CSM 166 Chapter 3 - Lecture Slides

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CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics

for Computer Science

Complex Numbers

Isaac Afari Addo <addoisaacafari@gmail.com>

National Institute for Mathematical Science (NIMS) - Ghana
Department of Mathematics, KNUST



Operations with Complex Numbers

Properties Of Complex Conjugates

Geometric Representation Of A Complex


Operations In Polar Coordinates

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Complex Numbers

Definition 1 (Complex Numbers)

A complex number is a number that can be
expressed in the form z = a + bi, where a and b are
real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, that
satisfies the equation i2 = −1.

z = a + bi (1)
Then a is the real part of z denoted by a = Re(z)
and b is the imaginary part of z denoted b = Im(z)

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Complex Numbers

1. If Re(z) = 0 then z is purely imaginary:

z = bi

2. If Im(z) = 0 then z is a real number:


CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Conjugate Of A Complex Numbers

Definition 2
The complex conjugate of a complex number
z = a + bi is defined as

z = a − bi (2)

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Operations with Complex
Numbers I

Let z1 = a1 + b1 i and z2 = a2 + b2 i. Then

1. Addition:

z1 + z2 = a1 + b1 i + a2 + b2 i
= (a1 + a2 ) + (b1 + b2 )i

2. Subtraction:

z1 − z2 = a1 + b1 i − (a2 + b2 )i
= (a1 + a2 ) + (b1 − b2 )i
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Operations with Complex
Numbers II
3. Multiplication:

z1 · z2 = (a1 + b1 i) · (a2 + b2 )i
= a1 a2 + a1 b2 i + a2 b1 i + b1 b2 i2
= (a1 a2 − b1 b2 ) + (a1 b2 + a2 b1 )i

4. Division:
z1 a1 + b1 i a1 + b1 i a2 − b2 i
= = ·
z2 a2 + b2 i a2 + b2 i a2 − b2 i
= 2 [a1 a2 + b1 b2 + (a2 b1 − a1 b2 )i]
(a2 + b22 )
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Properties Of Complex

1. z = z
z+z z−z
2. Re(z) = and Im(z) =
2 2i
3. z + w = z + w

4. z − w = z − w

5. zw = zw
z z
6. =
w w
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Geometric Representation Of A
Complex Number (Argand
Let z = x + yi

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Absolute Value Of A Complex

Definition 3
The absolute value of a complex number z = x + yi
is defined as q
|z| = x2 + y 2

Thus |z| is the distance from the origin to the

point z in the complex plane

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Absolute Value Of A Complex

Definition 3
The absolute value of a complex number z = x + yi
is defined as q
|z| = x2 + y 2

Thus |z| is the distance from the origin to the

point z in the complex plane

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Argument Of A Complex Numbers

Definition 4
The angle θ is called the argument of the complex
number z.

The Principal Argument is 0 < θ ≤ 2π or

−π < θ < π

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Deduction From The Argand
From the Argand diagram, we deduce the
1. x = r cos θ
2. y = r sin θ
3. z = r cos θ + i sin θ
4. |z| = r
5. θ = arg z = tan−1 ( x )

Thus z can be represented in (x, y) or (r, θ)

(r, θ) is called Polar Coordinate.
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Theorem 1 (Euler)

eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ (3)

This leads to De Moivre theorem.

Theorem 2 (De Moivre)

(cos θ + i sin θ)n = cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ)

which is the polar coordinate representation of z

Note: If z = reiθ then z = re−iθ

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Theorem 1 (Euler)

eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ (3)

This leads to De Moivre theorem.

Theorem 2 (De Moivre)

(cos θ + i sin θ)n = cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ)

which is the polar coordinate representation of z

Note: If z = reiθ then z = re−iθ

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Theorem 1 (Euler)

eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ (3)

This leads to De Moivre theorem.

Theorem 2 (De Moivre)

(cos θ + i sin θ)n = cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ)

which is the polar coordinate representation of z

Note: If z = reiθ then z = re−iθ

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Operations In Polar Coordinates I
Let z1 = r1 eiθ1 and z2 = r2 eiθ2 . Then
1. Addition :

z1 + z2 = r1 eiθ1 + r2 eiθ2
= r1 cos θ1 + ir1 sin θ1 + r2 cos θ2 + ir2 sin θ2
= (r1 cos θ1 + r2 cos θ2 ) + i(r1 sin θ1 + r2 sin θ2 )

2. Subtraction :

z1 − z2 = r1 eiθ1 − r2 eiθ2
= r1 cos θ1 + ir1 sin θ1 − (r2 cos θ2 + ir2 sin θ2 )
= (r1 cos θ1 − r2 cos θ2 ) + i(r1 sin θ1 − r2 sin θ2 )
CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
Operations In Polar Coordinates

3. Multiplication :

z1 · z2 = r1 eiθ1 · r2 eiθ2 = r1 r2 ei(θ1 +θ2 )

4. Division :

z1 r1 eiθ1 r1 i(θ1 −θ2 )

= = e
z2 r2 eiθ2 r2

CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021
End of Lecture



CSM 166: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Chapter 3: Complex Numbers, 17/06/2021

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