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Developing Pancasila And Citizenship Education Lesson Plan

Based On 2013 Curriculum In Senior High School

Intan Kusumawati, Paiman, Ahmad Nasir Ari Bowo

Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Correspondence E-mail:

This study is aimed to find out the implementation, constraints and solutions that can be done in developing Pancasila
Education and Citizenship (PPKn) learning at the senior high school level. This study was conducted in senior high
schools in Bantul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study used qualitative research method to see how
Pancasila Education and Citizenship lesson plan was developed in 2013 curriculum. This research was to look at the
steps taken by teachers in preparing the lesson plan of Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject and avoiding
obstacles during its implementation. Data were collected using research instruments through the goegle form as well as
face-to-face interviews, observations, and discussions. the lesson plan of Pancasila and citizenship education subject
was used to estimate and project the activities during teaching and learning. its lesson plan was developed from the
syllabus to achieve basic competence. The implementation of Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning is an effort
to foster the quality of citizens so that one day they become good people who has noble Indonesian characters and
personalities based on the values of Pancasila as the foundation of United Nation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Keywords: Lesson Plan, Pancasila and Citizenship education learning, Curriculum 2013

Received: 15 Jul 2021 – Revised: 25 Sep 2021 – Accepted 27 Nov 2021 – Available online 29 Dec 2021

noble Indonesian characters and personalities

I. INTRODUCTION based on the values of Pancasila as the
This study is to find out the foundation of United Nation of the Republic
implementation, constraints and solutions that of Indonesia.
can be done in developing Pancasila
Education is a process towards a better and
Education and Citizenship learning. This
more dignified direction (Kusumawati, 2016).
study was conducted in senior high schools in
Education is a strong foundation in implanting
Bantul District, Special Region of
the national character. The works of
Yogyakarta. This research used qualitative
professional includes activities such as
research method to see how pancasila
educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
education. The lesson plan of Pancasila and
training, assessing, inspiring, and evaluating
citizenship education subject was used to
the development and abilities of students
estimate and project the activities during
(Anwar, 2018). Thus, Teacher has a great
teaching and learning. its lesson plan was
influence in building students’ character. The
developed from the syllabus to achieve basic
professional teachers are expected to assist
competence (BC). the implementation of
students in learning during teaching process.
Pancasila and citizenship education learning is
Teachers play significant role in education,
an effort to foster the quality of citizens so that
even if adequate educational resources are
one day they become good people who has
often insignificant if they are not supported by
I Kusumawati, et al. / Journal of Educational Administration Research and Review / Vol. 5 No. 2
December 2022

qualified teachers, and vice versa taking risks. Teachers must realize that
(Kartowagiran, 2011). Although teaching is professionalism is determined by the beliefs
not meant as profession in its full definition, and values that they have internalized
teachers must work wholeheartedly (Ornstein, (Heckendorn, 2006). Teachers should be
1981). Teachers must consider teaching as a independent, creative and innovative because
significant role and the quality of teacher they are the key success in education.
professionalism is something they must have Therefore, it is not surprising that every
(Torres & Weiner, 2018). Teachers must have educational innovation, especially in
the ability in teaching as well as knowledge curriculum changes and human resource
and skills in order to become professional
improvement, always rely on the teacher
teachers to accompany students to become the
nation's next generation. To realize a better factor (Darmadi, 2016). Besides teaching,
quality of education, it is necessary to take teachers are also expected to be able to
various actions that support classroom manage good learning such as preparing
learning. If teachers are lazy in educating learning tools. One of the learning tools is
students, the goals of education cannot be lesson plan which consist of initial to closing
optimal. Laziness is what causes the low activities and evaluation. The teachers with
quality of education. The low quality of professional quality is demanded in all level of
education today is an indication of the need for education both Educational Personnel
professional teachers (Kristiawan & Rahmat, Education Institutions (LPTK) and user
2018). institutions (schools).
Nowadays, the qualified teachers and
professional teachers are needed (Shain &
Gleeson, 1999). Professionalism can be meant This study used a qualitative research design to
as someone with personal characteristics such find out how the lesson plan of Pancasila and
as dedication, commitment and highly skilled Citizenship Education was developed in
practice (Romeo, 2007). A professional Curriculum 2013 at Senior High School. This
teacher will have the ability to manage the study is to determine the steps taken by the
class (Clow, 2001). Professional teachers are teacher in preparing the lesson plan of
resilient, calm, caring, friendly, and patient Pancasila and Citizenship Education, avoiding
person in educating students. The teachers the obstacles, and finding the solutions made
conduct all well-organized action, become so by the teacher. Data was collected using
flexible, and has confidence in guiding and research instruments through Google forms as
teaching students. The teacher becomes a role well as face-to-face interviews, observations,
model for students. Teachers must have and discussions related to solutions in facing
thoroughness, dedication and goal-oriented obstacles during the teaching activities.
(Tichenor & Tichenor, 2005). Teacher
professionalism is required to have an III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
expanded knowledge and skills base as well as A. Result
continuous professional development (Snoek, The teachers have heavy task so that they must
2009). A teacher must not rely on government have a number of academic competencies (Hendri,
in developing learning instruments (Rizali, 2010). Teachers who are able to design, implement
2009). and act based on their own assessment of children's
To be considered professional, teachers must work (Troman, 1996). The teacher is a scientific
understand the meaning and indicators of reference and attitude for students. It cannot be
professionalism. The three main indicators of denied that a person's behavior and way of thinking
professionalism are: responsibility, respect, is much influenced by what his teacher has instilled
and risk taking. When teachers are committed in school. To obtain superior students in science and
to these three values, they will show greater personality (Jihad, 2013), is teachers’ responsibility
professionalism. To increase professionalism to do for both parents and students (Maphosa et al.,
2012). Teachers as professional educators must be
among teachers, practitioners must accept
able to work according to their expertise and become
responsibility, show respect, and practice role models of ethics and morals for society (Priatna,

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2012). A teacher is expected to develop the qualifications and develop their potential and skills,
characteristics of an educated citizen where school namely by equalizing the number of hours worked
systems focus on three main goals of intellectual with the teacher's salary. The government should
development, human and social development, and concern about teachers' salaries because if there are
career development. This goal is achieved through teachers with low salaries under the province or the
parent and community collaboration (Grimmett & regional minimum wage (UMR), it is possible that
D, 2008). Therefore, the ultimate focus goes to they will find other jobs to meet their daily needs
teacher quality. He admitted that most of teachers therefore this condition will divide their thoughts
were not yet professional and inadequate to carry out (Jaedun, 2009).
their duties as stated in Article 39 of Law no. 20 of
A professional teacher is a teacher who has more
2003 the duties and obligations of the teacher,
abilities in special skills so that they are able to carry
namely planning teaching and learning activities,
implementing teaching and learning activities, out their duties, responsibilities and functions as a
assessing teaching and learning activities, teacher by carrying out their maximum ability, and
conducting mentoring, training, and research based this task is very difficult for a teacher (Sauri, 2009).
on the students’ learning outcome, as well as In the Ministerial Regulation for Empowerment of
carrying out community service (Priatna, 2012). State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform
(MenPAN-RB) article 1 paragraph 3 of 2009 states
The quality of education depends on professional that a teacher educator is obligated to manage
teachers within their fields to maintain the view that
learning activities, namely compiling lesson plan
teachers are a respectable profession so that teachers
can work hard in building the quality of education. and its implementation, conducting evaluations,
Professional responsibility is not an isolated thing analyzing student learning outcomes and compiling
but is a complete whole from the top to the down and implementing improvement and enrichment
level. The teacher is not only responsible for program. A teacher must be able to create creative
students and the school where they work but also and fun learning in the classroom (Mulyasa, 2005).
God the almighty res (Sepriyanti, 2012). This big In the early academic year, the teacher is required to
responsibility is a mandate for teachers to worship. make, design and plan the learning process.
The problems among the teachers also vary. Pancasila and citizenship education teachers in
developing lesson plan can use a thematic approach
Teachers who are professionals and have
competence in preparing quality learning and as an effort to foster attitudes of students to love their
adapting to technology and information in era of land (Utami, 2013). Preparing good teaching
online learning should be really prepared (Nurtanto, designs, a teacher must know the elements of lesson
2016). The government has implemented an online plan. Good teachers need to prepare the lesson plan
learning policy to slow the spread of COVID-19, a before delivering lessons to students
pattern that demands the role of teachers. This article
aims to review how teachers during a pandemic, B. Discussion
which are focused on aspects of online learning The Implementation of Pancasila and
(implementation, challenges, and solutions) Citizenship Education lesson plan in
(Wahyono et al., 2020). The quality of education curriculum 2013 for Senior High School
cannot be separated because everything depends on
the quality of the teacher, because the teacher or The implementation of lesson plan need to be
educator is the frontliner in education developed according the learning components,
In the 21st century, a teacher is faced with a including basic competencies, standard
number of challenges, including the rapid materials, learning outcome indicators and
development of science, technology, information assessments. Basic competencies function to
and communication (Apandi, 2017). The quality of develop the potential of students. Standard
education is determined by the quality of its material serves to give meaning to basic
educators. Teachers are the executors of government competencies. Learning outcome indicators
in primary, middle and early age levels who must function to show the success of forming student
have competencies and qualifications that meet competencies. Assessment is conducted to
national education standards (Arifa & Prayitno, measure competencies and determine actions
2019). Thus, teachers must improve their

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to be taken if standard competencies have not School is prepared as follows: (1) making the
been achieved. general format such as identity which consists
of: Name of school, Subjects, Class, Semester,
Learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Competency Standards, Basic Competencies,
is an effort to develop the quality of citizens in
Indicators and Time Allocation, (2)
various aspects, including: (1) Understanding
Formulating Learning Objectives, (3)
of students as citizens, (2) Willingness and
Determining Learning Materials, (4)
ability of students as citizens to involve
Determining Learning Methods, (5)
themselves in social communication- cultural,
Determining Learning Activities, (6) Choosing
(3) the willingness, ability and skills of students
Learning Resources, and (7) Determining
as citizens to participate in solving socio-
Assessment. In reviewing the thematic syllabi
cultural problems in their environment, (4) The
includes: (1) core competence and basic
ability of students as citizens to think critically
competence; (2) learning materials; (3) the
and responsibly, and (5) awareness and
learning process; (4) learning assessment; (5)
readiness of students as citizens to participate
time allocation; and (6) learning resources.
actively and responsibly in a life of
Then, the teacher should formulate indicators
constitutional democracy (Kebudayaan,
of achievement based on the Basic
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Indonesia, 2014).
Competencies. The Learning materials can be
Pancasila and Citizenship Education means:
taken from textbooks (student books) and
(1) the process of interaction between
teacher manuals, or other learning resources
educators and students. (2) it required learning
from local content, contemporary material,
resources, facilities and infrastructure so that
learning contexts from the surrounding
learning can be carried out properly. (3)
environment which are grouped into material
Pancasila and Citizenship Education material is
for regular, enrichment, and remedial learning.
related to citizens, Pancasila, the constitution,
The teachers also have to describe the learning
law, human rights and others, so that students
activities in the syllabus in a more operational
are able to carry out the expected goals of
form using scientific approach such as the use
Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject.
of media, tools, materials, and learning
In preparing the learning program, the teacher resources. In addition, the teachers also have to
prepares annual programs, semester programs determine the time allocation for each meeting
and weekly and even daily programs. The based on the time allocation in the syllabus.
teacher describes the syllabus into lesson plan Furthermore, it is divided into preliminary,
such as: (1) Compiling a learning plan, (2) core and closing activities. Developing
Implementing learning, (3) Evaluating learning assessments by determining the scope,
learning, (4) Analyzing student learning assessment techniques and instruments, and
outcomes, and (5) Compiling and carry out making scoring guidelines is also quite
improvement and enrichment programs necessary. Finally, when the objective is not
(Suhaida & Indrayani, 2017). Teachers in accomplished then, teacher should make
making their learning programs must have remedial learning strategies immediately.
skills or expertise in developing a learning Using the media, Tools, Materials, and
syllabus and also a lesson plan. A lesson plan Learning Resources according should be
needs to be developed in order to coordinate the determined in the steps to describe the learning
learning components. There are basic process.
competencies in the lesson plan, standard Furthermore, the systematic preparation of
materials, indicators of learning outcomes and lesson plan is described in Figure 1 as follows
assessments. Teachers are required to pay
attention to the principles in developing a
syllabus in a scientific, systematic, consistent,
actual, flexible and comprehensive manner.
Pancasila and Citizenship Education lesson
plan in curriculum 2013 for Senior High

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so that students can understand the material

presented by the teacher easily.

The lesson plan is prepared before teaching,

whether it is face to face or not. The syllabus is
absolutely prepared by Pancasila and
Citizenship Education teacher using the 2013
Curriculum. The learning objectives aim to
make it easier for a student to achieve learning
goals by describing learning model used by
Figure 1. Systematic for the lesson plan Pancasila and Citizenship Education teacher
Preparation (Nuryati & Bowo, 2015). In teaching learning,
teachers can also take a constructivist approach
The research conducted in several high school focusing on designing the implementation of
level in Bantul district, it was seen that teachers daily practices suitable for children's
had the ability to compile learning designs but development during the pandemic situation
were not optimal because they had several like today (Kusumawati & Zuchdi, 2019).
obstacles. However, teachers were able to Pancasila and Citizenship Education lesson
make efforts to be able to compile and develop plan consists of the elements or components of
a syllabus for Pancasila and Citizenship learning systematically, logically and
Education subjects creatively. The existence of rationally according to student needs.
teachers who are recognized and respected by
the government and society, will encourage This research shows that the ability of
teachers to be serious in playing their role in Pancasila and Citizenship Education teacher in
making better quality education in the future. preparing lesson plan has understood the
principles in accordance with the educational
The teacher has developed the syllabus process standards, as follows: (1) lesson plan is
in various efforts, namely: (1) in teaching and prepared for each of the Basic Competencies,
learning activities, the teacher will look at the (2) The lesson plan prepared is quite clearly,
students' backgrounds, (2) Students are (3) the lesson plan describes the procedure, (4)
classified into learning groups where the the lesson plan involves three aspects of
students themselves choose the group, (3) The cognitive, affective and psychomotor, (5)
teacher always repeats the material presented at lesson plan has learning objectives equipped
the next meeting so that students remember and with goals, (6) preparing lesson plan includes
further explore the material that has been students, learning behavior, learning
delivered by the teacher, (4) The teacher gives conditions and student success rates.
students the freedom to ask unclear questions
and the teacher patiently repeats them by In addition, the implementation lesson plan
explaining the matter again, (5) The teacher also considers such components as Pancasila
links the material with the previous material, and Citizenship Education teachers who
(6) The teacher accompanies students in formulate specific teaching in operational
learning by patiently paying attention to the words so that it can be measured and assessed
diverse character of students, (7) Each material whether students have achieved their goals
taught is finished, the teacher provides an after they have gone through the learning
evaluation in order to find out which students process. Teachers also pay attention to specific
have understood the material or not, (8) The teaching objectives, namely the use of
teacher uses appropriate teaching materials operational words such as mentioning,
with the addition of supporting references, (10) explaining, and differentiating. Specific
the time is allocated for material is done, (11) Teaching Objectives contain the formulation of
The teacher uses various kinds of teaching aids behavior expected of students after

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participating in the teaching and learning The teacher make a follow-up assessments so
process to make it even better. that students do not forget the material they
have learned. The teacher motivates students to
The teachers have to plan the teaching and study in class or later when students study
learning effectively and efficiently, determine independently at home. The teacher in
the material by looking at the student's ability preparing lesson plans always pays attention to
to absorb the material and in line with Basic the differences of students’ various characters.
Competence (BC), making the time allocation, The teacher provides feedback and follow-up.
and evaluation. Developing lesson plan can be At the lesson plan, the linkage and integration
done in collaboration with Pancasila and between Competency Standards (CS) and
citizenship education Teacher Working Group. Basic Competencies (BC), material, learning
While, the implementation of the lesson plan activities, indicators of achievement,
can be adapted to students circumstances and assessment, and learning resources are
conditions. The development of Pancasila and integrated with the learning experience.
citizenship education lesson plan in curriculum
2013 must be carried out, consisting of: (1) Classroom learning activity will run
Determining Competency Achievement well and systematically when planning is well
Indicators based on Basic Competencies (BC); done. A Pancasila and Citizenship Education
(2) Determine the learning material; and (3) teacher will prepare syllabus and lesson Plan,
Determine learning methods. arrange classroom activities in learning using a
scientific approach and prepare Pancasila and
There are 3 steps in starting learning activities, Citizenship Education learning model which
namely: (1) The teacher formulates activities at suits class needs.
the beginning of learning or opening activities,
(2) The teacher formulates core learning The Barriers and constraints faced by teachers
activities, (3) The teacher formulates the in the development of Pancasila and
closing activities; The beginning of the lesson Citizenship Education lesson plan in
includes greetings, student attendance Curriculum 2013
checking and praying together before starting
lessons. In this activity, teachers and students Teacher's point of view
make perceptions so that the teacher knows the
students' initial abilities in the material and Obstacles and constraints faced by teachers is
motivates students to be more enthusiastic in on the change of the teacher’s administration.
learning as well as create an optimistic The changes of curriculum makes the lack of
situation in receiving lessons, discussion and understanding in the development of Pancasila
doing various skills in class. In the core and Citizenship Education lesson plan, that
learning activities, the teacher delivers material frequently changes the format of lesson plan
based on theme and uses appropriate and such as pandemic situation like this, where
effective and fun methods. The closing activity lesson plan only becomes 1 page. Learning
is a summary of the material and an evaluation methods and models in the classroom are less
of the understanding of the material. The than optimal. The 2013 curriculum is the
closing activities, the teacher summarizes the curriculum used by teachers in carrying out the
material and repeats the material that is learning process. In designing the lesson plan,
considered important so that students can there is no similarity in perception of the model
explore the material. Finally, the teacher makes or standard form between one school and
question and answer after the end of the lesson, another, especially if there is an assessment by
and evaluates something dealing with either at the supervisor. In the implementation of lesson
the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the plan, the teacher experienced obstacles, namely
learning activity. the limited ability to understand technology,
the difficulty in choosing the appropriate and
relevant media and learning tools. However,
the teacher always formulated lesson
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evaluation and tried to implement it better in very limited and does not cover all classes. The
the future to achieve the learning objectives. existing media and learning aids provided by
Another obstacle is the selection of media and schools is limited. This is where the creativity
learning tools as well as learning methods and of teachers is needed to design learning media
allocation of time. In designing lesson plan, and tools for students in classroom learning.
there is no similarity in perception of the model Even though, the facilities such as libraries
or standard form between one school and which has Pancasila and Citizenship Education
another, especially if there is an assessment by textbooks and references, but they are not
the supervisor. The use of the right strategy and sufficient for the needs of students.
the right method will attract students' attention
in understanding the subject matter in class. Student Point of View

The obstacles in planning Pancasila and The students got obstacles in learning activity
Citizenship Education learning activities in when they are passive in responding to teacher
curriculum 2013 are as follows: (1) developing statements or questions. it could be seen from
syllabus independently, (2) independently the numbers of students who were ashamed and
compiling and developing lesson plan, (3) not confident in expressing statements about
Compiling learning activities using a scientific Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning
approach which includes observing, asking in class. The students’ facilities and
questions, collecting data, associating and infrastructure were different based on
communicating, (4) Developing competency condition of each student's family. The
achievement indicators for each basic student's condition in terms of the level of
competency (BC), and (5) Determining which student intelligence made students’
learning model suitable for use in every lesson. understanding were also different in the
classroom. Students' thinking patterns were not
The obstacles and implementation of lesson the same as each other because each student
plan faced by teachers are as follows: (1) In had their own unique abilities and abilities.
assessing students' attitudes through
(observation, self-assessment, and peer The Solutions in developing Pancasila and
research), teacher assessment in cognitive Citizenship Education lesson plan in
assessment or student knowledge through Curriculum 2013 for Senior High School
(written tests, oral tests, and assignment), (3)
Psychomotor assessment (skills) of students Even though there are obstacles or constraints
through (performance appraisals, projects, and faced by Pancasila and Citizenship Education
portfolios), (4) Teachers in allocating time, (5) teachers in developing lesson plan in
Using learning models in learning activities Curriculum 2013, they are still optimistic and
(Problem Based Learning, Project Based continue to try to learn to design, compile the
Learning, Discovery Learning, Cooperative lesson plan properly so that learning objectives
learning), and (5) Connecting Pancasila and are achieved. Teachers are also motivated by
Citizenship Education subject with other providing incentives for teachers. In addition to
relevant subjects, and Creating and self-learning teachers by reading books or
implementing remedial and enrichment. searching for information on the internet in
developing lesson plan, the fellow teacher
Infrastructure share experiences in designing and developing
Pancasila and Citizenship Education lesson
One of the obstacles during implementing the plan both in schools and in other forums. When
lesson plane is the limited infrastructure, such school supervisors come to visit, they also
as media and learning tools which are suitable provide problem solving faced by teachers.
and interesting for students so that they can Teachers carry out in-house training (IHT) by
understand and be enthusiastic about classroom presenting competent presenters directly at
learning. The availability of projectors or school, regarding learning models and training
Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) in schools is
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for the preparation of in developing lesson plan The successful implementation of curriculum
and syllabus. depends on the ability of a teacher in
implementing learning in class. Teachers must
Pancasila and Citizenship Education teachers know, understand the curriculum as a whole
in Bantul district through the Pancasila and and always learn in developing knowledge and
Citizenship Education teacher working group knowledge. Teachers are required to always
that help each other, discuss, share knowledge develop their knowledge and skills to achieve
of teaching techniques and strategies. The teaching goals. There is a need for regular and
activities in Pancasila and Citizenship comprehensive curriculum socialization so that
Education teacher working group is like teachers know and understand the curriculum
discussion on how to prepare good and 2013 properly and thoroughly.
appropriate learning tools in the 2013
curriculum and others. The forum also often V. REFERENCES
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