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CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics

for Computer Science

Multinomial Coefficients

Isaac Afari Addo <>

National Institute for Mathematical Science (NIMS) - Ghana
Department of Mathematics, KNUST


Multinomial Coefficients

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients

Ï The number of r-combinations from¡a¢set

with n elements is often denoted by nk

Ï This is also called a binomial coefficient as

it occurs as coefficient in the expansion of
powers of binomial expressions such as
(a + b)n .

Ï A binomial expression is simply the sum of

two terms, such as x + y.

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Theorem 1 (Binomial Theorem)
Let x and y be variables, and let n be a
nonnegative integer. Then
à !
n n−j j
(x + y)n =
x y
j=0 j
à ! à ! à ! à !
n n n n−1 n n n
= x + x y +···+ xy n−1 + y
0 1 n−1 n
where j
is called the binomial coefficient.

Proof left as exercise

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients
Example 1
What is the expansion of (x + y)4
à !
4 4−j j
(x + y)4 =
x y
j=0 j

à ! à ! à ! à ! à !
4 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4
= x + x y+ x y + xy 3 + y
0 1 2 3 4

= x4 + 4x3 y + 6x2 y 2 + 4xy 3 + y 4

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients
Example 1
What is the expansion of (x + y)4
à !
4 4−j j
(x + y)4 =
x y
j=0 j

à ! à ! à ! à ! à !
4 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4
= x + x y+ x y + xy 3 + y
0 1 2 3 4

= x4 + 4x3 y + 6x2 y 2 + 4xy 3 + y 4

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients

Example 2
What is the coefficient of x12 y 13 in the expansion
of (x + y)25 ?

It follows from the binomial theorem that this
coefficient is
à !
25 25!
= = 5, 200, 300
13 13!12!

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients

Example 2
What is the coefficient of x12 y 13 in the expansion
of (x + y)25 ?

It follows from the binomial theorem that this
coefficient is
à !
25 25!
= = 5, 200, 300
13 13!12!

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Example 3
What is the coefficient of x12 y 13 in the expansion
of (2x − 3y)25 ?

(2x − 3y)25 = (2x + (−3y))25
By the binomial theorem
à !
(2x + (−3y))25 = (2x)25−j (−3y)j
J=0 j

The coefficient of x12 y 13 is obtained when j = 13:

à !
25 12 25! 12 13
2 (−3)13 = − 2 3
13 13!12!
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Example 3
What is the coefficient of x12 y 13 in the expansion
of (2x − 3y)25 ?

(2x − 3y)25 = (2x + (−3y))25
By the binomial theorem
à !
(2x + (−3y))25 = (2x)25−j (−3y)j
J=0 j

The coefficient of x12 y 13 is obtained when j = 13:

à !
25 12 25! 12 13
2 (−3)13 = − 2 3
13 13!12!
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients
Let n be a nonnegative integer. Then
1. Ã !
= 2n
k=0 k

2. Ã !
k=0 k
3. Ã !
2k = 3n
k=0 k
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Binomial Coefficients

Theorem 2 (Pascal’s Identity)

Let n and k be positive integers with n ≥ k. Then
à ! à ! à !
n+1 n n
= +
k k−1 k

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Pascal’s Identity and Triangle

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients
Definition 1
Let k1 , k1 , . . . kr be integers satisfying the relation
k1 + k2 + · · · + kr = n. Then
à !
n n!
k1 , k2 . . . kr k1 !k2 ! . . . kr !
à !à !à ! à Pr−i !
n n − k1 n − k1 − k2 n − i=1 ki
= ...
k1 k2 k3 kr

is called a multinomial coefficient.

NB: Binomial coefficients are special case of r = 2

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients
Definition 1
Let k1 , k1 , . . . kr be integers satisfying the relation
k1 + k2 + · · · + kr = n. Then
à !
n n!
k1 , k2 . . . kr k1 !k2 ! . . . kr !
à !à !à ! à Pr−i !
n n − k1 n − k1 − k2 n − i=1 ki
= ...
k1 k2 k3 kr

is called a multinomial coefficient.

NB: Binomial coefficients are special case of r = 2

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

¡ ¢
The multinomial coefficient k1 ,k2 ,...,kr
Ï the number of ways to put interchangeable
objects into r boxes, so that box i has ki
objects in it, for 1 ≤ i ≤ r.

Ï the number of ways to choose k1

interchangeable objects from objects, then
to choose k2 from what remains, then to
choose k3 from what remains, ..., then to
choose kr−1 from what remains.

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

¡ ¢
The multinomial coefficient k1 ,k2 ,...,kr
Ï the number of unique permutations of a
word with n letters and r distinct letters,
such that the ith letter occurs ki times.

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

Example 4
A police department of 10 officers wants to have
5 patrol the streets of KNUST, 2 doing
paperwork, and 3 at the Icy-cup shops on
campus. How many ways can this be done?

à !
10 10!
= = 2520
5, 2, 3 5!2!3!

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

Theorem 3
For any x1 , . . . , xr and n > 1
à !
(x1 + · · · + xr )n = x1k1 x2k2 . . . xrkr
(k1 ,...,kr ) k1 , k2 , . . . , kr
k1 +···+kr =n

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients I

Example 5
Expand (x + y + z)3

(x + y + z)3 = mC 3,0,0 x3 y 0 z0 + mC 0,3,0 x0 y 3 z0 + mC 0,0,3 x0 y 0 z3

+ mC 2,1,0 x2 y 1 z0 + mC 2,0,1 x2 y 0 z1 + mC 1,2,0 x1 y 2 z0
+ mC 0,2,1 x2 y 2 z1 + mC 1,0,2 x1 y 0 z2 + mC 0,1,2 x0 y 1 z2
+ mC 1,1,1 x1 y 1 z1

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients II

3! 3 3! 3 3! 3 3! 2
= x + y + z + x y
3!0!0! 0!3!0! 3!0!0! 2!1!0!
3! 2 3! 3! 2 3!
+ x z+ xy 2 + y z+ xz2
2!0!1! 1!2!0! 0!2!1! 1!0!2!
3! 3!
+ yz2 + xyz
0!1!2! 1!1!1!

= x3 + y 3 + z3 + 3x2 y + 3x2 z + 3xy 2 + 3y 2 z

+ 3xz2 + 3yz2 + 6xyz

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

Example 6
1. Evaluate the following
¡ 6 ¢
a) 4,2,0
b) 3,2
¡ 10 ¢
c) 5,3,0,2

2. Find the number m of ways that 9 toys can

be divided between 4 children if the
youngest is to receive 3toys and each of the
others 2 toys.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Multinomial Coefficients

Exercise A: Determine the coefficient of the

following terms in the indicated multinomial
i) xyz2 in (2x − y − z)4

ii) xyz−2 in x − 2y + 3z−1

iii) w3 x2 yz2 in (2w − x + 3y − 2z)8

iv) x11 y 4 z2 in (2x3 − 3xy 2 + z2 )6

v) x3 y 4 z5 in (x − 2y + 3z)12

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Exercise B:
1. The letters B, C, E, E, N, R, S, S, Y , Z, Z, Z, Z are
arranged at random. Determine the
probability that these letters will spell the

2. Expand (x + y + z)6 . Hence with

x = y = z = 0.3 evaluate 0.96 to six decimal

3. Find the number of distinct permutations of

the letters in the word MISSISSIPPI.

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
End of Lecture



CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021
Reference Books

1. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics

and Its Applications”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New
Delhi, India, seventh Edition, 2012.

2. H. Levy, F. Lessman Finite Difference

Equations.Dover books on mathematices

3. Gary Chartrand. Ping Zhang. Discrete

Mathematics 1th

4. Oscar Leven. Discrete Mathematics: An

open introduction. 2nd Edition. 2013
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 2: Multinomial Coefficients, 31/05/2021

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