Sistema Virtual de Educación 20-II P

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> Unidad > Evaluación

Segundo Parcial
Second Term Exam

Read and answer the questions

Puntaje total: 20.00
Puntaje de aprobación: 14.00
Incorrectas restan: No
Abierta: desde 10/02/2022 19:15 hasta 10/02/2022 21:15

Fecha: 10-feb-2022 19:48:11

Tiempo realización: 00:25:40 Aprobada - 20.00
Cantidad de veces realizada: 1
Cantidad de respuestas correctas: 20 / 20

In the Vocabulary acquisition model, teachers_____

help students develop their own understanding of the word meanings

do not engage students in detailed analysis of word parts or meanings

only engage students in summative assessment not pre or formative


present the correct word meaning at the very start of a lesson

The Vocabulary acquisition model permits the students to get a deep understanding
through ___________




all of them
The problem-based learning model is ______________

a student-centered model in which students solve an open-ended problem

a group-oriented method and the teacher guides the students to reach a

common goal

where students are asked to give written responses to the questions posted by
the teachers

All of them

The first step for the Jigsaw model ________

divide students into 5 to 6 people groups

assign a student as the leader of the group

divide the lesson in 5 to 6 activities

students get information and read over the topic

The Cooperative Learning models foster students’ positive development in ____

relationships among diverse peer populations

self- steem


all of the above

All the cooperative models _____________

Focus on individual achievement

Develop social skills and academic content learning

Assume that social construction of knowledge is not natural and must be


Emphasize content memorization over peer interaction

The Direct Instruction Model is based on

Behavioural theory and use for explicit teaching and teaching for mastery

Behavioural theory and use for grammar teaching and teaching for mastery

Behavioural theory and use for explicit teaching and teaching for schools

Any of the above

The Concept Attainment Model is useful for

Designing topics

Introducing a new idea

Studying grammar

All of the above

The Concept Development Model has the next benefits

Teacher understands concepts, students generalize concepts

Teacher understands grammar, students generalize concepts

Teacher understands concepts, students generalize readings

Any of the above

Listing, grouping, labeling, regrouping, and synthesizing belong to

Concept Attainment Model

Concept Development Model

Both of them

Any of the above

What is involved in the second phase of the Integrative model?

Students describe, compare, and search for patterns in the content that
represents an organized body of knowledge

Students make broad generalizations about the content and form synthesizing
Students form hypotheses based on their examination of the content

Students explain the identified similarities and differences by examining content

more closely

The Socratic Seminar model engages students in ______

comparing and contrasting ideas

analyzing and synthesizing ideas

exploring and relating ideas

all of the above

In the Socratic Seminar model, the students are viewed as ______

blank slates on which the teacher must make an impression

novices in need of insight and ultimately correction

learners who gain more by silently seeking greater understanding from the

learners who already possess knowledge and have ability to gain greater

Complexity is

The process of having original ideas that have value

The ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It
includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking

Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely
understanding the workings of the natural world, which is the goal of science

None of above

Metacognition is

Awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes

It refers to “thinking about thinking”

It describes the processes involved when learners plan, monitor, evaluate and
make changes to their own learning behaviours

All of above

Why do teachers need to make program evaluation?

The need of quality of education

Courses, programs, activities, and learning opportunities are organized to

produce desired results

The improvement of curriculum

All of above

Complexity in the classroom. The current models have failure and an intervention in
every level in of learning. It is said by:

Mason 2008

Smith 2010

Ronin 2012

Any of the above

The Integrative model develop the ability to_______

Learn how to work in group

Learn on their own and use their thinking skills

Learn to speak in English

None of them

The phrase “organized body language” refers to _______

So large that it can not be easily understood without intentional analysis

Presented in some type of structured or ordered manner

Not already analyzed, processed, or understood by a learner

All of them
The dimensions of comprehension are: ____________

Content/knowledge ways of communication, methods and purpose.

Participatory action research, dialogue, metacognition.

Creativity critical thinking, ethics and technology

Learning communities and simulations.


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