Static Electricity and Balloon-3

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Prepared by:Belan Pshtiwan -Sawsan Rostam-Paiam Nahro

Supervised By: Dr.Idrid M. Taher

Experiment is static electricity and the balloon

What is static electricity ?

It is the branch that deals with the phenomenon of electrostatic attraction.Static electricity
arises from the accumulation or absence of electrons in an area.

Necessary materials :

● A balloon.

● Piece of paper.

● A wool cloth.

How to make this experiment?

1.inflate the balloon.

2.Rub it with a piece of paper.

3.Move it closer to the wool cloth.

4.After the balloon was charged!If you watch closer,you will notice that they actually fly
toward it.

How does it work?

Everything is made out of atoms.These atoms that are charged with electricity are made out
of a nucleus and electrons that surround it.The nucleus needs a certain number of electrons
to be electrically stable.
However,when you rub the balloon,you take electrons away from the atoms.The balance is
lost,and the nucleus tries to take electrons back.actually,it will even try to take the table
electrons but it is too heavy.

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