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Losses of prestressing force ABIZUI (0 de gene (prestressed) Ol. gs SUI! a5 -L3) Soy JUBBI Syme Bydbe Susy Gb glad lars rjo OG ssl pil oing(losses) gawd A514) ode 3SU(prestressing force) (short term losses or initial losses) ety Gabll pes Cuany ail gill ode Go SS 2) Sally (long term losses or final losses) Losses of prestressing force Short term losses) Long term losses or initial losses or final losses 1-Elastic shortening of concrete 1-Shrinkage of concrete Ua) Di yiial) daball 395 ded Glo pI! blew! BUSY ays BL 3d) bless! 2-Slippage of end anchore 2-Creep of concrete ell Dykial) Leal) 393 Sd Cad by de bLLs! ag) aed BLAS) biol 3-Friction 3-Relaxation of steel SOW 4 (metal tube)ix MS 693 Cd gee SIU gd slag ya B (jacking force) ae ee (initial force) tong form 19st? p (effective force) P, =(1-initial losses).P P, =(1-total losses).P, where: initial losses=short term losses or immediate losses and total losses=short term lossestlong term losses @ Dr.B2z Eldin Mostafa — How to get prestressed losses 1—Elastic shortening of concrete gle bebe Globes! Cyad LSU BLA gil GWM) ah ag5 JUHI we JLB Ning (eg JBL) 5 Labi Jedd) cape Lee Sled! gd! ASIN 555 Gb 198 Cana Lee (prestressing steel)” Jain os =Ae. Soci __ASpe E, fet =Aby =D EE = “Soo =F where AJpe= the loss in prestressing due to elastic shortening £,,.= the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel Ey, = the modulus of elasticity of concrete at the time of — transfer stage=4400/f.4 Soi= the stress in concrete at the level of prestressing steel dix b stress distribution Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa tale dbbgale- For post tensioned members: & LSU (post tensioned members) JL yi Soe FB he Soe = zero] GU dao! pub Bb LIS SUI a5 5 al UE yds 2-Slippage of end anchore Voge blag! Gus Lo BLS WI SU aS 345 Jl! we AN 555 5 BES Ces Lee all A gS! etal 353 dos 4 Sa =ql os where Afa= the loss in prestressing due to slippage of end anchore E,,= the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel = the cable length (the horizontal distance can be used) = the magnitude of slip specified by the manufacturer and it varies from (2-6 mm) Bole abyol gb 35 Sus5(slippage of end anchore losses) (post tensioned members) Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 3-Friction losses oes gl (friction losses) JI putts a—Wobble friction losses By gold 4 LIT ga SalI MGS a51,3 a spaddly (duct) p Us! pac Bau (cable and duct) + direction of movement P =P. eke — 4f,,=% -2 =P(1- ek ) where =the initial force P-=the force at a distance (x) “=the distance from the end k= coefficient of friction between the tendon and the surrounding duct due to wobble friction | 0.0033 for ordinary cable ~ |0.0017 for fixed ducts \ Sow= the loss in prestressing due to wobble friction Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa b-—Curvature friction losses Bygeslall 9 LT Gar Cole) SUGa YI a5lgd @ syaially eID) -Los! aa (cable and duct) tole tbgale. dey ¥ oY (post—tensioned members) 45 Lis S425 (friction losses) (pre—tensioned members) Ul gs Wel (duct) ar] — 4 fy =P, -P =P(1- where B =the initial force P=the force at a distance (x) x =the distance from the end u= coefficient of friction due to curvature effect 0.55 for friction between steel and concrete u=|0.30 for friction between steel and steel 0.25 for friction between steel and lead 2 T= Tadius of duct =-—7— df= the loss in prestressing due to curvature friction ® Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 4—-Shrinkage of concrete 5 ge y clLMl Gs Sob) SLI das BLY Ys bls! Soy cell eb ola) gine 9 ¢ ULI sles! 4 JSS gle LG alos gb Il 5 (curing period) ile! 305 WiSs(water cement ratio) (relative humidity) dud) ALpei= en Eps where Af, =the loss in prestressing due to shrinkage of concrete Lys= the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel t,— the shrinkage strain oh for pre tensioned members (3-5 days after casting) |300*10° for post tensioned members (7-14 days after casting) |200*10° Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 5—-Creep of concrete shan Gad 436 Cos ob) pow doi)! das BL! Ys blew! Sw, 3) gr Slag JleBI QU bE ys Spor Ee (fe—fesa) where Aor =the loss in prestressing due to creep of concrete Ey,= the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel E,= the modulus of elasticity of concrete=4400/7,, o= the creep coefficient e for pre tensioned members 2.0 for post tensioned members 1.6 £= the concete stress at the level of c.g. of cables immediately after transfer Lea= the concete stress at the level of c.g. of cables due to sustained loads applied after prestressing is completed + Mpc & Tesa= FE Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 6—Relazation of steel apd geo SUIT gb AN Jed! gi add Say fig Beto) ky fe -0.55) Jou Afr =the loss in prestressing due to relaxation of steel = time elapsed since jacking (maximum 1000 hours) k,= factor depends on the type of prestressing steel 10 for normal relaxation stress relieved strands 45 for low relaxation stress relieved strands £, = initial prestressing stress at c.g. of cables before time dependent losses fy= the yield strength of prestressing steeel 0.80 for deformed bars by/fu= |0-85 for normal relaxation stress relieved strands 0.90 for law relaxation stress —relieved strands Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa Deflection of prestressed beams The steps for calculating the deflection of a prestressed beam are: 1—At transfer stage self weights Pp POUT) p L mm Ap Al w,, (due to prestreesing) for example: A, ow. kN/m a + an i A 8R.e ng SE a. _5*(0.w.).L4 | y. -5*(weg ).L* ow.“ 384*E,,*1, ?~ 3847E,,*l, where £4= the modulus of elasticity of concrete at the time of i transfer stage=4400 | fog I, = the gross moment of inertia of the cross section Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 2-At working stage 0.w.tF.C.+L.L. pep POO TTT LETT Tia w,, (due to prestreesing) A short term= So.w.+F. cl + Sto - dof tong term =(144) Sow +Fc. |raze| —(1+4) ef for example: o.w.+F.C. 4. k + 8B.e Weg = 2 A _ 5*(0.w.+F.C.).L4 | a. = Ot(wea ).f I owsthC” 3844E, *T P” 384*E, *T + 5*(L.L.).L* ALL = (LL) | Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 384*E, *T where E, = the modulus of elasticity of concrete at working stage =4400/f I, =gross moment of inertia for cases (A, B & C) T= | |, =effective moment of inertia for case (D) (42 y+ 1) In < Ty a Iq, = the cracked moment of inertia M, = maximum unfactored moment M,,= cracking moment= (0.45,/f,, + ty ao )*Z, Ma My = unfactored moment due to dead loads . . __—§ a= coefficent of creep and shrinkage= 7-7 &= coefficent of time for sustained loads 2.0 after five years or more 1.4 after 12 months g= 1.2 after 6 months 1.0 after 3 months ._ As» . . . f=oa- = ratio of compression steel at midspan L 3E5 Jer beams and slabs tong term > allowable = i for cantilivers DrEzz Eldin Mostofa Example(1) 0.w.=31 kN/m (including self weight of beam) FC.=15 kN/m & LL.=10 N/m 7400 mm 20.0m. 400 20.0m. Given: £,,=40 N/mm? , f,,,=30 N/mm? , Jin 1860 MPa. —Cover to c.g. of prestressing steel=150mm —Prestres. steel consists of 4 cables each 64615 strands —Area of pres. steel=4*6*140=3360 mm? £,,=modulus of elasticity of pres. steel=195000 N/mré —Anchorage slip=4 mm —Prestressing steel consists of normal relaxation stress relieved strands. —The used ducts are steel ducts. —The beam is classified as case (B). Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa For the shown post—tension prestressed beam, it is required to: 1— Compute all the prestressing losses. 2- Calculate the deflection at both transfer and working stages. Solution For normal relaxation stress —relieved strands: =| = = 2 Fy = 9-85 "fyy, =0.85*1 860=1581 N/m The jacking stress equals: 0.75 f. =0.75*1860=1395 N/mm? pu the smaller of 0.90 Spy =0.90*1581=1422.90 N/mm? Spy = 1395 N/mm? 1—Properities of cross section 0.4*(1. 4). 72 =0.0915 m* A=0.4*1.4=0.56 m®? , I= 2-Anchorage slip losses SSu= zh ins = = 30500 *195000= 39 N/mm? 3—Wobble friction losses af, =P =P(1- e~k® ) where k=0.0033 (ordinary cable) i) 4 Fy =13954(1— €~0-0033*20 ) —89.40 N/mm? Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 4—-Curvature friction losses §Syg PB =P EY LP 207 = Be = 80.55 ~99-91 m H=0.30 for friction between steel and steel —0.30*20 4 fog =1395*(1— 090.97) =89.10 N/mm? 5—Elastic shortening losses The losses includes (anchorage+wobble and curvature losses) =39489.10+89.10=217.20 N/mm? Net presressing stress=1395—217.20=1177.80 N/mm? Presressing force=17 77.80*A,, =1177.80*3360=3957.408 kN 2 * My w= S1r20" =1550 kN.m ‘ow Eu, =4400/f.4 =4400+ [30 =24099.79 N/mm? Sooi= the stress in concrete at the level of prestressing steel My w-€ t I fog = 3.957.408 _3957.408*0.55" , 1550*0.55 pat 0.56 0.0915 0.0915 Spot =- 10.83 N/mm? _1 2p, 14 195000 , _ 2 dhe=Z Ee Soot“ * agg 79 *10-88=43.83 N/mm’ =f, =1177.80—43.83=1133.97 N/mm= pi 1395—1133.97 »» % Short term losses= “Gage =18.71 % Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 6—-Shrinkage losses foi %en-Eps=200*10°° *195000=39 N/mm? 7—Steel relaxation losses _ fa tlog(t) Sy “ha (Fr 0.55) Assume maximum elapsed time =1000 hours ky=10 for normal relaration stress relieved strands Jogi =1138.97 N/mm? & ff. =1581 N/mm? Py 1133.97*l0g(1000) | 1133.97 awe —. 2 70 (“Fag7 ~0:58)=56.90 N/mani r= 8—Creep Losses o£, Sher BE (fhe) =1.6 E, =4400/, Sona =4400* /40 =27828.04 N/mm? where: — P, =p; *Aps =1133.97*3360=3810.14 kN 2 oo 3810.14 _3810.14*0.55° 1550*0.55 __ 2 es = —~0 56 0.0915 * 0.0915 ~~ 10.08 N/mm 2 + Mpo.e _ (15*20° /8)*0.55 _ 2 Fesa= OE = 90815 =4.51 N/mani _ 1.6*195000 * _ —, 2 braze og 7 °(19.08-4.51)=62.45 N/mm The final losses=39+56.90+62.45=158.35 N/mm? — Fyg =1133.97-158.35=975.62 N/mm? Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa 158.35 >=» % Long term losses= Fa9q-=11.35 % => % Total losses=% short term losses+% long term losses % Total losses=18.71+11.35=30.06 % =P; “Spy *A p5=1395*3360=4687.20 kN = Py =f pi *A po =1133.97*3360=3810.14 kN > Pe =f pe*A pp =975.62*3360=3278.08 kN 9—-Check deflection a—Transfer stage ow.=31kN/m | 20.0m + ” A | 20.0m. . * ay oe 8 3810.14 0.55 L 20 Weg =41.91 kN/m I, 3 y= 100%(1 400)" 9 447410" mm! i r= 2 Fe, =4400/ fous =4400* /30 =24099.79 N/mm’ 5*(o.w.).L* 5*31*(20000)* A =. SS - = hs "£29.30 mm ow 3B4*E 4 "ly 384424099.79*9.147410° | 4 4 Ape 5*(weg Jt ___5*41.91*(20000) -39.61 mm| eta fe -__ 9 tivo 3B4*E "I, 384*24099.79*9,147410' Anet =e -A ow.| net =89.61-29.80=10.31 mm | Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa b—-Working stage o.w.tF.C.=46 kN/m 20.0m 4 ACELEEEELELEEUTLTET tn [200m 8Re _ 8*3278.0840.55 Weg 2 = a L.L.=10 kN/m - Weg =36.06 kN/m [0.0m 7” 400*(1400) #701 mart Ig= Ga = 9.147 10°-mm' (case B) E, =4400/f,, =4400+ /40 =27828.04 N/mm? 5*(0.w.t+F.C.).14 5*46*(20000)* A = = 4H, = 87.65 ows 3B4¥E, 384*27828.04*9.147*10 mmm | 5*(L.L.).L4 5*10*(20000)* A SSS = =8.18 th 3B4E, 71, 384*27828.04*9.147410 mm | 5*(weg ).L* 5*36.06*(20000)* Ag=sn A = =29.51 ?°3B4°E, *l, ~ 384*27828.04*9.147*10" mmm | A short term= “o.w.+F. c| + Sol = def A short term=37.65+8.18-29.51=16.32 mm | tong term =(14%) Ao w+Fc. \r4z2] —(1+0) def - § _ 20 _ ~ 1450" — 1+50*0 2.0 (neglecting As ) tong term =(14+2)*37.65+8.18-(1+2)*29.51 tong term =32.60 mm A __L _ 20000 allowable — 250 = 250 =80 mM > Aiong term —» safe deflection Dr.Bz2 Eldin Mostafa

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