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Check Shear For Prestressed Elements Steps of check shear: 1— Calculate the ultimate loads on the prestressed beam and draw the S.F.D. due to ultimate loads. wy=1.4gt1.6p 2— Determine the critical sections for shear stresses. — Simple beam critical section Li | ! L | h | Lt h | Iq | 1 \|2 | a 2h 2 +24 | a | - Sand it ein Par ate! 2t2| I a + + ate SPD. #2 SPD. Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Simple beam with cantilever |. critical section —~| — Simple beam supported on hangers Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 3— Calculate the shear stresses at the critical sections. Gy = bd, where Q,= the shearing force at the critical section. b= the width of the section. b=b, +b, d,= the distance between the maximum compression point to the C.G. of prestressing steel (d,¢ 0.8h) B v n+" Ja, h ld, le le prestressing steel prestressing steel a,=2 +e ld, =yre Bale ab gale — (0.8h) 2 JB YA GW 4 aw jas GU) EU) uum Bybie(d,) d dp dp Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 4— Check that section dimensions are safe. |VuS mas Were | eemag 0-75 So $ 4.50 N/mm? 5— Determine the shear stress carried by concrete(q., cracpea) LAY Gy Gyny BLAU Bybee yall Bolle aC, smenaated) BH Lalpaid Lylam aS 6— Design the shear reinforcement. Tf GS eu uncrackea Use Minimum stirrups | A, sei 6S ¥ where (S)is the spacing between stirrups (100-200mm) HF aL s L. If > Vou uncractea —° design the shear reinforcement _ _ As Sy Ms Gy Tou cracked ~ os where n LSU af gyi sae (n =2 or 4 or 6 or...) Yeu cracked = vA! 693 SU God EyAII) any GL WI daglde n=2 n=4 Ag = IS 45 pubindl Qual ple dob J, = COU Epabll olga! (f =240 or 360 N/mm? ) y, =1.15 factor of safety for steel S= Spacing between stirrups (100—200mm) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 1—Simplified method + 0.16 [Sew Vv % an ous uncracted 0-045 [i 43.6% N/mnt e $ 0.375 |Fu Q,. v% Qy dy and 77 > 1.0 where Q,= the shearing force at the critical section. M,= the ultimate moment at the critical section. d,= the distance between the maximum compression point to the C.G. of prestressing steel (dp¢ 0.8h) laay% Guw LS |. _critical section wie Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa p. | We have to use exact method ab yob - ey Hib! ode plasiol che WS SW Gs fle sland g5% gl SUD wl deglde Ge LE Ge JL Y he > 0-4f,| ob ol If ds You uncracked Use min. shear RFT. FP I> Tou uncracked ® 2-Exact method — Types of shear cracks 1—Web shear cracks Occurs when the magnitude of principle tension is high with respect to flexural stress. Diagonal cracks starts at the web near the centroid of the section (consider section is I wneracked) “web crushing (Sy | Ti failure Zz po 2-Flexural shear cracks by | Occurs due to the combined effect of shear and moment. The crack starts as a flexural crack (normal to beam axis) and propagate at inclined direction due to the effect of diagonal tension (consider section is cracked) | diagonal tension failure OW 2 (A ineracteg BLEU Bslie Hl Yall deglde 45S WL, Ul ge Quiz web shear strength Wi= flexural shear strength lam Ys) ee (gay, J cy (Eqivalent load due to prestressing) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa How to get eqivalent load due to prestressing: ped ca Ll olisdl py5e cy Cuoy dl le pose Ghost Lam 50 (prestressing force) b© &23UW)I pssoJ) G2555 9 % JN A BMD. due to pres. 77 y —— eee lf life 77 b__4 Pe=FL — P= 4Pe 4 L o= —25-= ze _, pa 4Pe =2Pe=P(e+0 ) L/2 7 iL a a ~ —(Fgivalent load=P* J2\0I ploy a5!) F/2 * Wh Ay A F F/2 s. due to pres. @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa P ey B.M.D. due to pres. Pe. f i — 2 | L |_te P(e, +B )=w, = wwy = SPC Fee/2) - Plt) 2 Pep =u, 2° = w= c ATMA | © = “ “ SED dhe to pros. Pe, SY e D a ne ne Peg te | L 7 Le) 2 8P 8P(' ) P(e, +e, J=w, — w= Perea) = SEC gta’ 2 2Pe, Peg=w,— — we 72 c | — IAM 4 S.P.D. due to pres. ® Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa B.M.D. due to pres. Eqivalent load=P* J: gis 29/5 e, e, +e, F=P(0, +0 )=PL 5 7a + Lz e2 FpPo5=P[ J Ts & |__| i 2 S.P.D. due to pres. colam 84S gle dyed Late oe (Eqivalent load due to prestressing) (Gu uncrackea Blo AW & Lie YW Yall deglie GU LS3 4) Gwe LS ob OSE Go pho ga Qu= web shear strength 9,= flexural shear strength (Fy © Tog) Pram Bere 7 oh Lady © Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa a— Web shear strength (q,, ) eu +f ‘pec I+ Ypy N/mn? d,= Shear stress due to effective prestressing force at the ps _ Qps/%ps, In bd, critical section Qps= the shearing force due to effective prestressing force at the critical section Ys=1.15 factor of safety for prestressing steel Sn ec normal sress due to effective prestressing force at C.G. of the section Foce = Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa b— Flexural shear strength (q,,) [i i, ; To 4 = 0-045 |“ 9,495 M,, N/mmé < 0.16 [= where_ wa=9=0.w.+ F.C. wy=1.49+1.6p [e | ad Ht No * ale = the working shear stress due to dead load only at the Qa critical section |94= bd, q, = the ultimate shear stress due to external loads at the Qu Qa critical section |; = “bd, @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Mnaz= the ultimate moment due to external loads at the critical section|M,,,.-M, —M, M,, = the cracking moment and is calculated as follows: 1 Sec (1-1) BF =f = ye he P.e , M, Frott=Sor=9- 45 Seu=~ A> Zy + Zp — but the code specifies that the value (M, ) should be substracted from (M,,) — |M,=(0.45/F, +e fe )*Z, —My Sec (2-2) Prop Foe= 9-45 Sou=— A %, > My=(0.45,/f +a but the code specifies that the value (M,) should be substracted from (M,) BU ye sbodl ya(Q, J&ls BU &yLie Il Yall) degli GU Why (Guy & Yep) @ DrEzz Eldin Mostofa dlls 0.4 =24 os smn Sy Tf GiS eu uncrackea use minimum stirrups As, If W> Vou uncrackea —° Fesign the shear reinforcement n.As Sy Gy Tou cracked BS 4 J5Ul em Tou cracked Cue | Foy =0-12(/ + Spee JQ N/mm? Sox _ Fone Ma, ‘auexa.0225 | +0.4*/q,+9% if N/mm? ¢ 0.12 Dr.B22 Eldin Mostafa Calculation Of The Ultimate Limit Moment (Mz) Of The Prestressed Section Jagrdg lel B05 Dy ys ol Sts io ¢ UH (Mp) Glin ps Ulin Yl aaglie palin ¢UL! 4! (plastic range) ala» 3 ¢Uaill vale ae3/gJ! wy=1.4g+1.6p BMD. How to calculate (Mp ): fps b strain distribution stress distribution If we neglect the effect of non prestressing steel raz=O0 => C. =]s Sos 2 &ab- =Aps 7 = get 0 —Mp= -2 horas -a/2) = Ags 72 ° (dp—a/2) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa If My< Mp — safe If M,> Mp we have to use non prestressing steel (A, ) — How to get (A,) if M,> Mp f= 0.003 3% 4 & 6 strain distribution stress distribution r2=0 2 C, =hetE 2 &ab- =Ays 8 Ap 4 = (1) ‘ps Ys My=Aps P2 roa -a/2)+A5 7, (a af2) — (2) Solving (1,2) —» get A, G3 dye gall Lan g29(fpg ) Waadial U3) ab Lull YsLed! ys ail Lod anys Gyw Le yng (ultimate stage)il-ys i owl! Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa How to get (f,,) : 1—-Simplified method Sosf, a 1 ty (glee +g a (i oh Hoe fu ))| where Su= the ultimate stress of prestressing steel Np= factor depends on the type of prestressing steel Fou 0.68 for ra fu Fou 0.50 for 7. 'p fpu Sou 0.35 for? fu ¢ 0.80 ¢ 0.85 ¢ 0.90 ab yale WU gb JL sla Bs Gl Gay Sip ode pladtal char cL [f, > O.5f,,] SY aA degli go Zo ge Ji Y © Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 2-Exact method (pres. steel) 5 I9esd\ (eps) JAB Glam ple dh yl! ode siies le 5 wlan Ge BAI JA (wy (ultimate stage) tly. 5 (pres. steel) 3 2325)! (fps) Hla 2! slog! Sx apy! dole! Go(pres. steel) 8 I9>54Il (eps) JBI Glam py Eps = "pet "cet "pe where Be /Aps E, ‘ps &pe= the strain due to prestressing = where (E,,) is the modulus of elasticity of pres. steel Eee= the strain required for the concrete stress to reach zero at the level of pres. steel which is called decompression strain. eg a where: (E,) is the modulus of elasticity of concrete P Pe. .e.e & fag y + h 2 oe L Ih e {_ Aps | | b stress due to decompression stage pres. force only @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa fpe= the strain in the pres. steel corresponding to the maximum strain in concrete(s, =0.003) Mah f@=0.003 WW: dp| — LLL a a Kl epe = *0.003 | | 4s "pe b strain distribution slay! ay WoL (pres. steel) ud syzgell (eps) JleBY) Glan sory J Go lad (F.)olae 3 (Idealized stress-strain curve for pres. steel) Strain Idealized stress—strain curve for pres. steel @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Design Of End Block Assume (a) is the dimension of end plate (Cul gs) oles! ) stress contoor B ti 2 B h wit! Al 2 fa ar4 In ‘4 Bt 1 M By wh_Fyh | 1m or h| EM, =0 = Brgtl*Z=2*4 7S) Leash where: (T) is the splitting force due to end block. — If there are more than 7 cable 5 4*number of rows in cross section a-2 where: (y) is the distance served by one row Plea Lo Number of rows =3 eof PE a le 4 P| Fy #5 (1-4) I en elevation | 1 Number of rows =2 xX 1 > | ve i jo T= (1-s 4 a v2 Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa — To get vertical and horizontal stirrups a— Vertical stirrups Ty = 1g MA, "Ss where: n= El I-b Ge BH y BWW Goll 9H! sac 1 | A,= wl glee tole Sy =50-200m mip) jym4 oles gS SL Gy Sled fg = CATH op Cyammall slant =200 N/mnf? m=300-600mm lmin 100mm lm=300-600mm elevation b— Horizontal stirrups y= Zoned, where: n= BUY QibYl gy i soe Ag= BIS plats dol Cc _ Sp =50-200mM BSN) ygo0 oles! gS SL Gy Blas) =S,, fe = DUIS a Gyamall alan 8 =200 N/maf xz $ b-100mm min 50mm b x “|min 50mm @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa — Check of bearing stresses = Area of end plate A, Hb? = Gnas Ges BS yale y ABLade 4955 5G W pyldall Claud) dole pS Teg) pally LS sosll I g| “4B fe F sec. elevation sideview Fogg = PUN ad Ua yo are Blo aU bavall deglde go — Check equations Sou, Ag 0.67% A, Io 12B< eu De 0.677 +4 Susp |G 2h yp *Asp/ where 5, = UP 8/5 Syp= Sb spl) GISU ¢ gadJ! slea! Aggy = abajo) BIS glade dole sp Dy = aS55bJI BIS LS and [4 $20 Tou < s+ |a.sre le Cc Blood! gs BU gia! Eby! deglie Bp spleJ BWI dass 4 Sl P = ady5loJl BI 855 (30 — 80 mm) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Example(1) For the shown post—tensioned prestressed beam, it is required to: 1— Check shear at the critical sections. 2- Check the ultimate limit moment of the section at midspan. 3— Design of the end block. o.w.=self weight of beam+20 kN/m , F.c.+L.L.-55 kN/m ] 1.8 I 18.0m. | Given: fy=40 N/mm? , f,,,=30 N/mm? , I= 1860 N/mm? Column width=400mm Fo =38329 kN , F, =8745 KN, ~F =4161 kN 3 _ FB _ 4161*10" 2 An= 0.75f,, ~ 0.75*1860 ~°983 mm Assume 4 cables —>A,, /cable= 2988 =723 mm?® Assume 15mm strand = A sirang =150 mm? = Number of strands/cable=723 =4.8 ==> Take 4 cables each 5015 strands >Actual area of pres. steel=4*5*150=3000 mn? @) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Solution 1— Determine the critical section for shear stresses The critical section is at a distance (x=$+h) from the centerline of the support. — 0.40 , 1.80 _ gap top =1.10 m 2- Calculation of loads A=0.4*1.8=0.72 mé® ow. of beam=bhi-=0.4*1.8*25=18 kN/m Total 0.w.=18+20=38 kN/m Wy, =1.4g+1.6p -4*384+1.6*55=141.2 kN/m Wy=141.2 kN/m g=38 kN/m Hea Heck thar im gop t1m ' Qu=1115.48kN | -Qq=800.20kN 1270.8kN| seeoup | 342.0kN | | | 1270.8kN 4 La ” = C 1539.0kN.m M,=358.21kN.m My =1312.45EN.™ 798 GEN m Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 3— Calculate the equivalent load due to prestressing w. OR. e 8*3329*0.75 _ ey 65 kN/m 18.0m i T weq-61.65 kN/m 7” +h 1.4m 554.83kN 554.83kKN ~~ Qps=487.02KN “TS wt 4— Calculate the shear stress at the critical section _ tu bd, where: b=400mm & dp=R+e <¢ 0.8h >> We have to get (e) at the critical section >» We have to get the equation of the C.G. of cables L\ 18.0m. a e=a.2*+b.2tc at x=0 e=0 => c=0 at x=9.0 e=0.75 => 0.75=81at9b => (1) at x=18.0 e=0 => 0=324a+18b => (2) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Solving (1) & (2) a=-0.0093 & b=0.1667 ==> |e=-0.0093z" +0. 16672; at 2=1.10 m e=0.172 m — dp=} +e=0.90+0.172=1.072m ¢ 0.8h 0.8h=0.8*1.8=1.44m >> Take d,=1.44m=1440mm _— Qu _ 1115.48*10° _ 2 ud, ~~ 400%71 440 — = 1-94 N/mm 5— Check that section dimensions are safe amar = 0:75 Sou $ 4.50 N/mm? Geman 70-75 A =3.87 N/mm® < 4.50 N/mm? => 4, =1.94 N/mm? = M,,=(0.45,/40 + -353.21*10° =1.833*10° =1832.82 kN.m 1832.82 /40 | =0.045 |42 +0.8*|0.52+1.42* ee lis [ 959.24 | =2.82 N/mnv 0.16 [ioe =0.16* #2 =0.83 N/mm? DrEzz Eldin Mostofa = 94,=2.82 N/mm? > 0.16 |= =0.83 N/mm? = q=2-31 N/mm & 9,=2.82 N/mm? => Vou uncracked =2.31 N/mm? — (4, & Yu )Jo* sol Syl mo = 1-94 N/mm? < Aon uncrackea =2-31 N/mm? ==> Use minimum stirrups b—-Simplified method ¢ 0.16 [Yeu [Fou a, ty ay You uncracked=9- 045 | © +3.6*—4* N/mm fe 3 0.875 [i and Qu Baty % 1.0 Qy-dp _1115.48*1.44 _ Oy dp 2, 1312.45 22 FT Take “= 1 [40 . Yo, unoractea =0-048 | FE 43.641 =3.83 N/mm* 0. 16 |i =0.16*/40 =0.83 N/mm? [xu 40 — 2 0.375 | =0.875+ /40 =1.94 N/mm = =1.94 N/mm? = q,=1.94 N/mm’? cu uncracked >= Use minimum stirrups DrEzz Eldin Mostofa 7— Check the ultimate limit moment wy =141.2 kN/m TE =. eae y 18.0m i 18.0m 7 M,,=5718.6kN.m To_get (Mp) get (fs) by using the simplified method: a Jos Sou) 1 =p (Hn ge 0.8f,* (Hohe ‘ae ae) | Neglect the effect of non prestressing steel (u="=0) — “es =hiex = p= Gee dp = ff +e=0.90+0.75=1.65m (midspan)3 SN) yas Gate 5 clei! Be (dp ees til boy Up— ee = oe 70.0045 0 & f= 1860 N/mre np=0.50 (assume f,, =0.85f,,, for normal relaxation stress) 1860 0.8*40 == fyg=1860*(1 —0.5*0.0045* )=1616.75 N/mm? Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Mp 2 feu § 8| - 8 7. Fy ps 400 stress distribution rr=0 2 C =%, 2 Le ab Ape c 2 40 ses00- 1616.75 5 7p a400=30008 1815.75. a=593.10 mm Mp= 3 kab(dy —a/2) 2 40 MR=3 75 593.10*400*(1650—593.10/2) =5.71*10° =5708.31 kN.m = M =5718.6 kKN.m 8—Design of end block re | (7) 4*number of rows in cross section y 300} & 3 b 4 Assume bearing plate is (300*300mm? ) ae ol 8) T_T sg == a=3800mm g t 4 ‘300 §| 400 ® Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa a— Vertical stirrups B @ 8 Ty= 75 a-y) zl Ty = “AB! (1 - 300 )=346.75 kN 8 y=900 m Ty= Sy As *fs Assume vertical stirrups are 4 branches (n=4) Assume Ag =¢12=113 mm® , £, =200 N/mm? 346.75*10 *4*113*200 3_ 600 Sy Sy=156.42 mm-— no. of stirrups=1000/S,,=6.4 Use 7#12/m (4branches) as vertical stirrups b— Horizontal stirrups =75 1-2) T= ao (1-489 )=-130.03 kN Th= stds “fs, S,=1000/7=142.86 mm 3__ 250 * 130.03*10 742.86 *n*113*200 n=3.3 use 7¢12/m (4branches) as horizontal stirrups Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 600 m=600 600 |_ b=400 Details of cross section at the zone of end block 4p16 — 1.80 7H 2/m" 7912 /m' 4branches 4branches 300, 4, =200*400 =80000mn! Wi + 4 4, =150*300 =45000mn? it, | 800, 400 , |, 400 W, bh 4] Ae 80000 L3 4, ~/ 45000 =193 <2 300 400 400 P, (for each cable)- 4187 - 4040.25 kN 1.2 P= 1.2*1040.25*1 0° =1248300 N fou, [A 0.67* —— * Yo *A, = 0.67% * 2 *1,33*45000 =B01990 N|=> (1) Ay Assume A sp =@12=113 mm® , f,=400 N/mm* P=50 mm BIS) dsbd5 D,=100 mm td spoJI BI! b3 (od hyp Asy/ 1 og = UP SM lg = 2*400*118/1.15 = 45.72 N/mmt hep D, P 100*50 @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Sous 5 i “CUi, 7D CUT [o.6rs % +4Phsp| 4 s s-|o.ers ia fea “ (100)" 4 30 [o.ers 15 44*15.72 s-|o.ers ig |*45000 599101 N|< 1809000 N => (2) 1.2 B, =1248300 N > 801990 N (unsafe) (1&2) & Sl We have to increase the dimensions of end plate = Take end plate (300*400 mm? ) A, =150*400 A, =60000mm* Ae 80000 A, =200*400 “A, ~/ 60000 “1-15 <2 4, =80000mm? Sou, 400 i 30 067+ * 4 *A, = 0.67* 7 5*1.15*60000 =924600 N=» (1) (3 4 . Assume Asp =¢16=201 mm® , f,=400 N/mm* P=50 mm BIS dgbd5 D, =150 mm adszbJI BOI 4L3 Yo,4 2 hyp "Asp/ o = UPS lg = 2*400*201/1.15 _ 18.64 N/mmP hsp Dy P 150*50 A ‘ Z Z Jou 5 - of Uy tDk cuz [0.67 Yo +4nsp| 4 (2) 1.2 B,=1248300 N < 1554381 N (safe) (1 & 2) w2S% G2 Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Example(2) For the shown post—tensioned prestressed beam, it is required to: 1— Check shear at the critical sections. 2- Check the ultimate limit moment of the section at midspan. 3— Design of the end block. o.w. of beam=0.3*0.8425=6.0 kN/m Superimposed dead loads=22 kN/m L.=6.5 kN/m 0.8 a+ 0.3 Cp yg 0.23 777 5.0m __| 15.0m |. 5.0m Civen: f,=50 N/mm? , f,,,=40 N/mm? , Jyi= 1860 N/mm? Column width=400mm R =1372 kN , P =1501 kN + , Fo=1614 kN Beam has 4 cables each 3013 strands >—>Actual area of pres. steel=4*3*98.71=1184.52 mm? ® Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Solution 1— Determine the critical sections for shear stresses a— for interior panel The critical section is at a distance (2=3 +h) from the centerline of the support. 0.40 , 0.80 _ t=~o +5 =0.60 m b— for cantilever panel The critical section is at a distance (z= ) from the centerline of the support. = 249 9 20 m 2— Calculation of loads g=0.w.+superimposed dead loads g=6+22=28 kN/m & p=5.5 kN/m Wy, =1.4g+1.6p -4*28+1.6*5.5=48 kN/m | Mg=229.04KN.m 350kN.m | Mae & A 8 3 = 3 Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa wy =48 kN/m r a 5.0m || 1.0m. (7 5.0m +40.60 40.20 \ « | @,=230.40kN 360KN} Q,=331.20kN 240Kn 7 240KN | 360kN' | M,=892.64kN.m. | Mh, =652.964N.m 600KN.m| Me 600KN.m| Me Ki = = # 7 WT 750kN.m. 3— Calculate the equivalent load due to prestressing a— for interior panel 8R.e _ 8*1372*(0.23+0.18. pga et = *(0.23+ 0.18) . ) =20 kN/m L (15) b— for cantilever panel _7R.% _ 2*1372*0.18 wy, =19.76 kN/m oe (6) 5.0m 15.0m. 5.0m | On) Weg=1 9.76 Le ‘Ueg=20 kN/m TAT Weg=19.76 kN/m +Ho.60 40.20 Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 4— Calculate the shear stresses at the critical sections _ Iu ba, P where: b=300mm & dp=B+e <¢ 0.8h >> We have to get (e) at the critical sections >> We have to get the equation of the C.G. of cables a— for interior panel 70.18 a Cy 0.23 77 5.0m 16.0m 5.0m ev Va e=a.z*+b.2+c at x=0 e=-0.18 =» c=-0.18 at x=7.5 e=0.23 => 0.23=56.25a+7.5b—0.18 => (1) at 2=15.0 e=-0.18 =>» —0.18=225a+15b-0.18 —»(2) Solving (1) & (2) a=-0.0073 & b=0.1093 ==> |e=—0.0073x?+0.10932—0.18 For sec. (1-1) at r=0.60 m e=-0.117 m = a,-# +e=0.40+0.117=0.517m <¢ 0.8h a 0.8h=0.8*0.8=0.64m cs 0.30 == Take d,=0.64m=640mm 60) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Q, _ 331.20*10° - - 2 Ta bd, ~~ 300*640 =1.73 N/mani b— for cantilever panel —— e eg 0.18 ‘ T 0.204 e=a.z*+b.2+c at x=0 e=0.18 =» c=0.18 at 2=2.5 e=9:18_9 045 >0.045=6.25at+2.56+0.18 => (1) at =5.0 e=0 =» 0=26a+5b+0.18 —> (2) Solving (1) & (2) a=0.0072 & b=-0.072 ==> |e=0.0072x? —-0.0722+0.18 For sec. (2-2) at x=0.20 m e=0.166 m > d,-# +e=0.404+0.166=0.566m <¢ 0.8h 0.80 0.8h=0.8*0.8=0.64m == Take d,=0.64m=640mm Qu _ 230.40*10° Tu bd, 800*640 =1.20 N/mm? Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 5— Check that section dimensions are safe Vinge =O: 75 fos > 4.50 N/mm? =0.75 2c =4.33 N/mm? < 4.50 N/mm? uma x4, (for sections 1 & 2) < q, =4.83 N/mm’ mas 6— Calculate (q,, ): 1— Web shear strength (q,,, ) _ [Fou 2 Vow =0- 16(/ t tfc I+ py N/mm f.- Pe _ 1372*10° peo A 300*800 =5.72 N/mné Qps/ ps, 188.00*10° /1.15 Iw b,dp ~~ 300*640 =0.63 N/mm? - [50 - 2 = oy =0.16(/59 +5.72)+0.68=2.47 N/mm 2— Flexural shear strength (q,,) [Fou +0.8*| gq, +a" Mer 4 =0.045 | ie | N/mré ¢ 0.16 _ Qa _ 193.20*10° _ 2 aa, ~ 3008640 — ~ 1:01 ‘N/mm Qu-Qa __(331.20-193.20)*10° 2 uta, C 300*640 z =0.72 N/mri @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa M ao M,, —M, =392.64—229.04=163.60 kN.m maz ud R Ree Moy =(0.45(f,, +B += 2, Mg 2 2, =f, = 2450-8) <0.0427 m*=42.67410% mm! 1372*10% | _ 1372*0.117*10° 6 3007800" 26787108 )*42.67*10 20M, = (0.45/50 + —229.04*10° =3.112*10° =811.19 kN.m 311.19 = [50 19 ge ‘ ei 0.045 / 52 510-8 [101+0.72 583.80 |-2 16 N/mm? 0. 16 [f= i= =0.16*/50 =0.92 N/mm? Vtg / _ 2 Fou _ 2 => 9,,=2.16 N/mm* > 0.16 |= =0.92 N/mm => Vy = 2.47 N/mm? & q4=2-16 N/mm? =] 16 N/mné (Gow &% Ip) atvo 8) Ey ‘cu uncracked 9, =1.73 N/m? < You uncrackead =2:16 N/mm? ==> Use minimum stirrups For sec. (2-2) 1— Web shear strength (q,,, ) » =O. 16(/ 4s +foce J+ Ipy — N/mm? DrEzz Eldin Mostofa Pe _ 1372*108 Sree “= 300°G00 5:72 N/mm? Qps/ ps, _94.85*10°/1.15 I~ bd, ~ 300*640 =0.43 N/mm? = du, =0.16( 7 +5.72)+0.43=2.27 N/mm=> 2— Flexural shear strength (q,,) Mew M, [Fou =0.045 |e +0.8* 1, ag N/mm? ¢ 0.16 x Q 134.40*10° 2 a= ed, ~~ 3008640 ~~ 2-70 N/memt he 230.40—134.40)*10 d= ae = (280.40-134.40)"10" 9.5 N/mant M ax M,, —M, =552.96—322.56=230.40 kN.m maz uh R + )*Z, —Mg =(0.45/F,, + ~=oM,, =(0.45,/50 + R.e 4 1372*10% | _1372*0.166*10° 6 300*800 42.674108 2 4-67*10 —322.56*10° =2.849*10° =284.90 kN.m _ /50 * «284.90 Ie = 0.045 7g 10-8" | [0.70+0.50 Baie \=131 N/mm? ‘fe 2 0.16 |e =0.16+/50 =0.92 N/mm? < q_=1.31 N/mm Vv % V1.5 ch Take 9,,=1.31 N/mm @ DrEzz Eldin Mostofa => Jy = 2-27 N/mm? & Q4=1.31 N/mm? = Tou uncracked =1. mm g, q 4) 0% ee" a 1.381 N/mm? (ny % Api Jie peo¥l Say)! => 9, =1.20 N/m? < Vou uncrackead = 1:37 N/mn? ==> Use minimum stirrups b—Simplified method — ¢ 0.16 [ies [fou Q, dy 2 vs Yeu. uncracked= 2° 045 | / yp 13.68 N/mm iF 0.375 [Feu Q,. Vv % and Bute > 1.0 For sec. “a- 1) Quid _ 337.2090.64 9 ~~ M, ~ 392.64 ~ 094 < 0.045 /52 +3.6*0.54=2.20 N/mm? == Vou uncracked 0.16/57 =0.16+/20 =0.92 N/mm? 0. 375 |b = -0.375% 50 =2.17 N/mm? => Vou uncracked 2:17 N/mm’? > q,=1-73 N/mm? >> Use minimum stirrups DrEzz Eldin Mostofa For sec. (2-2) — Q, dp 230.40*0.64 a = 52.96 79-27 <1 len >= Yeu uncracked=0- 045/20 +3.6*0.27=1.23 N/mm? =0.16* oe =0.92 N/mmé [fe 0.375 |= =0.975*/ V% (50 =217 N/mm? 1.5 / = You uncracked= 1-23 N/mm? > q,=1.20 N/mné >==>>Use minimum stirrups 7— Check the ultimate limit moment at the section of mid span Ww, =1.49+1.6p=1.4*28+1.6*5.5=48 kN/m Qu, =0.99=0.9*28=25.2 kN/m Wy=48 kN/m Gy =25.2 kN/m Gy =25.2 kN/m tom — 5.0m 18.0m. 7 6.0m L | 315KN.m 315kN.m 7 Yd My=1035KN.m Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Cy g= 0.18 e_,=0.18 oy yg 0.23 77 To get (Mp) get (f,,) by using the simplified method: Lou, ’ = (Me gee tf (# one oe )) Neglect the effect of non prestressing steel (u="=0) _A ps _ 1184.52 _g 096 & Siz 1860 N/mré Np=0.50 (assume fp, =0.85f,, for normal relaxation stress) m= fyg=1860*(1 0.540. 008+, eee )= 1600.53 N/mm? MR c a=0.8¢) WA. | * 630mm dy dps stress distribution 300 ® Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa re=0 = C=%y 2 ff 5 tab Ape 2 59 g#300=1184,52+ 1600.53 31.5 , 1.15 a=247.29 mm Mp= 4 Bab(dy— a/2) Mp= 222 247.29*300*(630-247.29/2) Mp= =8.348*10° =834.78 kN.m < M,=1035 kN.m ==» We have to use non prestressing steel (A, ) >= To get (A,): AM=M,, Oe CE kN.m 4M= =a, Je 5 (a- a/2) (where d=800-—50=750mm) 200.22*10 ohn *(750-247.29/2) A,=1021.138 mm? => A, =7916 2 ==> A, (exact)=7*201=1407 mm Recalculate (Mp ) &=0.003 3 g o 3 | gle y §s| Z| {foo [| B] 6S xt 3] 3 l4ps ®ps Jas fs 300 strain distribution stress distribution @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Recalculate (f,) : _ _ f, Seo (YG! 8° dp & ode 0. ye Ho: ye oi) te sins yop & fy=1860 N/mm np=0.50 (as before) As __1407___o 996 "= Sq 7 300°750 ~ u=0 (neglect A, ) 1860 750 360 = fy,=1860*| 1-0.5%(0.006*9 p55 + 630 *0.006* 0.8*50 )| >= f= 1540.74 N/mm? Le=0 —C, =heth 4 Bab =Ap, PE fos 44, 4 Ips 5 2 OO as300=1184.52 1540.74 +14076 360g 1.15 5 § .-0.003 a=304.12 mm s Check stress at (A, ) E a p o=1.25a=380.15 mm e d-c , 750-380.15 , 8 0.003=—350-75-_ '0.003=0.0029 ps &s -v -_360___ _o, 0016 <:,=0.0032 %sEs 71.15"2410° f=. + (right assumption) ‘s Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Sos My =Aps F~ roa tp -a/2)+As & (d-a/2) 1540.74 prt 104 gon 1510.14 (650 304.12/2) 360 +1407* (750-304.12/2) Mp=1.022*10° =1021 kN.m=M,,=1085 kN.m (ok) 8—Design of end block eG (1-& J g| 4*number of rows in cross section y q ++ 2 QI Assume bearing plate is (200*200mm?) 8] [TS { 44 => a=200mm s g| ° S| 300 a— Vertical stirrups S ++||% = i 5 >| | = —t_ 77 - D g Ty 44*2 (a y? § — +h Ss _ 16147, 200)_ 8 Ty= 442 (1 400)7 100.88 kN q ++ g m Ty =5, TAs “fs 300 Assume vertical stirrups are 2 branches (n=2) Assume A,=#10=78.5 mm? , f =200 N/mné 100.88*10°= 409 +2978.5*200 Sy=124.50 mm=— no. of stirrups=1000/S,,=8.03 Use 9610/m (2branches) as vertical stirrups Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Horizontal stirrups P Th= Gai (-—) |_b=300 _ 1614 100 Th=Gege (1-799)=67.25 kN Th= 5, *P*As “fs. S,=1000/9=111.11mm 3 150 #79°—_150 ape * 67.25*10 791.11" 78.5*200 n=3.2 use 9910/m (4branches) as horizontal stirrups Details of cross section at the zone of end block S 9910/m' 991 0/m’ s Zbranches branches c— Check of bearing stresses ++ |, =150*300 is A, =100*200 A, =45000mm? — ~ ‘A, =20000mm? ifs a oo 300 300 Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa P, (for each cable)= 1814 403.5 kN 1.2 P= 1.2*403.5*10°=484200 N As *A, = 0.67* 40 1.542000 =536000 N|>=> (1) 1 . Assume A sp =$12=113 mm? , f, =400 N/mm? P=50 mm BIS) dsb>5 D,=100 mm ASg3loJ! BIT! »b3 (oy _ hyp o,,° 2”. SP/ le = 24400*113/1.15 = 45.72 N/mmt DP 100*50 Souz [o.ere A +40%sp] a slo. 67+ Te fe 2 40 100, [oer paens.r2)=COF s s-|o.67 ig |*20000 6348183 N< |1072000 N| == (2) 1.2 P, =484200 N < 1072000 N (safe) (1 & 2) be Sl Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Example(3) For the shown post—tensioned prestressed beam, it is required to check the ultimate limit moment of the section at midspan using the exact method to determine (f,,). o.w.=self weight of beam+20 kN/m , F.c.+L.L.=55 kN/m 1.8 18.0m 0.4 Given: =. 2 = 2 £y=40 N/mm? , Fz 1860 N/mm PB =3329 KN , A,.=3000 mmf os 2 £,,=modulus of elasticity of pres. steel=193000 N/mm Stress (N/mm?) = 0.85 f= 1581}- Soi To Idealized stress-strain curve for prestressing steel Epy= = ‘Py=0.008 = *pu=0.04 Singin @ Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa o.w. of beam=bhip=0.4*1.8*25=18 kN/m Total 0.w.=18+20=38 kN/m Wy, =1.4*38+1.6*55=141.2 kN/m wy=141.2 kN/m 18.0m ~ 18.0m 7 To get (Mp) M,,=5718.6kN.m get (f,;) by using the exact method: fps = "pet Geet pe where B /Aps _ 3329*10° /3000 a 193000 =0.0057 _ See foe FE le ra a B, =4400 /f,, =4400* /40 =27828 N/mat g, PB, Bee 3329*10° _3329*10° *750*750 wer ty _ 2 Su“ A+ T= 400*7800 * 400*18008 12. ~1*26 N/mm See 14.26 = 37828 =0.0005 To get () we have to assume (fps) then recheck the assumed value. ==> Assume f,,=1600 N/mm? Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa &=0.003 § : C 8) Wd | yo = " Fy |4ps ®ps 400 stress distribution rTr=0 => C, =] 2 few tt 3 WeAps F os 2 40, re 375% '400=3000* 14 a=586.96 mm — c=1.25a=733.70 mm *0.003= 650 ee70 *0.003=0.0037 ‘ps = Epet Ege t+ Ene =0.0057+ 0.0005+ 0.0037=0.0099 Using idealized stress-strain curve for prestressing steel Stress (N/mm? ) 71860 ‘ee ps} Sg? 85fyie1 584 pun0.04 Strain @) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 0.0099—0.008 0.04—0.008 Sps= 1597.57 N/mr? Sos= 1581+ (- )*(1860-1581) Recheck with (f,.=1597.57 N/mm ) ra=0 CO =e 4 Bab = Ap, PE fe 2 40 94490=3000+ 1597-57 315 1.15 a=586.07 mm = c=1.25a=732.58 mm 1650—732.58 ~* 409.003= roe = Epe= *0.003=0.0088 = as before —» ok Mp= -4 fava, —a/2) 2 40 37.5 Mp=5.655*10" =5655.30 kN.m < M,=5718.6 kN.m Mp= 586.07*400*(1650—586.07/2) ==» We have to use non prestressing steel (A, ) == To get (A,): AM=M,, oO kN.m AM= =A, Ay sh (d- ve (where d=1800-—50=1750mm) 36 63.30*10 S=A 5+ 1.15 2, 750-586.07/2) ) A,=139 mm? (coverd by Asinin Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa

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