Learning Style Reflection

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McCae Dougher

EDUC 359

Learning Styles Reflection

Part one

For the first part of the learning styles assignment, choice B was chosen the most time,

making this student a visual learner. When it comes to supporting a visual learner in a classroom,

especially an ELL student, I feel that it is most important to have directions to tasks written or

even using visuals to describe direction. This helps the student get a better understanding of what

it is exactly that you want them to do. Images during presentations or even videos explaining

each type of assignment may help the visual ELL learner achieve greater success when it comes

to assignments or tasks in the classroom.

Part two

In the second part of the learning styles assignment, choice A was the one chosen the

most number of times. This means this certain ELL learner is an applied learner. They prefer

real-life examples and situations when learning a concept. In my classroom, I want to be sure to

apply practical examples that help applied students have a better understanding of a concept.

This is very beneficial to an ELL learner because they can take what they know about the

concept and connect it to something that may be more familiar to them. For instance, in a Math

classroom, giving a word problem that relates to a real life example may help the students have a

better understanding of the concept you are teaching.

Part three

In the third part of the learning styles examination, all the answer choices were choice B.

This means that this type of learner was a verbal learner. They understand certain situations

better when language and verbal skills are present. They have a better time speaking, writing and

listening then drawing or working with their hands. For an ELL visual learner, it is necessary that

we as teachers have available resources in our classrooms such as e-books, notebooks, and class

discussions to help the visual ELL learner understand the material better. For example, it may be

better to have students copy down the notes or have clear written directions for each lesson so

that the visual learner can comprehend the material well.

Part four

For part four of the learning styles examination, the most chosen answer was choice A,

the social learner. This means that the students prefer to work with classmates on assignments.

Having an ELL student who is a social learner is very beneficial to teachers. This is because we

may be able to pair them up with students who know the language better in order to help the ELL

student succeed. Obviously, we cannot do group work every day, but it may help the student

learn the language better by working with someone who has an advanced knowledge of the

language. Also, this allows the students to express their ideas or their struggles and creates a

more welcoming learning environment.

Part five

For the final part of the learning styles examination, the choice that was chosen the most

was A. This means that this type of learner is a creative learner. The characteristics of a creative

learner include taking risks and learning through experimentation. This is also beneficial to an
ELL student because conducting experiments and expressing their imagination with assignments

can guide them in the right direction to understanding the language. For instance, allowing

students to use different outlets in assignments, such as through song, music or poetry, may

allow the creative ELL student to express their understanding of the material possibly better than

they would have if they were only allowed one outlet. Allowing all students to be creative is a

main priority for us as teachers, and it is important that we find the balance between creativity

and learning important knowledge.

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