ ∈ {0, π}, pink spiders fuse. Hadamard is involutive.
... ...
τ ... = (H2)
... = τ+σ = τ+σ (S 1r)
... ... ...

Lemma 2.3 [33] Lemma 2.4 [33]

Pink π transposes the triangle. Green π inverts the triangle.

π -1
= = π = π

Lemma 2.5 [33] Lemma 2.6 [33]

(triangle)T stabilises |1i. Hopf rule.

= = (Hop f )
π π

Lemma 2.7 [33] Lemma 2.8 [33]

π copy rule. For m ≥ 0: π commutation rule.

= (Pic) α π π
π π π α −α
... ...
m m

Remark 2.9 Due to the associative rule (Aso), we can define the W spider

··· ··· .

and give its interpretation as follows [35]:

m z m
X }| {
= |0 · · · 0i h0| + · · · 0 10 · · · 0i h1| .
| {z }
··· ··· m k=1 k−1

As a consequence, we have

= ...
··· ···
π π π
= ... + ... + ··· + ...
··· ···

For n = 2, the state |01i + |10i corresponds to the Pauli X gate according to the map-state duality:
Lemma 2.10

3 Differentiating ZX diagrams
In this section show how to differentiate any original ZX diagram [9] within algebraic ZX-calculus. We start
by differentiating the simplest parameterised generator in ZX-calculus: one-legged green spider.
Lemma 3.1 Suppose f (θ) is a differentiable real function of θ. Then
  i f ′ (θ)
∂  f (θ) 
 = f (θ)
∂θ   π

Note: For presentation purposes, the proofs of some theorems and lemmas are moved to the appendix.
Using derivative of the one-legged spider, we can differentiate any ZX diagram with only one occurrence of
the parameter being differentiated against. Here is an example.
2θ 2θ π π
∂ 2θ
2θ = 7→ = π

2i π 2i π π

|00i h0| + ei2θ |11i h1| 7→ 2i ∗ ei2θ |11i h1|

When there are multiple occurrences of the same parameter, the derivative can be expressed as a sum of ZX
diagrams using the product rule. For example, the density matrix of Rz (θ) can be differentiated as follows.

θ θ θ
i π
∂ + π
−θ −θ −θ
−i π

Since there are no rules on how to further manipulate sums of ZX diagrams, we cannot do much with deriva-
tives in this form. Moreover, the addition operation is discouraged in ZX-calculus as it does not have a
meaningful temporal interpretation, whilst the composition of two diagrams f ◦ g can be interpreted as two
processes happening one after the other, and the tensor of two diagram f ⊗ g can be interpreted as two
processes happening concurrently.
For these reasons, we should try to express the derivative as a single diagram. By observing that the product
rule leaves the unparameterised parts of the diagram untouched and can be “factored out”, we only need to
resynthesise the derivative of the parameterised part.
i π −i π
π π

θ θ
= +
−θ −θ

i π −i π
+ A.1
π π = π
2 π − 2π


 
θ θ
∂  
 = π
∂θ  

This equation, first derived by Zhao et al. [38], is essentially the parameter shift rule by Schuld et al. [29]
expressed as a single ZX diagram. Note that our goal in this paper is not to develop new parameter shift rules,
as that would require us to express the differentiated circuit as a linear combination of density matrices.
The key result of the paper allows us to express the derivative of an arbitrary ZX diagram in terms of a single
diagram. It is based on the observation that the product rule and the unnormalised |Wn i state resemble each
other: in the product rule, each term has one differentiated function, and in the W state each term has one bit
set to 1.
∂( f gh) = (∂ f )gh + f (∂g)h + f g(∂h)
|W3 i = |100i + |010i + |001i
We will show in Theorem 3.3 that the product rule can indeed be represented using a W state supplemented
with some local change of bases. The following lemma demonstrates that the difference between of a “differ-
entiated spider” and an “undifferentiated spider” can be expressed as a change of basis from the computational
basis |0i, |1i.
Lemma 3.2 For any complex number a, we have
a a π
= =

All parameterised differentiable ZX diagrams can be rewritten into the following form, where M is an unpa-
rameterised ZX diagram with respect to θ, and { fi (θ)}i are differentiable real functions of θ. Parameterised
red spiders can be converted to parameterised green spiders via Hadamard conjugation. We emphasise that
M can contain other parameterised spider, just not with respect to θ.
f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)
.. ..
. M .

Theorem 3.3 The derivative of a differentiable ZX diagram can be expressed as a single ZX diagram:

 f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)

 f ′ (θ) f ′ (θ) fs′ (θ)
  1 2
 ... 
  π
∂  .. .. 
∂θ 
  = f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)
 . M .  ...
 
.. ..
. M .

Proof: The formal semantics of diagrammatic differentiation is given in [31]. By linearity, differentiating the
overall diagram amounts to differentiating the parameterised part of the diagram:
 
∂  f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ) 
 
∂θ ... 

 
 
i  f ′ (θ) π f ′ (θ) π fs′ (θ) π
 1 2 
=  + + + 
π  f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ) f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ) ··· f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ) 
π π π
... ... ...

 
 
 f ′ (θ) π f ′ (θ) π fs′ (θ) π 
... +
... + + ...
= π
 π π ··· π

f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)

 π π π

 
i  f ′ (θ) f ′ (θ) f s′ (θ) f ′ (θ) f ′ (θ) f s′ (θ) f ′ (θ) f ′ (θ) f s′ (θ) 
1 2 1 2 1 2
 
=  ... + ... + + ... 
π  ··· 
f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)

i f ′ (θ) f ′ (θ) fs′ (θ)

= 1 2

f1 (θ) f2 (θ) fs (θ)


The first step follows from Lemma 3.1 and the product rule, and the second step performs further factorisation
of the diagram. The third step follows from Lemma 3.2. The final step uses the property of W spider as given
in (1). 
This theorem unifies the linearity, chain and product rules of differential calculus into a single diagram,
without a blowup in diagram size: the number of nodes added to the diagram after differentiation is lin-
early proportional to the number of parameter occurrences. This makes the result practically useful for both
calculations by hand and computer simulation.
Since we can now differentiate arbitrary ZX diagrams, we can consider differentiating quantum circuits as
a special
D case of theorem
E 3.3. Executing a circuit on a quantum computer estimates the a Hamiltonian
hHi = 0 U † (θ)HU(θ) 0 with an equal number of occurences of θ and −θ.
Corollary 3.4 The derivative of a parameterised quantum circuit can be expressed as a single ZX diagram:

 
  i
θ −θ 
∂  .. ..
 . M .  = π
π π
∂θ  θ −θ 

θ −θ
.. ..
. M .
θ −θ

Proof: Note that (−θ)′ = −1 and −1 = π , it follows directly from Theorem 3.3. 

Corollary 3.5 As a special case of 3.4, we obtain the parameter-shift rule from [29].

" #
∂ 3.4 i
θ M −θ =
∂θ π π
θ M −θ

π π
θ+ 2 M −θ − 2

Remark 3.6 This result has been given as a theorem in [38], here we directly get it as a consequence of
Corollary 3.4 which follows from Theorem 3.3.
From Corollary 3.4, we thus have a simple diagrammatic expression for the derivative of any parameterised
quantum circuit. In general, it is not easy to obtain the derivative of a parametrised matrix in a single term bra-
ket expression (with no sums, e.g. hφ| ABC |ψi), thus showing the power of ZX-calculus and 2-dimensional
diagrammatic reasoning. Similar to how the decomposition of the Pauli X gate in Corollary 3.5 gives us a 2
term parameter shift rule, we believe careful decomposition of the W state would yield new, more efficient
gradient recipes for quantum machine learning.

4 Integrating ZX diagrams
In this section we show how to integrate a wide class of ZX diagrams, including parameterised quantum
circuits, using algebraic ZX-calculus. This allows us to evaluate the expectation and variance of a quantum
circuit’s derivative over the uniform distribution, as demonstrated in section 5.

.. K ..
Proposition 4.1 Let k be an arbitrary non-zero integer, m+1 . . n+1
be any ZX diagram with

m, n ≥ 0 which has no occurrence of α. Then

Z kα −kα
1 .. K .. dα = .. K ..
2π −π
. . n
. . n

kα −kα
.. K .. = (h0| + e−ikα h1|) ⊗ I ⊗n K (|0i + eikα |1i) ⊗ I ⊗m
. . n

= (h0| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|0i ⊗ I ⊗m ) + eikα (h0| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|1i ⊗ I ⊗m )

+ e−ikα (h1| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|0i ⊗ I ⊗m ) + (h1| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|1i ⊗ I ⊗m )

Since k , 0, we have 2π −π e dα = 0 for all k, therefore

Z kα −kα
1 .. K ..
. . n dα = (h0| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|0i ⊗ I ⊗m ) + (h1| ⊗ I ⊗n )K(|1i ⊗ I ⊗m )
2π −π

π π π
.. K .. .. K .. .. K .. .. K ..
=m . . n
. . n
=m . . n
. . n

= +
.. K .. .. K ..
. . n m
. . n

= =
.. K .. .. K ..
. . n m
. . n


Remark 4.2 This proposition has been proved in [38] for k = 1, here we give a new proof with our sum

Theorem 4.3 Let k be an arbitrary non-zero integer, .. A ... be any ZX diagram with m, n ≥
m+2 . n+2

0 which has no occurrence of α. Then

Z kα −kα
1 kα −kα
.. A . dα =
2π .. A
−π m
. n
.. ..
. . n

Remark 4.3 The corresponding result of this theorem is shown as Lemma 2 in [38] where there are three di-
agrammatic sum terms after integration, which results in their computation of variance of gradients becoming
very complicated. Here we only obtain a single diagram after integration.

Theorem 4.4 Let k be an arbitrary non-zero integer, .. A ... be any ZX diagram with m, n ≥
m+3 . n+3

0 which has no occurrence of α. Then

kα −kα
Z π kα −kα
kα A −kα dα =
2π .. ..
. . n
.. ..
. . n

The proofs for Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4 are similar to Proposition 4.1, and are given in the appendix.

5 Example Application: Quantum Machine Learning
In the NISQ era of quantum computing [28], many applications require the optimisation of parameterised
quantum circuits: in quantum chemistry, variational quantum eigensolvers [24] are optimised to find the
ground state of a Hamiltonian; in quantum machine learning, a circuit ansätz is optimised against a cost
function [23], much alike how neural networks are optimised in classical machine learning.
However, while the approach of using gradient-based methods to optimise deep neural networks has been
consistently effective [7], gradient-based optimisation of parameterised quantum circuits often suffer from
barren plateaus: the training landscape of many circuit ansätze have been shown to be exponentially flat with
respect to circuit size, making gradient descent impossible [26]. Therefore, it is crucial to develop techniques
to detect and avoid barren plateaus.
So far, there has not been a fully diagrammatic analysis of barren plateaus using ZX-calculus. We believe the
main obstacle to the analysis is the lack of techniques for manipulating sums of diagrams: an expectation of
a Hamiltonian contains at least two occurrences of each circuit parameter, so the derivative of the expectation
with respect to that parameter requires the product rule. Similarly, the rule for integrating diagrams in [38]
introduces three terms, after n integrals there would be 3n terms. Using these rules, the analysis of barren
plateaus become exponentially costly, as the number of diagrams to be evaluated is exponential to the number
of parameters in the circuit.
In this section, as a demonstration of the new differentiation and integration techniques of this paper, we
show that the analysis of barren plateaus by Zhao et al. [38] can be done entirely within the framework of ZX
without introducing sums of diagrams.
Using the same setup as Zhao et al. [38], we consider an n-qubit parameterised quantum circuit U(θ) and a
Hamiltonian H, then the expectation of H can be written as

hHi = h0| U † (θ)HU(θ) |0i

Here the parameterised quantum circuit U(θ) satisfies the following conditions:
1. The gate set for U(θ) is {RX , RZ , H, CNOT } (H is the Hadamard gate).
2. The variables in θ = (θ1 , · · · , θm ) are independently and uniformly distributed on the interval [−π, π].
3. Each variable has one and only one occurrence in U(θ).
To avoid scalars for the diagrammatic representation of a parameterised quantum circuit, we will use the two
kinds of X spiders (red and pink respectively) as defined in Section 2 which are equivalent up to some scalar.
Now we can represent the gate set without scalars.
1 1 1
RZ (θ) = θ , RX (θ) = θ , CNOT = , H= √ =
2 1 −1

Below we give the general form of hHi.

θ1 −θ1
.. ..
hHi = . H . (2)
θm −θ m

θ1 θ3
Example 5.1 Let U(θ) = . Then
θ2 θ4

θ1 θ3 −θ3 −θ1
hHi = H
θ2 θ4 −θ4 −θ2

θ1 −θ1

= θ2 −θ2

θ3 −θ3
θ4 −θ4

Lemma 5.2 Given hHi in the form of (2), we have E ∂θ j = 0, for j = 1, . . . , m.

Proof: By integrating over the uniform distribution, we have

! Z π Z π
∂ hHi 1 ∂ hHi
E = m
··· dθ1 . . . dθm = 0.
∂θ j (2π) −π −π ∂θ j

R π ∂hHi
We prove the theorem by showing that 2π −π ∂θ j
dθ j = 0.

θ1 −θ1
.. ..
. .
θj H − π2 −θ j
∂ hHi 3.5
.. ..
= . .
∂θ j θm −θ m

Z π θ1 −θ1
1 ∂ hHi 5.2 .. ..
dθ j = . .
2π −π ∂θ j π
− 2π
.. H ..
. .
θm −θ m

θ1 −θ1
.. ..
. .
A.3 θj + π
H −θ j − π
= 0
= 2
.. .. 2

. .
θm −θ m

Since the unconnected pink π spider is equal to the zero scalar, the entire diagram evaluates to zero. 

As a consequence, we have
!  ! 
∂ hHi  ∂ hHi 2 
Var = E  
∂θ j ∂θ j 
Z π Z π !2
1 ∂ hHi
= ··· dθ1 · · · dθm , j = 1, · · · , m.
(2π)m −π −π ∂θ j

Lemma 5.3

θ1 −θ1
.. ..
. .
.. H ..
. .
Z !2 π θm −θ m π
1 ∂ hHi
dθ j =
2π −π ∂θ j θ1
.. .. −θ1

. .
.. H ..
. .
θm −θ m

Remark 5.4 The corresponding result given in [38] on page 12 is different from ours as shown in Lemma
Theorem 5.5 Given hHi in the form of (2), we have


.. ..
. .
.. H ..
. .
··· ···
π π

∂ hHi
! .. ..
Var = . .
∂θ j .. H ..
. .


Proof: We start from the diagram as shown in Lemma 5.3, then drag out variables iteratively according to
Theorem 4.3, and the result follows. 

Remark 5.6 The variance computed in [38] is based on a sum over 3m−1 terms (m is the number of parame-
ters in the considered circuit) , so is infeasible by their method using ZX-calculus when m is large, thus they
have to resort to tensor networks which goes beyond the ZX method. In contrast, we avoid this exponential
explosion by integrating without sums using algebraic ZX-calculus.
θ1 θ3
Example 5.7 Let U(θ) = , the Hamiltonian H = X ⊗ X. Then
θ2 θ4

θ1 θ3 π −θ3 −θ1
hHi =
θ2 θ4 π −θ4 −θ2

π 1
θ1 −θ1
θ1 −θ1
H θ2 −θ2
= θ2 −θ2 =
θ3 π −θ3

θ3 π −θ3 θ4 π −θ4

θ4 π −θ4

Start from Lemma 5.3 and Theorem 5.5, we have

! Z π Z π Z π Z π !2
∂ hHi 1 1 1 1 ∂ hHi 3
Var = dθ1 dθ2 dθ3 dθ4 =
∂θ1 2π −π 2π −π 2π −π 2π −π ∂θ1 16

which requires evaluating the following diagram (full calculation in appendix C).
π 1

π π

6 Conclusion and further work
We have elevated ZX-calculus from a graphical language for algebraic calculations to a new graphical tool
for analytical reasoning. For example, it can now be used for tackling quantum optimisation problems and
reasoning about quantum mechanics. We believe these techniques will extend the applicability of ZX-calculus
to more problems related to quantum computing. With more work, ZX-calculus can become a general tool
for graphical differential calculus.
There are many directions for future work:
1. Generalisation of the results to qudit and qufinite cases [36]:
The ideas in this paper can be extended beyond qubits, giving us more diagrammatic analytical tools.
2. Integrating arbitrary ZX diagrams:
This paper only gives the definite integral for circuit-like ZX diagrams. Indefinite integration of arbi-
trary ZX diagrams would in a sense complete the analytical ZX-calculus.
3. New gradient recipes for quantum machine learning:
Rewriting Lemma 3.4 into a linear combination of circuits would immediately give new recipes for
evaluating a quantum circuit’s gradient.
4. New algorithm for detecting barren plateaus in QML ansätz:
An efficient method of the diagram in Theorem 5.5, which is mostly Clifford, would yield an algorithm
to detect barren plateaus in an ansätz without using a quantum computer.

We would like to thank Bob Coecke and Konstantinos Meichanetzidis for useful discussions and valuable

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A Proofs and Lemmas
In this appendix, we include all the lemmas with their proofs which have been essentially existed (up to
scalars) in previous papers. The lemmas are given in the order which they appear in this paper.
Lemma 2.10

π π π

S 1r π
= B3 Bas1 S1
= = =

Lemma 3.1 Suppose f (θ) is a differentiable real function of θ. Then

  i f ′ (θ)
∂  f (θ) 
 = f (θ)
∂θ   π

 
∂  f (θ)  ∂ h i
  = |0i + ei f (θ) |1i = i f ′ (θ)ei f (θ) |1i
∂θ ∂θ
i f ′ (θ) f (θ) π i f ′ (θ)
= = f (θ)
π π π

i π −i π
Lemma A.1 + A.1
π π = π
2 π − π2

We use the triangle to do the change of basis from |+i and |1i to |0i and |1i.

i π −i π
π π

i i
= ( π − π ) 2.5,S uc
Zero ( π − π )
π = π

π π
B1 i i
B3 ( π − π ) = π
= π π 

2.3 i i i
S1 π π 2.4 π π = π − π2 − π2
= π = π π

− π2 i −i i
2.8 π
π − π2 = π
π − π2 = π
π − π2
= π π
π π
2 2

Lemma 3.2 For any complex number a, we have

a a π
= =


a Zero
S1 a B1 a S uc,Ept
= = =

π π
π π π
a π
= a B3
= a 2.5
= a

Lemma A.2
− π2 π
π 2
− π2
= π

π π
π π π π π
2.10 2.3 2.4 −1 Inv
= π π
= = =

− π2 π − π2
= π −π = π − π2 2.8 π
− π2
= 2

Lemma A.3


S 1r π
S1 Hop f
= = S2
π =
π π

Lemma A.4

π = π

··· ··· ··· ···


π π π

π S1 π Pic S1 Hop f π
= = = π =
··· ··· ··· ··· π ··· ··· ···
··· ···

Lemma A.5

π = π

··· ··· ··· ···

π π

π S1 π Pic S1 π
= = =
··· ··· ··· ··· π ··· ···

Lemma 5.3

θ1 −θ1
.. ..
. .
.. H ..
. .
Z !2 π θm −θ m π
1 ∂ hHi
dθ j =
2π −π ∂θ j θ1
.. .. −θ1

. .
.. H ..
. .
θm −θ m

Proof: By theorem 4.3,

Z π !2
1 ∂ hHi
dθ j =
2π −π ∂θ j

π π

θ1 −θ1
θ1 −θ1 .. ..
.. .. . .
. . π
H − π2
H − π2
.. ..
.. .. . .
. . θm −θ m
θm −θ m A.4

θ1 −θ1
θ1 −θ1 .. ..
.. .. . .
. . π
H − π2
H − π2
.. ..
.. .. . .
. . θm −θ m
θm −θ m

π π

θ1 −θ1 θ1 −θ1
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
H − π2 H
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
θm −θ m θm −θ m
= π 2.8 π
π θ1 −θ1 π π θ1 −θ1 π
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
− π2
.. H .. .. H ..
. . . .
θm −θ m θm −θ m


θ1 −θ1
.. .. θ1 −θ1
. . .. ..
. .
.. H .. H
. . .. ..
θm −θ m . .
π θm −θ m π
π A.5
= =
θ1 −θ1 θ1 −θ1
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
.. H .. H
π π
.. ..
. . . .
θm −θ m θm −θ m

B Integration proofs
Lemma B.1
+ =

π Bas0 π
+ Bas1 + = + π = =
= π

Theorem 4.3 Let k be an arbitrary non-zero integer, .. A ... be any ZX diagram with m, n ≥
m+2 . n+2

0 which has no occurrence of α. Then

Z kα −kα
1 kα −kα
.. A . dα =
2π .. A
−π m
. n
.. ..
. . n


kα −kα

kα −kα
F= .. A .
. .. n

h    i h    i
= h0| + e−ikα h1| ⊗ h0| + e−ikα h1| ⊗ I ⊗n A |0i + eikα |1i ⊗ |0i + eikα |1i ⊗ I ⊗m
h  i h  i
= h00| + e−ikα (h01| + h10|) + e−i2kα h11| ⊗ I ⊗n A |00i + eikα (|01i + |10i) + ei2kα |11i ⊗ I ⊗m
= h00| ⊗ I ⊗n A |00i ⊗ I ⊗m + h11| ⊗ I ⊗n A |11i ⊗ I ⊗m + (h01| + h10|) ⊗ I ⊗n A (|01i + |10i) ⊗ I ⊗m
+ eikα h00| ⊗ I ⊗n A (|01i + |10i) ⊗ I ⊗m + ei2kα h00| ⊗ I ⊗n A |11i ⊗ I ⊗m
+ e−ikα (h01| + h10|) ⊗ I ⊗n A |00i ⊗ I ⊗m + e−ikα h11| ⊗ I ⊗n A (|01i + |10i) ⊗ I ⊗m
+ e−i2kα h11| ⊗ I ⊗n A |00i ⊗ I ⊗m + eikα (h01| + h10|) ⊗ I ⊗n A |11i ⊗ I ⊗m


Since k , 0, we have 2π −π e dα = 0 for all k, therefore
Z π
Fdα = h00| ⊗ I ⊗n A |00i ⊗ I ⊗m + h11| ⊗ I ⊗n A |11i ⊗ I ⊗m + (h01| + h10|) ⊗ I ⊗n A (|01i + |10i) ⊗ I ⊗m
2π −π

π π
π π
π π
.. A . .. A . .. A .
. .. . .. . ..
=m n
m n
m n

= + π + π π

.. A . .. A . .. A .
. .. n m
. .. n m
. .. n

π π

.. A . .. A . .. A .
. .. n m
. .. n m
. .. n
= + +

A . + .. ..
= .. ..
. . n
. n

A A B.1
+ = A
= .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . n m
. . n m
. . n

Theorem 4.4 Let k be an arbitrary non-zero integer, .. A ... be any ZX diagram with m, n ≥
m+3 . n+3

0 which has no occurrence of α. Then

kα −kα
Z π kα −kα
kα A −kα dα =
2π .. ..
. . n
.. ..
. . n

Proof: Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.3, we have

kα −kα
Z π kα −kα
kα A −kα dα = h000| ⊗ I ⊗n A |000i ⊗ I ⊗m + h111| ⊗ I ⊗n A |111i ⊗ I ⊗m
2π .. ..
. . n

+ (h001| + h010| + h100|) ⊗ I ⊗n A (|001i + |010i + |100i) ⊗ I ⊗m
+ (h011| + h101| + h110|) ⊗ I ⊗n A (|011i + |101i + |110i) ⊗ I ⊗m

π π π π

π π π π π π π π

A π A π A π A π
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
=m . . n
. . n
. . n
. . n

π π π π

π π π π π π π π

A π A π A π A π
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
= m
. . n
. . n
. . n
. . n

π π

π π π π

π π π π

A π A π A π A π
.. .. + .. .. + .. .. + .. ..
=m . . n m
. . n m
. . n m
. . n

π π

π π

A π A π
.. .. + .. .. = A A
=m . . n m
. . n
.. .. .. ..
. . n m
. . n

.. ..
. . n

C Variance of Gradient Calculation
We start with some simple lemmas that will aid with this specific calculation:
Lemma C.1
π 1

π π π
π π π

π Pic Pic
π = π = π
π π π

π 1

π 1
π π
π S1 S 1r S 1,H π π
S1 H π Hop f π
= Pic
π π = = = π π
π π π
π π π
π π

Lemma C.2


S1 B2 S 1r S1
= = X =

Start from Lemma 5.3 and Theorem 5.5, we have

! Z π Z π Z π Z π !2
∂ hHi 1 1 1 1 ∂ hHi
Var = dθ1 dθ2 dθ3 dθ4 =
∂θ1 2π −π 2π −π 2π −π 2π −π ∂θ1

π 1 π 1
16 16

π π

π π π π
π π

π S1 π

π π

π π

π 1 π 1
16 16

π π

π π
π π π

A.4 π 2.5 π
= B3

π π π π

π π π π

π 1
π 1
π 1
16 π 1

π π

π π π

π π π

C.1 π Pic
= π

π π π

π π π π π π

π 1 π 1 π 1 π 1
16 2 16 2

H2 Pic
S 1,H π S1
= =

π π π

π 1 π 1
16 2 1 1 1
π 2
π 2
π 2

π 1
π 1
π 1
π 1
π 1
16 1
π 2
π 16

H H S uc 3
= C.2 X S 1r
Hop f
B1 = 16
= = = =

Remark C.3 The corresponding result in [38] on page 30 shows that Var ∂θ1 = 64 which is different from
our result here.


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