Developmental Theories

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Developmental Theories

Erick Erickson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development

Erickson made major contributions to the field of psychology with his work on child

development and on the identity crisis. He was interested in the influence of culture and society

on child development. His studies enabled him to correlate personality growth with parental and

societal values.

Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory of Development

Freud had developed an elaborate theory of how a child will grow up, how their sexual

instincts will develop and mature. He stressed on the sexuality of young infants and it is

shocking to know that when Freud first propounded this psychosexual theory, it revealed the

biological urges, wishes and affective motives.

These two (2) developmental theories will determine the past history of the patient

regarding his childhood experiences related to his assigned tasks on how to act according to his

age. A mature person must successfully travel stages of development. This is a task to be

mastered in each stage. If a task is not achieved, the individual is halted at or develops a fixation

to a particular stage. Therefore, this will trace every stage of this theory if the client is able to

perform all his tasks in order to understand its identified factors that contribute the development

of the disease. We want to emphasize the importance in every stage of these developmental

theories, since this will influence the life on every individual. This will present and discuss the

personal growth and development of the patient and how it will affect the daily living and how

the patient interacts in every situation in his life.

Havighurst’s Age Developmental Task

Robert Havighurst believes that learning is basic to life and people continue to learn

throughout life. He describes growth and development as occurring during six stages, each

associated with from six to ten tasks to be learned. According to Havighurst, once a person learns

to walk, it is mastered for life (Fundamentals of Kozier, page 355).

Havighurst promoted the concept of developmental task in the 1950’s. A developmental

task is “a task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of an individual, successful of

achievement of which leads to unhappiness to an individual, disapproval by society, and

difficulty with later tasks.” (Havighurst, 1972, page 2)


Erick Erickson’s Psychosocial Developmental Stages

Stages Interpretation Ideal Actual

 An infant is  Babies should be fed  Both bottle-

helpless. She is (whether breastfed or fed and

dependent on other bottle-fed) when they are breast-fed.

for his needs. hungry.  Cuddled and

During this stage,  Diapers should be comforted

the infant learns changed when his when she

whether the world bottoms are wet. cried.
(Birth to 18
in which She lives  When babies are unwell  Diaper
can be trusted. or afraid, they must be changed

 Needs maximum comforted. regularly. She

Trust vs.
comfort with was given a
minimal bath every

uncertainty to trust day and

him/his, others, dressed with

and the comfortable

environment. and clean


Toddlerhood  Learning to walk  Toilet training should be  She was

(18 Months  Learning to take done on this stage. trained by her

to 3 Years) mother how

solid foods  They are taught how to to use the

 Learning to talk clothe their selves (they toilet and

 Learning sex must learn how to wear dress her self.

differences clothing) She plays

Autonomy  Forming concepts games with

vs. Shame and learning her siblings

language to and

describe social and neighbor’s

physical reality children.

Middle  Learning physical  Developing fundamental  Both parents

Childhood skills necessary for skills in reading, writing are teachers.

(6-12 years ordinary games. and math. She was

of Age)  Developing concepts taught to read

necessary for everyday and write with

living. strict

 Developing conscience, supervision.

morality and a scale of Values and

values. morale had

 Developing attitude been

towards social groups and inculcated and

institutions. practiced very

well. She has

many friends
both at school

and in their


 Achieving a new  Preparing for marriage  She had

and more mature and family life crushes in

relationships with  Preparing for an high school

agemates of both economic career and had a

sexes.  Acquiring a set of values boyfriend

and ethical system as a when She was

Adolescence guide to behavior 18 years old.

(12-18 years developing an ideology Her

of Age)  Desiring and achieving relationship

socially responsible with her

behavior. boyfriend was

kept as a

secret because

She’s still


Young  Intimate  Establishing solid  She finished

Adulthood relationships with relationships which leads his college

(18-25 years another person. to marriage and family and became

old)  Commitment to life. an English

work and  Establishing a solid career teacher for 41

relationships path years and



piano player.

 She got
Intimacy vs.
married at the
age of 24

years old with

his longtime


Adulthood  An adult normally  Accepting and adjusting  She had a

(25-65 years established a stable to the physiologic stable job.

old) pattern wherein changes of middle age  She got

She is able to  Assisting children to pregnant and

Generativity achieve civic and become responsible was blessed

vs. social adults with two

Stagnation responsibility daighters.

Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Stage

Age Name Pleasure Source Conflict Significance

0-2 years old Oral Mouth: sucking, Weaning away *She learned

biting, swallowing from mother’s thumb

breast sucking.

*She opts to


everything in

her mouth.

2-4 years old Anal Anus: defecating or Toilet training *Toilet

retaining feces. trained by her


4-5 years old Phallic Genitals Oedipus complex, *She’s aware

Electra complex that She is a

boy. Wear

pink clothes

and loves

playing with

dolls and


6 years old - Latency Sexual urges *She plays

puberty sublimated into sports girls stuffs

and hobbies. Same sex with his

friends also help avoid siblings and

sexual feelings other


puberty onwards Genital Physical sexual Social Rule *She had a

changes reawaken boyfriend at

needs. Direct sexual the age of 18

feelings towards his to years old.

lead sexual *She got

gratification. married at the

age of 24.

Havighurst’s Age Developmental Task


Infancy and Early Childhood

(Birth to 6 years old) √ She learned how to walk with the

1. Learning to walk √ assistance of her parents. And eat solid
2. Learning to take solid foods foods prepared safely by her parents. She
3. Learning to talk √ learned talking by listening to other
4. Learning to control tShe √ people especially her parents. And toilet
elimination of body wastes trained by her mother.
5. Learning sex differences and She knows she’s a girl and love playing
sexual modesty √
girl stuffs.
6. Forming concepts and She gets along with other children and a
learning language to describe √ very active girl.
social and physical reality

7. Getting ready to read Taught to read and write. Both parents

were teachers.

Middle Childhood

(6-12 years old) Plays with her neighbor’s children and

1. Learning physical skill √ She’s physically active.

necessary for ordinary games

2. Building wholesome attitude Learns to appreciate oneself. Takes care

√ of his self especially personal hygiene.
towards oneself as a growing
Friendly to others especially to boys.
Knows to differentiate the roles of men
3. Learning to get along with
√ and women.
age mates.

4. Learning an appropriate √ Good reader and writer. She’s smart

masculine of feminine social
because his parents are strict when it
comes to academics. She registers for
5. Developing fundamental √
organizations and clubs at school.
skills in reading, writing,

also expected to achieve

personal independence and

to develop attitude towards

social group, and institution.


(13-17 years old) She had crushes. And knows how to get

The teenager in this stage is √ along with opposite sex.

prone to achieving new and

more mature relations with age

She became conscious with her physical
mates of both sexes. She/She
√ appearance and deepen appreciation to
also achieves a masculine or
opposite sex. Emotionally independent.
feminine social role and accepts

one’s physique and using the

body effectively. The teenager

also learns how to achieve

emotional independence from

parents and other adults. She went to college with a dream of

√ becoming a English teacher.

Achieving assurance of

economic independence and

selecting and preparing for an

She finished his studies and became a
occupation are also tasks
English teacher for 41 years and semi-
prepared by the child. They are

professional piano player She’s a law-
preparing for marriage and
abiding citizen. She still carries the
family life and they try to
values and principles in life taught by her
develop intellectual skills and
concepts necessary for civic

competence. And lastly, the

teenager’s desires and achieves √

socially responsible behavior

and acquires a set of value and

ethical system as a guide to


Early Adulthood

(18-35 years old) She is a widow who currently lives alone

When a person reaches √ in a retirement home apartment and has

adulthood, they choose and some assistance in ADLs. She has two

select a mate to become their daughters who live within two hours of

the retirement home and visit most

husband or wife. They also √ weekends.

learn to live with partner, start a

family, rear children, and

manage a home. Because of the

responsibility, the adult gets

started in an occupation and

takes on civic responsibility and

tries to find a congenial social


Middle Age

(36-60 years old)

Achieving adult civic and She’s now 87 years old and she’s an

√ adult civic. She socializes and perform

social responsibility.

Establishing and maintaining an social responsibility.

√ She is a retired English teacher of 41
economic standard of living.

Assisting teenage children to years and semi-professional piano player

become responsible and happy who started playing early in her

adults. childhood. At her age, that she is

Developing adult leisure-time experiencing difficulty playing the piano.

activities. Her family decided to move her into a

Relating oneself to one’s spouse retirement home to ensure that she was

as a person. Accepting and √ well-supported with access to nursing

adjusting to the physiologic and personal support staff.

changes or middle age.

Adjusting to aging parents.

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