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Subject: Economics Topic: Market failure and government intervention Year Group: 12

Market failure
What is When the free market fails to
market allocate resources in the most
failure? efficient manner possible. This
leads to either over
production/consumption or under

Causes of market failure

Public goods Goods which are non-rival and non-
excludable e.g. police, national
defence Diagram of Positive Externality (consumption) Diagram of Positive Externality (production)

Merit goods People underestimate the benefits

of the good and under consume With positive externalities, the benefit to society is greater than your personal
them e.g. education benefit.
1 Positive externalities Consumption or production that
Therefore with a positive externality the Social Benefit > Private Benefit
has positive impacts on innocent
Demerit People underestimate the costs of Remember Social Benefit = private benefit + external benefit.
third parties (these should be
goods the good and over consume them encouraged)
e.g. smoking With negative externalities, the cost to society is greater than your personal cost.
Therefore with a positive externality the Social cost > Private cost 2 Negative externalities Consumption or production that
Remember Social cost = private cost + external cost. has a negative impact on
innocent third parties (these
Examples of negative externalities of Examples of negative externalities of should be discouraged)
consumption of tobacco (smoking) production (chemical factory)
3 Private costs + The total cost to society (private
Huge cost to the taxpayer who pays for the NHS Damage to local air quality external costs = Social costs and negative externalities)
costs from the production or
Litter and clogged drains that councils have to pay to Locals have to put up with noise and congestion from consumption of goods
clean up the factory
4 Private benefits + The total benefits to society from
Health cost to 3rd parties who have to inhale Local house prices may go down as area becomes external benefits = the production or consumption
secondary smoke less desirable due to the factory social benefits of goods

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