Kennedy Inaugural Address Questions

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Mary Lynch

March 28, 2011


Mr. Connors


1. The major idea of President Kennedy’s speech is to celebrate freedom. The

symbolizing an end and a beginning, signifying renewal and the coming change support the

major idea.

2. Signifying-sounding


Asunder-apart or widely separated

Ranks- numbers of persons forming a separate class in a social hierarchy or in any

graded body

Sovereign-a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler

Invective-vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach

3. I think the words “the revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at

issue around the globe.” mean, that our ancestors fought for freedom and stood up for what they

believed and today, all over the world, those issues are still being stood up for and believed in.

Human rights come from “the revolutionary beliefs” that worried our ancestors so they wrote

them down so the future could be saved from the problems that were present before human rights

existed. The statement that our rights do not come from the “generosity of the state” means

anyone person has control over what you deserve only you do. President Kennedy states “…the
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belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of

God.” and the Declaration of independence agrees with “ We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable


4. An “iron tyranny” is another way to say a government by a tyrant or tyrants. Saying

“those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside” Kennedy is

talking about communist countries and how they are very dangerous. Kennedy uses the words

“peaceful revolution” to describe an idea of what the people want to happen.

5. The major idea in the poem by Leonard Adamé is the memory of his grandmother. The

supporting ideas are when he talks about going back to the house and remembering all she did.

6. Tortillas are a kind of flat bread and Café is coffee.

7. When his grandmother was nervous she would hum until she was calmed. Her father

had his hopes but he never accomplished them and he lived with that dream. He earned his living

by working hard in labor jobs.


1. “The torch has been passed,” means it was someone’s job, and now it is his. “The

ranks of the free” means the social position of the commoners. “Master of its own house” means

that person makes the decisions and is in charge. “Strengthen its shield of the new and the weak”

means to overcome all that has happened in the pass and use it to make you stronger. Each

phrase gives a way to relate your life to JFK’s. He wants Americans to view their country as a

great and beautiful place despite its issues.

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2. The word ‘pledge’ can also be understood as a promise. The president talks about the

oath he took to show the people he is promising to help this country. The statement makes his

audience feel expectant and excited about his pledges for the future.

3. 1: “And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at

issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not…” Saying ‘belief’ twice

shows the personal side. 2: “…the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms

of human life.” Saying human twice expresses the real life aspect. 3: “…an age where

the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace…” Saying instruments twice

describes the different kinds.

4. See means not physically to see but to look under and emotionally and mentally see.

5. A moment ends when there is an extra space. Where ever there is a big space there is

two different moments.

6. Since the grandmother was Mexican and always talked about Mexico when he visits

where she used to live, all the memories have something to do with Mexico. Reading this last

stanza, the emotions of sadness.


1. Since he was elected during an important period, he knew he needed to write a speech

that would impact his audience. His speech would have more to do with the Depression.

2. It makes me feel like he fulfilled his great-grandfather’s dreams by creating a good life

for himself.

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