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05/12/2020 - Updated Tier List with new roles, explanations and recommended units

Individual Unit Rankings - Based on 0 constellations and talent level 6

Sub DPS - Units whose main purpose is to deal damage. Evaluated on their ability DPS and how much they contribute to overall team DPS.

Main DPS - Units who fill the gaps in your rotations with auto-attacks or spammable skills. A higher importance is placed on their auto attack DPS and how spammable their abilities are.

Support - Units who provide things other than damage, i.e. buffs, debuffs, survivability. Their ability to contribute to Team DPS is still taken into account.

Abyss - How useful a unit is inside abyss. Healing, element, weapon type (Claymores good vs certain shields) is taken into consideration. Based on lategame Spiral abyss content (Floors 9-12)

Overall - My overall rating for how well a unit fulfills their role on a team

Stars Sub DPS Main DPS Support Abyss Overall Notes

Venti 5* S - S+ S+ S+ Gold-standard for both supports and DPS. Has very high ratios on top of being anemo. Easily the best unit in the game at the moment.

Fischl 4* S - - S S Can basically fit into any team and deal a lot of damage. Best 4* unit in the game and the best single target Sub DPS.

Diluc 5* A+ S - S S Arguably the best main DPS and synergizes well with all the other good units while dealing a ton of damage.

Klee 5* - S - S S Deals higher auto-attack damage than Diluc with her charged attacks, but has a much weaker Burst. Can only really be played as main DPS, unless you have constellations. Has worse synergy with Vaporise.

Bennett 4* B - S S S Very strong support that provides both healing, cleanses, and a team-wide buff.

Keqing 5* A A+ - A+ A+ Has slightly long ability animation times which reduces her potential. Less useful in Abyss than Diluc or Klee. Her Charged ATK DPS is disgusting.

Xiangling 4* A+ B - A+ A+ Very high ratios and works well as a support for most elements.

Xingqiu 4* A+ - A+ A+ A+ Provides very consistent setup for vaporise/electro-charged, while also dealing a lot of damage and providing survivability.

Mona 5* A+ - - A+ A+ Worse than Xingqiu in terms of sustained DPS and survivability, but has a high% burst that can be stacked with vaporise.

Jean 5* B - A+ A+ A+ While her E does similar damage to Venti, it has an annoying knockback. Deals noticeably less damage than Venti with her Q, but provides healing and anemo support for only 1 team slot.

Sucrose 4* B - A+ A+ A+ A worse version of Venti.. except that's not really a bad thing considering you can only have Venti on one team or might not have him. Her ability to group enemies is still useful, especially in the Abyss.

Qiqi 5* C - A+ A+ A Having her on your team makes you close to unkillable, but will probably cut your dps by a bit due to her low %/s and her E not generating energy.

Diona 4* B - A A+ A Not really much to say, provides healing, shields and damage in one unit. A jack of all trades that can be used for most content.

Xinyan 4* A - B A+ A Outclassed by Xiangling in damage and by Bennett in survivability (and damage), but still has her uses due to being Pyro and having a decent cleanse/shield.

Razor 4* - A - A A The whole 'Main DPS' playstyle falls off once you begin to invest into your other units which ends up hurting Razor a lot. Also has inherently worse scaling on his autos/Q. Still a solid unit but not nearly as strong as Keqing.

Childe 5* A A - A A Has top tier AoE dps, but is limited by his E uptime. As with Razor, he falls off quite a bit once you upgrade your other units.

Beidou 4* A - - A A A solid Burst support when fighting groups of enemies or if you can manage to abuse her E. Has a lot less value if only fighting a single enemy. Easily outclassed by Fischl.

Traveler (Anemo) 4* B - A A A Works on any F2P team as anemo support and gets a free c6. Unfortunately, their abilities can be very annoying/clunky and might reduce overall DPS unless you position well.

Chongyun 4* B A - B B An OK Cryo Burst DPS, that will likely be a lot more useful in the future. His E can be used for some interesting but definitely not optimal strategies.

Barbara 4* - - A A B Basically a worse verison of Qiqi. Deals 0 damage in a damage orientated meta, which definitely kills her potential. Still, healers are important for abyss, especially floor 10, so if you don't have one, prioritize Barbara.

Traveler (Geo) 4* B - - B B Gives the party 10% crit and deals decent damage. The buff is tied to being in the area created though, and his E can be annoying. Anemo MC seems more useful in a lot of situations.

Kaeya 4* B - - B B Actually has decent ratios, however doesn't really have any units/comps that synergise well with him atm. Arguably A tier.

Ningguang 4* B A - B B Has very high base damage and very short animations, but suffers later on due to not having reactions or GEO RES reduction. Would likely be A+ if you could reduce Geo RES.

Zhongli 5* B - A A B Has to go with another Geo to work well. Problem is that Geo teams are inherently subpar due to the way the elemental system and endgame are designed (+lack of Geo RES).

Amber 4* B - - B B An ok pyro unit for abyss if you're missing one. Has low ratios, but is a pyro unit so isn't bottom tier.

Noelle 4* - - C C C Pretty much replaceable by any other support unit.

Lisa 4* C - - C C Her long CDs and cast times aren't justified by how much damage her E does or how much setup it needs. Her Q could be good if it didn't knock things out of it. Easily outclassed by any other electro.

My Recommended Units

4* = Bennett = Fischl > Xiangling > Sucrose > Diona > Xinyan > Chongyun = Kaeya

5* = Venti > Diluc = Klee > Keqing = Mona > Jean > Childe

If you do not have a healer, prioritize them for abyss or you'll likely struggle

Consider which units you need before investing into anyone (specific dps for specific elements, healer, etc). Also remember that you need 2 comps for abyss.

If you need a idea for a comp look at the guides.

Before I talk about how to optimize stats, I'll go over how damage is calculated. A lot of info was taken from various CN sources such as NGA and a lot of credit goes to the guys over there:

There are two main types of damage, 'Standard' damage and 'Transformation reaction' damage.

Standard damage:
Excluding transformation reactions (discussed below), every type of damage is calculated by the following formula:

Non Critical:
(Base ATK * (1 + ATK%) + FLAT ATK)*(1 + Corresponding Dmg Bonus%)*(Skill Multiplier)*[(100+Character Level)/((100+Character Level) + (100+Enemy Level)*(1-Defence drop%)]*(1 - Corresponding Enemy RES%)

Critical Hits:
Non-Critical Dmg*( 1 + Crit Damage%)

We can average the effects of Crit for:

Non-Critical Dmg*(1 + (Crit Rate%*Crit DMG%))

Base ATK is calculated by combining the Base ATK from your weapon and your character.
A weapon's Base ATK depends on their class - their Base ATK at level 1. Weapons of the same class will have the same Base ATK if they're the same level.
For example, all Skyward weapons are class 48 and will all have 674 ATK at level 90. All class 38 weapons will have 359 Base ATK at level 90.
Below is a summary of weapon Base ATKs at level 90.

Class Base ATK

48 674
46 606
44 565
42 510
41 456
40 449
39 404
38 359

A character's Base ATK varies from character to character. In general, 5* characters will have at least 100 more Base ATK than 4* characters at level 90.
A character's weapon type also affects their Base ATK, with claymore users having the highest Base ATK and catalyst users having the lowest.
As an example, a level 90 Diluc would have ~333 Base ATK, while a level 90 Sucrose would have ~169 Base ATK.

ATK is calculated by ((Weapon Base ATK + Character Base ATK)*(1 + ATK%) + Flat ATK). This means ATK% only scales with your Base ATK,
For example, if you have 700 Base ATK and 300 Flat ATK with 0 ATK%, your ATK will be 1000. If you add 20 ATK%, this will not increase to 1000*(1+0.2)=1200, but to 700*(1+0.2)+300=1,140.

Ability Multiplier:
This is the value of the attack stated when looking at your unit's abilities. For example, at talent level 1, Amber's E deals 123% damage. Elemental Skills/Bursts and Auto-attacks scale slightly differently as you level them up:

E/Q Level Multiplier AutoAttack Level Multiplier

1 100.0% 1 100.0%
2 107.5% 2 108.1%
3 115.0% 3 115.9%
4 125.0% 4 128.2%
5 132.5% 5 136.0%
6 140.0% 6 144.9%
7 150.0% 7 158.3%
8 160.0% 8 170.6%
9 170.0% 9 183.7%
10 180.0% 10 197.3%
11 190.0%
12 200.0%
13 212.5%

The difference in scaling is likely to make up for the fact that Skills and Bursts can get +3 talent levels from constellations.
Also, for some reason, Catalysts users' Auto Attacks scale with the E/Q multiplier, i.e. at level 6 they deal 140% of the level 1 value instead of 144.9%

For example, at talent level 6, Amber's E deals 123%*140%=172.2% DMG

Corresponding DMG bonuses:

Every type of damage bonus is additive and is added to your damage if it's the corresponding type.
For example, if you have an Amber with Noblesse (+20% burst), r1 Stringless(+24% burst/skill) and 50% Pyro DMG Bonus, the effective DMG bonus on her Q would be 20%+24%+50% = 94%. It would NOT be (1+20%)*(1+24%)*(1+50%).

Corresponding DMG bonuses include: Elemental/Physical%, Skill%, Burst%, Normal/Charged% and X% increase in damage effects such as those from Lion's Roar or Razor's C1. These bonuses are all additive.
There is no type of bonus DMG% that multiplies everything.

Level difference/DEF:
An enemies defence is correlated to their level. Your damage will be multiplied by the following:
[(100+Character Level)/((100+Character Level) + (100+Enemy Level)*Defence drop)]

If we have a level 60 character and level 60 enemy, this will be (160)/(160+160) = 50%, i.e. Your damage will be reduced by 50%
If we have a level 70 character and a level 60 enemy, this will be (170)/(170+160) = 51.52%, i.e. Your damage will be reduced by 100%-51.52%=48.48%
In the same example, if you reduced the enemy's DEF by 20%, this would be (170)/(170+160*0.8)=57.05%, i.e. Your damage would be reduced by 100%-57.05%=42.95%
Below are the current ways to reduce enemy DEF:

Method DEF reduced

Lisa's 2nd Ascension Passive 15%
Razor's C4 15%
Klee's C2 23%

Enemy RES:
Your damage will be reduced by the enemy's corresponding RES, i.e. If they have 10% pyro RES, your Pyro DMG will be reduced by 10%.
The RES depends on the type of damage and varies from enemy to enemy, i.e. Treasure Hunters have -20% Physical RES, but have 10% Elemental RES.
Slimes have both 10% Physical and Elemental RES. Some enemies also have more Elemental RES depending on the element, for example Electro Cicin Mages have 50% Electro RES but only 10% RES against other elements.
Typically, humanoid enemies have lower Physical RES then Elemental RES. Other enemies typically either have equal Physical and Elemental RES, or higher Physical RES than their Elemental RES
Below is a summary of some enemy resistances:

Enemy Physical RES Elemental RES Note

Hilichurls 10% 10%
Baby slimes 10% 10%
Mitachurl 30% 10%
Samachurl 10% 10%
Ruin Guard 70% 10%
Abyss Mage 10% 10%
Fatui Skirmisher -10% 10%
Treasure Hunter -20% 10%
Stonehide Lawachurl 50% 10%
Ruin Hunter 50% 10%
Cryowhopper 35% 35%
Fatui Pyro Agent -20% 10% 50% Pyro Res
Fatui Skirmisher -20% 10%
Electro Cicin -20% 10% 50% Electro Res
You can reduce RES through various means, such as Superconductor, which reduces Physical RES by 40%, or Viridescent Venerer, which can reduce Elemental RES by 40%.
If you reduce RES past 0%, the effectiveness is halved, i.e. Using Superconductor on an enemy with 10% Physical RES will reduce their Physical RES to -15%.
Below are the current ways to reduce RES:

Method RES reduced

Superconductor 40% Physical
Chongyun's 1st Ascension Passive 10% Cryo
Xiangling's C1 15% Pyro
Xingqiu's C2 15% Hydro
Jean's C4 40% Anemo
Venti's C2 12% Physical/Anemo + 12% Physical/Anemo
Venti's C6 20% Anemo + 20% Swirled Element
Anemo MC 20% Anemo + 20% Swirled Element
Beidou's C6 15% Electro
Viridescent Vener 40% Swirled Element

The average effects of Crit on your DPS are (1 + Crit Rate% * Crit DMG%).
The Crit DMG% value is the one you'd find in your stats sheet, i.e. the additional damage dealt by critical hits, not the total multiplier. This has a base value of 50%.

In general, if you do invest into crit, the optimal ratio between Crit Rate and Crit DMG is 1:2, i.e. the Crit Rate% in your stats page should be half of your Crit DMG%. This will be discussed further below.
As an example, if you had 100% Crit DMG, you'd ideally want to have around 50% Crit Rate. Having one value disproprionate to another will lead to less DPS.

Transformation Reactions:
Certain reactions cause an additional hit of damage. The reactions that do this are known as 'transformation' reactions: Overload, Electro-charged, Superconductor, Swirl and Shattered.

The exact formula is currently unknown but we do know that:

Their damage is based on your unit's level and your elemental mastery, as well as other equivalent boosts such as from certain constellations/artifacts. They ignore defence/level difference, but are affected by the corresponding enemy RES,
i.e. Overload damage is reduced by enemy Pyro RES.
The damage can't crit and does not scale off ATK, elemental damage% or any other bonuses.
The damage is also MULTIPLIED by any abyss bonuses, i.e. if you have 100% Overload DMG from EM, and are on an abyss floor with +200% Overload Damage, the base Overload damage is multiplied by 6 ( (100%+100%)*(100%+200%) )

There is a ratio between the damage caused by these reactions:

Superconductor : Swirl : Electro-charged : Shattered : Overload = 1 : 1.2 : 2.4 : 3 : 4

It should be noted that electro-charged can deal two hits if created by using electro on a hydro afflicted target - this will consume the elements and cause electricity to discharge, dealing an additional hit to both the initial target and a nearby enemy.
In this case, the ratio for electro-charged to the first target would be 4.8.
NOTE: Electro-related reactions, especially electro-charged, are relatively bugged atm. For example, Electro-charged only benefits off the Elemental Mastery from the Electro unit, even if the Hydro unit triggers the reaction.

Also, despite have lower ratios, Superconductor and Swirl can still deal comparable damage when fighting a lot of mobs.
This is because Superconductor and Swirl deal AoE damage, i.e. if you use Swirl on two enemies next to each other, each enemy will be hit twice by Swirl.
If you had 5 enemies being swirled in Venti's Q, each enemy would take 5 swirl hits, 1 from the Swirl on itself and another 4 from the Swirl AoE from the other enemies being Swirled.

Overload, Electro-charged and Shattered do NOT work like this, despite seemingly dealing AoE damage.
Using Overload on multiple enemies will not cause them to take multiple sets of Overload damage.

Unlike these reactions, Melt and Vaporize multiply the damage of the hit which created the reaction.
Melt deals 2x if caused by using Pyro on a Cryo afflicted enemy and 1.5x vice versa
Vaporise deals 2x if caused by using Hydro on a Pyro afflicted enemy and 1.5x vice versa.
Any bonus from EM multiplies the final hit, i.e. If you have 10% Melt damage bonus from EM, and use pyro on a cryo afflicted enemy, the final hit will deal 2*1.1=2.2x damage.
Bonuses from Constellations or artifacts sets that increase your Melt/Vaporise damage are ADDITIVE with Elemental Mastery.
For example, if you're receiving 35% Melt damage from EM, and are using a Crimson Witch 4 piece set that gives +15% to Melt/Vaporise, your Melt damage would be multiplied by 1+35%+15%=150% or 1.5x
If you proced Melt by using Pyro on a Cryo afflicted enemy, with the above bonuses, your Melt would deal 2*1.5=3x the damage of the original, un-melted hit.

Another important thing to consider is Energy, the resource needed for your Elemental Burst. In general there are 3 ways to build energy.

First, you can generate energy by simply auto-attacking. The rates are low, about 1 energy per 4 auto-attacks.

Second, you can generate energy by using your elemental skills. These generate elemental (coloured) particles when used on enemies.
The number of particles generated depends on the skill and it usually based on their cooldown, with longer CD skills generating more particles.
It's important to note that some characters' skills do NOT generate particles, particularly Noelle, Barbara and Qiqi. This severely diminishes the rate at which they can generate energy.

Third, you can generate energy by damaging and defeating enemies. Reducing enemies' HP to certain threshholds will generate particles/orbs.
The colour of the particles/orbs will depend on the enemy. For example, small slimes will drop particles of their element at 50% and 0% HP.
Hilichurls will drop clear particles at 50% and 0% HP.

The amount of energy received from a particle/orb depends on three factors

- whether the unit was on the field when the particle/orb was picked up
- if the type of particle/orb corresponds with their own element
- the unit's Energy Recharge%

The energy received from particles/orbs is summed up below:

Energy received at base recharge%

Ele particle Ele orb Clear particle Clear orb
Field, same element 3 9 2 6
Party, same element 1.8 5.4 1.2 3.6
Field, different element 1 3 2 6
Party, different element 0.6 1.8 1.2 3.6

These values are then simply multiplied by your unit's Energy Recharge%, i.e. if a field unit with 200% ER picks up an elemental particle that's the same element as them, they'll receive 3*200%= 6 energy.

With the stats explained, we can now look to optimize our DPS.

Our characters can obtain stats from several sources:

1) Innate character stats and passives/constellations
2) Weapon stats/passives
3) Artifact stats/set effects
4) Buffs

The stats that we are looking to optimize are ATK%, DMG%, Crit Rate%/Crit DMG%, Recharge% and EM since these directly affect our DPS.
It's important to note that these stats are obtained in ratios, i.e. an artifact that has X% Crit Rate would have twice as much Crit DMG.
The ratio between ATK%: Elemental DMG%: Physical DMG% : Crit Rate%:Crit DMG%:Recharge% is 1.5 : 1.5 : 1.875 : 1 : 2 : 1.11
As an example, here are the main stat values on artifacts at level 20 for each stat:

Stat Level 20 artifact (main stat)

ATK 46.6%
Elemental DMG Bonus 46.6%
Physical DMG Bonus 58.3%
Crit Rate 31.1%
Crit DMG 62.2%
Energy Recharge 51.3%
Elemental Mastery 187
As mentioned above, certain characters have higher base ATK than others. Units with certain weapon types have higher base ATK, i.e. Claymore users have more base atk than catalyst users.

Characters also receive bonus stats when ascending past certain tiers. The ascension stat depends on the character. For example, Diluc get crit rate% when ascending, while Bennett gets recharge%.
These bonus stats are obtained based on the above ratios, with 5* units getting an additional 20%.
For example, at level 90, Sucrose receives 24% Anemo DMG Bonus, while Klee receives 24*1.2=28.8% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Below are the values of Ascension bonus stats at level 90, for 4* and 5* characters.

Stat 4* Value at 90 5* Value at 90

ATK 24.0% 28.8%
Elemental DMG Bonus 24.0% 28.8%
Physical DMG Bonus 30.0% 36.0%
Crit Rate 16.0% 19.2%
Crit DMG 32.0% 38.4%
Energy Recharge 26.7% 32.0%
Elemental Mastery 96 115

Characters can also receive stats from their constellations or passives. For example, Xingqiu receives 20% Hydro DMG bonus after his first ascension.

As mentioned above, weapons can be classified into certain classes depending on their base ATK at level 1.
The class of a weapon will affect how its base ATK scales as you level up, i.e. All class 44 weapons will have the same base ATK at X level.
Higher class weapons will have higher base ATK as you level them, with class 48 level 90 weapons having 674 and class 38 weapons having 359 base ATK.

Weapons also come with a secondary stat. The value of the secondary stat will depend on the class, with lower class weapons of the same rarity receiving more stats, i.e. Class 41/38 weapons will receive twice as many bonus stats as class 44/40 weapons.
For example, Deathmatch, a class 41 weapon, has 8% Crit Rate at level 1, while The Alley Flash, a class 44 weapon, has 4% Crit Rate at level 1.

The value of the stat also depends on the type of the stat, i.e. Crit DMG% will always be twice as much as Crit rate on equal class weapons.

Weapons have passives that can increase their value. In most cases, the weapon will provide some sort of corresponding type damage bonus% or ATK% bonus.
However, it's also important to consider weapons such as the Favonius ones, which can improve DPS by giving your team more energy.

There are 5 different types of artifacts, each with a range of possible 'main stats'. The Flower artifact can only have HP as a main stat, whereas the Feather can only have Flat ATK. Below is a breakdown of which artifacts can have which main stats.

Artifact Possible Main Stats

Flower Hp
Feather Flat ATK
Sands ATK%, DEF%, HP%, Elemental Mastery, Elemental Recharge%
Goblet ATK%, DEF%, HP%, Physical Bonus%, Elemental Bonus% (One for each element), Elemental Mastery
Circlet ATK%, DEF%, HP%, Critical Rate%, Critical DMG%, Healing bonus%, Elemental Mastery

Artifacts also come with a range of substats, with the exception that a substat cannot be the same as the main stat.
For example, an ATK% artifact cannot have ATK% in its substats.

4* artifacts will come with 2-3 substats and 5* artifacts will come with 3-4. For every 4 levels the artifact is upgraded, it will receive a new line until a maximum of 4 is reached.
For every 4 levels after that, one of the lines will be chosen randomly and a roll worth of stats will be added to it.

Artifact sets can also provide passives/stats, usually in the form on corresponding type dmg bonus% or ATK%.

The rarity of an artifact determines not just the maximum level, but also the value of each level and the value of each substat.
There is a big disparity between 5* and 4* artifacts in terms of stats - 4* artifacts have 25% less value on their maxed out main stat, and 20% less value on each substat.

Buffs can come from various sources. In general the buffs can be categorize into the following:
Food buffs, such as the ones that provide Flat ATK and Crit Rate%.
Buffs that you receive in the abyss. These vary a lot and I won't go into each one specifically.
Resonance buffs, particularly the Pyro one which gives 25 ATK%, the Cryo one which gives 15 Crit Rate%, and the Geo one which gives 10% DMG.

Optimizing Stats:
Before we go about optimizing our stats, it's important to consider two things:

As mentioned above, there is a ratio between stats.

The ratio between ATK%:CRIT%:CRITDMG% = 1.5 : 1 : 2
For example, the value of ATK% as a main stat will be 50% more than a Crit Rate% one. (46.6% ATK on a level 20 5* Circlet vs 31.1% Crit Rate)
Please do not confuse this as the optimal ratio for how to invest into stats.

Second, it's important to consider diminishing returns.

For example, consider a unit with 800 Base ATK, 200 Flat ATK. If they had 10% ATK%, this increases their effective ATK to 1080, which is a 8% increase in overall DPS.
If that unit already had 100% ATK%, their total ATK would be 1800 and adding an extra 10% ATK would increase that to 1880. This is only a 4.4% increase in overall DPS.
There is not necessarily diminshing returns on investing into ATK%, but there is diminishing returns on how investing into ATK% increases DPS.

This concept applies to every stat, with the exception of Crit which is slightly more nuanced.
For example, consider a unit with 5% Crit Rate and 50% Crit DMG.
If we're trying to optimally invest in Crit, we'd first get their Crit Rate to 25%. This would be (1+0.25*0.5)/(1+0.05*0.5) = 1.0956 = 9.56% increase in DPS
Now consider what happens if we gave that unit 10% Crit Rate and 20% Crit DMG (Same investment as above). This would be (1+0.35*0.7)/(1+0.25+0.5) = 1.1067 = 10.67% increase in DPS
Now consider what happens if we give that unit another 10% Crit Rate and 20% Crit DMG. This would be (1+0.45*0.9)/(1+0.35*07) = 1.1285 = 12.85 increase in DPS
and another increase of the same amount. (1+0.55*1.1)/(1+0.45*0.9) = 1.1423 = 14.23% increase in DPS.
This increased return does not continue forever, and eventually begins to decline again at ~70% Crit Rate/140% Crit DMG. However, the rate of decline is small compared to that of ATK%.

Below is an example demonstrating the effects on DPS as you add +1 substat worth of ATK% or Crit as you invest more and more.
Example uses 785 Base ATK and 311 Flat ATK, with each +1 substat being either 4.65% ATK or 1.55% Crit+3.3% Crit DMG (These are equal value). Before reaching 25% crit, it uses 3.3% Crit Rate instead.
As you can see, the effects of ATK% begin to drop off relatively fast. However the initial increase in DPS from investing in ATK% is much higher than that from Crit.
This is why early-game I recommend you to only invest into ATK as you will likely not get to the point where the diminishing returns matter, nor to the point where Crit begins to outscale ATK%.

We can look at the effects on overall DPS as we invest less into ATK% and more into Crit, as our available stats increase.
We can use 'Gear Score' as a metric to assess how many stats you have available. 1 Gear Score = 4.65% ATK, 3.1% Crit Rate or 6.2% Crit DMG.
I'm using those specific values since they're the average subrolls on 5* artifacts. Since level 20 artifact can have 46.6% ATK, 31.1% Crit Rate or 62.2% Crit DMG as their main stat, we can say those values are worth 10 gear score.
Each additional subroll of ATK%, Crit Rate% or Crit DMG% would add another +1 Gear Score, i.e. a level 20 Circlet with Crit Rate% as it's main stat and 2 ATK% rolls and 2 Crit DMG% rolls would be worth 14 Gear Score.

Below is an example of how Power (Effective unit strength including ATK/CRIT) changes as someone with 785 Base ATK and 311 Flat ATK invests their Gear Score out of ATK% and into Crit.

An end-game unit with well rolled 5* artifacts would be around 60 Gear Score, and you can see as they invest more into Crit, their DPS goes up. However, if they invest too much into Crit, their DPS begins to drop again.
Also, if a unit with lower gear score invests into crit, you can see their DPS doesn't even increase, it's only reduced.
This is explained in the graph above where the initial investment in ATK% raises DPS by a lot.

What does all this mean?

Whether or not you invest in Crit depends on how much ATK%/Crit you could be getting from all combined sources.
It also depends on the ratio between your Base ATK and your Flat ATK, i.e. the bigger the difference between your Base ATK and Feather, the better ATK% is.

From observing the graph as Flat ATK and Base ATK are changed, we can make the following observations:
- Do not invest into crit unless you have a high enough Gear Score (5* artifacts or a very well-rolled 4* set)
- Early game, invest purely into ATK% and Elemental/Physical%
- Later on (with 5* artifacts), the optimal ratio between ATK% and Crit is to have ~70% ATK (15 Gear Score) and the rest invested into Crit. Only do this if you can get at least 50% Crit Rate and 100% Crit DMG in your stats sheet.
- The optimal amount of ATK% does depend on the ratio between your Base ATK and Flat ATK, however it does not vary by much (60-90%). Using the 70% above as an approximation for every amount of Base ATK is fine. You will likely go past this anyways.

How can we apply this?

If you have 5* artifacts and have an ATK% main stat Sands, with ~2 rolls of ATK% on average from other pieces (8 rolls total), you'll have ~84% ATK.
In fact, you're likely to go over this amount due to ATK% from other sources such as Pyro Resonance, passives, Noblesse, etc.
This means you're fine to invest the rest into Crit Rate/Crit DMG. Ideally, this means having Crit Rate/Crit DMG as artifact stats and the main stat on your weapon, however you should also consider the passive the weapon has.
Prioiritising Crit substats on your artifacts could slightly increase your DPS, but I'd focus more on the number of useful substats instead, i.e. number of ATK%/Crit rolls.
Don't forget to try and aim to have around twice as much Crit DMG as Crit Rate as this is the optimal ratio.

Other notes:

ATK% or Elemental/Physical% on Goblet?

Since ATK% and Elemental% are obtained in equal amounts from Goblets, and you will likely have ~+80% ATK minimum from your Sands + substats, the DPS value of ATK% on the goblet will be maximum:
((785*(1+0.8+0.466)+311)/(785*(1+0.8)+311))-1 = 21.2%
This value will decrease as you obtain more ATK% from other sources.
We can work out that for 785 Base ATK, this means as long as you have <120% DMG bonus from other sources, that Elemental% will be better.
Since you can get 75% from abyss, and more from artifacts sets/weapon passives, it's actually possible to get over 120% DMG bonus so it's possible for ATK% to be better.
HOWEVER, since you can't get ATK% as a substat on ATK% main artifacts, it's a lot harder to get a well-rolled ATK% Goblet.

This is also without considering units with split damage.

This guide will aim to help you create teams for any content in the game. If you are looking for a guide specifically for the spiral abyss, look at the last section and the other sheet.
It should be noted that a lot of the info/ideas here are not necessarily that important, since most of the content in-game can be steamed through pretty easily at a certain point. If harder bosses/content are released, the info could be more useful.

The guide will be split into several sections.

Game mechanics
Early-mid game
Late game

Before making your team, it's important to understand why certain characters and synergies work better than others. To help understand, below is an explanation of certain game mechanics.

DEF and RES:

Enemies have two different ways to mitigate your damage. The first is DEF (defence) which reduces all types of damage. The second is RES (resistance), which reduces specific types of damage,

DEF is currently thought to be calculated by the difference in levels between you and your enemy.
Your damage will be multiplied by (100+Character Level)/[(100+Character Level) + (100+Enemy Level)*Defence drop)]. This is 0.5 when you and your enemies' levels are equal.

RES will vary from enemy to enemy, with separate values for Phys RES and Elemental RES. Some enemies have differences in Elemental RES depending on the element, i.e. Electro Cicin Mages have 50% Electro RES but only 10% against other elements.

Most humanoid enemies have lower Physical RES than Elemental RES, i.e. Treasure Hunters have -20% Physical RES and 10% Elemental RES.
This means your Physical DMG against them will be multiplied by (1+20%)=1.2, whereas your Elemental DMG against them will be multiplied by (1-10%)=0.9

Common non-humanoid enemies will usually have either equal or higher Physical RES than Elemental RES, i.e. Hilichurls have both 10% Physical and Elemental RES. Mitachurls have 30% Physical RES but 10% Elemental RES.

You can reduce both enemy DEF and RES to increase your damage. At the moment, the only ways to reduce DEF are in certain constellations and character passives, while for RES it varies.

The most notable ways to reduce RES are Superconductor, which reduces Phys RES by 40%, and the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, which when using swirl reduces the infused element's RES by 40%.

There are however diminishing returns on reducing RES, with the effectiveness halving as you reduce it past 0%.
For example, if you use Superconductor on an enemy with 10% Phys RES, the first 10% of superconductor will reduce the RES to 0%, then the 30% left will reduce it by 15% to -15%.
This is equivalent to about a 27.78% physical damage increase (115/90), and you can test this in-game on a slime to check for yourself.

Since the main way to reduce elemental RES is through the Viridiscent Venerer artifact set, anemo units are particularly valuable.
However, this artifact set is not always practical, especially if you're fighting enemies with their own elements attached to them, or have a team with multiple elements where buffing a single element's damage will not be as important.

Fighting enemies using their weakness is a good way to increase DPS, i.e. using Physical DMG vs Treasure Hunters.
That being said, the difference that reducing RES makes vs enemies that already have negative RES will not be as impactful.
For example. using Superconductor vs Treasure Hunters will reduce their Physical RES from -20% to -40%. This is only a 16.7% increase in DPS (140/120)
Carefully weigh out the options and see if going Physical will be worth it.

In Genshin you can create reactions by combining different elements. These reactions deal damage to enemies based on your level, elemental mastery, and enemy resistance (certain artifacts/constellations as well).
For example if you create overload, the damage will be based on your level, your elemental mastery, and your enemy's pyro resistance.
The damage is also based on the procing unit's elemental mastery, not the one who laid the first element.
There are two types of reactions; amplifying (Melt/Vaporise) which multiply your damage, and transforming (Superconductor, Swirl, Shattered, Overload, Electro-charged), which create an additional hit.

Transforming reactions do NOT scale with your talent levels, attack, crit or elemental damage%, and as such will not become stronger as you upgrade your characters. Transformation reactions deal damage in ratios;
Supercondcutor : Swirl : Shattered : Overload : Electro-charged = 1 : 1.2 : 3 : 4 : 4.8.
This means Overload deals 4x as much damage as superconductor, electro charged deals 20% more damage than overload and so forth.
Since you'll be poorly geared early on, transformation reactions will be very strong and will likely make up a large percentage of your damage.

Later on, as your damage increase and the effectiveness of transformation reactions falls, amplifying reactions may become stronger. Use the DPS SIM to see which setups do the most damage.
It should be noted though that since Fischl is such a strong unit, she'll always be relevant despite only being able to create transformation reactions.

Also, reaction damage increases with your elemental mastery, but there are fairly significant diminishing returns as your EM increases.

There are several ways to gain energy, the resource needed to use your elemental burst.

Firstly, you can gain energy by using skills (E) on enemies. This will generate elemental (coloured) particles. Each skill generates a specific amount of particles (or a range), and some do not generate any at all (Noelle/Barbara E currently generates 0 particles).
Each elemental particle gives more energy to units with the corresponding element. A third of the energy is given to units of differing elements. Party members off the field receive slightly reduced energy rates, about 90% of what the field party member receives.

You can also generate particles by simply dealing damage to enemies. In most cases, enemies will drop clear or elemental particles at certain HP thresholds. For example, hilichurls will always drop clear particles at 50% and 0% HP.
Clear particles give equal energy to all elements. Some other enemies will only drop elemental particles/orbs. For example, baby cryo slimes will drop cryo particles at 50% and 0% HP.

Here is a quick overview of how much each particle/orb gives at base energy recharge%. Credits to this post on CN forums:

Energy received
Ele particle Ele orb Clear particle Clear orb
Field, same element 3 9 2 6
Party, same element 1.8 5.4 1.2 3.6
Field, different element 1 3 2 6
Party, different element 0.6 1.8 1.2 3.6

You also generate energy by auto-attacking things (1 energy per 4 auto-attacks), however this only applies to the field unit and has a much smaller effect on your total energy rates.

What does all this mean? You can generate energy faster by using characters of the same element. Of course this comes at the cost of reduced reaction damage, so consider how important reactions are to you.
For example, if an Abyss Floor doesn't buff reaction damage but buffs elemental damage, stacking the same element and sacrificing reaction damage may be worth it.


Across your party, you will have access to 4 sets of skills and bursts. In general, your skills should be prioritised over auto-attacking as these deal higher DPS and help create energy.
As an example, Xiangling's auto attack chain deals 296% over ~2.85s, while her E deals 440% and only takes a fraction of the time to cast (1.12s if you're swapping in to her just to use her E).
Auto-attack damage may have more buffs, but even then, skills should still be higher value.
When you have no abilities ready, you will need a unit to fill in the gaps in your rotation. Lets call this unit your Main DPS.

Ideally, your Main DPS should be built towards auto-attacks and/or have spammable skills like Bennett's E (2s CD in his Q). In the tier list I have rated units based on their ability to be a Main DPS.
The tier list is based on having an equally geared party where all members will likely be contributing their fair share to overall DPS.
If your party is unbalanced, with most of your resources on one unit, the tier list is not as accurate. Units with higher AA DPS (Razor,Xiang,Keqing) would be more valuable, since you'd likely spend more time auto-attacking with them.

For the early-game/exploration phase, I suggest simply picking a Main DPS that you enjoy playing as they will be the core of your team.
Later on, your teams will vary depending on the content you're doing and you'll likely have to use a different Main DPS based on that.
There is no objectively 'best team' nor should you focus on building one team in specific. There are subjectively 'better' units that you could invest in to help build good teams for the content ahead.

Once you've chosen your Main DPS, you'll have 3 slots left to fill. Who you choose depends on what you're doing and who your main carry is.
For example, if you're in the Spiral Abyss, you'll likely need a healer. You may also want a unit that can take care of any monsters that are immune to your main DPS' element.
If you're in the early-game or exploring, you might want units to cover your weaknesses, i.e. if your main DPS can only deal hydro damage, you may want an electro unit to take care of hydro enemies.
You could also bring a second unit of the same element to help build energy, or a different element unit to create specific reactions.
Like I've mentioned above though, it is all very dependent on what you're doing.

In general, these support units should be able to help the team without using up a lot of time. Units like Fischl, Xiangling or Mona are especially useful since their skills can create multiple reactions with low use-time.
I've ranked units based on their capacity to fulfill several support roles. The way I've split the roles are:
Secondary DPS - these are usually the same element as your main carry and are there to help create elemental resonance, build energy for your main carry, and deal dps while sharing RES down effects with your main carry.
Reaction DPS - these are units that can help create reactions with relatively low use-time. Reaction damage will be especially strong early-game (and late-game depending on the unit) so using these units then will be very helpful.
Support - these are units that are there to support the rest of the team with shields, heals, gathering enemies, buffing the team and debuffing or reducing enemy RES (anemo units with Viridescent Venerer)

Which units you use really depends on the part of the game you're at. Below I try to explain how you may want to set up your party depending on that.


Early on, your characters will be relatively weak. You won't have many good artifacts and your talent levels will be low. This means the relative strength of transformation reactions will be high.
To make the most of this, I doing two things:

First, I suggest stacking most of your resources onto your Main DPS. This way you won't spread your resources too thin and will have a reliable unit for early-game abyss.
Also, upgrade your Feather artifact asap, as this will give you a huge boost to damage in the early levels, especially if it's a 4* feather.
Second, I suggest having other 'Reaction DPS' units on your team and trying to focus on reaction damage.
Reactions are relatively easy to strengthen compared to ability/auto damage since you'll only need to level up the unit and build an elemental mastery artifact (+weapon?) on them.
Since electro-charged and overload deal the most damage you should try incorporate them first.
Reaction DPS units that can help create multiple reactions with low use-time are especially good here.
Secondary DPS may help to boost DPS by generating more energy for your main carry. This is especially useful is your main carry is depenedent on their burst (i.e. Razor)
Support units may be useful, particularly healers. Anemo supports will not be as effective since you won't have access to the Viridescent Venerer set yet.

Don't worry about min-maxing as you will likely get new characters or gear, just equip them with at least an elemental mastery artifact if they're there for reactions.
Stack all the atk/crit/dmg% artifacts on your main carry and use them to DPS between your other characters' E/Qs.

More importantly, as you explore the map, you should make sure you can deal with all the different monster types. As a general guideline:
Pyro vs Cryo/Electro slimes and other cryo enemies
Electro vs Hydro enemies
Claymore/geo vs Geo slimes and other Geo shields
Hydro vs Pyro enemies
Cryo vs Electro skirmishers

So, an example setup could be:

Xiangling, Fischl, Barbara, Noelle
With this comp you'd have both overload and electro-charged, be able to deal with most enemy types, and have reliable healing.

If you aren't able to cover everything don't worry, some elements/shields have 'secondary' weaknesses. For example, if you don't have hydro unit to deal with pyro shields, you can still use cryo or electro but they are less effective.
As for which units to invest in, I recommend reading the next section since you'll want those units to be useful later on.


As you progress into the game and begin upgrading your units, you'll eventually come to a point where overworld content becomes trivial. The Spiral Abyss will likely become your main focus and you should be tailoring your teams to that.
That being said, your teams should mostly be based on the buffs provided by the floors and will vary a lot, i.e. If you're using Chongyun as your main DPS for exploring, but the floor gives electro/pyro damage%, there is no reason for you to be using Chongyun on that floor.

As a general setup for the abyss, you will want to have the following all ticked off:

A way to heal inside the floor

A way to deal with all the different enemy shields, especially for the fatui skirmishers
Strong DPS, likely based on the floor buffs

Being able to optimize DPS is second to being able to survive and deal with the enemy shields/mechanics, especially since clearing these quickly will INCREASE your overall DPS.
For example, Floor 9 buffs pyro/electro/overload damage, and the first half has an enemy with a geo shield. So a potential team for that could be: Xiangling, Bennett, Fischl, Noelle.
To 'optimize' DPS, You could replace Noelle with Venti, with the Viridescent Venerer artifact set to decrease Pyro RES, but you'd waste a lot of time breaking through the geo shield which would only end up slowing you down.
Only once you've ticked all the boxes should you think about adding a unit like Venti/Anemo to help increase your DPS with the Viridescent Venerer set.
And don't forget, you will need two teams per floor after floor 5 so consider how you will distribute your power.

As for which units are strong for Abyss, any units that have multiple uses to help free up slots in your team are very valuable.
For example, claymore users can both deal DPS/clear shields for their respective elements, but also clear geo shields meaning you don't need to bring another geo/claymore character.
Claymore users can also stagger enemies, making them especially useful if you're fighting certain enemies.
Characters like Bennett or Xingqiu that can deal damage and heal at the same time are very good as well.
I've tried to rank units based on their usefulness within the abyss in the tier-list. However, each unit usually fills a specific role and you'll need to make that you have every role covered.

Also, it's important to know that certain elements have more floor buffs. For late-game abyss (Floors 9-12), Pyro is buffed on both floors 9 and 12, whereas Geo/Anemo/Hydro aren't buffed on any.
That's not to say those elements don't have their uses, but that certain elements are just generally more useful and that you may want to prioritise them. Even Amber could outdps Keqing if you're on a floor with pyro buffs vs enemies weak to pyro.
Overall I'd say you should have at least two pyro dps units (for floor 9/12), two healing units and either an electro or cryo dps.
Floor/chamber info at the bottom.

Spiral Abyss guide:

This guide is aimed to give practical and concise advice, and help you prepare for the current end-game content, the spiral abyss.

The Spiral Abyss:

The Spiral Abyss is repeatable content that can be cleared bimonthly for primogems. First time clears offer a one-time reward of various other resources and equipment. There are 12 floors in total, with each floor divided into 3 chambers.
You begin on floor 1 chamber 1, and must clear 3 chambers in order to advance to the next floor. From floors 6 onwards, the floors are also divided into halves, requiring two separate teams of different characters.
During your attempt to clear the 3 chambers, you cannot use food, change equipment or re-arrange your party.
Each floor will also provide a specific buff/debuff to your party. For example, Floor 9 will increase your pyro damage by 75% and increase your Overload damage by 200%. Using these buffs is crucial to take on the floors effectively, especially since floors that buff a certain type of damage usually contain monsters weak to it.
There are also a set of buffs you can choose from when entering each chamber. Some of these will carry onto the next floor, while some will only be active for that chamber.
Finally, there is a set of buffs that apply to every floor, that are rotated out every two weeks. These range from extra energy generation to AoE damage after sprinting.

Which units should I use?

Typically, the best results will come from using characters and elements that are buffed by the floor. However, being able to swap out a team for every floor is not very practical since most players will have limited resources to upgrade their characters.
Instead of giving you an 'ideal' team for every floor, I'll go over the floors and recommend F2P setups where you can replace units based on the characters you have.
Also, since the earlier floors can mostly be powered through as your AR increases, I'll mostly be focusing on floors 9-12 which are the repeatable ones.
Maybe I'll add floors 1-8 if people want it.

Floor 9:
Floor 9 provides a 75% pyro/electro and 200% overload damage buff. It's important to note that the overload buff is multiplicative with any other bonuses, meaning this essentially triples your overload damage. So if you have +200% from EM, your overload will be dealing 9x the base damage.

Beside the buffed elements, it's important to consider which enemies you'll be fighting inside each floor. Floor 9 contains several enemies with shields, and you should consider how you'll be breaking through them.
In the first half there is a Stonehide Lawachurl so you'll need either geo or a claymore to deal with that. In the second half there are cryo and electro fatui skirmishers that need pyro and cryo to be dealt with respectively.
I would strongly suggest building EM and focusing on creating overload since the buff is so strong (The buff is multiplicative not additive).

First half: Pyro/Electro DPS, claymore/geo for geo shield

Second half: Pyro/Electro DPS, cryo for electro fatui shield

Example F2P team:

Team 1: Xiangling, Noelle, X, X
Team 2: Lisa, Amber, Kaeya, Barbara

Floor 10:
Floor 10 provides a 50% increase to healing, but also applies the 'Smouldering fire' debuff which causes you to take a pyro damage DoT until the pyro effect is cleared.
The debuff can be tanked with a decent healer or Geo, but clearing it with Barbara makes the floor much easier (You can only use Barbara on one half though).

First half: Any DPS, hydro for pyro shields, healer/shield/debuff clearer
Second half: Any DPS, hydro for pyro shields (or electro/cryo if you don't have a hydro for this team), healer/shield/debuff clearer

Example F2P team:

Team 1: Xiangling, Barbara, X, X
Team 2: DPS, Kaeya, Noelle, X

Floor 11:
Floor 11 provides a 75% cryo/electro and 300% superconductor damage buff. It also causes superconductor to reduce enemy Phys RES by another 20% (60% total).
As with the overload buff from Floor 9, the reaction buff is multiplicative, meaning your superconductor will do 4x damage.
Superconduictor inherently does low damage however, so you should not focus on using it to kill enemies.

Funnily enough, despite the buffs to cryo/electro, pyro is still a good choice for the first half. Chamber 1 contains electro/cryo slimes, both of which are relatively weak to pyro and not really easily dealt with by cryo or electro.
You could also opt to use a physical damage dealer if you plan on going the superconductor route.

First half: Pyro to clear cryo slimes/fatui, Electro/Cryo/Phys DPS, Claymore/Geo for geo shields
Second half: Cryo/Electro/Phys DPS, Cryo to clear fatui shield, Geo/claymore to clear geo shields, Pyro for cryo shield

Example F2p team:

Team 1: Xiangling, Noelle, X, X
Team 2: Lisa, Kaeya, Geo MC, Amber

Floor 12:
Floor 12 provides a 75% increase to pyro damage, but also applies the 'Condensed ice' debuff which causes your stamina usage to greatly increase until the cryo effect is cleared.
Afaik, the only way to self-clear cryo would be Bennett's Q, or Barbara's E, but this will freeze you.
Pyro units can deal with almost every enemy themselves, with only cryo needed to clear skirmisher shields on both halves, and a geo/claymore to clear a skirmisher shield on the second half.

Example F2p team:

Team 1: Xiangling, Kaeya, X, X
Team 2: Amber, Geo MC, Cryo?, X

You can definitely get by with the base F2P team assuming they are built properly and you are level 90. You likely won't be able to complete it at a lower AR like many whales on the CN server have, but that's the cost to being F2P I guess.
If you have other units, replacements can be made where possible, i.e. Chongyun for Kaeya or Bennett/Diluc for Amber.
Since you need two healers, if you're F2P you'll have to invest in both Noelle and Barbara to be able to clear everything smoothly. Noelle has the added benefit of being able to clear geo shields and provide shields herself so she's not too bad.

Shield info: Enemy Primary Weakness Secondary Weakness

Cryo abyss mage Pyro Claymore, Electro
Pyro abyss mage Hydro Claymore, ?
Electro Skirmisher Cryo Pyro (Overload)
Cryo Skirmisher Pyro ?
Pyro Skirmisher Hydro ?
Geo Skirmisher Claymore/Geo? ?
Hydro Skirmisher Electro ?

Floor 9: Floor 9:
Ley Line Disorder: Notes:
Fire element damage caused by all characters in the team increased by 75%. Electro and pyro both best elements for this floor
Lightning element damage caused by all characters in the team is increased by 75%. A claymore on both sides could help to clear the lawachurl shield on 9-3-1 or geo skirmisher on 9-2-2
Damage caused by overload reaction increased by 200%. Cryo could help with clearing the electro skirmisher shield on 9-2-2
Shouldn't need much healing, most enemies are easily dealt with assuming you break their shields and DPS well enough.
First Half:
9-1: LVL 72 - Large pyro slime, Large electro slime, Mutated electro slime Pyro is strong vs electro slimes, need something to deal with pyro slimes (Electro/Hydro/Cryo)
9-2: LVL 74 - Electro Cicin, Treasure hoarders (Hydro, Pyro, Electro, Cryo, Standard) No specific enemy weaknesses, just use floor bonuses
9-3: LVL 76 - Stonehide Lawachurl, Vishap hatchling Claymore best to deal with the lawachurl's shields

Second Half:
9-1: LVL 72 - Large pyro slime, Large electro slime, Mutated electro slime Pyro is strong vs electro slimes, need something to deal with pyro slimes (Electro/Hydro/Cryo)
9-2: LVL 74 - Fatui skirmishers (Cryo, Electro, Geo, Anemo) Mixed enemy weaknesses, Pyro -> Cryo, Pyro -> Electro, Claymore -> Geo
9-3: LVL 76 - Ruin guards High physical RES, elemental damage works best (or archers/weak spot)

Floor 10: Floor 10:

Ley Line Disorder: Notes:
Periodically apply "smoldering fire" to the character: until the attached fire element is eliminated, it will continue to suffer fire element damage. Healing and the ability to clear the pyro element will be important, units like barbara/qiqi are especially strong here
Increase the healing bonus of all characters in the team by 50%. Lots of pyro abyss mages so Hydro > claymore > electro will be useful clearing them

First Half:
10-1: LVL 80 - Blazing axe mitachurl, Large pyro slime, Hilichurl berserker No necessary weaknesses except for hydro/cryo vs pyro slime. Any element should be fine (Except pyro vs the slime)
10-2: LVL 82 - Pyro abyss mage, Hilichurl fighter, Hilichurl bomber, Pyro whopperflower Hydro > Claymore/Electro vs pyro mage shield
10-3: LVL 85 - Fatui skirmishers (Anemo, Pyro) Hydro strong here to clear the fatui skirmisher's pyro shield

Second Half:
10-1: LVL 80 - Blazing axe mitachurl, Pyro abyss mage Hydro > Claymore/Electro vs pyro mage shield
10-2: LVL 82 - Blazing axe mitachurl, Pyro abyss mage, Pyro hilichurl shooter Hydro > Claymore/Electro vs pyro mage shield
10-3: LVL 85 - Pyro abyss mage, Dendro samachurl, Pyro hilichurl shooter, Pyro whopperflower Hydro > Claymore/Electro vs pyro mage shield

Floor 11: Floor 11:

Ley Line Disorder: Notes:
Lightning element damage caused by all characters in the team is increased by 75%. Electro, cryo and phys (assuming you proc superconductor) are all strong on this floor
The ice elemental damage caused by all characters in the team is increased by 75%. 60% total Phys Res reduce in total, ~39% damage multiplier to Phys vs most enemies that have 10% phys RES
The damage caused by the superconducting reaction is increased by 300%, and the physical resistance of the reaction target is reduced by 20%. Claymores useful for both halves, Razor/Chong seem like the best units for this floor

First Half:
11-1: LVL 88 - Large cryo slime, Large electro slime, Mutated electro slime, Cryo hilichurl shooter, Wooden shield hilichurl guard Anything should work for this, phys dmg dealer should be good vs all
11-2: LVL 90 - Blazing axe mitachurl, Rock shieldwall mitachurl, Hilichurl bomber, Rock shield hilichurl guard Claymore would be good to clear mitachurl shield
11-3: LVL 92 - Fatui skirmishers (Cryo, Geo, Anemo) Pyro/Claymore useful for clearing skirmisher shields

Second Half:
11-1: LVL 88 - Electro cicin, Cryo abyss mage, Hydro samachurl, Cryo hilichurl shooter, Electro hilichurl shooter Pyro>Claymore>Electro vs cryo mage shield
11-2: LVL 90 - Blazing axe mitachurl, Rock shieldwall mitachurl, Large cryo slime, Large pyro slime, Cryo hilichurl shooter, Electro hilichurl shooter Claymore useful for clearing mitachurl shield
11-3: LVL 92 - Fatui skirmishers (Electro, Geo, Anemo) Cryo/Claymore useful for clearing skirmisher shields

Floor 12 Floor 12:

Ley Line Disorder: Notes:
Periodically apply "Condensed Ice" to the character: Before the attached ice element is eliminated, the physical exertion is greatly increased.
Pyro strongest element here, Bennett really good here since he can self inflict pyro with Q
Fire element damage caused by all characters in the team increased by 75%. Claymores can help on the second half to deal with the cryo mage shields but realistically both teams should have a pyro user
Amber could actually be good for this if your only other pyro is Xiang
First Half:
12-1: LVL 95 - Wooden shield mitachurl, Large cryo slime, Cryo whopperflower Pyro to clear the mitachurl shield/melt slime
12-2: LVL 98 - Cryo whopperflower, Pyro hilichurl shooter, Cryo hilichurl shooter Anything can work here but obviously pyro will be best
12-3: LVL 100 - Fatui skirmisher (Cryo, Electro, Anemo) Pyro to clear the skirmisher shields

Second Half:
12-1: LVL 95 - Cryo abyss mage, Large cryo slime, Cryo hilichurl shooter Pyro > claymore > electro=hydro for the abyss mage shield
12-2: LVL 98 - Cryo abyss mage, Wooden shield mitachurl, Large cryo slime, Cryo hilichurl shooter, Electro hilichurl shooter, Pyro hilichurl shooter Pyro > claymore > electro=hydro for the abyss mage shield, pyro deals with wooden shield
12-3: LVL 100 - Fatui skirmisher (Cryo, Electro, Anemo, Geo) Pyro to clear cryo/electro shield, claymore for geo shield
Pyro Comps General Notes

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*?

Klee Xiangling/Bennett Fischl Xingqiu/Mona Cryo Anemo Geo Yes Main:

Diluc Xiangling/Bennett Fischl Xingqiu/Mona Cryo Anemo Geo Yes Most teams are created and designed around a Main DPS.

Xiangling Bennett Fischl Xingqiu/Mona Cryo Anemo Geo No Whichever unit you use as your Main DPS doesn't really matter, as long as the element is useful against the content you're making the team for.

In general, Pyro/Electro DPS are the most useful when it comes to clearing end-game content, with Cryo/Hydro slightly behind them.

Electro Comps

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*? Support1:

Keqing Fischl>Beidou Xingqiu/Mona Xiangling/Bennett Kaeya/Diona/Qiqi Anemo Geo Yes Your first support can be considered as somewhat of a pair for your Main DPS.

Razor Fischl>Beidou / Flex Xingqiu/Mona Xiangling/Bennett Kaeya/Diona/Qiqi Anemo Geo No They're there to help generate energy faster, create Resonance, and to share the benefits of reducing elemental RES (notable with Viridiscent Venerer)

Beidou Fischl Xingqiu/Mona Xiangling/Bennett Kaeya/Diona/Qiqi Anemo Geo No Some main DPS units (Razor) do not require a unit like this to support them as they generate enough energy themselves.

Cryo Comps Support2:

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*? Your second support is usually a flex depending on your playstyle and which reactions you need/prefer

Kaeya Chongyun>Qiqi/Diona Xingqiu/Mona Xiangling/Bennett Fischl Anemo Geo No For example, Fischl is viable in almost every comp, but if you're playing her with pyro DPS, you might find the Overload knockback annoying.

Chongyun Qiqi/Diona Xingqiu/Mona Xiangling/Bennett Fischl Anemo Geo No


Hydro Comps Your third support is usually your anemo unit, who will help increase DPS with Viridescent Venerer.

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*? If you need survivability then Geo with Archaic Petra is OK, however your DPS will likely drop by quite a bit

Childe Xingqiu/Mona Fischl Kaeya/Diona/Qiqi [1] Xiangling/Bennett Anemo Geo Yes Atm, Geo MC > Ning as a Geo Support, however new units like Zhongli/Albedo will likely fill in that role as well

Geo Comps Notes/Considerations:

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*? If you're planning on using a team for Spiral Abyss, make sure you have enough healing/survivability

Ning Geo MC Zhongli Flex Flex No Some teams, such as Diluc/Xiang/Fischl/Anemo are missing healing and will likely struggle on certain abyss chambers

Units that provide healing/survivability are Emboldened

Anemo Comps

Main Support1 Support2 Support3 5*?

Venti Jean/Anemo MC Flex Flex Yes


Q - I don't have one of the recommened units for a comp, am I screwed?

A - the above recommendations are just that: recommendations. You can definitely get by with other units as long as you understand the fundamentals of team-building

Q - is X weapon better than Y weapon?

A - some weapons are usually always better than others, however there's many factors going into whether a weapon will be better. Use the DPS SIM to check

Q - why isn't Chongyun recommended for some comps?

A - converting your autos to cryo will usually lead to less DPS, unless your Main DPS is also Cryo (Kaeya)
GENSHIN IMPACT DPS SIM - LAST UPDATED 02/12/2020 - Xinyan + Zhongli
User guide:
Top slot is your 'Main DPS' who will be autoing when you have no abilities ready. comment on reddit or dm me on discord if u think i should add/change things ___robin___

Use the 'Team Building Guide' if you need help on how to form a team. if you want to ask a question, comment here,

Use the tier list to help decide which units are good. If you want to test things for yourself,

Use the 'Comps' page to look for any comps you want to replicate. Do not take the DPS at face-value as many things were assumed in the calculations. Ingame DPS will vary.

Place anemo units in 4th slot for more accurate calculations (will change in the future) Adding soon: improved formatting

Character/Build Element Weapon Type Weapon [2] Artifact Set [3] Artifact Substats [4] Constellation Weapon Rank Base Attack Base Attack% Flat Attack Crit Rate Crit Damage Phys Bonus%Ele Bonus% Ele Mastery Energy Recharge HP Base HP% Defence Base Defence% Damage % Normal Attack% Normal Speed Charged% Skill damage%
Burst Damage% Ele Res Reduce Swirl Res ReducePhys Res Reduce Total Ele Res Reduce
Normal Attack Ratio [5]
Normal Attack Duration [6] Charged Attack Ratio Charged Attack Duration
E Ratio Q Ratio

Razor Electro Claymore Wolf's Gravestone 2Glad+2Crimson BASE ATK% / ELE% / CRIT RATE% 0 1 837 172.5% 311 68.7% 137.4% 25.4% 61.6% 0 75.0% 4,780 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 388% 2.11 0% 0.00 279% 224%

Albedo Geo Sword The Black Sword 2Glad+2Crimson BASE ATK% / ELE% / CRIT RATE% 0 1 761 102.9% 311 82.5% 164.9% 0.0% 90.4% 0 0.0% 4,780 0.0% 87600.0% 0.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 182% 716%

None None None None None None 0 1 0 16.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

None None None None None None 0 1 0 16.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Talent Level 6 Inside Bennett/MC Q? [7] Fischl A2 procs/s [8] 0.000

Time to kill a hilichurl [9] 20 Main DPS converted autos? [10] Abyss floor? None

Artifact quality [11] Great Charged attack? Arrow travel time 0 Unopmitized CC Unoptimized CD

Enemy type? [12] Hilichurls Time wasted by abilities? [13] Optimize crit rate/damage? Razor 71.1% 132.5%

Skip non-dps Qs? [14] Time spent in Childe/Razor/Klee (s) 0 Albedo 98.7% 132.5% Weapon effect Weapon Damage
Team DPS 4770 [15] Times Kaeya Q extended [16] 3 Number of Geo Constructs 1 None 0.0% 0.0%
with reactions 4770 [17] None 0.0% 0.0%

14950.59068 0 10.0%

Base enemy Phys RES Base Enemy Ele RES Debuffed enemy Phys RES Debuffed enemy Ele RES 0 10.0%

Razor 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 0 10.0%

Albedo 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 0 10.0%

None 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

None 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Use E off CD? Energy/s [18] Time to charge Q Time Spent using E Time Spent using Q Time spent auto-attacking

Razor 3.98 20.11 16.00% 0.00% 75.67%

Albedo 1.07 37.45 3.73% 4.59%

None 0.67 2.18 0.00% 0.00%

None 0.67 2.18 0.00% 0.00%

Reaction Co-efficient [19]Possible Reactions [20] EM % of reactable hits % of hits Melted [21] % of hits Vaporized [22] Group1% [23] Melt DPS increase [24]
Vaporize DPS increase [25]
Overload/s [26] Electro-charged/s Superconductor/s Swirl/s Group2% [27]

Razor 0.95 Crystalize 0 100% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Overload DPS 0

Albedo 0.50 Crystalize 0 94% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Electro-charged DPS 0

None 0.00 0 0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Superconductor DPS 0

None 0.00 0 0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Swirl DPS 0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

ATK [28] POW [29] Normal Attack DPS [30] Charged Attack DPS Combo DPS E Damage E cast time E DPS Particles [31] E cd Q Damage Q Cast time Q DPS Q cd Weapon DPS

Razor 2592 5036 10,450 0 20,408 0.80 25,509 2.9 5.00 0 0.00 0 20.00 0

Albedo 1855 4377 120,766 1.12 107,827 10.0 30.00 53,683 1.72 31,211 12.00 0

None 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2.18 0

None 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2.18 0

Normal Charged Combo

Autos 22033
Crescent Pike 0
Fischl C1 0
Passive Hits 0
Fischl C6 0
Razor Q 9539.978106
Auto DPS 14975

takes into account energy rates/bust uptime

based on level 90 characters and good artifacts substats, base character stats might be innacurate
top slot is your MAIN DPS and they'll be the one auto-attacking/charged attacking when you have no abilities ready

DPS Calculation

Individual dps Per second of rotation Fischl A2


0 25,509 0 0 4,082 0 FALSE 0.000 0

107,827 31,211 4,026 1,433

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

dmg per second 9,540

dps 9540

rotation time 100%

with weapon effect 9,540

total defence drop 0.0%

Character Element Weapon Type Base Attack Base Attack%Flat Attack Crit Rate Crit Damage Phys Bonus% Ele Bonus% Ele Mastery Energy Recharge
HP Base HP%Defence Base Defence%
Damage % Defence reduce Normal Attack%Normal Speed
Charged% Skill damage% Burst Damage% Ele Res Reduce Swirl Res Reduce Phys Res Reduce
Normal Attack TypeNormal Attack Ratio
Normal Attack Duration [32]Animation Cancel? Normal attack hits Normal attack reaction potential
Passive hits Charged Attack Type Charged Attack Ratio
Charged Attack Duration Charged Animation Cancel?Charged attack hits Charged attack reaction potential
E Ratio E cast time E cd E hits E duration E Reaction potential
Q Ratio Q cast time Q cd Q energy Q hits Q duration Q Reaction potentialParticles [33] Auto Combo (N%) Auto Combo (C%) Combo Time Combo hits Normal Combo HitsCharged Combo Hits
Combo RP Combo AC?

Amber Pyro Bow 222 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 326.4% 2.98 No 5 1.99 0.00% Elemental 0.0% 0 172.2% 0.33 12 1 1 1 707.0% 1.05 12 40 18 2 2 3.9

Albedo Geo Sword 251 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 28.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 876 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical Physical 144.2% 0.97 3 182.0% 0.58 30 16 30 15 715.7% 1.60 12 40 10

Barbara Hydro Catalyst 158 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0 0.0% 0 20.3% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 237.3% 2.25 No 4 1.50 0.00% Elemental 0.0% 0 81.2% 0.90 32 15 20 20 0.0% 2.98 20 80 0

Beidou Electro Claymore 223 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 24.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% 15.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 621.4% 4.05 Yes 5 2.70 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 170.8% 0.70 7.5 1 1 1 2186.8% 1.25 20 80 2.9

Bennett Pyro Sword 192 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 26.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 205.5% 1.37 No 3 0.91 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 193.2% 0.78 5 1 1 1 326.2% 0.90 15 60 1 1 1 2

Childe Hydro Bow 301 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 28.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 455.2% 3.18 No 7 2.79 0.00% Elemental 239.5% 1.45 3 100.8% 0.43 20 1 1 1 817.6% 1.83 15 60 1 1 1 8

Chongyun Cryo Claymore 222 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% Physical 455.7% 3.15 Yes 4 2.10 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 481.6% 0.87 15 2 2 2 596.4% 1.38 12 40 4 1 1 3.5

Diona Cryo Bow 212 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 24.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 321.7% 2.87 No 5 1.91 0.00% Elemental 179.7% 1.77 1 1 293.3% 0.92 15 5 1 1 553.8% 1.35 15 80 7 12 7 4

Diluc Pyro Claymore 333 0.0% 0 24.2% 50.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 594.3% 3.50 Yes 4 2.33 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 449.4% 3.45 10 6 6 6 1037.4% 2.60 12 40 8 2 2 3.5

Fischl Electro Bow 242 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 404.1% 2.60 No 5 1.73 0.00% Elemental 0.0% 0 1404.2% 0.75 25.00 10 10 10 130.2% 0.42 25.00 60 10 10 10 12

Jean Anemo Sword 236 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 433.8% 3.10 No 5 2.07 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 408.8% 1.00 6 1 1 1 595.0% 1.50 20 80 1 1 1 2.5

Kaeya Cryo Sword 222 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 26.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 478.1% 3.33 Yes 5 2.22 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 267.4% 0.88 6 1 1 1 1310.4% 1.35 15 60 12 8 8 2.5

Keqing Electro Sword 320 0.0% 0 15.0% 88.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0 13.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 390.3% 2.80 Yes 6 1.87 0.00% Physical 295.4% 1.02 3 305.2% 1.27 [34] 7.5 2 1 2 656.6% 2.30 12 40 10 2.5 2.5 2.1

Klee Pyro Catalyst 308 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 28.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 314.3% 2.50 No 3 1.67 0.00% Elemental 227.5% 1.22 1 1 768.6% 1.00 20 8 1 1 1617.0% 2.00 15 60 25 10 5 4

Lisa Electro Catalyst 230 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 96 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 242.6% 2.50 No 4 1.67 0.00% Elemental 256.5% 1.65 448.0% 2.25 16 1 3 1 1295.0% 1.40 20 80 25 8 8 4

Mona Hydro Catalyst 284 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0 32.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 244.4% 2.20 No 5 1.47 0.00% Elemental 217.4% 1.8 1 1 365.4% 0.80 12 5 5 5 618.8% 2.17 15 60 1 1 1 3.5

Ningguang Geo Catalyst 210 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 36.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 147.8% [35] 0.80 No 2 0.53 0.00% Elemental 252.2% 1.28 1 1 322.0% 1.07 12 1 1 1 1461.6% [36] 1.70 12 40 10 3 3 3.5 78.40% 223.60% 1.63 4 2 2 2 No

Noelle Geo Claymore 190 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 830 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 509.9% 3.00 Yes 4 2.00 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.50 24 1 1 1 140.0% 2.00 15 60 1 1 1 0

Qiqi Cryo Sword 284 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 344.2% 3.20 No 7 2.13 0.00% Elemental 0.0% 0 588.0% 1.00 30 10 10 10 399.0% 2.00 20 80 1 1 1 0

Razor Electro Claymore 231 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 25.4% 0.0% 0 75.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 387.6% 1.73 Yes 4 1.16 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 278.6% 0.80 5 1 1 1 224.0% 1.40 20 80 15 15 15 2.9

Sucrose Anemo Catalyst 169 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 24.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Elemental 210.6% 2.10 No 4 1.40 0.00% Elemental 0.0% 0 296.8% 1.00 15 1 1 1 806.4% 1.00 20 80 3 6 3 3.5

Traveler (Anemo) Anemo Sword 228 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 16.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.0% 8.0% Physical 391.3% 2.71 Yes 5 1.81 60.00% Physical 0.0% 0 246.4% 1.05 5 1 1 1 1293.6% 1.63 15 60 9 5 5 2

Traveler (Geo) Geo Sword 228 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 16.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 391.3% 2.71 Yes 5 1.81 60.00% Physical 0.0% 0 347.2% 1.17 6 1 1 1 693.0% 0.92 15 45 3 2 2 3

Venti Anemo Bow 261 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 32.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 451.4% 3.60 No 8 2.40 0.00% Elemental 179.7% 2 386.4% 0.47 [37] 6 1 1 1 1473.9% 1.60 15 60 20 8 8 2.9

Xiangling Pyro Polearm 224 10.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 96 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 382.3% 2.98 Yes 9 1.99 0.00% Physical 237.8% 1.25 616.0% 0.70 12 4 6 4 1542.8% 1.48 20 80 9 15 9 3

Xiao Anemo Polearm 320 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 0.0% 0.00 0 0.00 0.00% Physical 282.6% 1 320.6% 1.00 10 0.0% 1.00 15 60

Xingqiu Hydro Sword 201 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 404.6% 3.15 Yes 7 2.10 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00 21 2 15 15 2660.7% 0.73 20 80 45 15 15 0

Xinyan Pyro Claymore 249 24.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 524.6% 3.53 Yes 4 2.36 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 520.2% 1.12 18 7 6 4 869.4% 1.48 15 60 8 2 2 3.5

Zhongli Geo Polearm 251 0.0% 0 5.0% 50.0% 0.0% 28.8% 0 0.0% 14695 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Physical 349.6% 2.67 No 9 1.78 0.00% Physical 0.0% 0 694.4% 0.72 30 16 30 16 640.0% 1.50 12 40 1 1 1 7.5


1377 Talent level 6 Razor

Supports CDS 916.6666667 382 123.2258065 1 136 1

KLEE 0 15 0.58 1.60 2293.666667 1 1 1 100% 259 140 2 145 1.066176471

RAZOR 0 20 2 1.081382386 2 107.50% 3 155 1.139705882

CHILDE 0 3610 3 1.15942029 3 115% based on cbt3 and likely to be innacurate 4 167 1.227941176
2.18 Anemo 1 43 4 1.282051282 4 125% 5 176 1.294117647

Electro 3 4 81 5 1.360089186 5 132.50% 6 187 1.375

Anemo 6 1.449275362 6 140% 7 201 1.477941176

Pyro 7 1.583054627 7 150% 8 215 1.580882353

Pyro 8 1.705685619 8 160% 9 229 1.683823529

Pyro 9 1.836734694 9 170% 10 243 1.786764706

Hydro 10 1.972789116 10 180% 11 257 1.889705882

Cryo 11 ? 11 190%

Electro 12 ? 12 200%

Hydro 13 210%

Pyro 14 220%

Cryo 15 230%







Cryo 1 1.00
Geo 2 1.11
Electro 3 1.22
Pyro 4 1.35
#N/A 5 1.47
6 1.60
7 1.76
8 1.92
9 2.08
10 2.24
11 2.41
12 2.57
13 2.70
14 2.84
15 2.97
Unit Role Weapon Artifact Set Artifact Stats Teammates Combos Tips/Comments
Bennett Support Aquila Favonius (r0) > Skyward Blade | Favonius [38] Noblesse/Maiden's Recharge%, Healing% Klee, Fischl, Anemo Build recharge% to maximize his Q uptime, weapon base ATK is important

Xiangling Main DPS Skyward Spine (r0) > Crescent Pike [39] Gladiator/Lavawalker Fischl, Anemo Full combo or cancel before last auto [40] Can be built either Physical or Pyro%, both are about the same

Support Skyward Spine (r0) > Prototype Grudge = Dragon's Bane | Favonius [41] Noblesse EM if being used to support electro Klee, Diluc, Fischl, Anemo Position Guoba so he can consistently do damage, Rotate against Q to get extra hits

Diluc Main DPS Wolf's (r0) > Skyward (r0) > Aminus > Debate Crimson Xiang, Fischl, Anemo Don't auto between E unless c6 [42]

Klee Main DPS Lost Prayers = Skyward > Solar pearl = Mappa Marre (r5) Wanderer's/Bloodstained/2Glad+2Crim/Lava Bennett/Xiang, Fischl, Anemo Charged spam, can reduce animation time with jumps Set up Oz, RES debuff and Guoba (if with Xiang) before using Q

Keqing Main DPS Aquila (Phys Keqing) > Lion's > Skyward > Iron Sting Bloodstained/Thundering/Thundersoother Cryo (if Phys), Fischl, Anemo, Hydro, Xiang Phys: E tap->Charged | Elem: Double E | Charged Spam > Normal Either a Physical DPS (Charged ATK) or Electro DPS. Go superconductor if you go Phys

Fischl Support [43] Skyward (r0) = Stringless (r5) = Favonius (r5) Thundering/2Thundering+2Glad Any Cancel Q by swapping

Razor Main DPS Gladiator's/Thundering/Thundersoother Cryo (if Phys), Fischl, Xiang, Anemo, Hydro Cancel after 3rd auto if you don't want to knock back

Venti Support Skyward (r0) = Stringless (r5) > Stringless (r0) > Arnos | Favonius [44] Viridescent EM if fighting many enemies Any Cancel E animtion with AA or Q
[1] Cryo could be good depending on if the leaked cryo crit set is real or not.

[2] For benchmarks, when choosing a weapon, best 4* weapons seem to be

"Serpent Spine" for claymore,
"Alley hunter/Stringless" for bow, "
Alley Flash/Black Sword" for sword, "Solar pearl" for catalyst,
"Dragon's bane/Crescent" for Xiangling

[3] Anemo set for anemo,

Pyro reaction for Diluc,
Gladiators for AA dps,
Bloodstained for charged atk dps, Noblesse for supports

[4] In most cases you will want to use ATK/ELE/CRIT rolls. Swap Crit Rate for Crit DMG if you're past or
approaching 100% Crit Rate.

EM may technically be better than ATK% for Fischl/other reaction creators

[5] Normal Attack Ratio including Normal Attack% increase

[6] Takes into account Normal Attack Speed%, Animation cancel duration is constant however.

[7] If ticked, if Bennett/MC is in your team, their buff will be added your character's POW. Un-tick this if
you're having trouble staying in the Q.

[8] Number of electro-based reactions generated during Fischl's E. Used to calculate the damage from her
passive. Upper limit should be 10 (12 with c6).

[9] This is important to know your base energy rate from killing enemies. Hilichurls drop 2 clear particles so
knowing how fast you kill them can help calculate your energy rate. 10s is used for benchmarks.

[10] Use this if your main unit has their autos converted into elemental damage, i.e. Diluc, Keqing,
Chongyun, Noelle

[11] The average quality of your artifacts - the average number of useful substat rolls on each piece.
Trash =0,
Bad = 2,
Good = 4,
Great = 6,
Perfect = 8

[12] Certain enemies have more Physical or Ele RES.

[13] Tick this to add more realistic DPS calculation for abilities like anemo MC Q which can waste time.

[14] Tick to skip Barbara/Qiqi Q

[15] Includes damage from Melt/Vaporize

[16] Enemies killed during Kaeya Q

[17] Likely to be inaccurate. Hard to realistically calculate how much reactions add considering we don't
know exact values at lvl 90 or the exact mechanics yet.

Does not include shattered yet.

Includes damage from Overload, Swirl, Superconductor and Electro-charged.

Does not account for time wasted by Overload knocking mobs back.
[17] Likely to be inaccurate. Hard to realistically calculate how much reactions add considering we don't
know exact values at lvl 90 or the exact mechanics yet.

Does not include shattered yet.

Includes damage from Overload, Swirl, Superconductor and Electro-charged.

Does not account for time wasted by Overload knocking mobs back.

[18] Average energy generated per second. Depends on how fast you kill enemies (Hilichurls) and how
often you use skills.

[19] The units ability to create reactions. Higher co-efficient = applying elements more often. Characters
who apply elements off-field like Xiangling will have higher co-efficients.

[20] *Even if you have an anemo unit and another element, only the anemo unit is capable of creating the
swirl reaction

[21] Tries to approximate % of melted hits based on probability and total reaction co-efficients (How many
elements are being applied)

[22] Tries to approximate % of vaporized hits based on probability and total reaction co-efficients (How
many elements are being applied)

[23] Melt/Vaporize increase from EM.

[24] The average DPS increase you'll see from Melt based on your EM and % of melted hits.

[25] The average DPS increase you'll see from Vaporize based on your EM and % of vaporized hits.

[26] Average number of overloads/s. Calculation may be incorrect.

[27] Overload, Swirl, Electro-charged, Superconductor increase from EM.

[28] The ATK value in the character sheet

[29] Unit's Power in combat. ATK adjusted for crit and damage%

[30] Takes into account the units natural normal attack type/element. Takes into account Razor's Q effect
and uptime.

[31] Average number of elemental particles generated when using E on one enemy

[32] If NO animation cancelled, duration is the duration from first attack of combo to first attack of next
combo. If YES animation cancelled, duration is same as above without the 0.375s for the dash.

[33] Middle-centred is inaccurate

[34] Cast time to just to double tab E for the electro conversion.

[35] Takes into account the jade star generated.

[36] Afaik, its very difficult to get all 12 missiles to land. Usually its about 10-11?

[37] Animation cancel with auto

[38] Using Favonius will reduce Bennett's ATK buff, but he'll be able to generate energy a lot faster, as well
as provide energy to the rest of the team.

[39] No prototype grudge since it's hard to fully stack consistently.

[40] Cancelling the last auto is about the same DPS. Only really worth if you have c6 Fischl.
[41] Dragon's Bane gives more reaction damage, Prototype gives more recharge%, both are good.

Favonius is really useful if your team has low energy generation.

[42] His E is already long enough and you will need to spend time swapping to your other units to use their
skills. The autos are only worth if he's way stronger compared to the rest of the party, or has gladiators
(sub-optimal), or is c6.

[43] Fischl is a lot worse as a main dps compared to a support even at c6 and if you animation cancel.
Nothing in her kit or constellations makes her better for staying on the field.

If you have her at c6 maybe consider using her with main DPS xiang since she has higher AA DPS and can
proc the passive very fast.

[44] Favonius is good if you need energy

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