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Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Generic Traits of the Reptilian Races

Also Known As: Serpents
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations:
Favored Classes:
Magic & Technology
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Cordyen Racial Bonuses:

Also Known As: Chameleons Racial Weaknesses:
Appearance: Slim, agile, with bulged eyes turning in Settlements:
impossible angles, spikes along their spine and arms, and long Social Organization:
slim tongues, that is how Cordyen look, if you get to see them War & Weapons:
at all. Because the most disturbing thing about them is their
ability to perfectly blend with their environment, becoming
practically invisible.
Architecture: No matter where a Cordyen makes his
home, one thing is for certain, its ten times as difficult to spot
than most other dwellings in the Region. They also pick spots
with easy access so they can sneak in and out unseen without
much trouble.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Silent. Patient. Observing. Cordyen are
somehow passive, preferring to watch unseen while others act.
Whether they will do it to sell the information later, or simply
because they can, is a matter of choice. Extremely hard to
anger, once they do, they never forget, but slowly and patiently
work to see the offender ruined.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress: They usually wear no clothes or
jewelry unless they are on a social visit in a settlement.
Foreign Relations: Cordyen are not very social when
they are young. They shun away from crowds, though not too
far away, at a good watching distance, and you will rarely ever
see one with your very eyes. As they grow older, though, and
being passive observers grows harder, they tend to join
travelers or groups of adventurers, or even move into the big
Favored Classes:
Government: Cordyen have no strict hierarchy of their
own. What they do have, though, is a profound respect for each
other, to the point of total loyalty. Even the most degraded
Cordyen will never, never harm another, but rather protect him
with his life. In other societies, elder Cordyen are not rare to be
seen having posts in the guard, if anywhere.
Magic & Technology
Philosophy: Young Cordyen join Nature or Order
aligned orders, while older ones tend to go for Might or Chaos
ones. Life aligned orders are not usually among their choices
and some Cordyen choose not to join any order and instead go
Population: Cordyen reach up to 400 years, and age at
very slow rate. Strangely, with age their strength does not
diminish, but their passivity does, along with their merging
ability, until by the end of their lives they have lost both
completely. For that reason the ones that start their lives as
unseen observers, usually end them as fiery fighters.

Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Also Known As: Gorgons
Appearance: Looking like beautiful young women with
snakes instead of hair, from the waist up and having a snake's
tail from the waist down. With greenish skin and big green
eyes, Medusae can be quite attractive when in Human form.
Their Queens have different coloring and when in Human
form, are stunning.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Seductive, manipulative and cunning,
Medusae are hard to outsmart. They like to hunt, and love the
wilderness. If outwitted, they become vengeful and will stop at
nothing to get back at the guilty party, even if it takes more
than a few lifetimes.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: Medusae like their privacy and
rarely leave their lairs. When they do, its either to hunt, or to
find suitors for their Queen. This is the only way for them to
deal peacefully with the Eruhim, as they challenge them for
grounds with the help of those they ensnare.
Favored Classes:
Government: Medusae live in small groups ruled by a
Queen. The Queen is the wisest, strongest Medusa and the one
who is able to breed. Potential Queens are born with the mark
of the Drage, but thats all they get in terms of being treated
differently, after all they have to prove their worth.
Magic & Technology
Population: The average lifespan of a Medusa is 250
years, but their Queens live up to 300 years, Only a Medusa
Queen can breed, always in Human form, but all of them can
shapeshift. They age normally till they reach 23 then the aging
slows down.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Also Known As: Salamanders
Appearance: Narhloc are... ugly. They have rough
black skin with bright yellow spots, bulging eyes, webbed
fingers, short legs, and seem to have missed a few centuries of
evolution. They look as if to touch them is enough to kill you,
which is exactly the case, since their very skin secretes the
deadliest poison known.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Chaotic. Unruly. Destructive. Deadly.
Narhloc are all these and many more. They are always angry,
to the world in general, and always more than happy to force it
get the point. What they find especially amusing is to trick
somebody unaware of their poison into touching them, and
then watch him die in agony... Narhloc sense of humor
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress: They wear no clothes unless they
wish to protect those around them... which is rarely the case.
Foreign Relations: Narhloc are not simply antisocial.
They are destructive, egocentric, unruly. The good news is
they hate one another almost as much as they hate all others.
They don't need to gather. They don't need to mate. They
cannot stand any other living creature. Which doesn't mean
they shun away from settlements. Oh no. And that exactly is
the bad news
Favored Classes:
Government: Hierarchy? What? You must be mad, or
have a dead wish to try to talk of any hierarchy to Narhloc.
They despise it, condemn it, hate it. If they could, they would
ruin all the order in the world, and have it nice, egoistic and
chaotic. But, of course, they will deny it all, if the Keeper or
the Guardian is to ask, after all, they have no death wish as
Magic & Technology
Population: Narhloc are able to reach 150 years, but
that is something very few do. In fact, most of them die up to
50 years old, from natural causes as being smashed, impaled,
cut into pieces and so on. The very few that do survive longer
grow physically weaker, but at the same time develop an
uncanny slyness that makes them rivals to be feared indeed.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Also Known As: Serpents
Appearance: Their appearance varies from a standard
humanoid figure with tail, serpent head and reptile skin, to a
half reptilian half humanoid figure with snake tail from the
waist down. Certainly the most variable of their Species.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Vicious, relentless and ssssilent. The
Rhavan'lahg are sadists and enjoy to torture those they capture.
Most of them are warriors and seek for an opportunity to hone
their skills.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: Living in isolated cities deep in the
lush jungles of the outer islands, the Rhavan'lahg's only contact
with other races is when they capture them for sacrificial
purposes. Some work as infiltrators in the mixed cities, posing
as Humans, as they can shapeshift if needed.
Favored Classes:
Government: Ruled by the clan of Scaledancers, the
Rhavan'lahg are rather religious. The clan members are able to
perform all the rituals and have privileges others can only
dream about. Clan members are born with strange markings on
their scaled hides.
Magic & Technology
Population: From the moment they hatch, to the day of
their death, somewhere over 150, these Reptilians age
normally, with their occasional skin change. Old Rhavan'lahg
have brownish skins and spikes coming out of their spines. As
they age, they lose their ability to shapeshift.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Reptilians

Also Known As: Weird Ones
Appearance: The Ullondi have no hair and their skin is
almost like a reptile's. They have strange markings on their
back that fade to their forearms. Seemingly genderless, they
have gentle features and slender bodies.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: What really sets the Ullondi apart is that
they will never say or do what is expected. Only those who
know their customs can have a reasonable conversation with
them as all others will just try to avoid the mind trap. The
Ullondi themselves are aware of this however and some claim
they rather enjoy it.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress: They usually wear heavy robes and
care little for shoes.
Foreign Relations: Because of their customs, Ullondi
have a hard time making friends. That said, they are very social
and can be seen in all the major cities. They are sought after
for their insight but most get disappointed by their confusing
manners. They have friends and enemies in equal numbers and
all because of the way they act.
Favored Classes:
Government: Lacking any form of hierarchy, they care
little for all sorts of authority but will not openly go against the
set rules of the society they are in. All Ullondi are equal and
when two or more meet, its the older that has to show respect
to the younger, unlike what one might expect.
Magic & Technology
Population: An Ullond can reach the age of 300. As
they age the markings on their skin become embossed and in
extreme cases, they have spikes coming out of their backs.
Unfortunately, as they grow older they lose their sanity and
become aggressive.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

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