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Body and lifestyle

� 11,i,im,1n1111 see page 195 for definitions

jaffect(v) flu(n) recover(v)

balance(v, n) have an operation(v phr) salty(adj)
benefit(v, n) healthy(adj) slice(v, n)
breathe(v) ignore(v) sour(adj)
chew(v) infection(n) spicy(adj)

chop(v) ingredient(n) stir(v)

contain(v) injury(n) suffer (v)
cough(v, n) limit(v, n) taste(v, n)

cure (v, n) meal (n) treatment(n)
exercise(v, n) pill(n) vitamin(n)

D Phrasal verbs
cut down (on) do less of sth(smoking, etc) at night
fall down trip and fall
as at risk
get over recover from(an illness, etc) in addition(to)

I go off no longer be fresh in comparison to/with

lie down start lying(on a bed, etc) in shape
I put on gain(weight) on a diet
sit down (start to) sit

stand up (start to) stand

0 Word formation

baker, bakery medicine medical

bent pain painful, painless

cook cooker, cookery reduce reduction

intend intention, intentional sense sensible, sensitive
jog jogging, jogger weigh weight

0 Word patterns

adjectives addicted to die from/of

allergic to fight against
covered in/with recover from
pleased with smell of

verbs combine sth with nouns a cure for
complain(to sb) about a recipe for

Body and lifestyle Unit 30

Topic vocabulary
II] Choose the correct answer.


1 A chopping his food B chewing his food 6 A the meal B the ingredients

2 A chopping meat B chewing meat 7 A the meal B the ingredients

3 A slicing the bread B chopping the bread 8 A It's very sour! B It's very spicy!
4 A stirring the soup B tasting the soup 9 A It's very sour! B It's very salty!
5 A stirring the soup B tasting the soup as 10 A I like it spicy! B I like it salty!

I]] Complete using the verbs in the box.

affect • balance • benefit • contain • ignore • limit

1 fI you ................................................the doctor's advice, you won't get well.

2 Drinking a lot of coffee can ................................................ your mood and behaviour.
3 It's difficult to ................................................a healthy diet with a busy lifestyle.

4 I'd definitely ................................................from getting more exercise.

5 You should ................................................the amount of chocolate you eat to one bar a day.
You're eating too much at the moment!

6 Does this cookery book ................................................any recipes for vegetarians?


Complete using a word formed from the letters given.


1 Sandy hasn't been to school for a week because she's got ................................................. L
2 Fruit contains lots of ................................................ C. M A T N I V I
3 fI you had to go to hospital to have an ................................................ , would you be scared?
4 Take one of these ................................................after every meal for three days. s L I P L
5 Ben couldn't play football for two months because of an ................................................. R u N J Y I
6 I got some dirt in the cut and now I've got an ................................................. c o N F E T I I N
7 Becky always looks really ................................................. She must get lots of exercise. LAYETH H
8 What's the best ................................................for a bee sting? TE NTRATE M
9 Have doctors finally found a ................................................for malaria? U RE C

Unit 30 Vocabulary

� Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.

1 It can be difficult to exercise at the top of a very high mountain.

2 I know I should recover more often, but it's not easy to find the time.
3 It will take you a few weeks to completely suffer from your illness.
4 Both my grandparents cough from arthritis.
5 fI you have to breathe, please put your hand in front of your mouth!

Phrasal verbs

IIJl Write one word in each gap.

1 fI you work in an office, you spend most of the day sitting .......................... .
2 fI you're a teacher, you spend a lot of your time standing ...........................
3 I fell ..........................on the way home from school and hurt my knee.

4 My dad has put ..........................two kilos since he gave up smoking.
5 Do you think I should cut ..........................on how much sugar I have in tea and coffee?
6 I've got a headache so I'm going to lie .......................... .
7 My mum has had flu but she's getting now.
8 This chicken smells awful. It must have gone ...........................
[£] Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Use no more than two words.

1 I think I've gained weight in the last few months!

I think I've ..........................................................................weight in the last few months.
2 This milk isn't fresh any more.

This milk

3 I hope James recovers from his illness soon.
I hope James ..........................................................................over his illness soon.

4 You should eat less chocolate!

You should ..........................................................................on the amount of chocolate you-eat!

5 I f you're tired, have a rest on the sofa for half an hour.

I f you're tired, ..........................................................................down on the s0fa for half an hour.

Prepositional phrases
[§]] Complete each sentence using the word given. Write between two and three words.
1 When there's a flu epidemic, old people are particularly ................................................... risk
2 I've put on a lot of weight recently so I'm thinking of going ................................................... diet
3 I don't sleep well ..................................................and I often feel tired during the day. night
4 ..................................................most of my friends, I eat very healthy food. comparison
5 I'm thinking of running a marathon, so I'd better get myself ..................................................! shape
6 ..................................................all the fruit I eat, I also have a vitamin pill once a day. addition

Body and lifestyle Unit 30

Word formation
I H _t Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
1 I've never had a serious ................................................problem, thank goodness! MEDICINE
2 Toby is thinking of taking up ................................................. JOG
3 My mum works in a she brings home loads of lovely cakes. BAKE
4 We used to have an electric ................................................but now we've got a gas one. COOK
5 tI 's not very eat such a large meal just before going to bed. SENSE

6 This spoon is ................................................. 'I ll get another one. BEND
7 You look thinner. Have you lost ................................................ ? WEIGH
8 tI 's not Karen's give up eating meat completely. She just wants to eat
it less often. INTEND
9 Over the last ten years, there's been a the number of children being

born in this country. REDUCE
10 I fell over and my knee is still a bit ................................................but it's slowly getting better. PAIN

11 Harry is quite be careful what you say about his new haircut. SENSE
12 'I ve just bought a new tI 's got some great recipes in it. COOK
13 The injection is quite ................................................ . You won't even feel the needle going in. PAIN

Word patterns
OJ Write one word in each gap.

G l c Getwellsoon.
CU, � �i� �d �i��id �;t .�� -�: .. �-�.. -��-�-�'. 'Oh de ar,' said Dr Ge twe lls oon. 'I'm afraid I've
e o t

,F�- e
cho co late . He ate mor e than thirty
bars of ch o colate a day. He had cho co late for
got so me bad news. You've be co me alle rgic
(7) .......................... chocolate . If you continue to eat

breakfast, chocolate for lunch and chocolate for chocolate , you'll have these spots.'
dinner. But he didn't just eat bars of cho co late . 'But that's n ot possible !' shouted Mr Grapley. 'I
He also made delicious choc o late cake s. If can't live wi thout cho co late. There must be a cure
any one n eeded a re cipe (2) .......................... the (8) .......................... this allergy.'

best chocolate cake in the world, they went to Mr 'N o ,' said Dr Getwe llsoon. 'I'm afraid there isn't. If
Grapley. you want to re cover (9) .......................... this illne ss,
P e ople love d visi t ing Mr Grapley. His who le you'll have to stop eating chocolate.'

house smelt (3) .......................... cho c o late and, 'And if I don't stop?' asked Mr Grapley.
whe n he had gue sts, Mr Graple y made the 'Well, you're n ot go ing to die (10) .......................... a
most amazing meals. He'd co mbine cho co late allergy to cho co late, but the spots won't go away.

(4) .......................... e verything. One o f his best It's a straight choice. Spots ... or n o chocolate.'
cre ati ons was chicken wit h choco late sauc e . Mr Graple y spent the next three days complainin
Everyone was so pleased (5) .......................... this (11) .......................... e veryone (12) .......................... what
recipe that they built a statue of Mr Grapley in the Dr Getwe lls o on had said. 'He's a do ct or. He 's
town square . suppo se d to cure me. That's what do ctors do !'
One day, however, something terrible happened. shouted Mr Grapley to any one who was liste ning.
Mr Grapley woke up and we nt to make himse lf Mr Grapley was just disco vering that , in the re al
a cup o f hot ch o c o late . On his way to the w orld, things don' t always happen the way we
ki t ch en, he passe d a mirr or. He was co ver e d want them to . But he was determin e d t o fight
(6) .......................... spots-l=le quickly went to see Dr (13) , ...................... he truth·fo F es long as he could.

Review 10
� Circle the correct word.

1 You don't need to go on a diet/ cure. You're not fat!

2 Chew/ Chop the meat into small pieces with a sharp knife.
3 What infections/ ingredients do we need for this recipe?
4 Stir I Slice the soup with a wooden spoon.
5 If the grapefruit is too sour/ spicy, add some sugar.

6 In benefit/ comparison to me, you get lots of exercise!
7 Does this drink limit/ contain any sugar?
8 Sam's in bed with flu / cough, so he's not going to school today.
9 Have you suffered / recovered from bad headaches for a long time?

10 You shouldn't affect I ignore the problem. See a doctor!
(1 mark per answer}

� Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.

a su
My skin is very ................................................ (SENSE), so I shouldn't stay out in the sun all day.
Do you want to come ................................................ (JOG) with me?
13 When I broke my arm, it was very ................................................ (PAIN), but now it doesn't hurt at all.
14 There are lots of ................................................ (MEDICINE) encyclopaedias on the Internet.

15 What's the best way to lose ................................................ (WEIGH)?

16 I put salt in the coffee by mistake! It wasn't ................................................ (INTEND)!
17 All the knives and forks are ................................................ (BEND). We'll have to buy some new ones.

18 My mum prefers cooking on a gas ................................................ (COOK).

( 1 mark per answer}

Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
eaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

19 I think I've gained a few kilos over the last few months! on
I think I've .......................................................................... a few kilos over the last few months!

20 You should reduce the amount of fast food you eat. down
You should .......................................................................... the amount of fast food you eat.
21 This milk isn't fresh, so I'll throw it away. gone
This milk .......................................................................... , so I'll throw it away.
22 If I eat tomatoes, I get bad stomach problems. allergic
I .......................................................................... tomatoes; if I eat them, I get bad stomach problems.
23 I hope your mum recovers from her illness soon. over
I hope your mum .......................................................................... her illness soon.

Units 28, 29 and 30 Review 10

24 There are red spots all over her body. covered

Her body .......................................................................... red spots.
25 I like the new gym I'm going to. pleased
I .......................................................................... the new gym I'm going to.
26 Could you tell me how to make a really good curry? recipe
Could you give me .......................................................................... a really good curry?
(2 marks per answer)


Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

27 If I'm still ill tomorrow, I ................................................ (miss) the chemistry test!

28 If I was your doctor, I ................................................ (tell) you to stop worrying!
29 It ................................................ (be) awful if any of us had become ill on holiday.
30 If you ................................................ (go) to the chemist's, can you get me some vitamin pills?

31 If you ................................................ (not / have) a healthy diet, you get tired easily.
32 If he ................................................ (not / do) some research on the Internet, he wouldn't have found out
what was wrong with him. as
33 It would be great if everyone in the world ................................................ (have) enough to eat.
34 If you see the doctor, ................................................ (ask) her when you can go back to school!

(1 mark per answer)

[fJ Complete using the words in the box.

addition • balance • exercise • fight • injury • operation • shape • treatment


Help yourself to stay healthy

Doctors are useful. If you've had a/an (35) ................................................ while doing sport, they can fix it.

If you're ill, they can tell you what the best (36) ................................................ is. If you're very ill, you might
have to have a/an (37) ................................................ in hospital. We need doctors for all of these things.

But in (38) ................................................ to what doctors do, there are things that you can do yourself in
the (39) ................................................ against ill health. Getting regular (40) ................................................ at
school or at a gym will help you to stay in (41) ................................................ . Having a healthy diet will

also keep you strong. A healthy diet is all about (42) ................................................ . It doesn't mean never
eating chocolate. It means not eating too much. And eating vegetables, too! The more we can look
after ourselves, the less we'll need doctors to look after us. And that must be good!

Total mark: ......../50


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