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GEC 5 Purposive Communication

2nd Semester/ SY:2021-2022

Name: Kurt Daniel S. Gianan Date: January 21, 2022
Lesson 1: Communication Process, Principles and Ethics
Task Number: Task 1

Can you communicate well by using verbal expressions alone?

Through long years of development, humanity has worked out a combined system of
communication that enables people to interact and transfer information either through verbal or nonverbal
means. Verbal communication can be defined as the act of expressing messages, feelings, and ideas by
using words or the mouth. For verbal communication to be effective, clear-spoken words have to be used.
Similarly, appropriateness in the tone and stress of voice in which the spoken words are expressed is
necessary to ensure that verbal communication is effective (Sapir, 2017).

Since verbal communication is effective when the tone and stress of the voice are expressed
appropriately, I can say that I can communicate well by using verbal expression alone. It is because I’m
confident in communicating with others, and I can say that my tone when communicating is appropriate. I
can also say that the person whom I talk to understands what I’m saying. Also, one of the reasons that I’m
good at verbal expression is that I have many friends. I can easily become close to someone by talking to
them or having a little chat. I can communicate with those who are introverted. I can still manage to talk
to them even though they are shy and not good at communicating. I’m shaping myself to handle or talk to
different kinds of people because someday I know that I will deal with different kinds of people or
patients. Since my course is nursing, I know that someday there are going to be many kinds of people that
I’m going to encounter. But, even though I say that I can communicate appropriately, I’m still learning
how to properly communicate with others without hurting their feelings. I’m still learning what is right
and wrong in communicating. Furthermore, I’m not just good at communicating verbally. I also know
how to communicate through text and body or hand gestures. Plus, I think that in order to be a success in
the world we live in today, possessing clear communication skills is essential for an individual to have
strong comprehension skills and an aptitude for communicating effectively. Lacking these abilities can be
a great setback and may create concerns contingent on the situation. Moreover, to understand how to
communicate effectively, one has to understand the need and importance of communicating, whether it is
through verbal means or non-verbal ways of communication. Everyone has their own way of
communicating. Our personality, upbringing, and beliefs differentiate us from everyone else. It helps
shape who we are today, how we cope in certain situations, how we communicate with others, and how
we share our opinions.

It is important to communicate with others and to discuss the importance of communication

within the healthcare profession. In any occupation, communication is important. That is what good
teamwork is all about: teamwork, whether working with each other, working with different companies or
when dealing with patients, to work together and to have a good understanding of whatever the situation
is. It is a fundamental role within the nursing environment. When dealing with any aspect of a patient’s
life, communication is vital. Often, the nurse will be an advocate for the patient if they are unable to do so
themselves, dealing with any social issues or conversing with social services or other companies for extra
help once the patient is back at home.

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