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RAINING. WEB Andrea M. Hutchinson Series Editor: Robert Hill Editor: Michela Bruzzo Design and art direction: Nadia Maestri Computer graphics: Carlo Cibrario Sent, Simona Corniola Picture research: Alice Graziotin Picture credits; IstockPhoto; Dreams Time; Getty Images: p. 12; ‘WebPhoto: p. 45, 46 ope pr 2.522 Pocnng seme A Pines swaste eels ‘esa a i METER OME Sometimes things happen 6 comeTen Two What do we do now? 7 querer Tunes = Abad idea 23 cameTeR FOUR Why won't you listen to me?! 3 ameter FE We don’t have to do this! 38 cameren sx Now will you listen to what Ihave to say? 49 ciweten seven _It’s happening again 56 CoMeTER EIGHT Everything's going to be ok! 3 CHAPTER MINE The right choice 2 Dossiens School trips 2 Ghosts in films 8 ITeRNeT PROJECTS, 45,47 ‘crimes 5,10, 21,27, 34, 4, 48,53, 60,67, 76 [AFTER READING 8 KET cambridge KET-style activities 21, 34, 35, 96, 42, 44, 63, 54, 55, 62 TEGRADES 2/4 Trnity-style activites ‘The text is recorded in ful BRS These symtos indicate he beginning and en ofthe passages FS iokedto me stoning aces 67, 68, 77 11, 14, 29, 80,43, 55 The Characters DCC aoa ee ca eee Elise, Bella and Gracie. Before you read @ vocabulary Look at these picture cues and complete the crossword below. Use a dictionary to help you. 7 = Ff “Ol eS za , ae 1 H Oo 2000 5 Oo oO I f O 3 0 OO +OO000000o sOOooLo) OeOOLoD 770 ry oO easy D 2 Hoe 1 OD0000000n Is fe Oooo CHAPTER ONE Sometimes things happen in my guidebo: England,’ I read to my | trip. Around m laughing. Even Mrs Hall, th mile and 1e and one black shoe!) the most haunted city ry excited about this ing, telli history teacher, is giving students he never smi rry about. It's mostly things 2 Or, have I got aring one brown CHAPTER ONE But tonight, it's dark and thundering! AND we are going to the most haunted city in England. Tonight, | don’t worry. | panic. ‘My book says that York is full of ghosts,’ | shout back. ‘You don't think it’s true, do you, Gracie?’ ‘Of course itis,’ says Gracie, smiling at Elise. ‘Really? Elise, what do you think?" “You should relax and have fun,’ Elise says, checking her ‘make-up in a small mirror. ‘That's what I think.” “vou shouldn't believe everything you read,’ says Gracie, taking a photo of herself with her mobile phone, ‘idon't! “Yes you do! You stopped eating pizza, because you read in a ‘magazine that eating tomatoes gives you a headache,’ says Gracie. ‘It was cheese, not tomatoes,’ my face starts to turn red. ‘And it’s truet Every time | eat too much cheese, | get a bad headache!” My face is so red that | now look like a tomato! It's not pretty. Gracie sees that I'm embarrassed and quickly takes another photo. She shows it to Elise and they both laugh even more, | look out of the window, trying not to think about photos of me and my red face on some social network, but all I can see is the reflection of my worried face ‘Come on, Bella,’ says Gracie. ‘We're only joking!’ ‘This is our first school trip. One whole week without our parents. Seven days of fun fun fun,’ says Elise. “You're right,’ I try to smile. But if she's right, why am Iso nervous? 1. thundering : when the sky is thundering, t's making a loud sound and it's Usually about to rain as well. es Sometimes things happen | always worry too much, | know I do, but sometimes I get a feeling. It’s often nothing, but sometimes things happen, And those things that happen are never good. 1 close my eyes and try to relax. ‘There's nothing to worry about,’ | tell myself. ‘Nothing at al.” The coach stops and Mrs Hall stands up. ‘The road to the hostel is closed because of bad weather. We're going to walk from here,’ she shouts. ‘Now it’s already late, Hurry up, everyone!” ‘As I climb off the coach the wind is cold. It is raining and in the distance | can still see lightning. I concentrate hard, taking the steps one at a time. But behind me, Elise shouts, ‘Boo!’ and | fall off the last step and onto Gracie. Everyone starts to laugh. Everyone except Gracie, ‘I'm sorry, Gracie,’ | apologise while Mrs Hall tells everyone to follow her. ‘Look what you've done!’ Gracie shouts back, looking at the floor. ‘That was my new mobile phone!’ ‘sorry, but...’ I can see the front and back pieces in the mud between her feet and pick them up, but | can’t see the battery anywhere, | look under the coach, Elise looks next to our suitcases and Gracie stands there shouting at us. Then after what seems like a long time, we find it But when we look up, everyone has gone and we are alone in the dark. The text and beyond © comprehension check Re-order the words to make sentences. Then tick (/) T (true) or F (false) for each sentence. TF 1 the /excited/ only /history /is/the / about / trip teacher / school photos /mobile kes /her /phone /Gracie/withtaking_[ is /Bella/of /not/ ghosts / scared 1on/ school /go/Elis's/ trip / the / parents hostel /at/ They /moming /the / arrive /in/ early /the coach / When / windy / the /stops/s/t new / because /is/ mobile /broken is / phone / Gracie /angry /her 8 Elise and /for Gracie / wait / Bella ee Oooo Noose oO Oo @ Emait A Complete this email. choose the correct word for each space. ‘There is an example at the beginning (0). (0) ForDeapCharlotte, Tam going (1) on/to.a schoo! trip next week. We (2) are/am going to York for a (8) seven days/week and we will (4) stay/staying in (8) evan youth hostel. lam locking forward (6) about/to learning, about the Vikings and (7) have/having fun with my friends, Would you (8) wantAike to come to my house when I get (9) return/back ? | can't wait to show you the photos and (10) talk/tell you about my trip! Bella B Now write an email to Bella telling her about the last school trip you went on, + Where did you go? + How long did you stay? + What did you see? + What was the favourite part of your trip? + Was there anything you disliked? 40 © ‘atways worry’ - adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. Match the adverbs of frequency (1-5) with their definition (A-E). 1 alvays 2 usually 3 often 4 sometimes § never A [1] something that happens many times something that does not or will not happen at any time something that happens most days something that happens everytime [1] something that happens on certain accasions but not alte time Now answer these questions using fll sentences. How often do you + brush your teeth? + wateh TV? + wearahat? + use the internet? + play football? + singin the shower? Tearapes © Speaking: your best friend Elise, Gracie and Bella re best friends. Talk about your best fiend. Use the questions below to help you, What is your best friend's name? How old is your best friend? ‘Where and when did you meet? ‘What does your best friend look like? ‘What does your best friend do? How often do you see each other? ‘What do you like to do together? Noueune "4 -- * Many school trips are centred around subjects or projects. For example, if students are studying art, they could go on a school trip tosee an exhibition at an art gallery. =) Students studying a foreign language such as French, may go to 4 France for a day or longer. Some may go on exchange programmes, Bella, Gracie and Elise and their school friends are going on a school 1 In exchange programmes, a student from an English school will go >» | activities such as rock climbing, horse riding and canoeing. trip. And just ike them English children of all ages look forward to | In the last year of school (age 17), when students are thinking about “a 5 what to study at university and which degree to study for, their ‘going on school trips every year. } : School pd dit 'chdsio splot plates ledin new things ind teachers often take them to visit different universities so that they fee aaa Gi en can talk to professors, see what student life is like and make important decisions about their future, ‘The age of the students and the time of year is important in deciding where to go on a school trip, | For example, small children who go to primary school (up to the age of ten) may enjoy a visit to the local park in autumn to look at the leaves and their changing colours. In winter, because of the cold weather, museums are favourite places to visit. And of course in spring little kids love going to a farm to see the baby animals. Other popular school trips for primary school children include visits to the local fire and police stations. In the warmer summer months, it is popular for older children to go away for 5 days. The students will often stay in youth hostels. These provide basic accomodation and are not expensive. Some people think that school trips are too expensive and many parents worry about their children’s safety. But most students learn a Jot more than they do in the classroom. They can experience and see things that they may not get to experience otherwise. For example, children who live in a city may get to experience the countryside. They may try a new activity and like it so much that it becomes a hobby But most of all, they have a lot of fun with their friends! © comprehension check Answer these questions. 1. Where is it popular for young children to go for a school trip in January? Does it cost a lot of money to stay at a youth hostel? ‘Who will stay with on an exchange programme? 4 Why is it good to go on an exchange programme if !am studying a foreign language? 5 What happens on an activity week? 6 When do students go on school trips to universities? 7 When a student goes to visit a university, can he talk to the professors? ronaves @ speaking: schoo! Talk about school trips, ‘When was your last school trig? Where did you go? How did you get there? How long did you stay for? iat dd you dor What did you se? Did you have a good time? What was your favourite part ofthe wip? 7. Was there anything you dida't enjoy? 14 Ppp INTERNET PROJECT 44q Elise, Bella and Gracie are going on a schoo! trip to York, AS Bella's {guidebook says, "York is one of the most haunted cities in England.” Every night there are many ghost walks around the city, visiting places that people think are haunted. ‘Connect to the Internet and look for information about guided ghost walks in York. Choose a ghost tour to go on and then answer the following ‘questions. ‘What is the tour called? How much does it cost? Are there any special offers for groups? How long does the tour last? ‘Where does it take you? ‘Why did you choose this tour? Do you have to book in advance? What are the contact details? e@yaaek ons Write a short email to a friend. > Tell her about the ghost tour you have chosen > Ask her if she would like to go. a a: G Peas’ fate co Before you read © Vocabulary Look at these pictures. Match each emotion below toa picture. 1 tired 3 happy «5 worried 7 scared 2 exited 4 angry «6 hat 8 cold 5 Bi = © Fithe caps Complete each sentence with an adjective from exercise 1 1 fm about the chemistry exam. | played football instead of studying. 1 don’t think 1'l pass. 2 Today it was so ‘went to the beach and had an 3. I thought Gemma was my bestfriend. But she told everyone my ‘secret! I'm so with her. 4 It’s my birthday today and I'm having a big party. 'm so sve Lean’t wait! 5 Wewill need to wear our hats and scarves today. It’s going to be Very sn 6 Sharon was very when she got off the plane. She hates flying! 7 Helen is very sno this morning, She stayed up all night studying for her English exam. 8 like rollercoasters but I was very .-on that one. It went so fast! CHAPTER TWO. What do we do now? ‘This is all your fault, Bellal’ shouts Elise. “Why is it my fault? You frightened me!” “Everything frightens yout” says Gracie. Great. First we get lost and now we're arguing, It's getting, windier every minute and my feet are cold like two pieces of ice, And that bad feeling that I had before, just got worse. “How are we going to get to the hostel now?’ says Elise, ‘Both Bella and I don’t have mobile phones’. She isn’t laughing anymore. She is shivering | and pale and every little noise makes her jump. ‘It’s too dark. I don't like the dark. Infact I hate the dark? ‘what will Mrs Hall say?" I say. ‘Do you think she'll tell our parents? Dad said that if I get into trouble, he won't let me go to 1, shivering: if someone is shivering, thelr body is shaking slightly because they're cold or frightened CHAPTER TWO the Take That concert this summer. I do not want to miss that concert.” If my phone isn’t working, Mrs Hall won't be your only problem,’ says Gracie trying to switch her phone on, {want to ask her if it's working. Her angry eyes tell me that it “come on,’ I say quickly before another argument starts, “There's a path that way.” ‘welll soon see Mrs Hall and the others. Welll soon see Mrs Hall and the others,’ | say to myself again and again as we start to walk We walk and walk. My feet hurt and my arms ache because my suitcase is very heavy. But we don’t see Mrs Hall or the others. The storm continues and every time it thunders, Elise looks around like a frightened cat. After walking for more than an hour | don’t care if Mrs Hall tells my parents. | don't care if they don’t let me go out for a month, or even a year. The only thing | want to do is find the hostel and go to sleep, wake up in the morning and forget that this evening ever happened Elise and Gracie are walking in front of me but suddenly they stop. They look very worried, ‘what? What is it2!' I say. ‘Then | see what they see. We have walked in a complete circle and are now back to where the coach is parked. “What do we do now?’ | ask. I look first at Gracie and then at Elise for an answer. 18 CHAPTER TWO. ‘Well we can’t phone for help, can we?’ Gracie says giving Elise an angry look. “You always have that phone in your hand! Why didn’t you put it in your bag?’ says Elise, giving Gracie an even angrier look. “arguing isn't going to help,’ I shout. ‘We need to decide which way to go. We went straight ahead last time." ‘I think we should go that way,’ says Elise pointing right. “Well I think we should go that way,’ says Gracie pointing left “There's only one thing we can do,’ says Elise. ‘What's that?’ I ask. ‘You decide’ they say at the same time. "Me? Why me?" | hate making decisions. ‘You know what I'm liket when we go for an ice cream it takes me half an hour just to decide which flavour to have!” We'll be here forever if they wait for me to decide about something this important. But then I see a girl in the distance. ‘Look,’ I say, pointing at the girl. ‘Someone's come to look for ‘Who? Where? I don't see anyone!’ says Gracie. But before she can say anything else, I start to follow the girl The text and beyond 67 @ comprehension check Read the paragraph about Chapter Two and choose the best word — A, Bor C — for each space (1-10). There is an example at the beginning (0). The three best (0) ..ens... are lost and start arguing. Elise doesn't like () dark and she is very scared. Bella is worried that their teacher Will 2) m.unm her parents and they will be angry with her, and Gracie is angry because her mobile phone is (8) @).. ‘time they walk along (5) path which they think will ake them (6) .w.mnum the hostel, but they end up back where they started. Now, they don’t know which path to follow and start arguing () sown But then Bella sees a gel (8) the distance, Thinking that itis (9) of their school friends come to look for them, she starts to follow (10) Fora 0 @ friends B friend © friend's 1 Athe B in © out 2 Atalk B tell © told 3. A broken B broke © break 4A some B little © long 5 Aan Ba © some 6 vat B to © for 7 A again B now © more & Aout Bat ¢ iin 9 Asomeone —-B some © one 10 A her B she © girl © Vocabulary: weather Match the words below to each picture. Asnowy 2 stormy 3 rainy 4 foggy 5 sunny I a | 2 Ei © Listening: directions You will hear a man asking for directions. For each question tick (/) A,Borc. 1 Where does the man want to go? A [_] post office 1 airport (J) supermarket (J turn tet (5) turn right [5] go straight on. (J) Blossom Lane, [L] Primrose street. B © 2 Atthe roundabout he must A B c A B ¢ [] Rose Avenue, A B © A B c 3. The school ison 4 What bus can he get on? ( number 34 Ci] number 44 [7] number 64 after the railway station before the railway station (Tat the railway station 5 Where must he get off the bus? Before you read BS @ Listening Listen to the first part of Chapter Three. Are the sentences true (1) or false (F)? Gracie saw the girl, Elise thinks the girl is one of her classmates. Gracie uses her mobile phone a lot. ‘The weather is sunny and warm. Bella sees the building first. Elise would like to havea bath when she gets to the hostel ‘The front door to the building is broken and dirty. ee GS8eoo00- Noosune CHAPTER THREE Ri bad idea | “wait!’ | shout to the girl but she disappears into the wood, = For amoment | think that we are lost again, But then I see her again. ‘Come on!’ I say to the others and start to walk faster. ‘She went that way!” ‘Are you sure you saw somebody?" asks Gracie, running to catch up. didn’t see anyone,” ‘and you're sure it’s someone from school?” asks Elise. 1 don’t stop walking as I say, ‘Gracie, you didn't see anyone because you're always looking at your mobile phone! And Elise, of course it’s someone from school! It's dark, it’s raining and it’s minus 2 degrees! Look! There's a building over there!” “Where? Maybe it’s the youth hostel!’ says Gracie with a smile. “| hope they have hot chocolate,’ says Elise. ‘I need a hot chocolate. With cream. Without cream, I don’t care!” Just then, Gracie and I see the building clearly but Elise is still behind us. Still thinking that everything is OK, she says excitedly, ‘and a shower. I want the first shower!’ CHAPTER THREE she youth 'No fe and they both look at me angrily. ¥y old, The are broken and dirty. The front door opens and clo Did { really’ {don't like old buildings,’ says Gr: ‘Thate spiders, RY 1e spiders in there. Big nes, and lots of them, to I don't like but I walk towards the front Wy are you going in th We don't need to go in there. Go Infact, going, in theres the worst id lease can we go now? Please At first | think G ing to ay h Elise. But then she ays, ‘It’s dark, and it's getting colder.’ She starts to follow me. t il be dry inside, I can try to get my pl k ‘Then we'll phone for me and get us.” Elise watch e. She shivers but this time it is not because She hears two men but something stops her from asking them help. Instead she hides in the shadows so they can't see her. 1 »p there tonight, Mr Gr results of my survey,’ the younger man says, giving Mr Greene some papers. “They show that the building is dangerous. ‘1 built that youth hostel more than thirt , Mark, ly problems. Never.’ He looks quickly at the Papers, but he doesn’t read them, “I know that, Sir Please, call me Eric.’ £ CHAPTER THREE “But Mr Greene. Eri .. The weather.... It’s raining a lot. It’s raining too much, and the building....'m not sure... “Mark... Mark,’ he says, putting the papers in his briefcase. "You're like a son to me. And I'm very pleased with all your hard work, really | am. 1 know you've got a young wife, and a new baby, am I not right?" “my little girl is six weeks old, sir’ ‘at that age babies cry a lot. You don’t sleep much. Then you have to go to work. It's not easy to make decisions, important decisions when you're tired.’ Mark is silent. He understands what his boss is saying and knows that Mr Greene isn’t going to listen to what he has to say. ‘it can be difficult for @ young man, starting his career, especially when he has a family to feed. Babies are expensive. Then there’s the mortgage ! to pay. Times are hard. A lot of young architects are out of work. They'd love a job like your: Elise watches as the older man gives the man called Mark an envelope. Mark looks inside and is very surprised. ‘Really, Sir. can't accept... giving it back he says, closing the envelope and Think of it as an early christening gift,’ says Mr Greene, refusing to take it. ‘Buy your wife a present. There are tickets for a family holiday to the Caribbean too in there. When you get, back home after two weeks in the sun, you will be relaxed and I'm sure you will see that the building is safe. And we can forget, all about this conversation.’ Elise watches as Mark puts the envelope into his jacket pocket. ‘She waits until the men walk away. Then she runs into the cottage. 1, mortgage: a loan of money that you usually get from a hank ta buy a house. The © Comprehension check Match the following sentences (1-10) to their endings (A-N). There are four endings you do not need to.use. 10 sro smmonw> zzrRe text and beyond [1] Gracie asks Bella if she is sure that she saw someone because When Elise gets to the youth hostel, she [the cottage (J) Bella doesn't Di tise [1] The two men can't see Elise because [D Mark tells mr Greene that he (1) Mr Greene puts the papers 1 Mr creene says that Mark (5) Mr Greene wants Mark she hides in the shadows. would like a drink and a shower. is too tired to make important decisions. inhis briefcase. is very tired. She wants to go to sleep. has broken and dirty windows. she didn’t see anyone. want to go home. has the results of his survey. They show that the youth hostel is dangerous, he doesn't read them. to goon holiday and forget about their conversation, like old buildings and spiders. ask for help, doesn't want to go in the cottage. 27 @ Word game: jobs Complete the crossword puzzle. Across 2 You watch me on television or at the cinema, 7 write for a newspaper. 9 Mark's job, 10 I take care of animals when they are sick, 42 1work with bricks and concrete to make a house, 13. 1work ina restaurant. Down | deliver letters to your house every morning. Hook after your teeth. | take you on holiday when you travel by plane. Picasso was a famous one. ‘This person helps you to learn English oo eo This person cooks food, 11 Someone who works with doctors in a hospital 4 @, 7occho ooo Bg jo 00000 + CORECrno« ooo TRADES © speaking: jobs and studies Talk about the job you would like to do when you have completed your studies, Use these questions tohelp you. oukene © ‘hate spiders’ A What job would you like? ‘Will you have to study at university? Why do you want to do that job? Is there anything you think you won't like? will you work inside an office or outside? Describe what you think your daily routine will be. Read the text about phobias. Choose the best word in italics for each space. Everyone (1) have/has something that (2) they/we don't lke. Elise doesn't like (3) spider/spiders. Gracie doesn't ike old buildings. Bella (4) didn'/doesn lke spiders or old buildings. But sometimes, dislike (5) turns/goes into real fear. (6) Then/This is a phobia, itis thought (2) about/that approxiamtely 10% (8) for/of the population (9) has/have a phobia Some people, lke Elise, (10) have/has a phobia (tt) about/of spiders. This s (12) called/eall arachnophobia and its a (13) much/very common fear. (14) Because/When they see a spider, their mouth will (15) goes/go dry, their hands will start to sweat, they (A) must/may feel sick and they will believe (17) about/that their life isin danger. Other common phobias are the fear of snakes, heights, lying and enclosed spaces (18) such/example as lifts. Have you got or do you know someone who has got a phobia? If so, what is it? TaRApE 4 Speaking: School Talk about your school. Use the questions below to help you. 1 What subjects do you study at your school? 2 What subjects are compulsory at your school? What subjects do you have to study? What subjects can you choose to study? What is your favourite subject? What subject don’t you like? Who is your favourite teacher? Noone Describe your daily routine at school. Before you read What happens next? 1 With another student imagine what Elise will say to her friends ‘when she gets inside the cottage. 2 What would you do if you were Elise, Gracie and Bella? Characters Listen to the first part of Chapter Four. Match these people to what they say in the chapter. A Elise B Gracie © Bella 1 [i Gracie... pela... The hostel... Everyone... Danger. 2 [1] Because if itis a joke, its not funny. 3 [1] Our friends in the warm hostel are not the ones in danger. 4] There were two men, Outside 5 [| rmtelling the truth! 6 [| 1wrote itin my diary. CHAPTER FOUR There are three candles above the fireplace and 1 am lighting them quickly when Elise runs inside. ‘Gracie... Bella... The hostel... Everyone... Danger.” she says, but she is talking so fast that we can’t understand what she is saying “What is it, Elise? What's the matter?’ I say. ‘Elise, I don’t understand what you're saying. Calm down and start at the beginning,’ says Gracie. “You don't understand! There's no time! Our friends are in danger! ‘what danger?!’ says Gracie, trying to switch her phone on again. ‘Is this one of your jokes Elise?’ | say. ‘Because if itis @ joke, it’s not funny” ‘We're the ones who have to stay overnight in this cold, dirty cottage. Believe me, our friends in the warm hostel, are not the cones in danger!’ says Gracie. 1'm telling the truth! You've got to listen to me! There were two men. Outside. One said that the hostel was dangerous.’ “You don’t want to stay here tonight’, | say. ‘why won’t you listen to me?! I'm telling the truth! Really 1am! (CHAPTER FOUR 'Sssshhhh!’ says Gracie, suddenly smiling. ‘My phone's working! Have you got Mrs Hall’s number, Bella?” ‘1 wrote it in my diary. Wait a minute,’ I say opening my bag. FE ‘Here itis. t's 365 443208. ‘Quickly, phone her and tell her to get everyone out of the hostel’ says Elise. ‘Come on, Mrs Hall.... Pick up the phone,’ Gracie says. Then, ‘it’s engaged.’ “Try Katie, or Helen,’ I say, but Gracie is already dialling. ‘what are you doing?” Elise says, trying to take the phone from Gracie, ‘ll send Mrs Hall a text. Then I'll phone the police!’ Gracie takes it back. “The battery's dead!’ she says and throws her expensive phone on to the floor. “There's nothing we can do," says Gracie. ‘We'll just have to stay here until morning when we can find our way to the hostel” ‘It'll be too late then!’ says Elise. She is so worried that she is almost crying, Elise usually laughs at everything and anything, Maybe our friends really are in danger. Suddenly the candles go out, at the same time. “Maybe the door is open. And the wind blew them out,’ says Gracie but the door is closed ‘“Maybe,’| say, not wanting to think about other explanations, Itis already cold in the cottage but suddenly it gets even colder. The only light in the room comes from Gracie’s mobile phone on the floor. “But... How can it work? The battery's dead?’ says Elise, The only sound is the wind and the rain hitting the windows. ‘Anew message appears on the screen and my blood turns to ice. One word. ‘HELP’ The text and beyond © comprehension check Read these sentences and number them in the order you real them in the story. Rewrite them inthe past tense, as inthe example. © 1] Gracie thraws her mobile phone on to the floor. Gracie threw her mobile phone on tothe floor. 1. [1] The candies go out and the room goes colder. [1 the word ‘Help’ appears on Grace's mobile phone. 3. [1] Blise tries to teller friends that the hostel is dangerous 4 [1] racie's mobile phone starts to work, They try to phone es Hall, their teacher, 5 [1] Elise wants to type a text message toher friends. Vocabulary Read these definitions of words from Chapter Four. What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there, There is one space for each letter of the word. There is an example at the beginning (0). © something that couldbe veryharmful dangerous 1. something that makes you laugh 2. the opposite of allie 3. costs.a lot of money om 4 the day you were born b 5 when wateris very cold it becomes this i__. GO Notices Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? There is an example at the beginning (0). DANGEROUS BUILDING KEEP OUT! Sports R Us. 0% sale now on, Mat end Saturday. r Books Romeos Italian ||| |, 8ridcl Dreams { Buy one geton 5 Restaurant i ce [Buy one get one ein bese a seat fee on Mondays. anfiee mais pith re us elie oF canceled © [E| Families can eat cheaply here 1 [7] Adangerous animal lives here 2, [1] Itis cheaperso stay there in abig group, even on Christmas Day. 3. [5] You should phone your boss. Tell him you are going to be late 4 5 1) You must not go in here. [51 Tell your friend who is getting married to go here soon. KET @ Fin the gaps Read the text about mobile phones. Choose the best word ~ A, Bor © — for each space (1-11). There is an example at the begi ining (0). (0) A. scientist called Martin Cooper (1)... the first phone call using portable handset (2)... 1973. The first mobile phones (3). heavy, big and expensive and the batteries didn't last (4)... long. Not many people had a mobile phone (5)... they were considered a luxury (when they were first tested in Chicago in 1973, only 2000 (©) «had them) ‘Today, mobile phones are considered a necessity. Many people (2). them, both young children and the elderly. One survey even said that children (8)... Seven were more likely to own a mobile phone than a book! The lighter, smaller and simpler versions (9) wn. very expensive. ‘You can send and receive both text messages and emails, (10) photos, download and listen (1)... music, connect to the Internet and communicate with friends through social networks and even learn a foreign language like English! Did you know? Britain has a population of 60 million people but there are an estimated 62 million mobile phones being used! Did you know? In America, mobile phones are called ‘cell phones’. © A The B An ©a 1A made B did © had 2 Aon Bin c at 3A are B was © were 48 very B much c not 5 A however But cand 6 A people B person population 7 A have B are Chas 8 A old B years Caged 9 A aren't B isn’t © doesn’t 10 A make B take © do MA at B for © to 26 © Just 4 funt When we write text messages sometimes it is popular to use abbreviations. For example, TTFN means ‘Ta ta for now’ (or bye bye for now). LOL means ‘laugh out loud’ or ‘lots of love’ ‘We can also use the phonics of letters or numbers to replace whole words. For example, R stands for ‘are’ and U stands for ‘you’. Read these messages with a friend and see if you can decide what the messages are saying. RU COMING 2 MY PARTY 2MRO? ICANT COME B47 TSGRB cULaR TEN LoL. ousen Before you read @ vocabutary Look atthe pictures, Name the extreme sport in each picture. You have the first letter and you ean use a dictionary to help you. —e CHAPTER FIVE We don't have to do this! Nothing scares Gracie. Gracie loves extreme sports like bungee (IES jumping and s h birthday par But now, when she picks up the mobile phone, whi 4 round with fear the keys ready to type, but Elise hone ‘it's too late,’ says Gracie, taking the phone back ‘No, it isn’t! This isn’t school. It’s not compulsory like Phy 1 Maths. t have to do this! Just put the phone down and let's go. Elise stands up and stai it her rucksack on her bac ? JAPTER FIVE “You're right, Elise,’ | say. ‘This is wrong... | was wrong... Let's, 20. Now.” ‘No!’ says Gracie. ‘This is all connected. The two men Elise saw... The hostel... The girl you saw outside.’ "was wrong,’ I say. ‘I didn’t see anyone. It was just shadows. That's all. Shadows.” "You know that’s not true, Bella,’ says Gracie. But I zip up my coat and pick up my suitcase, ready to go. ‘Do you remember that homeless man in the street when we went shopping last week?’ says Gracie. ‘Everyone else was ignoring him because he was really dirty. But you went to a café and bought him a sandwich and a hot drink.’ ‘on Sunday afternoons while everyone else is out shopping at the mall or going to the cinema, you do voluntary work at the hospital because you want to be a nurse and help people for the rest of your life! They don’t ask you to help. You just do it, But now, someone's asking you and you're walking away?" | know that she’s right. | put my suitcase down. Elise looks at me and Gracie She doesn’t want to, but she puts her rucksack down, too. We sit close together and wait in silence. The only noise is the wind and the rain of the storm outside. It is very late but we are not tired. How can we sleep now? When we talked about the first night of our school trip we imagined talking late into the night, eating popcorn, playing cards and painting our nails different colours. 40 We don't have to do this! We never imagined this. This was like being one of the characters in the horror books I like to read so much. “Who are you?’ Gracie types, but I already know who it is. It’s the girl | saw outside, ‘My name is Alice Greene.’ “What do you want?’ ‘Ineed you to help me.’ Elise takes the phone, “Tell your parents. Talk to your friends, Anyone. BUT LEAVE US ALONE! she types with shaking hands, ‘tean’t.! ‘Why?’ ‘Because they don’t listen.’ “Then go to the police.” “You don't understand. Nobody listens to someone like me!’ "WHY NOT?’ she says the words as she types them. ‘The room seems to get even colder and | don't breathe as I wait for the answer. [already know what it will be. Elise and Gracie know too, We seem to wait for a long time but then the answer appears. ‘Because I'm dead.’ at | The text and beyond © Vocabulary: sports Match each sport to picture, ‘Comprehension check Read these sentences about Chapter Five. Choose the correct answer | 1 badminton 3. football 5 basketball ~A,Borc. 2 table tennis 4 fishing 6 hockey 1 What does Gracie want fora birthday present? AL] togo skydiving B [] anew mobile phone ¢ [_] togo bungee jumping 2 Who did the girls see when they went shopping last week? AL sandwich and a hot drink B [_] aman who didn't have anywhere to live ¢ [1] alotof nice clothes 2 Why does Bella work in a hospital on a Sunday? A [_] Because she wants to earn some extra money. | B [_] Because she was asked to, [_] Because she wants to be a nurse when she leaves school 4 What did they want to do on the first night of the school trp? AL] eat popeorn B [1] read horror books ¢ [] gotosleep 1 a 5 Who tells Alice to leave them alone? © Speaking: hobbies/sports A (| Bella Talk about sports. Use the questions below to help you. B[ | Gracie cM cise 1 What sports do you like to play? What sports like to watch? 6 Why won't the police listen to Alice? A [1] Because they don't want to. B [_] Because she isn't alive [1] Because she doesn’t talk loud enough Do you like team sports or sport you can play alone? How often do you play sport? What is your favourite sport? ous What sport don't you like? a2 43 Listening Listen to Gracie talking to Bella and Elise about a weekend activity ‘that she would like to go on. What sport can you do each day? For ‘each question (1-7) write a letter (A-G) next to each day, 1D] Monday A. Rock climbing 2 Ty tuesday B_ Bungee jumping 3 [1] wednesday © sailing 4 DD thursday D Canoeing 5 (| Friday E Tennis © [] Saturday F Swimming 7 (| sunday G Painting Vocabulary: schoo! subjects Match each school subject to a picture. 1. Biology 4 Maths 7 Physical Education (PE) 2 French 5 Chemistry 8 Computer Science 3 art 6 History A scene from Beetlejuice, 1988, Ghosts appear in many films. They can be cute and friendly and appear in movies made for children. Ghosts can be funny in comedies and even appear in romance films. And then there are the scary ghosts. After watching these horror films, its difficult to go to sleep! Beetlejuice is a comedy. It was made in 1988 and tells the story of a dead young couple who try to scare away the people who now live in what was their house. Beetlejuice was very popular with both the public and film critics. It cost $13million to make but made a massive $73.38million. It also won an Oscar for best make-up. Ghostbusters is also a comedy and is enjoyed by both children and their parents. Many people think itis one of the best films of 1984. It was such a success that a sequel, Ghostbusters I, was made five years later and the American Film Institute ranked it 28 in its list of best comedies of all time. The theme song from the film was also very popular and was nominated for an Academy Award for ‘Best Original Song’

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