Tares Test - WPS Office

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"5 Tares Test Principles"

1. Truthfulness:

This advertisement is basically a part of campaign presented by a traffic police of Bangalore which
clearly in only images indicates that how mobiles are not save to use or answer a call during driving. The
pictures shows a wife answering a call of his husband and it depicts that he has gone through a horrible
accident while talking. The image both verbally and visually is successful to tell its message with

2. Authenticity:

However, the ad is successfully showing the main message but somehow I feel that they took it to
another extreme level by showing blood, as the while talking on phone in maximum cases is nit that
much harmful. The little a person could get injured or scratched. I think they could add more content in
this campaign by telling other reasons to be carefull while driving.

3. Respect:

I do think that the ad somehow clearly hurts the sentiments of audience specialy wives as how they
could interpret that women is the reason for the accident or how it is apparently decided that a married
women is tapking to her husband and by that the husband loses the control and gets bloody. So yes this
image might be disrespectful and some people emotionally. I also do think that Bangalore Police is doing
very generously working by taking this necessary step and I feel good to cover it in magazine as my
responsibility towards public.

4. Equity:

The span of this advertisement would be limited due to its content as it only shows about husband/wife,
traffic police should cover every one in this campaign as their are many other relations and people on
the road. The image is for sure stereotypically sexiest for this reason as its learning message has been
restricted in particular boundary. However, I do think that somehow this ad campaign has created a
brief relationship between Police Department and Public by creating this ad specificaly for public.

5. Social Responsibility:

Due to showing selective scenerio this advertisment is not a complete assortment as it only target
particular person not other specially teenagers who need to acknowledge more about all this situation
and necessary precautions. According to me it does not justifies the common sense and opinion of
society but it is totally socially responsible. If we talk about the techniques of this advertisemnet the
pathos is totally involved as this ad do elicits sentiments in the public and my final thoughts are that the
campaign is somehow a very appreciative step but their could be more logical and factual elements in
the advertisement.

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