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Mondragón Rodríguez Uriel


How to learn

-How long is the journey?

-My sister it was to the journey the Saturday
-My mother asked me go to the journey with my cousin
-My ex-girlfriend goes to the journey to Cuernavaca
-To my brother he like goes journey to the ice cream shop
-I like eat very much
-I like at the journey eat very much
-I like my home, but I prefer the world
-I like my home, but I prefer goes journey around the world
-The best done around the world it was with my sister
-The best journey what have i done around the world it was with my sister
-I want a with my friends
-I want a journey to the Italy with my friends
-My brother Italy
-My brother want to journey from Japan until Italy

-I like flight to different parts the world

-My Brother don't remember the first time that he flight in on travel
-My mother says that the flight in airplane feel stranger
-My father says flight in airplane is faster that go in the bus
-To my cousin it scaring flight in airplane, it feels that the airplane falls
-My brother and I to Canada in one hour, I stay excited
-My brother and I take one flight to Canada in one hour, I stay excited
-My grandfather , but is too expensive
-My grandfather buyed a one flight, but is too expensive
-My grandmother is thinking in to visit
-My grandmother is thinking in buy one flight for come to visit
-My father take other tomorrow for the morning
-My father loses the flight, will have to take other tomorrow for the morning
-My uncle has problems for remember, flight tomorrow
-My uncle has problems for remember, then not remember what time comes out it flight
A double-bedded room

-My mother has a double-bedded room

-I prefer a double-bedded room every time what go at one hotel
-A double-bedded room is very much comfortable that a simple room
-My brother has a double-bedded room because he moves much when sleep
-To my father don't like a double-bedded room because occupies very little space while
-A when two persons sleep in the same room
-A double-bedded room is better when two persons sleep in the same room
-The hotels disponible
-The hotels ever have a double-bedded room disponible
-I never have with whom share it
-I never bought a double-bedded room because i don't have with whom share it
-My mother for buy it
-My mother ever wanted a double-bedded room but she doesn’t have a money for buy it
-My cousin I go to visit he
-My cousin he stays in a double-bedded room in the best hotel the city and today I go to
visit he

-The bath of the hotel is very beautiful
-I have two baths in my house, one is small and other
is big
-My uncle did arrangements in its bath, now its looks very good
-Later of a time my sister decides renew its bath with new decorations
-The bath of the hotel it is cleaned each 24 hours
-To my uncle likes have , even buy flavorings for that smell best
-To my uncle likes have its bath clean, even buy flavorings for that smell best
-My cousin has , so calling to the plumber
-My cousin has problems with its bath, so calling to the plumber
-My , it was very funny, but got hurt
-My father fell in the bath, it was very funny, but got hurt
-My cousin , so take photos for publish them in internet
-My cousin want sell parts of its bath, so take photos for publish them in internet
-I is very dirty
-I don't like go to the public bath because is very dirty

-When my father had a car, he never knowing where park

-My cousin he told me that the most difficult the driving is park the car
-My uncle what is driver it's good for park the car in any zone
-I don't know drive the car, so i don't so good for park a car
-To my uncle it bothers that the people don’t know park a car the correct form
-Other from my uncles believe is the part easier the drive
-Other from my uncles believe that park a car is the part easier the drive
-My Mother ever it because feel that going to crash
-My Mother ever it gets nervous when park a car because feel that going to crash
-My brother it gets nervous when park a car because -
-My brother it gets nervous when park a car because say that the space for park the car is
-My brother and I we saw a movie, gave us much laughter that a car
-My brother and I we saw a movie, gave us much laughter that in the movie all drive very
good, but us we can’t park a car
-My mother never finished that that other car
-My mother never finished that learn to drive and park the car because she gives scare
crashing that other car

-I like when the sky loose a small drizzle

-When starts fall a drizzle my mother run for the clothing
-To my sister likes when fall the drizzle because prepare a hot chocolate for the cold
-To my brother don't like when drizzle because don't like get wet if it rains later
-Every time that drizzle my grandmother, she gave us one bread and one cup coffee
-The because is a rain gentle
-The drizzle is very beautiful because is a rain gentle
-To my aunt because all we can play in family
-To my aunt like the drizzle because all we can play in family
-When my cousin Emily likes jump in the puddles the water
-When there is a drizzle day my cousin Emily likes jump in the puddles the water
-The take photos
-The drizzle is the best scenery for take photos
-When spells
-When drizzle my cousin gathers water in a jar for make spells

-These snowflakes are very beautiful
-To my sister would like see someday from its life snowflakes
-I've never seen snowflakes because where live don't falls snow
-My brother want do journey to Germany for see snowflakes for first time
-My mother says never will see snowflakes because she doesn’t like cold
-The white
-The snowflakes are color white
-I drew 8 years, it was my first drawing
-I drew a snowflake when have 8 years, it was my first drawing
-To , its form it turns out interesting
-To my brother likes the snowflakes, its form it turns out interesting
-My grandmother told us , of course was joke
-My grandmother told us that the snowflakes are edible, of course was joke
-My grandfather in his childhood
-My grandfather has seen too many snowflakes because traveled much in his childhood

Travel bag
-I like me my travel bag is very beautiful
-My brother doesn’t have a travel bag because he doesn’t like travel
-The travel bag to my mother it's dirty, need wash
-One time we believed that it had losing a travel bag but in reality, had it my father
-One time in the airport I wanted a travel bag white but they bought me a green
-Sir you could please
-Sir you could pass me my travel bag please
-I go to travel to Spain, I don't know will or the blue
-I go to travel to Spain, I don't know will carry my travel bag white or the blue
-My to take to wear to sew it
-My travel bag it broke I have to take to wear to sew it
-My brother remembers when we traveling to Italy, the dinosaurs
-My brother remembers when we traveling to Italy, I had a travel bag with drawings the
-I go to the house of my boyfriend for my stuff
-I go to the house of my boyfriend for some days, I'll take a one travel bag for my stuff

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