Facultad de Contabilidad y Administración Tecomán

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Facultad de Contabilidad y Administración


Contador Público

Inglés III

Actividad 5: Organizing Vocabulary II

Ojeda Bautista Carlos Alberto

Francisco Rivera Arellano

Table Format

Marketing Vocabulary
Word English Definition Spanish Sentence
Achieve Do or get something you Lograr I finished high school and I plan
wanted after planning and to achieve more.
working to make it happen.
Beyond At or to the further side of. Más allá de The clouds were visible beyond
the mountains.

Break Is to destroy or end something, Romper If you play ball in the house, you
or to come to an end. will break something.

Carry To hold something or someone Llevar I'm going to take the car to fix.
with your hands, arms, or on
your back and transport it, him,
or her from one place to
Find To discover, especially where Encontrar I found a diamond in the bus
a thing or person is, either yesterday.
unexpectedly or by searching,
or to discover where to get or
how to achieve something.
Flop Be unsuccessful. Fracaso The new serie of Netflix flopped.

Focusing The main or central point of Enfoque The focusing of the camera is a
something, especially of straightforward process.
attention or interest.
Forward Towards the direction that is in Hacia Move the box forward.
front of you. adelante
Judgements Is the ability to form valuable Juicio The culprit is going to
opinions and make good judgement.
Nears Not far away in distance. Cerca I found a dead cat near my

Out Used to show movement away Fuera - I'm just going out to the garage.
from the inside of a place or afuera
Resource A useful or valuable Recurso The car is a great resource to go
possession or quality of a to places far away.
country, organization, or
Scrutinize Examine closely. Escudriñar Let's scrutinize these figures
and see if they add up.

Separates Divide, segregate. Separar We separated the boys who

were fighting.

Solves Equation, riddle: find solution. Resolver They let my friend solve

Some An amount or number of Algunos Here's some news you might be

something that is not stated or interested in.
not known; a part of
Successful Having a good outcome. Exitoso/a My child had a successful test

Things Used to refer in an Cosas My things are in the bedroom.

approximate way to an object
or to avoid naming it.
Unsuccessful Not achieving the hoped for Fracasado He was unsuccessful in school.
result; not successful.
Who Used especially in questions Quién Who threw away my keys?
as the subject or object of a
verb, when asking which
person or people.

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