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Clarification of the Limit of Detection in Chromatography 1)

J. P. Foley 21 / J . G. D o r s e y *

Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, F L 32611, USA

developed by the American Society for Testing and Mate-

Key Words
rials (ASTM) [1-4]. The limit of detection characterizes
Chromatography an overall trace analytical procedure consisting of one or
Limit of detection more steps, whereas the minimum detectability describes
Calculation of limit only one step in a chromatographic analysis: detection.
(We further differentiate these concepts in a later section,
Eliminating Mistaken Identities.)
Summary As part of our continuing effort to accurately measure and
interpret chromatographic figures of merit [5], our goal in
Current problems with the limit of detection (LOD) this report is to transform the LOD in chromatography
concept in chromatography are reviewed. They include from an ill-defined, ambiguous concept to a reliable,
the confusion of the LOD with other separate, distinct meaningful parameter. We attempt to accomplish this by
concepts in trace analysis such as the minimum detect- first identifying the current problems with the chromato-
ability (MD); the use of arbitrary, unjustified models graphic LOD concept and then discussing possible solutions
for the calculation of the LOD; the use of concentration to these problems, with emphasis given to those problems
units instead of units of amount; and the failure to which are the major sources of the observed discrepancies
account for differences in chromatographic conditions in chromatographic detection limits. Especially significant
when comparing LODs. is a method we propose which accounts for the different
Solutions to these LOD problems are discussed. Two amount of chromatographic dilution that an analyte
models are proposed for calculating the chromatographic undergoes in different chromatographic systems (or more
LOD. A new concept, the standardized chromatographic rigorously, for differences in the chromatographic band-
LOD, is introduced to account for differences in chro- widths - see Converting to chromatographic reference
matographic bandwidths of experimentally measured conditions).
LODs. The standardized chromatographic LOD is It is beyond the scope of this report to introduce or review
shown to be a more reliable parameter than the con- the limit of detection (LOD) from a historical or theoretical
ventional (non-standardized) chromatographic LOD. point of view; such discussions and references to additional
discussions may be found elsewhere [6-9]. We assume
some prior knowledge of the LOD and focus on solving
Introduction the problems associated with this concept in chror[aato-
fhe limit of detection (LOD) is generally defined as the graphy. Most of our discussion is written from the perspec-
smallest concentration or amount of analyte that can be tive of peak height as the analytical signal, although two
detected with reasonable certainty for a given analytical sections are equally pertinent to analyses using peak area
procedure. Though arguably the most important figure (Eliminating mistaken identities and Using the correct
of merit in trace analysis, the LOD remains an ambiguous units). Gaussian peak profiles are assumed throughout.
quantity in the field of chromatography. Detection limits
differing by orders of magnitude are frequently reported
for very similar (sometimes identical!) chromatographic Identifying Current Problems
systems. Such huge discrepancies raise serious questions
about the validity of the LOD concept in chromatography. Literature survey results
To eliminate any confusion at the outset, we must emphasize Initially, to determine the sources of discrepancy in chro-
that the "limit of detection" (or "detection limit") concept matographic detection limits, we conducted a limited
~'e have just described is vastly different from the univer- survey of analytical textbooks, chromatographic mono-
~Uy recognized minimum detectability (MD) concept graphs, and the primary chromatographic literature. This
survey revealed two mistakes of omission, as well as four
major sources of discrepancies. All six are summarized
1) This paper is published as a discussion material. We welcome in Table I. The first two problems are omissions which
commentsfrom our readers.
2) Present Address: National Bureau of Standards, Building 222, discredit the work reported, at least to some degree. They
RoomAll3, Washington, D.C. 20234 can be eliminated, however, if more attention is given

ChromatographiaVol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals 503

0009-5893/84/9 0503--09 $ 03.00/0 9 1984 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn VerlagsgesellschaftmbH

Table I. Problems with the limit o f detection (LOD) concept in during manuscript preparation, and thus may be dismissei
without further discussion. The remaining four probler:
mistakes of omission in Table I comprise the major sources of the discrepancie~
1. Detection limits were not reported, although trace analysis in observed chromatographic detection limits and are th~
was stressed. topics to be addressed in this report.
2. Detection limits were reported, but no f o r m u l a f o r calcu-
lating the LOD was given.
Numerical example
sources of discrepancies
3. The LOD concept was confused with other concepts used in
Before proceeding, however, a numerical example whic!
trace analysis, particularly the m i n i m u m detectability (MD). incorporates problems 4 - 6 in Table I will be given. TI~
4. A r b i t r a r y LOD models were used with little or no justifica- example will demonstrate the magnitude of these probler~
tion. and will facilitate later discussion. Although designed wit~
5. Detection limits were reported as concentrations instead o f liquid chromatography in mind, the points made by tl~
example apply equally well to gas and supercritical flui~
6. Differences in chromatographic conditions were not taken
into account. chromatography.
The initial assumptions, experimental conditions, an~
results of this example are shown in Table II. To avoi~
the confusion which it would certainly have caused, problez
3 of Table I was not incorporated into this example. Ifi'.
Table II. Example o f widely differing detection limits
had been, the results might have been even more discordan~
A ssump tions Nevertheless, as seen in the bottom row of Table II, th~
1. Conventional liquid chromatograph with U V detector LODs for the two systems employing identical detectors
2. Beer's Law applies, i.e., A = ebc. differ by 3.3 orders of magnitude!
3. Analytical sensitivity. S = eb = 1 0 , 0 0 0 A U Lmo1-1
Although a detailed explanation of this example is bey0ni
4. Peak-to-peak noise, N p . p = 2 X 1 0 - S A u
5. Root-mean-square noise, Nrm s = 1/5 Np,p the scope of the present discussion, the huge discrepan~
in the two LODs will be reconciled after solutions to tk.~
Experiment A Experiment B last three problems in Table I are discussed. This examp',~
Vin j 5uL 20uL should awaken the reader to the seriousness of the~
LO D clef n 10 N p.p/S 3 N r ms/S problems and demonstrate why they must be elkninate~
VM(mL) 2.5 0.75 if the chromatographic LOD is to be a meaningful figure
k 10 3 of merit.
N (plates) 1000 10,000
ov(mL) a 0.87 0.03
Solving the Problems
LODS reported b 8.7 X 1 0 - 6 M 4.5 X 1 0 - 9 M
log ( L O D A / L O D B) = 3.3 orders o f magnitude difference!
Eliminating mistaken identities
a the bandwidth o f the analyte peak, calculated f r o m
The limit of detection has unfortunately been confu~
o v = V M ( 1 + k)/N 1/2
with three other concepts - particularly the minimu~
b reported to more than one significant figure f o r use in Table Vl. detectability (MD) - which are also used in characterizir,i
chromatographic trace analyses. Table III includes syrnb01~l
and definitions for all four of these concepts.

Table III. Trace analysis concepts in chromatography

terms applicable to other multi-step analytical procedures

1. limit o f detection ( L O D ) -- smallest concentration o r amount o f analyte that can be detected with reasonable certainty for a give~
analytical procedure a
pseudo-synonyms b -- m i n i m u m absolute quantity, m i n i m u m detectable amount, sensitivity
2. (analytical) sensitivity (S) - slope o f the calibration curve - signal o u t p u t per unit concentration o r a m o u n t o f analyte introducec
in a given analytical procedure c

terms applicable only to the detection step in chromatography

3. (minimum) detectability (MDI -- m i n i m u m concentration or mass f l u x o f analyte (in a solvent) which gives a detector signal that can be
discerned from the noise with reasonable certainty, generally recognized to be twice the peak-t0-peak
noise [1--4].
pseudo-synonyms b m i n i m u m detectable level, m i n i m u m detectable concentration
4. detector sensitivity (S d) slope o f the detector response curve -- signal o u t p u t per unit concentration or mass f l u x of analyte
introduced to a detector

a In the section Using the Correct Units, we show that concentration units are inappropriate f o r the LOD in chromatography.
b We recommend that the use o f these pseudo-synonyms be discontinued immediately.
c In Using the Correct Units, we show that the independent variable o f a chromatographic calibration curve is the a m o u n t o f analyte injects:
and not the concentration o f analyte injected.

504 Chromatographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals

One reason that the LOD is confused with the other con- Choosing a model
cepts in Table III, particularly the MD, is the redundant As discussed earlier, the LOD may be defined as the quo-
nomenclature for the LOD and the MD, as evidenced by tient of an arbitrary detector signal and the analytical
the partial, but representative list of pseudo-synonyms sensitivity (DS/S). In our survey of the chromatographic
for these concepts (given in Table III) which appear fre- trace analysis literature, we found a multitude of arbitrary
quently in the literature. This redundant terminology has DS/S levels used, ranging from 2 to 10. To further com-
0nly confused the chromatographic community, particularly plicate matters, neither the measures of the signal (peak
since the pseudo-synonyms for the two different concepts height, peak area, etc.) or the noise (peak-to-peak, root
are themselves quite similar. We recommend that the use mean square, etc.) were specified in many instances.
ofall such pseudo-synonyms be discontinued immediately.
These inconsistencies and ambiguities are not surprising
Even if the confusion resulting from the redundant termi- since (to our knowledge) no standard model for the LOD
n01ogycould be eliminated, the LOD might still be confused has ever been proposed, much less adopted, by any rec-
with the MD by the apprentice chromatographer because
ognized organization for the field of chromatography!*
their definitions, as shown in Table III and in eqs. (1) and We note specifically the omission of an LOD definition
(2), are so similar in appearance (cf. meaning, however).
in chromatography by the American Society for Testing
LOD = arbitrary detector signal level/ and Materials (ASTM) and by the International Union
(analytical) sensitivity (1) of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in their respec-
MD = arbitrary detector signal level/ (2) tive publications on gas and/or liquid chromatography
detector sensitivity nomenclature [ I - 4 , 13-16]. The omission by these and
other organizations is also substantiated in two reviews
] Furthermore, as can be inferred from eqs. (1) and (2), the [17,18].
L0D and MD can be related mathematically. Assuming an
More importantly, however, the inconsistencies and ambi-
analytical signal in terms of peak height, the relationship
guities in the chromatographic LOD can be eliminated
fora concentration sensitive chromatographic system is [9]
completely if a clearly stated LOD model is adopted.
L0D = (27r) 1/2 [VM(1 + k)/N 1/2] bMD (3) We therefore propose the adoption of, with minor re-
interpretation, the IUPAC model for spectrochemical
where VM represents the corrected gas holdup volume in
analysis [11] or a model based on first order error propaga-
GC and the column void volume in LC; k is the capacity
tion [8]. These models are given in eqs. (5a) and (5b),
factor; N is the number of theoretical plates; and b is a
unitless parameter which permits the LOD and the MD
to be defined independently of one another. For a mass LOD = 3SB/S (5a)
sensitive chromatographic system, the relationship between LOD = 3[s 2 + s2 + (ilS)2s2]1121S (5b)
the LOD and the MD is [ 10]
where S, i, Ss, and si are the analytical sensitivity (slope),
L0D = (2rr) l/z [tM (1 + k)/N l/z ]bMD (4) intercept, and their respective standard deviations of the
where tM is the retention time of an unretained solute, calibration curve obtained via linear regression; and sB is
corrected for gas compressibility in GC. the standard deviation of the spectroscopic blank signal,
calculated from 20 or more measurements.
Yet despite their similarities, the LOD and MD are distinct
concepts, as a closer scrutiny of Table III shows. The LOD The factor of 3 in the numerator of the right-hand ex-
isa general concept characterizing any overall trace analytical pressions of eqs. (5a) and (5b) gives a practical confidence
procedure consisting of one or more steps, whereas the MD level of 90% to 99.7%, depending on the probability
is a specific term characterizing only one step in a chro- distribution of the blank signal and the accuracy of SB
matographic analysis: detection. For example, the LOD [8, 11, 19]. Though smaller or larger factors could be
must, by det'mition, include the chromatographic dilution used instead of 3, the resulting confidence levels would
of the analyte, whereas the MD cannot. Furthermore, a be too low or too high for practical use in most cases.
chromatographic LOD is measured experimentally with a Both the original proponents of these models [8, 11] and
complete chromatographic system (including a column) others [19] strongly recommend the use of the factor 3.
under the specific conditions of a given trace analysis; the We concur.
MD, in contrast, is measured (without a column) under Both models are proposed for adoption because it seems
specified conditions [ 1-4] that in general do not correspond preferable to let the chromatography community judge
to those of the analysis. their respective merits. Indeed, strong arguments can be
Finally, one last difference should be noted: Referring to made for each. The IUPAC model, on the one hand, is
eqs. (1) and (2), an arbitrary detector signal level of twice computationaUy simpler and has already been employed,
the peak-to-peak detector noise [1-4] has been universally though infrequently, in the chromatographic literature.
agreed upon for MD calculations. No such consensus has
beenreached for the LOD. * The model which the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted in 1975 [111 was chosen specifically
for spectrochemical analysis. Though the ACS Subcommittee on
Environmental Chemistry reaffirmed this model in 1980 [12], it
did so for the area of environmental chemistry and not specifi-
caUy for the field of chromatography.

ChromatographiaVol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals 505

On the other hand, the error propagation model is not can be estimated from one-fifth of the peak-to-peak n0i~
really all that complicated; many pocket calculators with i.e.,
linear regression capability can be easily programmed
for the error propagation model. Furthermore, the error SB = NR~/5 (6cl
propagation LOD model takes uncertainties of the slope which is dearly more practical than the procedure involve!
and intercept of the calibration curve into account, result- 20 or more injections of blank solution.
ing in a more realistic numerical estimate. Two additional comments regarding the practical procedure
Interpretation. The IUPAC and error propagation LOD for measuring SB should be noted:
models were developed originally for spectroscopic trace 1. It is beyond the scope of this report to discuss the
analysis. Nearly all the associated concepts, [e.g., the measurement of Np.p in detail, except to recommene
calibration curve, the sample (analyte + matrix), etc.] that the "sufficiently wide region of the chromatogram
have identical, straightforward interpretations in chro- over which Np_p is measured be at least as wide as 3
matography. One aspect, however, does not: the inter- base widths of the analyte peak, and that this regi0"
pretation and measurement of sB. contains the analyte peak. Various procedures have
Intuitively it is clear that the chromatographic baseline already been described for measuring Np_p in the presence
is analogous to the blank signal in spectroscopy. More- of long-term noise or drift [ 1-4].
over, just as SB represents a measure of the noise in spectro- 2. If periodic fluctuations in the baseline are present, z
scopy (the standard deviation of the blank), sB must also value (of r) less than 5 should be used in eq. (6b). The
represent an analogous measure of the noise (baseline values of r may be determined from previously derive~
fluctuations) in chromatography. A useful mnemonic relationships between Nrms and Np_p for various periodic
would be to refer to Su as the "standard deviation" of signals [21]. If, for example, a triangular baseline
the baseline. observed (possibly resulting from flow pulsations in the
Given this chromatographic interpretation of Sn, how detector cell due to an insufficiently dampened solvent
should Su be measured? One possible procedure would delivery system), then r = 3.5 and SB = Np.p/3.5.
be to estimate SB from 20 or more measurements of only
that portion of the noise observed at the analyte's reten- Using the correct units
tion time in the absence of the analyte (when a blank
solution is injected). This is directly analogous to the A common misconception about chromatographic detec
measurement of the blank signal (at the analytical wave- tion limits is that it is equally correct to report them ~,
length) in spectroscopy. But this procedure would require relative values with units of concentration as it is to rep0n
20 or more injections of blank solution (~> 20 blank chro- them as absolute quantities with units of amount. Wha~
matograrns!) and is obviously impractical: follows in this section is an attempt to clarify this misc0n
1. Most importantly, a true blank solution (sample -
analyte) would be difficult if not impossible to make!
Dimensional analysis. One way of deducing the correcl
units of the chromatographic LOD is by dimensi0na'
2. It would be much too time consuming.
analysis. Referring to the definition of the MD in Table li
3. Variables which affect retention would require strict it is clear that if the appropriate units of concentration
control. and mass flux are used for the MD in eqs. (3) and (4j
4. The retention time of the analyte would need to be for the concentration sensitive and mass sensitive detector
known very precisely. cases, respectively, the units for the LOD in eqs. (3)an~
A much more practical procedure for measuring SB becomes (4) must be in terms of an amount (i.e., moles, grams
apparent if one remembers that the standard deviation or some fraction thereof).
(root mean square) of a random (periodic) signal can be Another approach via dimensional analysis is to consider
closely approximated by the quotient o f the range of the right-hand expression of eq. (1). Given the defmiti0n
signal values observed and a parameter, r, dependent on for the analytical sensitivity, it is clear that the units for
the type of signal, i.e., this term (denominator of eq. (1) should be the quotient
of the units of the measured signal and the units of the
Ssignal = range/r (6a) independent variable. Therefore, since the units for the
Assuming that the signal of interest is the short-term noise expression (numerator of eq. (1)) are the same
noise (baseline fluctuations) on a chromatogram, the those for the measured signal, the units for the detecti0r
(short-term) peak-to-peak noise, Np_p, if measured over limit should be the same as the units of the independen~
a sufficiently wide region of the chromatogram, is equiv- variable of the calibration curve. Thus, to decide whict
alent to the range in eq. (6a). Thus, the standard deviation units are correct for the LOD, we need only to identif!
of the noise, SB (equivalent to the root mean square noise, the independent variable of the calibration curve, i.e
N r m s ) , is given by to determine whether the chromatographic signal depends
on the concentration or amount of analyte injected.
SB = N r m s = Np.p/r (6b)
Equations (7) [9, 10] and (8) (inferred by analogy) bel0~
Furthermore, if the noise is sufficiently random and nor- show that the signal (peak height, hp) is directly propor-
mally distributed (Gaussian), then r = 5 (ref. 20) and SB tional to the maximum concentration, C m a x , d e t , or the

506 Chromatographia Vot. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals

maximum mass flux, Fmax, det, of the chromatographic Problems with estimating the maximum injection volume.
peak flowing through the detector, which in turn are Experimentally, Vini,max can be determined by increasing
directly proportional to the amount of analyte injected, Vini until column overloading or some other adverse
qinj: phenomenon is observed. This operational definition of
Vinj,max is unsatisfactory, however, because the injection
hp oc Cmax ,det = qinj NI/2/( 27"01/2 VR (7)
volume at which these events occur is too dependent on
hp cc Fmax, det = qiniNl/2/(21r) 1/2 tR (8) the experimental conditions, such as the sample matrix,
Thus the independent variable for a chromatographic the percent loading of the column, etc.
calibration curve is the amount (not concentration) of Alternatively, numerous theoretical expressions may be
analyte injected and once again the same conclusion is developed for the estimation of Vinj,max. Although many
reached: Chromatographic LODs should be reported as are only applicable for special cases, a few are completely
amounts, (i.e., in moles, grams, or some fraction thereof) general. Perhaps the best is one which relates Vinj,ma x to
andnot as concentrations! the maximum tolerable loss in resolution [22]. Our extension
Identifying faulty logic. Despite the above arguments, of this expression is reported below as eq. (13), and is
some researchers insist on reporting their chromatographic derived in the Appendix to this Report.
LODs as concentrations. Assuming splitless injection, Vini, max = 2 (3) qz (y2 + 2 y) t/2 VR/N l/z (13)
theirrationale might be as follows:
where y is the maximum tolerable loss in resolution due to
1. The amount of analyte injected, qini, is the product of a finite injection volume.
the concentration of analyte in the sample, Cinj, and
Despite the appeal of eq. (13) (or other theoretical ap-
the volume of sample injected, Vinj :
proaches), all theory-based estimations of Vinj,ma x have
qinj = Cinj Vinj (9) some serious shortfalls which may be summarized as
2. The concentration of analyte injected, Cinj, is directly
proportional to the amount of analyte injected (via First, it seems unlikely that expressions based on differing
criteria will predict the same or even similar values for
rearrangement of eq. (9)):
Vinj,max- We would not expect theoretical expressions
Cinj = qinj/Vinj (10) based on such divergent criteria as resolution loss and
3. Conclusion: the relative LOD (in units of concentration), column overloading, for example, to yield convergent
CL, is proportional by 1/Vinj to the absolute LOD, qL values for Vinj, max-
(in units of amount): Second, the assumptions made for a given approach may
not always be valid. The constant "2(3)q2" in eq. (13)
CL = qL/Vinj (11) resulted from the assumption of plug injection. Experi-
Though reached in a straightforward manner, the above ments have demonstrated, however, that this assumption
conclusion is nevertheless false. The error in reasoning is is frequently invalid and that the value of this numerical
best described as an improper or incomplete analogy. In "constant" varies considerably [9].
going from a true expression, eq. (10), to a false state- Finally, Vini, max may be highly sensitive to changes in a
ment, eq. (11), Cinj and qinj were replaced by two limiting parameter related to the criterion itself. Referring again to
quantities CL and qL, respectively. No analogous substitu- eq. (13), if y = 0.04 (4 % loss in resolution), eq. (13) be comes
tion was made for Vini, however, and therein lies the error.
Vinj may vary continuously over 0 < Vinj < Vinj, max, where Vinj, max ~ VR/N 1/2 (14)
Vinj,max is a limiting, maximum injection volume to be If y were chosen to be 0.01 or 0.10, then Vinj,ma x would
discussed momentarily. Unless Vin j = Vinj,max, eq. (11) is be approximately equal to 0.5 or 1.5 times the value
false. predicted by eq. (14).
A numerical example will help demonstrate the absurdity Conclusion. Although the calculation of a relative detection
of eq. (11). Suppose the absolute LOD (qL) for an analyte limit from an absolute detection limit may be rationalized
had been determined independently by two scientists by eq. (12), the experimental and/or theoretical difficulties
using the same LC system to be 1 x 10 -~2 mol. If the in obtaining an accurate estimate of the maximum injection
scientists had used different injection volumes of 5pL and volume preclude the use of this approach. In addition,
50pL, then according to eq. (11) the relative LODs (CL'S) dimensional analysis shows that chromatographic LODs
for the same chromatographic system would be 2 x 10 -6 M are properly reported only as amounts (absolute quantities)
and 2 x 10 -7 M, respectively. Clearly eq. (11) is inappro- and not as concentrations (relative quantities). From these
priate. perspectives it is clearly more meaningful to report chro-
The correct expression, eq. (12) below, is obtained by matographic LODs as amounts rather than as concentra-
using Vinj,max in place of Winj. This expression is of little tions.
value, however, because of the difficulty in obtaining an
accurate, precise estimate of Vinj, max : Converting to chromatographic reference conditions

EL = qL/Vinj, max (12) As seen from eqs. (3) and (4), the LOD depends not only
on the detector characteristics (MD) but also on three

Chromatographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals 507

chromatographic parameters [k, N, and VM (or tM) ] Second, eqs. (20a)-(20c) can be used to compare detecti0:
which characterize the column and the solute. In this limits obtained under different chromatographic conditi0r.
section a method is proposed for taking the effects of (bandwidths). Consider two such detection limits obtaine:
these parameters into account, thereby solving the final using different concentration sensitive detectors. "[he~
problem associated with the chromatographic LOD (see detection limits can be compared only after one of t~
Table I). two detection limits is converted from its present yak:.
For chromatographs with concentration-sensitive detectors, obtained under a certain chromatographic bandwidth (z
the relationship between the LOD and the chromatographic of conditions) to a value corresponding to the bandwidt!
parameters is given by of the other LOD, or after both LODs are converted t:
values corresponding to a ttdrd bandwidth.
qL = dVM (1 + k)/N 1/2 (15)
Whichever way is chosen, it should be recognized that t~,e
where terms of eq. (3) [(2rr) 1/2, b, MD] have been incorpo- final bandwidth chosen in the LOD conversion procedur~
rated into a single proportionality constant, d. Alternatively, serves as a reference state and that the initial bandwidth(s
since Va = VM (1 + k) and N = (VR/OV) 2, we may write is(are), by definition, (an) experimental state(s). Th~
from eq. (20a) we may write, for chromatographs empl0!
qL = d V R / N 1 / 2 (16)
ing concentration sensitive detectors,
qL, ref = [ OV,ref/Ov, exp ] qL, exp (2h
qL = dov (17)
where the subscripts "ref" and "exp" refer to reference
where VR is the retention volume (corrected for com- and experimental, respectively. Similar equations resultiri
pressibility in GC) and Ov is the bandwidth of the chro- from the incorporation of this notation into eqs. (20b) ani
matographic peak, in volume units. (20c) are easily inferred.
Equations (15)-(17) are equivalent, and any one of them The above derivation can be repeated in an analog0~
may be used to derive an expression which accounts for the fashion for chromatographs with mass sensitive detectors
effects of these chromatographic parameters on the LOD. The result is
For simplicity, we shall use eq. (17).
Consider an LOD, qL1, obtained under one set of chromato- qL, tee = [ O't, ref/O't, exp ] qL, exp (22,
graphic conditions, i.e., crv = oVl. By analogy with eq. (17), where ot is the bandwidth of the peak in time units.
QL1 = d o v t (18) Given eqs. (21) and (22), the analyst now has a method for
comparing detection limits obtained under different ckr~
Likewise, for qL2, an LOD obtained under a second set of matographic conditions (states). Given two or more LOI)~
chromatographic conditions, measured under different chromatographic states, the
qL2 = d O v 2 (19) analyst merely converts all of them to values correspondini
to a single, arbitrary, reference state.
Dividing eq. (19) by eq. (18) and solving for qL2 yields
Though the choice of the reference state is arbitrary, thi
qL2 = [OV2/OV 1 ] q L l (20a) selection of the reference state is nonetheless important
For example, it would be counterproductive for an analys:
which can also be written as to employ a different chromatographic reference state
qL2 = [VR2/VR1 ] IN1/N2 ] 1/2 qLl (20b) each time a new group of experimental LODs (measurei
under different experimental states) were to be compared
since LODs in separate groups could not be compared 1
qL2 = [VM2/VM1 ] [(k2 + 1)/(k1 + 1)1 this was done. For similar reasons, it would also be counteI
[N1/N2 ]1/2 qLl productive if each analyst or group of analysts used differeni
reference states.
Eqs. (20a)-(20c) are important for two reasons: First,
they can be used to predict the change in the detection On the other hand, the reference states by definition mus~
limit when switching from one set of chromatographic be different for concentration sensitive and mass sensitive
conditions to another. Thus-they are useful to the analyst chromatographic systems. And in addition, typical chr~
interested in lowering the detection limits via improve- matographic states (bandwidths) vary considerably depen6
ments in the chromatographic (rather than in the detec- ing on the physical state of the mobile phase (gas, super.
tion) aspects of the trace analysis. It should be noted, critical fluid, or liquid) and on the type of column used
however, that the detection limits cannot be lowered (packed or open tubular).
ad infinitum by such improvements. Eventually the analysis The logical compromise which we suggest is a fixed refer.
will be optimized to the point where further improvements ence state (bandwidth) to be used exclusively for each0!
in the chromatography will necessitate a reduction in four chromatographic areas - conventional liquid chr~
sample volume which offsets the chromatographic improve- matography (LC), microbore liquid chromatograph!
ments [9]. Of course, in situations where very little sample (MLC), packed column gas chromatography (PGC), an~
is available, this reduction in sample size while maintaining open tubular column gas chromatography (OTGC)-
a constant detection limit will be helpful. with each of the two types of detectors [concentrati0:

508 Chromatographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals

sensitive (eq. (21)) or mass sensitive (eq. (22))], giving Third, the standardized LOD facilitates the prediction
a total of eight fixed references states. Furthermore, we of the value of the LOD under experimental chromato-
propose that the LODs resulting from the conversion graphic conditions. Rearranging eqs. (23) and (24), one
to these fixed reference states be referred to as standardized obtains
chromatographic LODs. To emphasize this, eqs. (21) and
qL, exp = [OV,exp/~ ref] qL,std (25)
(22) may be rewritten as
qL,std = [ OV,ref/OV, exp ] qL, exp (23)
qL,exp = [Ot, exp/Ot,ref] qL, stcl (26)
Assuming qL, sta has been reported, one merely needs to
qL,std = [Or,ref/Ot, exp ] qL, exp (24)
substitute values for Ov, exp(Or Ot.exp) in eq. (25) or (26)
respectively, where the standardized LODs are indicated in order to calculate qL,exp.
bythe subscript "std". Fourth, the standardized LOD can serve not only as a
Note that we have purposely omitted supercritical fluid figure of merit for the overall chromatographic analysis,
chromatography (SFC) and open tubular liquid chromato- but as a figure of merit for the detector as well. The need
graphy (OTLC) from this discussion both for the purpose to measure the minimum detectability (i.e., to independ-
of simplicity and because these areas have not matured ently characterize the detector) would therefore be elimi-
sufficiently to lend themselves to this reference state nated, resulting in a considerable savings of time.
treatment. We also chose not to have a separate category Numerically defining the reference states. Values for the
for high-speed liquid chromatography because this area proposed chromatographic reference states (bandwidths)
employs concentration-sensitive detectors almost exclusive- were determined by assigning reference values to the com-
ly, and the volume bandwidths important for these detec- ponent parameters [VM (or tM), k, and N] and then calcu-
tors will usually be within a factor of two of the con- lating the reference bandwidths using eq. (27) or (28):
ventional LC reference volume bandwidth.
OV,ref = VM,ref(1 + kref)/(Nref) 1/2 (27)
Differences in opinion regarding these omissions may exist,
of course. It may become necessary to develop chromato- Ot, ref = tM, ref(1 + kref)/(Nref) 1/2 (28)
graphic reference states for these and other areas we have The suggested values for kref, Nref, VM,ref, and tM,re f are
chosen to omit. Our focus, however, is not on the number listed in Table IV. They were selected according to one or
of chromatographic reference states that should be em- more of the following criteria:
ployed, but on the reference state concept itself and the
resulting standardized chromatographic LODs, the benefits 1. The value represents an intermediate chromatographic
0fwkich will be discussed presently. performance which is easily achieved except under
unusual circumstances.
Advantages o f the chromatographic reference state concept
2. The value falls within a range of values reported directly
and the resulting standardized chromatographic LODs. If
in the scientific and trade literature.
the values for the reference states are chosen judiciously,
the resulting standardized LODs will be superior to experi- 3. The value falls within a range of values calculated from
mental (hereafter termed conventional) LODs in several column manufacturer specifications.
ways: 4. The value fails within a previously recommended range
First, standardized LODs generally represent a more realistic (k only - see ref. [23]).
measure of the trace analysis capabilities of a given chro- Despite our best attempts to use logical criteria in choosing
matographic system, thus permitting an analyst to decide appropriate values for kref, Nref, VM,ref, and tM.ref, we
whether or not a particular application reported in the recognize that differences in opinion concerning the criteria
literature will be feasible with his or her system. Conven- or the values selected may exist. We welcome suggestions
tional LODs, on the other hand, may be very misleading. for adjustments to these values, particularly for those
As evidenced in the literature, many trace analyses have changes which significantly affect the values of the overall
been performed using chromatographic systems which chromatographic reference states (bandwidths), i.e., for
have only been partially optimized, if at all. As a result, those changes in kref, Nref, VM,ref, and tM,re f which do
unusually pessimistic (very high) LODs are obtained. In not offset themselves in eq. (27) or (28).
contrast, some overly optimistic (very low) LODs have
Table IV. Suggested values for the component parameters of the
been reported in some instances where the particular
chromatographic reference states a
chromatographic systems have been optimized more than
the typical system could have been. parameter LC MLC PGC OTGC
Second, the use of standardized LODs permits a fair com- kre f 4 4 4 4
parison of trace analysis chromatographic systems in Nre f 10,000 10,000 10,000 90,000
different areas, e.g., OTGC vs. LC, or with different types V M , re f (mL) 1.5 0.2 3 2
of detectors (mass vs. concentration sensitive). Such a tM,ref (min) 1 1 0.5 1
comparison is not valid if conventional LODs are used,
LC = conventional liquid chromatography, MLC = microbore liquid
evenwithin a given area using the same type of detector.
chromatography, PGC = packed column gas chromatography, and
OTGC = open tubular column gas chromatography.

Chr0matographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals 509

Table V. Proposed standardized LOD equations and the suggested The reconciliation is summarized in Table Vl, th0u~
chromatographic reference states
readers who wish to perform the calculations will needl
concentration refer to conditions specified in Table II. The progress oftL
q L,std = [GV,ref/UV ,exp] q L,exp sensitive detector LOD reconciliation in Table VI may be noted by inspect~
mass sensitive either the LOD values themselves in the second and tt/
qL,std = [at,ref/Ot,exp] q L , e x p detector
columns, or their ratio in the fourth column, given:
LC a MLC a PGC a OTGC a orders of magnitude. The degrees to which the gi~:
OV,ref(mL) b 0,075 0,010 0.150 0.033 problems are responsible for the initial discrepancy betwee:
Ut,ref (min.) c 0.050 0.050 0.025 0.017 the LODs are shown in the fifth column; they are 0~
key to abbreviations given in Table IV. rained by subtracting successive values in the fourth colun~
b calculated via equation (27) using values from Table IV. Three steps were performed in the reconciliation. First, ti
c calculated via equation (28) using values from Table IV. LOD values reported incorrectly in units of concentratic:
(molL-1 ) are converted to the appropriate units of am0u:
(mol) by multiplying by the corresponding sample injectic:
The proposed chromatographic reference states and corre- volumes (Vinj'S). Second, these unit-corrected LODs a:
sponding standardized LOD equations are shown in Table then converted to values consistent with the IUPAC m0d~
V. Table V and the advantages enumerated earlier con- previously discussed (qL = 3sB/S). For case A, since Np(
veniently summarize the bulk of the material presented 5s B (as discussed earlier in Choosing a Model), the t02,
in this section. Only one additional point needs to be must be reduced by a factor of 50/3. For case B, sine:
made: experimental bandwidths are best measured directly Nrms = SB, no adjustment is necessary. Finally, using tk:
using equations such as appropriate equation and reference state in Table V a~:
the experimental bandwidths given in Table II, the IUPAI
Oexp = Wb/4 (29)
consistent LOD values are converted to standardize:
or LODs, thereby adjusting for differences in the experimentz
O~xp = Woa/4.292 (30) chromatographic conditions.
As seen in Table VI, the discrepancy between the LODs:
where Wb and Wo. 1 represent the base width and the width
reduced significantly with every successive stage. It sh0~:
at 10% peak height, in units of volume or time, whichever
be noted that the largest source of discrepancy is due t
is appropriate. Alternatively, the bandwidths can be calcu-
differences in the experimental chromatographic conditi0:
lated from their component parameters iN, k, and V M (or
(bandwidths). This demonstrates the need for a standardize!
tM)], but this is disadvantageous in two respects. First, it
chromatographic limit of detection. Finally, the LODst
requires at least three measurements instead of one. Second,
the bottom row of Table VI are identical, indicating th
different expressions and/or different interpretations are
the reconciliation has been completely successful.
required for gradient (temperature or mobile phase) elution
The numerical example - revisited
Our comments and reconunendations for obtaining meanir!
We return to our hypothetical LOD example (Table 1I and
ful chromatographic detection limits are summarized beI0'~
associated text) to reconcile the large differences in the
We hope that some, if not all, of these guidelines willb.
reported detection limits. Recall that since identical chro-
put into practice in order to make the limit of detecti0:
matographic detectors were employed, the huge discrep.
a more reliable figure of merit in chromatography.
ancies were attributed solely to problems 4 - 6 of Table I.
These problems will now be eliminated one at a time 1. The limit of detection (LOD) should not be confu~:
using solutions proposed in this report. Identical detection with the minimum detectability (MD), the (analytic/
limits will be obtained at the conclusion of this reconcila- sensitivity (S), or the detector sensitivity (Sd).
tion, thus validating quantitatively our LOD example and
demonstrating the efficacy of our solutions.

Table V l . Reconciling the differences in the detection limits

from the numerical example in Table II a Step LOD A LOD B
[LOOA7 &10~
log L L O D B j

0 Initial 8.7 X 1 0 - 6 M 4.5 X 1 0 - 9 M 3.3

1 Amount 44 pmoi 90 fmoi 2.7
2 IUPAC def'n 2.6 pmol 90 fmol 1.5
3 qL,std 225 fmol 225 fmol 0.0

a Values in this table are reported to more than one significant figure for
purposes of illustration only. Detection limits are normally reported to
only one significant figure.

510 Chromatographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 Originals

2. Chromatographic detection limits should be calculated Acknowledgement
using the IUPAC and/or the error propagation model(s).
JPF gratefully acknowledges partial support of this work
The calibration curve should be constructed from a
by a 1983 ACS Analytical Division Fellowship sponsored
plot of signal versus amount (not signal versus con-
by the Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh. JGD
centration) of analyte injected, thus ensuring that the
gratefully acknowledges Eli Lilly and Company and the
resulting LODs will be reported properly as amounts
Alcoa Foundation for support of this research.
(and not as concentrations)!
This work was presented in part at the 186th National
3. If obtained under non-standard chromatographic con-
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington,
ditions, the detection limits should be standardized
DC, September 1, 1983.
using the equations in Table V. Standardized chromato-
graphic LODs are superior to their conventional (non-
standardized) counterparts for several reasons, in par-
ticular because they permit the valid comparison of
trace analysis chromatographic systems in different 111 ASTM E516-74, Testing Thermal Conductivity Detectors
areas (conventional LC, microbore LC, packed column Used In Gas Chromatography. American Society for Testing
& Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1974.
GC, and open tubular column GC) and/or with different 121 ASTM E 594-77, Testing Flame Ionization Detectors Used In
types of detectors (mass and concentration sensitive). Gas Chromatography. American Society for Testing &
Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1977.
[3] ASTM E685-79, Testing Fixed-Wavelength Photometric
Detectors Used In Liquid Chromatography. American Society
Appendix - D e r i v a t i o n o f Vinj, ma x for Testing & Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1979.
[4] ASTM E 697-79, Use of Electron-Capture Detectors Used In
We begin with a previously derived expression [16] which Gas Chromatography. American Society for Testing &
Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1979.
relates the peak volume observed for a finite size sample, 151 J.P. Foley, J. G. Dorsey, Anal. Chem. 55,730-737 (1983).
Vw, to the volume of injected sample, Vinj, and to the [6] L.A. Currie, Anal. Chem. 40,586-593 (1968).
peak volume observed for a very small sample, Vp [71 H. Kaiser, Pure Appl. Chem. 34, 35-61 (1973).
[81 G.L. Long, J. D. Winefordner, Anal. Chem. 55,712A-724A
2 = V~ + 4/3(Vini) 2 (A.1) (1983).
[9 ] B.L. Karger, M. Martin, G. Guiochon, Anal. Chem. 46,
Let Vw = (y + 1)Vp (A.2) 1640-1647 (1974).
1101 N.H.C. Cooke, B.G. Archer, K. Olsen, A. Berick, Anal.
where y = loss in resolution due to a finite injection volume. Chem. 54, 2277-2283 (1982).
Substituting eq. (A.2) i n t o eq. (A.1) and solving for Vinj [11] Nomenclature, Symbols, Units and Their Usage in Spectro-
chemical Analysis-lI. Data Interpretation, International
yields Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Spectrochimica
Acta 33B, 241-245 (1978); rules approved 1975.
Vinj = [ 3 / 4 ( y 2 + 2y)] 1/2 Vp (A.3) [121 Guidelines for Data Acquisition and Data Quality Evaluation
in Environmental Chemistry. Anal. Chem. 52, 2242-2249
We now express Vp in terms of N, k, and VM using eqs. (1980).
(A.4)-(A.6), assuming Vp = Vb, the volume corresponding [13] ASTM E 260-73, General Gas Cttromatography Procedures.
American Society for Testing & Materials, Philadelphia, Pa.;
to the base width of the peak.
originally published 1965; latest revision 1973.
1141 ASTM E 355-77, Gas Chromatography Terms and Relation-
N = (VR/oV) 2 (A.4) ships. American Society for Testing & Materials, Philadelphia,
v~ -- 4 o v (A.5) Pa.; originally published 1968; latest revision 1977.
[15] ASTM E 682-79, Liquid Chromatography Terms and Rela-
VR = VM (1 + k) (a.6) tionships. American Society for Testing & Materials, Phila-
delphia, Pa., 1979.
lho result is [161 Recommendations on Nomenclature for Chromatography.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Pure
Vp = 4VM(1 + k)/N u2 (1.7) Appl. Chem. 37,445-462 (1974).
1171 L.S. Ettre, J. Chromatogr. 165,235-256 (1979).
Substitution of eq. (A.7) into eq. (A.3) yields the expression [181 L.S. Ettre, J. Chromatogr. 220, 29-63 (1981).
[191 1t. Kaiser, Anal. Chem. 42 (4), 26A-59A (1970).
Vinj = [3/4(Y 2 + 2y] u2 4VM (1 + k)/N u2 (A.8) [20] .I.D. Winefordner (Ed.), Trace Analysis, Vol. 46: Spectro-
scopic Methods for Elements, Wiley Chemical Analysis
If y is re-designated to be the maximum tolerable loss in Series, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1976, p. 28.
resolution, then eq. (A.8) becomes, upon rearrangement, [21 ] H. V. Malmstadt, C. G. Enke, S. R. Crouch, Electronics and
Instrumentation for Scientists, Benjamin/Cummings Pub-
Vinj,max = 2 ( 3 ) 1/2 (y2 + 2y)1/2 VM (1 + k)/N 1/2 (A.9) lishing, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, 1981, pp. 31-32.
[22] L.R. Snyder, J.J. Kirkland, Introduction to Modern Liquid
which is the desired expression (eq. (13)). Chromatography, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1979, p. 289.
123] P.T. Kissinger, L.J. Feliee, D.J. Miner, C.R. Reddy, R.E.
Shoup, "Detectors for Trace Organic Analysis by Liquid
Chromatography: Principles and Applications"; in Con-
temporary Topics in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry,
Vol. 2. D.M. Hercules, G.M. Hieft]e, L.R. Snyder, and
M. A. Evenson, Eds. Plenum Press, New York, 1978, p. 67.
Received: Jan. 13, 1984
Revised manuscript
received: April 25, 1984
Accepted: May 19, 1984

Chromatographia Vol. 18, No. 9, September 1984 OriginaLs 511

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