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NAME CLASS 5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation Q GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example: Iflwas rich, Iwould travel (travel) around the world, 1 Tdneverhave gotto the airport on time if (cake) the bus, We could have finished much earlier ifwe (have) fewer breaks 3 You (not crash) the carif you hadn’tbeen using your phone. 4 wouldn't eat there if service is awful (be) you. The 5 Trevor (not go) on the trip ifhe’d known how much itwas going to cost. 6 Ifyou (spend) less on clothes, you might beableto rentannicerapartment. Ca 2 Underline the correct verb forms. Example: Youwouldn’tbe / wouldn’thave been here now if you hadn't worked hard. 1 You'd know what to do if you were listening |’d listened coher instructions properly. 2 Lwouldn’tgo | wouldn’t have gone to his leaving party even ifhe'd asked me. 3. T'dhelp you fix your bike i'd known / knew how todoit. 4 You'd be able to enjoy the sun today “dave done your work yesterday. 5. We'd have cleaned /’d clean the house if you'd told ‘us you were coming today. you'd done/ 6 You wouldn't be so hungry now if you'd eaten |’d have eaten good breakiast English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 ENGLIS Upper-intermedi: ——— 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s) from the box. be live come buy stop notstart_nothave notbe play Example: I'llbe downstairsin five minutes when 've got dressed. 1 Iwishyou sotall—Ican't find clothes to fit you. 2 bet you sometimes wish we ina bigger house. 3: 'msothirsty. Iwish we. some water when we were in that shop. 4 Lwishyou todrivememad! singing that tune—it's starting 5. My girlfriend has always wished she a musical instrument 6 My History of Artcourseisn't very good. [wish I it. wish that taxi send one straightaway. 8 Doyouever your family? soon! They said they would, tospend time ‘Grammar total VOCABULARY 4 Complete the words in the sentences. Example: Harry felt homesick when he wentaway on hisown for the firsttime. 1 Markhad been unemployed for three monthsand wasd___tofindajob. 2 Iwas, when [heard that he'd died. He was soyoung! 3 Lwasveryo, when Mary said she couldn't understand my accent. 4 Weweresog. when Barry offered to help usclear up the mess 5 Igetreally n before giving a presentation, butl'm OK once ve started 6 ‘They musthavebeen d when their house was flooded a second time. 7 Iwassoo, with emotion I burst into tears, 8 T'vebeen digging this garden forhours.'m completely sh__! ca ce NAME cLass 5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronun 5 Underline the correct adjective. Example: Youlooked very boring / bored duringhis speech. 1 The facts in thatarticle are absolutely astonished / astonishing! 2 [find dealing with large groups of children very stressing | stressful. 3 Lfelt inspired / inspiring to paint picture after going to that exhibition, 4 Wewere infuriating | infuriated by the rude staff atthe customer service desk. 5. Ithink the instructions for this camera area bit confused | confusing. 6 Wewereso embarrassed / embarrassing when wwe realized we hadn'tlefta tip for the waiters. O8 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word. Example: disappoint twas very disappointing that he didn’t come. Italways disappoints me when people behave like that. You'll be disappointed when you hear the results. frustrate 1 Isn'tit when youcan'topen the plastic packaging on something? 2 Youmust have felt very. when they didn't believe you 3. These questionnaires really me because none of the answers are right for me. terrify 4 The thunder was soloudit the children. 5. Speaking in publicis. for some people. 6 Dan looked completely when you asked him to hold your baby! Onl 120] ‘Vocabulary total ENGLIS n © Upper-intermedi: ——— PRONUNCIATION 7 Match the words with the same sound. amazed proud devastated astonished refuse stunned Example: ashamed amazed gutted 1 2 confusing 3 down 4 delighted 5 grateful 8 Underline the stressed syllable. Example: olffen|ded 1 dejvasjtalted 2 disjaippoin|ting 3 desipejrate 4 olver|whelmed 5 hojrrilfyling Pronunciation total English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 Ha NAME CLASS 5 Reading and Writing ©) READING Read the article about survival, Five sentences have been removed. Which sentence (A-F) fits each gap (1-5)? There is one extra sentence you do not need touse. Survival Stories ‘We've all heard amazing stories in which people struggle heroically to survive against al the odds, (— 1 —] The truth, though, is that not all survivors are quite so heroic. AS these two stories show, the will to survive isn't always so strong. ‘Asan experienced sailor, Lynn Walker knows nothingis ever certain on the high seas. However, when she took on the job of sailing a luxury yacht from Tahiti to San Diego, she must have believed that it would be one of the less complicated trips she had done. Little did she know that after a week of calm sailing, the weather would change dramatically, bringing a tropical depressinn from Central America to blast the yacht with 20-metre-high waves. Lynn found herself batting against Hurricane Raymond. (— 2—) Lynn was unconscious for along time. When she dd finally come round, she realized that the boat had miraculously righted itself, and that she had been saved by the lifeline connecting her to the boat. (— 3 —) Tragically, she could ‘see Simon, her boyfriend, lying dead in the water. ‘There was plenty of food on the boat, and the weather was calm again, but Lynn could only feel an overwhelming sense ‘of hopelessness. She found that she couldn't eat, and simply sat on the soaking wet deck. It was asif she had given up, and was waiting to die. Then, allof a sudden, a voice inher head told her to survive. She managed to put up _amakeshift sail, and, consulting the surviving charts on the boat, somehow sailed to Hawai, Another story s set inthe thrling, yet teritying, Marathon des Sables, arguably the world's toughest foot race. Competitors attempt a six-day 250-km run across the ‘Sahara desert in temperatures of over 45 degrees. Just imagine getting lost. That, however, is exactly what happened to anitalian policeman called Marco Contadino, 2 regular competitor, when he took part in the race in 1996. (—4— Marco shouldhave stopped and waited forthe ‘storm to calm down, buthe kept on, desperate to stayin seventh place in the race, only to find that when the wind ‘dropped he could no longer see the course. He reached for his water bottle and found there were only a few drops left in the bottom oft For three whole days Marco tried to find his way back to the course, with barely any water and no idea what direction he was headingin, He started to visualize the agonizing death he would soon have to face. A friendhad ance told him that English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 ENGLIS Upper-intermedi: ——— dying of thirst was the worst of all possible death. Fearing ‘such along and painful death, he decided to cut his wrists with aknife. But, short of water, his blood was thick and ‘would not flow. (— 5 —} Five more days passed until, miraculously, a group of Tuareg nomads found him and took him to a vilage. Marco discovered he wasn Algeria, 130 miles away from the race course. A She had tieditto herself moments before the boat had first gone under the waves. B_Assandstorm developed as he was running, which covered the marks ofthe course he was following with sand. C Indesperation, he headed outinto the desert one more time, expecting to die. D Something went wrong, and soon disaster struck, E Itwasan unequal battle, and the boat soon turned over, F- Wewonder what we would have done in similar impossible situations, and find it hard to imagine how these people found the strength to stay alive. feadegtot | WRITING Write an article for your school magazine about the following topic: “Anexciting trip’ Write 140-180 words. Include the following, informatio + say when and where the trip took place + describe what happened + explain how you feltafier this expereince wargtoor | AN) | sessing ond wing total 20]

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