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Teaching Verb

Middle School
Writing Connection

Moods in Verbs
The are four basic verb moods to identify and use in grammar.

Indicative: “The rain is pouring.” The indicative mood states a fact of

some sort, describes, or gives details.

Imperative: “Take your seat.” The subject is not directly in the sentence.
It is “understood”. Imperative mood is a command.

Interrogative: “Will you take Julia to the dance?” Interrogative mood is a

question or request.

Subjunctive: “If I were you, I would tell the truth.” The subjunctive
mood uses the form of the verb be. The subjunctive mood of the verb to
be is be in present tense and were in the past tense NO MATTER what the
subject is.
I wish he were able to win the contest.
I wish that I were able to win the contest.

NOTE: The subjunctive mood is NOT factual. It IS wishes, possibilities,

doubts, or suggestions.

 The conditional mood indicates a conditional state that

will cause or might cause something else to happen.

 "The coffee could stain the fabric if it is not cleaned


 The conditional is marked by the words such as might,

could, would, might, or must.

 Frequently, a phrase in the conditional appears closely

linked to a phrase in the subjunctive preceded by a
subordinate conjunction like if.

 “If she were to crash the car, her parents would not
repair it.”

 This sentence is subjunctive mood in the dependent

clause (if she were…) and conditional mood in the
independent clause (her would parents would…).
What is the difference between subjunctive and
conditional mood?
The subjunctive mood includes statements of emotion,
wishing, requests, or uncertainty.

 I wish she were here.

 My request is that you be on time.

The conditional mood involves statements in which the

results depend on a given situation or condition.

 If you don’t mow the lawn, it will become full of weeds.

 When you exercise, you may lose weight.

“This is a fairly complex topic and even the

experts disagree on the nuances.” Greg

Therefore, some sentences have a mix of subjunctive mood in the

dependent clause and a conditional mood in the independent clause (it is a
mixed mood).

If were to speak French, my trip to Paris would be more enjoyable.

Identify which sentence is subjunctive mood or conditional mood.
Label “S” or “C”.

1. If Marie goes to the movies, she will buy popcorn.

2. If the temperature stays below 32 degrees long enough, the pond will

3. When he sleeps a full eight hours, he has more energy.

4. If he were at school, he must have seen the food-fight.

5. Whenever it rains, our roof leaks.

6. If Joe studies, he will pass the exam.

7. If Mara fails the exam, she still might pass the class.

8. If the team wins the next game, they should make the playoffs.

9. If I knew the secret, I would certainly tell you.

10. If I were you, I would not leave now.

11. If Sara had enough cash, she would buy the dress.

12. If I were to eat too much, I might gain weight.

13. When I earn enough money, I will visit Paris.

14. Whenever she has extra money, she will spend it.

15. If the weather clears, we may go to the coast.

Identify which sentence is subjunctive mood or conditional mood. Label “S” or
“C”. Answer Key

1. If Marie goes to the movies, she will buy popcorn. C

2. If the temperature stays below 32 degrees long enough, the pond will
freeze. C

3. When he sleeps a full eight hours, he has more energy. C

4. If he were at school, he must have seen the food-fight. S

5. Whenever it rains, our roof leaks. C

6. If Joe studies, he will pass the exam. C

7. If Mara fails the exam, she still might pass the class. S

8. If the team wins the next game, they should make the playoffs. S

9. If I knew the secret, I would certainly tell you. S

10. If I were you, I would not leave now. S

11. If Sara had enough cash, she would buy the dress. C

12. If I were to eat too much, I might gain weight. S

13. When I earn enough money, I will visit Paris. C

14. Whenever she has extra money, she will spend it. C

15. If the weather clears, we may go to the coast. S

Incorrect and Correct Uses of the Subjunctive Mood

Incorrect: If I was smart, I’d study for the test.

Correct: If I were smart, I’d study for the test.

Incorrect: Julia wishes Joe was able to drive her to the dance.
Correct: Julia wishes Joe were able to drive her to the dance.

Incorrect: My request is that my policy is followed.

Correct: My request is that my policy be followed.

Incorrect: Mrs. Jones demanded that every student follows the rules.
Correct: Mrs. Jones demanded that every student follow the rules.

Writing Connection

Create four more correct examples to match those above.

Identify the mood of each verb in the following sentences: Indicative, imperative,
interrogative, conditional, or subjunctive

1. The traffic races along the interstate. ______________

2. Molly completed the project early. ______________
3. She informed me that her job was finished. ______________
4. Sit down. ______________
5. I finished my homework early. ______________
6. Matthew wished he had passed the test. ______________
7. Will the pizza be delivered soon? ______________
8. If I were to choose, I’d choose to leave. ______________
9. Dana will have plenty of help. ______________
10. Do not tease the baby. ______________
11. The car alarm has been sounding all day. ______________
12. Katy takes great pride in her job. ______________
13. The baby will cry if you wake her. ______________
14. May I borrow your car? ______________
15. Take out your textbook. ______________
16. Button your lip! ______________
17. Summer heat makes the beach appealing. ______________
18. The police recommended all drivers be rerouted. ______________
19. If only the orange were ripe! ______________
20. The garden was ready to harvest. ______________
Answer Key

1. indicative
2. indicative
3. indicative
4. imperative
5. indicative
6. indicative
7. interrogative
8. conditional
9. indicative
10. imperative
11. indicative
12. indicative
13. conditional
14. interrogative
15. imperative
16. imperative
17. indicative
18. subjunctive
19. subjunctive
20. indicative
Subjunctive Mood in the Real World?

The following page is a collection of sentences in subjunctive

mood that were collected and posted at the URL address
located at the bottom of the page.

Students will find it interesting to see the “real world”

usage of the subjunctive mood.

I would have students underline the subject and circle the

verb to the see the subjunctive mood clearly.
“The Banks of the Lethe” (US television) (2000-11-20)
From the series “Andromeda”, episode #108
– If it were, then you wouldn't be the man I feel in love with.

– I wish it were enough.

Sign in the inaugural procession for George Walker Bush (2001-01-20)
Lord help us.
Roberts (US television) (2001-01-21)

Underline the subject and circle the subjunctive verb

Robert Ray, on This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie
I did not dictate to the President how he go about ...
Show with Jay Leno (2001-01-23)
Conan O'Brien, Tonight
important to my mother that we be thought of as classic, “lace-curtain” Irish.
Growing up, my mother was so concerned that we not be brought up as “cheap” Irish. It was so

in each of the following sentences.

“Attonbitus Deus”, BugTraq (2001-01-30)
me, anyway) which mandates that I consume a morsel of crow.
from MS regarding the best practices of EFS use, I have come across some new information (to
After vehemently defending the procedures outlined in the many articles, KB's, and publications
CBS Sunday Morning (US television) (2001-02-11)
Harris was determined that the film be authentic.

I wish it were summer. Subject line, email spam (2004-01-04)

If only the weather were this reliable.
Walgreens advertisement (US television) (2001-02-17)

From the movie, Lorna Doone (2000) (A&E, US television) (2001-03-

If you weren't a Doone, I could almost like you.

If it were not for the pleadings of my granddaughter, you would be dead already.
It's important that our Judiciary be full. George W. Bush, President of the U.S. (2002-05-09)
The News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tennessee) (2001-03-21)
Ed Marcum,
It seemed fated that the project take its name from the Scripture celebrating renewal.
Conversation (2001-04-03)
It's not really vital he be involved in this call.

The ultimate goal of the Arabs is that the distinction be made ...News, National Public Radio (USA)

The ultimate goal of the Arabs is that the distinction be made ...
News, National Public Radio (USA) (2001-01-

55245-092-9, p. 30.
Christian Bök (2001). Eunoia, ISBN 1-
that can scar a man's scalp and gall a man's glans: scratch, scratch).
Hassan asks that a shaman abstract a talc cataplasm that can thwart a blatant rash (raw scars

It's not really vital he be involved in this call.

George W. Bush, President of the U.S. (2002-05-09)
It's important that our Judiciary be full.
Subject line, email spam (2004-01-04)
Conversation (2001-04-03)
I wish it were summer.

Circle the subunctive verb in each of the following.

It seemed fated that the project take its name from the Scripture celebrating renewal. Ed
Marcum, The News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tennessee) (2001-03-21)

If it were not for the pleadings of my granddaughter, you would be dead already.

If you weren't a Doone, I could almost like you. From the movie, Lorna Doone (2000) (A&E, US
television) (2001-03-11)

If only the weather were this reliable. Walgreens advertisement (US television) (2001-02-17)

Harris was determined that the film be authentic. CBS Sunday Morning (US television) (2001-02-11)

Growing up, my mother was so concerned that we not be brought up as “cheap” Irish. It
was so important to my mother that we be thought of as classic, “lace-curtain” Irish. Conan
O'Brien, Tonight Show with Jay Leno (2001-01-23)

I did not dictate to the President how he go about ... Robert Ray, on This Week with Sam Donaldson
and Cokie Roberts (US television) (2001-01-21)
Specific examples in different media of subjunctive form found at

Advertisement (1930s)

Lord help us. Sign in the inaugural procession for George Walker Bush (2001-01-20)
everyone would be in love with me.

'Cause if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener,

That is what I'd really like to be.

The Gore campaign is eager that their candidate step out of the shadows. Anthony Brooks
I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener.
From the movie, Highway 9
(correspondent), All Things Considered, National Public Radio (USA) (2000-08-15)
It is imperative that we keep this confidential.
Sniper”, on The History Channel (US television) (1999-10-05)
Unknown (interview), “Suicide Missions:
A sniper would be almost immediately killed if he were captured.

It is imperative that everyone play pianissimo during the spoken monologue. From the series
Commentator, ESPN (US television) (1999-
That would have been a huge win, if they were able to pull it off.
Clorox advertisement (US television) (1999-10-26)
“Frasier” (US television) (2000-04-13)
I just wish it were easier to use !
Commentator, ESPN (US television) (1999-11-20)
But if it weren't so big, it wouldn't be nearly so fun.
Conan O'Brien, Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1999-12)
My holiday wish is that nobody go to Lou's Burritos.

Specific examples in different media of subjunctive form found at

Answer Key
More practice with Subjunctive Vs. Indicative Mood

Label each sentence as subjunctive or indicative mood.

1. Mom has mercy on us.

2. Mom have mercy on us.

3. Long reign the king.

4. The king reigns.

5. The activists demanded that the homeless shelter be re-opened.

6. The homeless shelter is still closed.

7. The presidential meetings are not open to the public.

8. The press requested that the presidential meetings be public.

9. I am broke.
10. I wish I were not broke.
Practice writing an indicative mood sentence and transforming it into a
subjunctive mood sentence.
Answer Key

1. Indicative
2. Subjunctive

3. subjunctive
4. Indicative

5. subjunctive
6. Indicative

7. Indicative
8. subjunctive

9. Indicative
10. subjunctive
Some Subjunctive Mood Sentence Models

Below are some common subjunctive mood sentence types.

Complete each sentence model by filling in the blank with appropriate word choices.

1. It may ______________ .

2. I would ________________ if you would _________________________.

3. I should ____________________ before _____________________________.

4. I suggest that ______________ wait until _________________________.

5. It’s important that _______________ leave before _________________.

6. I doubt if ________________ would forget _______________________.

7. I insisted that _________________ go ___________________________.

8. If he had ____________, he would have ___________________________.

9. I wish I were _______________________________________________.

10. If I were _________________________, I would __________________.

11. She suggests that _____________ move to _________________________.

Possible Answers

1. It may rain.
2. I would study if you would make less noise.
3. I should call before I visit my friends.
4. I suggest that you wait until the storm is over.
5. It’s important that the visitors leave before we lock the museum doors.
6. I doubt if your sister would forget to lock the car.
7. I insisted that my son go to the safe-driving class.
8. If he had told the truth, he would have been forgiven.
9. I wish I were on the beach.
10. If I were your boss, I would fire you!
11. She suggests that the office move to the newer location.
Correcting Errors in Subjunctive Mood

Remember: In subjunctive mood, no matter the subject, the verb will the present tense of to be OR the
past tense were

Correct the errors in the following subjunctive mood sentences:

1. If I was you, I would respect your parents.

2. What if there was life on other planets?

3. It is important that they are told immediately.

4. I demanded that the cashier is polite.

5. If he was responsible, he would arrive on time.

6. Monica wishes that her tennis partner was more skilled.

7. The judge requires the jury dresses appropriately.

8. She suggested that Jason pays for the damage to the truck.

9. If Mary was the student body president, she would work hard.

10. No one is recommending that the sculpture needs to be redone.

Answer Key

1. If I were you, I would respect your parents.

2. What if there were life on other planets?

3. It is important that they be told immediately.

4. I demanded that the cashier be polite.

5. If he were responsible, he would arrive on time.

6. Monica wishes that her tennis partner were more skilled.

7. The judge requires the jury dress appropriately.

8. She suggested that Jason pay for the damage to the truck.

9. If Mary were the student body president, she would work hard.

10. No one is recommending that the sculpture need to be redone.

Writing Connections

1. Start a chart or notebook for examples of

subjunctive mood. As you and your students
come across examples, add them to the list.

2. For a challenge, students can rewrite indicative

mood sentences into subjunctive mood sentences.
It really does help students see the construction
of the subjunctive mood.

3. Write a poem using only subjunctive mood.

Verb Mood Quiz Name _______________
Identify the verb mood: indicative, imperative, interrogative, subjunctive.

1. If I were you, I would study for the exam. ______________________

2. Take your seat and remain silent. ______________________

3. Spring vacation is the first week in April. ______________________

4. Can the creek hold much more water? ______________________

5. Ice tea is a favorite summer beverage. ______________________

6. Look both ways before crossing the intersection. ______________________

7. It may be weeks before the test results are available. ____________________

8. Find the quickest route. ______________________

9. I would not bother that bee if I were you. ______________________

10. Running marathons is not for everyone. ______________________

11. Will you please take the car for an oil change? ______________________

12. Be quiet. ______________________

13. I suggest that Mary wash the dog. ______________________

14. It’s important that Sam mow the lawn before it rains. ______________________

15. Set the table for dinner. ______________________

16. Mushrooms seem to pop up overnight. ______________________

17. The zoo worked to improve its gorilla habitat. ______________________

18. Turn down the music! ______________________

19. How will you decide? ______________________

20. I doubt if your grandmother would forget your birthday. ______________________

Write two examples of each verb mood.

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________
Choose the correct word.

1. If he (was, were) sincere, you would know.

2. I suggest that Susan (is, be) the spokesperson.

3. I would cheer if Sam (was, were) the captain.

4. It is important that Frank (take, takes) the lead.

5. As the beginning of school nears, every child wishes it (was, were) always summer!
Answer Key

1. Subjunctive
2. Imperative
3. Indicative
4. Interrogative
5. Indicative
6. Imperative
7. Subjunctive
8. Imperative
9. Subjunctive
10. Indicative
11. Interrogative
12. Imperative
13. Subjunctive
14. Subjunctive
15. Imperative
16. Indicative
17. Indicative
18. Imperative
19. Interrogative
20. Subjunctive

Sample sentence examples will vary.

1. Were
2. Be
3. Were
4. Take
5. were
After researching this topic, the consensus among
grammarians is that there is no real consensus when
it comes to conditional versus subjunctive mood.
Before teaching this subject, I had to really read and
reread from a variety of sources.

My advice for teaching eighth graders?

Keep it simple. This should be an introductory


Good luck!
Some Helpful Websites
These websites are helpful for teachers when studying the different verb moods.


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