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International Leadership and Managing
Table of Contents
In this increasingly global and interconnected world, discuss the kind of leader that I would like
to be.................................................................................................................................................3

Autocratic leadership...................................................................................................................3

Democratic leadership.................................................................................................................3

Delegative leadership...................................................................................................................4

Visionary leadership....................................................................................................................4

Coaching leadership.....................................................................................................................5

Commanding leadership..............................................................................................................5

Affiliative leadership...................................................................................................................5

Transformational leadership........................................................................................................6

Transitional leadership.................................................................................................................6

What type of leadership I would like to choose?.............................................................................7

Considering the situation what have I chosen.............................................................................7

Reason for excluding other leadership styles..............................................................................7

Why did I choose the democratic, affiliative, and visionary leadership approach?........................9

Why chose democratic leadership?.............................................................................................9

Reason for choosing visionary leadership.................................................................................10

Purpose of choosing affiliative leadership.................................................................................10

In this increasingly global and interconnected world, discuss the kind of
leader that I would like to be.
Leadership is similar to the management process. But the effect is very different from each other.
Leadership is not bound by any rules and regulations that could explain the parameters to
become a good leader (Soundaian, 2019). What do Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Lowe's
CEO Marvin Ellison have in common? They are both outstanding leaders. While one is making
waves in the IT world, the other is taking on the retail problem. These are both forward-thinking,
have ambitions for their profession, and can hold an audience's attention. There is no such thing
as a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership (T. Bauer, 2021). Every leader has a unique
personality and background that informs their leadership style. This style may change with time,
therefore the leader I am now may not be the same as the leader I want to be.

There are many types of leadership and all the leadership styles are different by characteristics.
So I can choose from various leadership approaches and even pick multiple approaches based on
the necessity of my responsibility.

Autocratic leadership
For an autocratic leader, leaders have obvious command and influence over their followers in an
authoritarian system. The decision-making process is centralized, which means that the crucial
choices are made by one person. An authoritarian leader sees the broad picture but only includes
the rest of the team when required (Mathur, D., 2021b). If I become an autocratic leader, I will
place a higher value on my learning than the teams. When there is a debate inside the
organization, my point of view is usually correct. We won't be able to complete the task when
several people are speaking. On a task that I'm responsible for, I disregard others who have
alternative viewpoints.

Democratic leadership
Being a democratic leader vs being an authoritarian leader is a very different experience. The
views of others are always given precedence by a democratic leader. Even if the leader has
exclusive authority to make decisions, they prefer teamwork in the decision-making process.
They consider themselves to be a valuable member of the group and like to collaborate with
others. Rather than focusing on individual abilities, they concentrate on the development of their
team. Because, in the end, team development will assist the group in achieving its ultimate aim
(Northouse, P. G., 2021). If I become a democratic leader then it will help me in my position if I
emphasize the team's learning. When there are internal differences, we should listen to
everyone's point of view before coming to a decision. The greater the number of individuals
working, the merrier. Someone with alternative opinions is welcome since it will improve the
final result.
Delegative leadership
The group receives relatively little direction from delegative leaders. These leaders provide total
decision-making autonomy to members of the team. Delegative leaders set themselves apart
from the rest of the group by refusing to engage in or disrupt a project's existing path. They don't
make a lot of remarks (F., 2018). Through the time they complete the assignment, team members
may forget how this leader looked like. The group may do what they want, but I'm expecting a
fantastic final result if I become a delegative leader. Others in the firm may make decisions
without consulting me when there is a dispute. I'll make sure that my team has all of the
necessary resources. Following that, I'm looking for self-starters who can make decisions on
their own. Individuals with conflicting viewpoints might test their strategies.

Visionary leadership
Another type of leadership is the visionary leadership style. The forceful leadership style of
Lewin is akin to visionary leadership (Statusarticles, 2020). Visionary leaders can encourage and
encourage people by having clear, long-term visions. When there is a significant shift in the firm
or a sense of direction is required, this sort of leadership is most effective (Tromp, M., 2021).
People are seeking for whom they can entrust to accompany them into the unfamiliar in this
scenario. When other teammates are specialists with different views or viewpoints than the boss,
it is less effective. These teammates are unlikely to mindlessly follow orders with whom they
disagree. If I become such a leader, I can motivate the team members who are feeling
discouraged to work. I can ensure the dedication of the group members. So, the tasks may be
completed fluently. But the assurance of the output cannot be provided. Because everyone has
different mental strengths and mentality. And one leader may not support all types of the
mentality of the teammates.
Coaching leadership
Coaching is another leadership style. A coaching leader can see the skills and flaws of others on
the team and help them grow. They may also link these abilities to the company's objectives.
When a leader is innovative, eager to engage, and able to provide real feedback, coaching
leadership is effective. It's also crucial that perhaps the coach understands when and where to
step away and hand over control to the individual (Lindberg, C., 2021). You recognize coaching
might not be for everyone once you've had a lousy coach. Coaching leaders may be misconstrued
as micromanagement when done incorrectly. If I become a coaching leader then I will expect to
work with the new workers. Because they need the coaching mostly. They will learn with proper
engagement and they need to be observed continuously. Leaders will have to learn the limits of
the employees so that the work pressure doesn't overwhelm their abilities.

Commanding leadership
Leadership that commands is similar to leadership that is authoritative or oppressive. The leader
throughout this approach communicates clear objectives to the workforce and expects everyone
else to follow the lead. To provide structure, they established processes and policies
(Commanding Leadership, 2020). Since other members of the team lack the necessary abilities
or experience, commanding leadership is utilized. The participants in this situation need
discipline in motivating employees to perform. It also works well in circumstances when there
isn't enough time to talk. If employed at all, this type of leadership must be combined with
others. That is why I would like to build such a leadership style to maintain the goal of the

Affiliative leadership
Affiliate leadership places a high value on connections. The purpose of an affiliated leader is to
unite people. This dynamic leader must work the way out to improve and develop relationships
inside the company, culminating in a far more cooperative and enjoyable workplace (Mathur, D.,
2021). Such a leader is great for building a group or coping with a crisis since both of these
circumstances need trust. When a leader is overly focused on becoming a companion and not
enough focused on improving business goals, this type of leader could be troublesome. Because
connections are important for reaching business goals but may not be directly related. So, the
purpose of the leadership will not align with the goal of the business and ultimately fail the
business purpose. This is not a particular leadership style to rely upon solely. But it is an
important leadership style to build a stable culture for the organization.

There are two more significant leadership styles: transactional and transformational leadership.
Both of these styles were described by Bernard M. Bass, an American psychologist with a focus
on organizational behavior and leadership. Anyone should have probably seen them about the
workplace, even if they don't remember them by name.
Transformational leadership
Bernard M. Bass's most famous theory, transformational leadership, is often referred to as the
four I's. In 1978, James MacGregor Burns stated, "Leaders and followers assist each other in
advancing a greater degree of morale and motivation." When leaders use this type of leadership,
they successfully acquire the confidence and respect of people who desire to follow them
(Cherry, K., 2020). The four I's of transformational leadership are personalized attention,
intellectual stimulation, and inspiring motivation. These four I's have been used to evaluate a
leader's capacity to change others.

Transitional leadership
The phrase "transactional leadership" was coined by sociologist Max Weber for the first time.
Bernard M. Bass built on it in contrast to transformative leadership. To inspire teammates,
transactional leadership employs incentives and sanctions. This sort of leader feels that having a
clear line of command can boost productivity. Teammates must follow orders, and the boss
monitors them closely.
What type of leadership I would like to choose?
Considering the situation what have I chosen
Considering different situations all leadership approaches are appropriate and effective for the
business. Here the situation is aligned with cross-culture. I would like to choose the democratic
leadership style along with visionary and affiliative leadership skills to support the leadership
purpose (Editor in Chief., 2019). Because I think this leadership approach altogether is necessary
from the cross-cultural leadership approach. Cross-culture refers to the disparities that exist
between businesspeople from various countries and backgrounds. Since they are from different
cultures, their way of thinking, delivering capability, communication, skills, and knowledge may
vary from each other. For a manager, this becomes a crucial barrier that can decrease the work
output (Management Association, Information Reso., 2016). But proper leadership approaches
can increase performance and get rid of the barriers of cross-culture in the workplace. Leadership
approaches that focus on the individual goal and hardly be collaborative with the teammates are
not so much suitable for such situations. That may rather increase conflict and
miscommunication among the teammates. So, the leadership approach should be more focused
on developing and maintaining a cooperative culture among the teammates for successful task
Reason for excluding other leadership styles
The leadership styles excluded from my preference do not need to fail. But their chances of
decrease in effectiveness are greater than the others. So, apart from those approaches, I get
democratic leadership, delegation leadership, visionary leadership, affiliative leadership, and
transformational leadership. Transitional leadership is a universal leadership approach for any
type of situation to motivate the employees toward the work through appreciating their effort in a
manner. It is a very common practice for all types of organizations (Cherry, K., 2020). Apart
from that coaching leadership is focused on individual development. it also does not help
particularly with the context of cross-culture. And delegative and autocratic leadership
approaches are not suitable for the situation of cross-culture (knowledge insead., 2013). Because
they ignore the barriers of cross-culture. Autocratic leadership decides on its own accord and
does not consider the opinion of others. So, teammates who can’t cope with the situation or
culture may feel left behind and cannot perform effectively for the task. It will decrease the
performance of the whole team. And it is most effective for the high-level management who has
to make the most crucial and conservative decisions for the company. And the delegative
leadership does not interfere with the decision-making and lets the team make the decision. In
this case, the leader is not concerned with the cross-culture barrier. And it will decrease the
effectiveness of the employees.
Why did I choose the democratic, affiliative, and visionary leadership
Why chose democratic leadership?
Democratic leadership is the most effective leadership approach for this situation. where the
leader is concerned about the teammates. The leader will consider the opinion of all the
teammates before making the decision and the leader has the full authority to ignore their
opinion when necessary (Editor in Chief., 2019). So, it offers flexibility for the unexpected
situations formed by the barriers of the cross-culture situation. some of the common barriers are
gender discrimination, partiality and bias decision making, the practice of racism,
communication barriers, etc. And these barriers are a major problem for any type of task and
work culture. Because such practices are unethical, illegal in many cases, and are not appreciated
by society. The work culture should be supportive toward cross-culture situations. So that
teammates from different cultures feel easy to adjust with the culture. And to that, the leader has
to ensure a friendly and flexible work culture in the company. Democratic leadership is helpful
to achieve such a work culture (Way2Benefits, 2020). Because the leader can analyze the
opinions of all the teammates. If anyone is uncomfortable, they can easily share the hardship
with the leader in this case. So, the leader has the opportunity to take the necessary steps to solve
the issue. The sooner the problems are solved, the faster the performance increases. Once the
culture is stable for all the teammates where everyone can perform comfortably and effectively,
the leader just has to maintain the culture.

There are many leadership traits and skills necessary to handle cross-culture situations. Such as-

 Business Intelligence
 Interpersonal Communication Skills
 Courage
 Commitment
 Dealing with cross-cultural challenges should be simple.
 The outgoing personality
 Flexibility
 Drive Language Capabilities
 Taking intellect and knowledge into consideration
 Taking a Multicultural Approach
 Cultural Intelligence
 Schema for Cross-Cultural Communication
 Cognitive Complicatedness

These are mostly necessary skills for a democratic leader (Team, A. T. T., 2021). And that is also
a reason why I think democratic leadership would be more effective for the situation of cross-

Reason for choosing visionary leadership

For this case of visionary leadership approach. It helps to motivate the teammates to work. It is a
supportive skill to keep the teammates who are feeling down and out of the league from the
team. They are easy to quit and their quitting will cause a large problem for the team because the
team then either would have to work for one hand short or get a replacement (Lindberg, 2021).
Either way, it will require more time to complete the task. But it is faster for the leader to
motivate the teammate back in the team again. It is also effective for a supportive role to boost
the performance of the whole team which is a bonus skill to have (Jeffrey S., 2019). Motivation
is very important for the team because mental support can break the barriers of cross-culture and
make the team perform efficiently. Motivation is most effective when the teammates have a
different purpose than the task for the team. The leader can align the purpose of that teammate
with the purpose of the team's objectives. Though it is a long-term approach in situations like
cross-culture, I think it can provide some effective solutions.

Purpose of choosing affiliative leadership

Lastly, affiliative leadership is necessary to build up communication among the teammates.
Communication does not necessarily indicate toward the language only. There can be situations
where the teammates are uncomfortable approaching or expressing their thoughts (Calvello,
2021). Good communication can clear confusion and bring out many new ideas from the
teammates. And for effective democratic leadership, communication is a mandatory aspect. So, a
leader has to ensure effective and open communication for all the teammates. They should not
feel suppressed and uneasy to communicate when it is necessary (Dobrik J.,2021). Otherwise,
that teammate will make more errors compared to the others, since there is a chance of such
teammates not clearing their doubts because of lacking proper communication with others. And
the leader himself can supervise the performance of all the teammates while practicing this
leadership skill. So, the leader has the access to all the situations and events taking place in the
team. This helps the leader to identify the teammates with problems.

And that is why I have picked all these leadership styles for the cross-culture situation. No
approach is effective for the situation alone. But the situation can be managed effectively by
combining different leadership approaches. It helps the leader to practice all necessary skills to
manage the problems faced by cross-culture situations.
Management Association, Information Reso. (2016). Leadership and Personnel Management:
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 1. Business Science Reference.

Soundaian, S. (2019). Principles of management. MJP Publisher.

Bauer, T. (2019). Principles of management (4th ed.). FlatWorld.

Cherry, K. (2020, March 5). How Do Transformational Leaders Inspire and Motivate Followers?
Verywell Mind.
2795313Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and Practice (9 th ed). SAGE Publications,

Commanding Leadership. (2020, January 23). What is Commanding Leadership?

Dobrik, J. (2021, November 11). Affiliative Leadership- What is it? Pros/Cons? Examples?

Editor in Chief. (2019, May 20). 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership
Style. ConnectUS.

F. (2018, August 27). Delegative Leadership Style Advantages, Disadvantages and

Characteristics. FutureofWorking.Com.

Jeffrey, S. (2019, September 20). 10 Attributes of Visionary Leadership (and How to Embody
Them). Scott Jeffrey.

knowledge insead. (2013, November 21). How Different Cultures Perceive Effective Leadership.
INSEAD Knowledge.
Lindberg, C. (2021, November 20). Coaching Leadership - What is it? Pros/Cons? Examples?
Leadership Ahoy!

Mathur, D. (2021a, November 22). Affiliative Leadership Style: Definition & Example.

Mathur, D. (2021b, December 4). Autocratic Leadership Advantages And Disadvantages.


Team, A. T. T. (2021, August 3). Managing a Cross-Cultural Team? Here Are 10 Strategies To
Do It Effectively! All Things Talent.

Tromp, M. (2021, December 27). What is Visionary Leadership and Who is a Visionary Leader?
The Black Sheep Community.

Calvello, M. (2021, August 23). Affiliative Leadership: Characteristics Every Manager Needs to
Master. Fellow.App.

Lindberg, C. (2021a, September 15). The Importance of Visionary Leadership and why we need
it. Leadership Ahoy!

Way2Benefits. (2020, June 4). What are the benefits of democratic leadership?

What Is Visionary Leadership? 7 Traits of a Visionary Leader. (2020, January 29). Status

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