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Help Others: Oral Comprehension

Name: Benjamin Jose Alcequiez Teacher: Xavier Alcantara
Grade: 6to A DAAI Subject: English

1- Escribir 2 oraciones con "should have" y 2 oraciones con

"shouldn't have" expresando que Jack debió o no debió haber hecho
(4 oraciones en total). (4pts cada oración)
-Should Have-
A) Jack should have helped his friends.
B) Jack should have worked like the others and not be wasting time.

-Shouldn't Have-
A) Jack shouldn't have been playing in the water.
B) Jack shouldn't have treated his friends badly.

2- Escriba una oración usando "used to" comparando como era Jack
al inicio de la historia VS al final. (4pts)
Jack use to be selfish and think only of himself, ignoring his friends when
they asked him for help, but now he always helps his friends, he is more
friendly, and everyone loves him.

3- Exprese en un párrafo de dos o tres líneas que aprendizaje nos

deja el video. (5 pts).
I learned that we should help others and not just think about our needs
because there will come a time when we have a problem, and we need
the help of others, and they will surely be there to help us.

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