The Philosophy of Becoming High Value

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The Philosophy of becoming high value.

I termed this thread on twitter How to raise a son to become a high

value man although much of what it describes is meant for the reader.
The reason for the title was because the process of becoming high
value is a journey. A chronological journey that encompasses several
conjoining aspects that all make up the term high valued. These
aspects stem from deep philosophical values that evoke
transformational change when applied. And so, a son depicts an ideal
symbolic representation of a being, going through this change to
become high value. This article explains the roots required to develop
into a man of high value. It goes beyond the superficial habits traits
(which will be covered in another article). I would teach him the
fundamentals of hierarchical values. Hierarchical values is a
Nietzschean idea that’s not well understood. When someone
possesses hierarchical values, they orient themselves in a very
particular way in terms of how one should act. They know that their
time, attention resources need to be prioritized. They also understand
that knowing priorities is not enough, and that steps must be actively
taken to favor certain values over others. The rationale behind
orientating yourself in a way that adheres to hierarchical values is that
it puts you on a path of least resistance to attain what you sought out
to be the apex value. High value men are orientated in life. They have
an internal compass that tells them the path they must take the
sacrifices they must make. The more you prioritize the pursuit of your
apex value, the more time attention is drawn to it, the more sacrifices
you forgo as a cost to attain this value. What’s essential here is what
your apex value entails to be. What could be worth pursuing, that it
motivates you enough to sacrifice everything else in order to attain it?
I would get him to aim for an apex value that's life furthering;
Abundance. For a man, every value discovered on this earth suffers in
comparison to abundance. This is because a man provides. That’s
just what he does. You need set aside the tragic stories you hear of
men providing and getting nothing in return other than an alimony
against their name. WHO they provide for is a separate discussion
altogether. But WHAT they should do, at a deep philosophical level, is
find what it means to become a man. And this is found in their
capacity to provide. It’s a little known fact that the obstacles faced in
life at the pursuit of abundance, forces men to develop qualities to
overcome them. It’s also these qualities that make men become high
value. Abundance should be your apex value, and your orientation in
life should be based on the strengths of your traits that will eventually
expose pathways for you to attain this apex value. This also means
you need to prepare yourself to sacrifice other values that may come
in various forms of temptation, fun and enjoyment. At times it would
mean saying no to yourself, and other times it would mean saying no
to others. I would teach him to become disagreeable, so he doesn't
become a victim of oppression. If you’re a man that knows his apex
value, and is self-determined enough to achieve it, saying no is no
longer an act of refusal. Its preservation of your energy to allocate it
towards what you value most, your apex value. There’s no use in
becoming disagreeable, if you don’t know why you’re disagreeing. And
if you don’t know why you’re disagreeing, that means you have
nothing to stand up for. And if you aimlessly don’t know what you want
out of life to stand up for it, then someone will exploit you as a
resource to get what they want out of theirs. That is oppression. Fact
is, if you look around you, a lot of people lack an apex value. Or at
least, they take no steps to attain it. They are a slave to oppression,
they go where the wind takes them, incapable of saying no, incapable
of standing up for something. Unless you know what you want, you
are better off making someone else’s dream come true.
Disagreeableness is reserved for men who know what they want, and
they are prepared to protect it by refusing to become oppressed or
exploited. Those who know what they want, become disagreeable,
and that makes them work for what they want. I would make him
competent and would tell him to work for everything he wants.
Steering him clear of any inheritance force him to uptake
responsibility. Its very common to see men now employ every tactic to
get what they want, ASIDE from actually working for it. This is the new
age. The media have us believe that success can really come
overnight and that entrepreneurs can become millionaires without ever
working. We love the success and the glimmer. But hate the work and
suffering. And so, a side effect of this, is that most of us want to get
there sooner, and that means taking any available shortcut. EVERY
TIME you get something without working for it, it feeds the personality
inside you that enjoys complacency, expediency, and resentment.
Being rewarded for no work is the fastest way to erode every quality a
man possesses. And when the rewards stop, you will be left with envy,
hate and resentment over why you are no longer deserving. But truth
is, you never were deserving. You allowed your consumption to
outpace your production, because the temptation of getting rewards
for no work indulged you, and disrupted your perception of earning
what you want to be no longer desirable. Never accept anything for
free. It erodes the quality that makes you high value. It takes away
your capacity to provide by making you seek rewards for no exchange
in value. I would teach him to pursue women on the basis of his
second apex value: Establishing a family, rather than pursuing them to
fulfill his lustful desires. Theres several parts to this statement. First, it
is obvious that without an apex value, it’s very easy for a man to allow
his multiple personalities to take a stronghold and seek their own
desires. In the absence of an apex value, a man will seek several
values that emerge as a consequence of his urges (driven by those
personalities). One of the strongest urges for men is lust. Their ability
to suppress it is determined whether its pursuit would directly conflict
with their apex value or not. It seems evident to me that if a man does
truly seek an apex value of abundance, women are nothing but a
distraction to him. This brings us to the other part of this statement;
basis of his SECOND apex value. If women are a distraction to a man
who seeks abundance, then it would make sense for the man to
suppress his lust for women as a sacrifice to attain his apex value. But
what if not all women were a distraction? What if some women could
help you propel further towards abundance? These questions raise
another; if these kind of women exist, how would they manifest
themselves? What values would they uphold? These questions help
discover one thing; how a man should develop sexual experience,
without such experience conflicting directly with his apex value. This
would mean that his experience should be a by-product of strictly
pursuing women with a potential to become life partners. This path
prevents him from sacrificing his own values for lust. It is this quality
that sets him apart in becoming high value; his ability to do, but
choosing not to for the sake of upholding his values. Id teach him that
the best men occupy the paradox. You may be familiar with the
paradox term I often tweet about. It’s a phenomena that explains a
certain being, characterized by having the unrestricted ability to
commit any action, good or bad, at full capacity, yet choosing to do
good instead. Good and bad are fairly subjective, but the essence of
the paradox remains. And this phenomena can be narrowed down to a
trait itself, for one to be able to exercise and attain. The term occupy
theparadoxd, literally means (but not limited to); become a man who
has the capacity to become ruthless, yet gentle, predatory, but
protective. It’s also these paradoxical men that end up being the
saviors of society, who can face and confront evil and deliver good.
Occupying the paradox is a test to a man’s integrity when he finally
attains his apex value of abundance. It’s a test of his ability in not
needing to necessarily act when he has the option to do so. It’s a test
of his character to not fade away in the presence of all the riches
provided by the attainment of his apex value. He inherently knows;
Men provide. And if that means to sacrifice himself just to see those
he loves flourish, then that is what he will do. Have a read of this
ARTICLE relevant to this topic.UM's ModelFind your apex value; A
value that should come in the form of abundance. Do this by
understanding your temperament and your personality. Find your
strengths and weaknesses, then capitalize on productive work that fits
your strengths. This will expose the pathway that you should be on to
seek abundance (I will write an article on this for it requires great
length in detail).If you find the path that aligns with your strength and
temperament, and one which that can lead you to abundance, you will
have found what you are passionate about. This passion will manifest
as a desire to seek out your apex value, in which you will sacrifice
other forms of pursuits in order to attain it. If you don't pay the price to
sacrifice other values that take up your time and effort, then you are
not passionate about your apex value. Disagreeableness is a side
effect of deeply wanting to attain your apex value. You are more likely
to become oppressed and get taken advantage of when you don't
know what you want. So point 3 ties heavily to point 1 and 2. No point
becoming disagreeable, unless you know what you want, and become
disagreeable as an act to protect it. Seeking out women according to
life-furthering values is too complex to fit a model, and will require an
article on its own. But you should get in the habit of observing
women's qualities before being with them, and become more
intolerant select based on values that reflect yours; establish a family
help you propel towards your apex value that will allow your family to
flourish. Last point; never accept anything that is given for free. Ever.
Unmodern Men.

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