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The Effect Of Temperature And Concentration Of Biodiesel Castor Bean

(Jatropha Curcas) On Diesel Engine Performance

Budi Satriawan1, Achmad Fauzan Hery Soegiharto2, Sudarman3, Muhammad Naufal
Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Telp. (0341) 464318-128 Fax. (0341) 460782 Malang
* Corresponding author:

The process of adding to the fuel temperature is one of the factors that
cause complete combustion. Biodiesel heating diesel is injected until a certain
temperature will decrease the density and viscosity. High temperatures will
make the fuel easier to burn to compensate for the short time available in a
high-speed operating conditions.
Date collection was performed testing the viscosity, density fuel carried
in the chemical laboratory, testing was performed with a viskosimeter viscosity,
and density testing is done with the formula mass divided by volume while the
diesel motor performance test in laboratory of mechanical engineering
university of muhammadiyah malang. On testing engine is the first step to start
the engine and then gives the maximum load on the engine which is equal to
3000 watts after it determines putaram engine at 2200 rpm, to determine the fuel
consumption is done by observing how long it takes to finish in 1 ml of fuel, as
for knowing the value of the content of the flue gas analyzer is a device used
orsat where the hose contained on orsat tube is put into the sewer or exhaust.
Effective fuel consumption indicates that the fuel is more wasteful than
the b100 fuel b5 and b55. In the b5 fuel temperature of 40ºc 0.1451 (kg / hp.jam)
and the highest fuel consumption on a b100 t 70ºc at 0.8602 (kg / hp.jam). The
highest thermal efficiency of the fuel contained in b5 t 40ºc has a percentage
value of 40.330%, the lowest thermal efficiency of the fuel contained in the b100
t 70ºc at 8.642%. To demonstrate the value of co gas levels on b100 fuel
produced the lowest co level at 50ºc t worth 2.47%, b5 at 70ºc t valued at 4.6%
and b55 t 60ºc worth of 3.87%.
Keywords: effect of heating temperature, fuel b5, b55, and b100
The natural resources in the world have a wide range of application in the field of
science and technology. Some of the natural resources such as coal, crude oil and so
forth are employed in power plants, boilers, and some automotive engines. Usage of
biodiesel in the engine will reduce emissions of sul- phur dioxide (SO2), which is the
primary cause of acid rain. It has high lubrication properties which improves the life and
the performance of the engine. Safety of operation is also improved due to it's high flash
point. (Suresh et al., 2018)
A study showed that the viscosity of all vegetable oils decreased dramatically with
increasing temperature. At 40°C for the three oils heated to a temperature of 60°C, the
viscosities of JO, KO, and NO dropped to 28.42, 32.5, and 36.6 cSt, respectively. On
further heating the oil to 80°C, the respective viscosity values decreased to 9.65 , 10.23 ,
and 9.25 cSt (Yadav & Singh, 2010).
The jatropha tree has several beneficial properties such as its stem is being used as a
natural tooth paste and brush, latex from stem is being used as natural pesticides and
wound healing, its leaf as feed for silkworms among other uses. It is a rapidly growing
tree and easily propagated (Vashist & Ahmed, 2011). The oil extracted from jatropha
seeds is used for jatropha biodiesel production. In the first step, the seed is removed
from husk for oil ex- traction, and the kernel from the shell is extracted prior to oil
extrac- tion. Various extraction methods with their process, benefits, and lim- itations
such as supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasonic-assisted extraction, mechanical screw
press, and organic solvent extraction(Singh et al., 2021)
The chemical process of converting oil to biodiesel is referred to as
transesterification. Transesterification is a process that replaces an alcohol functional
group from an ester with another one by reacting vegetable oils with alcohol in the
presence of a catalyst. The factors affecting the process (transesterification) include the
molar ratio of alcohol to oil, the concentration of catalyst, the reaction time, the reaction
temperature, the free fatty acid and the water content in oils or fats. (Ahmed et al., 2016)
Transesterification of non-edible castor oil with ethanol was catalyzed by the
formed spherical (3–5 mm) S-La2O3/NaY-800. The S- La2O3/NaY-800 catalyst has
excellent crushing strength (114 N) and high catalytic activity. The optimized FAEE
yield of 84.6% was ob- tained at optimum reaction conditions (catalyst concentration of
10 wt %, ethanol to oil molar ratio of 15:1, reaction temperature of 70 °C for 50 min).
The high catalytic activity of S-La2O3/NaY-800 is related to the good dispersion and
large pore size of La2O3 in zeolite NaY. In addition, catalyst durability tests showed
that the S-La2O3/NaY-800 catalyst could maintain higher than 75% FAEE yield after 5
cycles of operation.(Du et al., 2018)
Karanja, and Neem oils

Figure 1. Heat exchanger

The combustion process is a problem that is often encountered in diesel engines,
efforts to improve the performance of diesel engines, the amount of fuel in the
combustion chamber is not in accordance with the needs, the fuel injection process is
not good or the mixing process of fuel with air in the combustion chamber is often the
cause incomplete combustion.
The energy contained in the fuel is expressed by the calorific value. The higher the
calorific value, the greater the energy contained. A fuel with a high calorific value will
produce more power per mass of fuel than a fuel with a low calorific value. As a result,
engines running on lower energy fuels will need more fuel to produce the same power.
Biodiesel will require 1.1 gallons to produce the same power as 1 gallon of diesel oil
(Hofman, 2012)
The main fatty acid contains in crude J. curcas oil (CJCO) are oleic (44.5%)
followed by linoleic (35.4%), palmitic (13.0%) and stearic (5.8%). CJCO consists
80.9% of unsatu- rated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) indicated that it has low
temperature properties. The crude C. inophyllum oil (CCIO) also contains higher
amount of unsaturated fatty oleic (46.1%) and linoleic acid (24.7%) than saturated fatty
palmitic acids (14.7%) and stearic acid (13.2%). Besides, the crude C. pentandra oil
(CCPO) contains linoleic acid (39.7%), palmitic acid (19.2%) and 18.5% of malvaloyl
acid. (Ong et al., 2014)
The decrease in the viscosity of various variations of the mixture between diesel and
biodiesel for constant rotation diesel engine fuel, shows that adding a heater can
increase engine efficiency (Agarwal & Rajamanoharan, 2009)
According to Sazhin spontaneous combustion is influenced by fuel temperature and
pressure in the combustion cylinder. Meanwhile, Heywood in his book entitled Internal
Combustion Engine Fundamentals explains that spontaneous combustion is not only
influenced by the cetana number, effective pressure is also influenced by fuel
temperature (Crisfield, 1985)
Combustion is a rapid chemical reaction between oxygen and combustible materials,
accompanied by the emergence of light and producing heat. Spontaneous combustion is
a combustion in which the material is oxidized slowly so that the heat produced is not
Viscosity and surface tension are two important properties of liquid fuels affecting
the characteristics of the spray issued from a fuel nozzle. Viscous force on the liquid
damps down the distur- bance at the jet surface impeding its disintegration. Thus higher
viscosity of the fuel delays the breakup and results in a poorer atomized spray. On the
other hand, higher surface tension coeffi- cient of the liquid fuel results in coarser
droplets in the spray because of the increase in the cohesive force, resisting disintegra-
tion.(Das et al., 2018)

Figure 2. Diesel engine combustion process (Maleev, 1973)

In the context of the importance of developing alternative energy sources that are
environmentally friendly and easily renewable, a series of research, testing and
development of jatropha fuel oil will be carried out. In the process of completing this
Final Project, the author will conduct a series of tests on a diesel engine, namely the
effect of the temperature of the B5, B55, and B100 fuel heaters on the performance of a
constant rotation engine.
Referring to what has been discussed in the previous problem formulation section,
the objectives of this study are to :
a. Knowing the effect of heating temperature on fuel B5, B55 and B100 on fuel
b. Knowing the effect of heating temperature on fuel B5, B55 and B100 on thermal
c. Knowing the effect of heating temperature on fuel B5, B55 and B100 on the CO
content of exhaust gases.
A. Material Preparation
The materials used in this study were biodiesel oil, biodiesel, and a mixture of 50%
biodiesel and 50% biodiesel. Biodiesel oil, with specifications set by Pertamina, is
obtained from gas stations. Meanwhile, biodiesel is produced by the Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
The properties of B5, B55, and B100 tested include :
1. Density (density) in g/cm3.
2. Kinematic viscosity in mm2/sec.
3. Biodiesel Fuel Diesel Engine Performance Test

B. Tools and materials used

1. Fuel heating tank.
2. Fuel heating element
3. Thermocouple
4. Fuel faucet
5. Thermometer
6. Ammeter and voltmeter wires
7. Water heating element
8. Thermocontrol Sensor
9. Viscometer
10. Tachometer
11. Fuel heating element
12. Asbestos powder
13. Calcium and rokat, etc

The formula to find out SFCE or specific effective fuel consumption (kg/HPhour) is
Fc as fuel consumption (kg 1 hour) divided by Ne as effective power (HP). combustion
engine.(ηth) is Effective Thermal Efficiency and to find out the value of Effective
Thermal Efficiency using the formula, namely Ne as effective power (HP) multiplied by
632 then divided by Fc as fuel consumption (kg/hour) multiplied by LHVbb as low
heating value of the material (kcal/kg) then multiplied by 100%. (Company et al., 2015)
C. Steps for testing and data collection
1. Testing machines based on B5, B55, and B100.
2. Data collection in the form such as :
a. Fuel temperature
b. Engine load
c. Effective fuel consumption
d. Air consumption
e. Engine power
3. Data comparison
Parameter changes are explained through analysis based on theory and other
supporting research results.
The order of presentation and discussion of research results is as follows:
A. Calculation from test data
1. Test the density and viscosity of B5, B55, and B100 oils with variations in
2. Performance test of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel, a mixture of 50%
biodiesel and biodiesel.
3. Test the fuel air consumption of B5, B55, and B100 with variations in
B. Experimental Data
Experimental data can be seen as below :
1. Results
a. Effective power on SFCE
SFCE (kg/HP.jam)

0.7 B5 B100
0.5 B55
2.8246 2.8246 2.8246 2.8246

Effective power (HP)

Graph 1. Comparison between Power and ESFC on B5, B55, and B100 . fuels
b. Effective Power at Thermal Efficiency



Efisiensi Thermal (%)

B5 B100
30.000 B55





2.8246 2.8246 2.8246 2.8246

Effective Power (HP)

Graph . Comparison between Power and Thermal Efficiency on B5, B55, and B100
2. Discussion
Graph 3 shows that the SFCE of diesel engines that use B100 or B5 fuel will
increase with increasing engine temperature. However, in the B55 fuel, the fuel
consumption actually decreased at a temperature of 60°C. In B5 fuel, the lowest fuel
consumption at a temperature of 40°C is 0.1451 (kg/HP.hour) and the highest effective
fuel consumption is at a temperature of 70°C at 0.4602 (kg/HP.hour) then on the fuel
B55 the lowest fuel consumption at 70°C is 0.356 (kg/HP.hour), the highest effective
fuel consumption is at 60°C is 0.577 (kg/HP.hour) and at B100 fuel the lowest fuel
consumption is at temperature 60°C at 0.5773 (kg/HP.hour) and the highest fuel
consumption at a temperature of 70°C at 0.8602 (kg/HP.hour).
Graph 4 shows the highest efficiency is found in B5 fuel at a temperature of
40ºC has a percentage value of 40.330%, for the lowest thermal efficiency is found in
B100 fuel at a temperature of 70ºC at 8.642%, while B55 fuel also has a low efficiency
of 11.342% at a temperature of 60ºC. B5 fuel with a temperature of 70ºC has a CO
composition of 4.6% of exhaust gas and a temperature of 40ºC, the composition of CO
levels increases by 5.93%, while for B55 fuel, the highest value is obtained at a
temperature of 70ºC of 4.33% and the lowest is at a temperature of 4.33%. 60ºC is
3.87% while for B100 fuel the highest CO content is at a temperature of 70 C at 4% and
the lowest is at a temperature of 50 C at 2.47%.
After doing research using the Xing Dong R175 Diesel Engine and YSI Generator 1
cylinder direct injection constant rotation, it can be concluded as follows :
1. Effective fuel consumption shows that B100 fuel is more wasteful than B5
and B55 fuel.
2. From the analysis of exhaust gas oil with CO content in fuel B100 consumes
the lowest CO content at T 50 C worth 2.47%, B5 at T 70ºC worth 4.6% and
B55 fuel at T 60ºC worth 3.87%.

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